Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 426: Lose money

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The biggest problem in Cuba is that it is far away from the United States. Li Mu also rarely visits once a year. The management is beyond control.

Fortunately, Li Mu has a huge power in Cuba. The President of the United States of Cuba was Li Mu and took office. The Prime Minister was an employee of Li Mu. The Chief Executive Officer of Guantanamo was also a partner of Li Mu. Therefore, in Cuba, no one dares to trouble Li Mu. I was impatient.

The general manager of Santiago Investment Company is Howard Bertram. This is an American Democrat who, like Prime Minister Nelson Morris of the United States of Cuba, is also a frustrated person in the Civil War. After Nelson Morris took office under Li Mu, Howard · Bertram also became one of Li Mu's employees.

Strictly speaking, Howard Bertram is as much a politician as Nelson Morris. He is better at administration and not very good at business activities. So Ricardo Gonzalez is responsible for the schedule management of the San Diego Investment Company. The guy is the spokesperson of the Morgan Consortium in Cuba, and concurrently serves as the Minister of Finance of the United States of Cuba. This can also understand why Santiago Investment Corporation can develop so fast, relying on the big tree to enjoy the cool.

"Stick for a few more years, and after three or four years, we can have enough talents to use." Li Mu was filled with emotion and pinned her hopes on the vocational college.

In mid-September, Springfield Vocational College finally opened successfully. The first batch of students were all Chinese children from Steed Affiliated School. The total number of students was 450. One of them was an accounting class. There were 35 students in the class. 15 girls, 20 boys, they will receive a three-year vocational education at the vocational college, and then work for the Steed Group.

In fact, the third year is completely an internship period, so you only need to wait another two years, and the situation of the lack of human resources of the Junma Group will be alleviated.

To be honest, the development of vocational schools was a little bit beyond Li Mu's expectations. In Li Mu's prediction, the first batch of students in vocational schools can surpass three hundred is victory. As a result, Li Mu underestimated the Chinese people ’s thirst for "self-reliance" this year and entered the subsidiary of Steed. There are only more than 200 children studying in secondary schools, and the number of students entering vocational schools for vocational education is exactly twice that of secondary schools.

The courses offered by vocational colleges include accounting, law, teachers, doctors, skilled workers, etc. In short, these are some occupations with high practicality and high social status. After graduation, these students