Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 305: Roll

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Not dare not use it does not mean it will not be used. It is easy to buy a gun in San Francisco. Li Mu bought it at the beginning, so although Chu Wushuang did not dare to use firearms and kill people, it did not mean that they would not use it.

It's still a little different. All of Chu Wushuang's previous contacts were single-handed grabs, and all the pistols on the Governor's Island were double-action pistols. This is also familiar.

As for the shotgun, Chu Wushuang did not have contact with them before, but this is not a problem. People who practice martial arts pay attention to their hands and eyes. When practicing the equipment, they must be trained so that they can see their hands and use their fingers. So they only You need to be familiar with the operation, and the hit rate is not a problem.

It is said that the shotgun was originally intended for surface killing, not point killing, so this weapon is very easy to use in cities, especially indoors.

From the second day on, Chu Wushuang became familiar with firearms. In addition, they had a task to get to know the streets and lanes of New York at the fastest speed.

Li Mu didn't have time to control Chu Wushuang. Li Mu had already started a decisive battle with Tweed.

Just before December 17th, when the lower and upper houses of New York were about to hold a third vote on whether to impeach Tweed, the New York Tribune burst into a scandal in which members of the Washington investigation team took bribes.

The leader of the investigation team that led Tweed's investigation was Harry Coffey, an assistant to Supreme Court Justice Salmon Chase.

For Salmon Chase, Li Mu basically didn't hold much hope. The 19th century American judge system was also a big dyeing house. Few people did not show up in the mud. Li Mu had the handle of Salmon Chase. It is estimated that Tweed also had it in his hands, so it was unrealistic to pin his hopes on Salmon Chase.

The New York Tribune ’s clues about bribery were bizarre. One morning, it was reported that when the editor of the New York Tribune got up, he found that someone had put a small note on the door of his apartment with Harry. The fact of Coffey ’s bribery, the newspaper, is not afraid that there is no news, but is afraid that there is no big news, so the editor of the New York Tribune did not determine whether the note was true, and immediately published the contents of the note in the New York Tribune.

Investigation team members take bribes!

This news was really explosive. On the same day, newspapers in New York added supplements and reprinted the news. By the time Li Mu noticed it, the news had spread through the streets of New York.

"The news is not good for us. The Tribune said that the person contacted by Harry Coffey was a member of New York Customs and pointed out our relationship with Mr. Arthur, so the current public opinion is not good for us." Grover Cleveland told Li Mu Inform the latest progress.

Grover Cleveland is now the director of the Legal Department of Steed Horse Investment Company, the director of Buffalo Law Firm in New York, a Democrat, and the future president of the United States.

"Will members of the customs be obedient to the Commissioner of Customs? There are 40,000 people in New York serving Tweed. Most government officials are Tweeds. It is too easy for Tweed to plant scams." Li Mu was a little bit Headache. Although this method is very low-level, it is very effective.

"The problem is that people don't think about these things, they just focus on what they get-" Grover Cleveland was helpless.

Speaking of which, Li Mu's first public opinion offensive, but this thing is a double-edged sword. If you play well, it is a sharp weapon. If you do n’t play well, it will hurt yourself. Tweed has been operating in New York for ten years, which is deeply ingrained. It is not easy for Li Mu to bring down Tweed. Li Mu is well prepared.

"It seems that Tweed is worried that Mr. Salmon Chase will have a presupposed position when trying this case, so does this mean that Tweed does not have Mr. Salmon Chase in his hands?" Rover Cleveland started thinking.

"He's afraid? I'm afraid!" Li Mu laughed. Regardless of whether Tweed was worried about Salmon Chase, Li Mu was still worried.

"So what do we do now?" Grover Cleveland worried.

"It doesn't matter if he changes people or not, this case will have no results for a day or two, maybe it will take a long time, so our purpose is only to let Tweed step down, and we can play with him slowly." Li Mu Very sober, not competing with Tweed for a moment.

"Rim, there's your call. It's Mr. Arthur." Yan Shun came to report.

It has been more than ten days since the telephone test. Junma Electric moved quickly and has begun laying telephone lines in New York. The first user is of course Governor Island. Although it is a bit trouble to bury the wires in the water, the Governor Island and the customs are now The line between them has been opened, so Li Mu and Arthur want to communicate easily.

As a new thing, the installation cost of the phone is still very expensive. In New York and Boston, if you want to install a phone, you need to pay a thousand dollars in advance, and then wait for Junma Electric to install it. There are already nearly a thousand homes. Junma Electric is expanding its manpower to complete the installation as fast as possible.

Of course, Tweed cannot make Li Mu do what he wants. In New York, Junma Electric's phone project has not even obtained the permission of the New York Municipality. So although New York now pays the installation fee in advance by the user, Junma Electric has the right to lay the line. No, and the phone between Governors Island and Customs can only be installed in the name of the military, which is beyond the jurisdiction of the New York City government, and it was successfully installed.

Arthur called because the New York Tribune reported that Arthur asked Li Mu to clarify the matter.

Li Mu didn't take it at all. After comforting Arthur, Li Mu ordered the Samuels to arrange for them to fight back in Time Magazine.

The plan could not keep up with the changes, and Time Magazine's counterattack has not yet begun. On the night of December 17, Supreme Court Justice Salmon Chase announced his resignation.

No resignation is not possible. It is estimated that Salmon Chase also knows that he cannot be pleased between Li Mu and Tweed. If it reaches the trial stage, regardless of whether Salmon Chase favors Li Mu or Tweed, the other party will Salmon Chase can't be spared, so it's a good idea to get away early just because of Harry Coffey's bribery.

Early the next morning, Ulysses S. Grant announced that Morrison Witt succeeded the U.S. Supreme Court Justice.

"What kind of person is Morrison Witt?" Li Mu came to Grover Cleveland for verification after learning the news.

Grover Cleveland is a lawyer. He must be familiar with the US judicial system, so it is right to find Grover Cleveland.

"This candidate is not good for us. Morrison Witt is a racist. He opposes the abolition of slavery and advocates not to vote for all people except whites, whether that person has U.S. citizenship-" Grover. Cleveland didn't feel good, so coming up with such a personal choice would definitely be detrimental to the next trial.

"I'm stunned—" Li Mu couldn't help but scold out a word beginning with "F", not afraid of the opponents like God, but afraid of teammates like pigs. At this time, the appointment of such a judge did not know that Grant was thinking what.

In fact, Ulysses Grant appointed Morrison Waite as the Supreme Court Justice of the United States.

Morrison Wetter is also well-known in the United States judicial field, because Morrison Wetter is known throughout the country for the Alabama claim.

During the American Civil War, although Britain declared neutrality, it created a cruiser for the Southern Army. This was the "Alabama". The Southern Army used the "Alabama" to attack the merchant ships of the Northern Army. During the Civil War, "God The "Bama" continuously destroyed 68 northern ships, causing great trouble to the Northern Army.

After the Civil War ended, in October 1863, U.S. Ambassador Adams protested against the "Alabama", demanding that the United Kingdom compensate all losses of the United States Government, and also stated that the United States was willing to submit the case to arbitration. In May 1871, Britain formally apologized to the United States and established certain obligations of wartime neutrals. In 1872, an arbitration committee composed of the United States, Britain, Switzerland, Italy, Brazil and other parties ruled in Geneva that the United Kingdom would compensate the United States for 1,550 Ten million dollars in losses.

Morrison Wetter is representing the United States on the Arbitration Commission.

Objectively speaking, Morrison Witt is the most suitable person to disintegrate Salmon Chase if he does not consider racial orientation.

But for Li Mu, the appointment was clearly inadequate, so Li Mu was decisive: "Tell Samuel to mobilize all propaganda forces and hype Morrison Witt's racial tendency. Even if he can't get him out of office, he won't let him. Lead the trial of Tweed. "

Time Magazine has reached cooperation agreements with a number of American newspapers, including those in Washington. Li Mu believes in the power of public opinion. If this appointment provokes general opposition, Ulysses S. Grant will consider it again.

"Okay, no problem." Grover Cleveland wrote down Li Mu's request in his notebook, then looked up in an uncertain tone and said, "One case involved Junma Electric, a company named Henry Goebbels. Person sued Junma Electric Company, claiming that Junma Electric Company infringed his rights, and applied for a patent using his invention without his permission. A few days ago, this person applied to the New York Patent Office to revoke Junma Electric Company's patent. It also sued the New York District Court, asking Junma Electric to return improper profits from the electric light project. "

"Henry Goebbels?" Li Mu thought of this man for a long time.

Henry Goebbels was born in Lower Saxony, Germany, and immigrated to New York in 1848. In 1865, Henry Goebbels became a U.S. citizen and invented the first light bulb in human history in 1854.

It is indeed the first, but when Steed Labs first developed the light bulb, it had already bought the relevant technology from Henry Goebbels, so there is no infringement on this.

"The problem is that now, Henry Goebbels claims that the technology for the light bulb was purchased from his wife without his knowledge, and that there was fraud in the process." Grover Cleveland resignedly said: " The New York Patent Office has decided to temporarily suspend Junma Electric's light bulb patent, and the New York District Court has accepted Henry Goppel's claim, so-- "

"I see--" Li Mu looked somber that he couldn't let Grover Cleveland continue.

No need to ask, this is definitely Tweed's ghost.

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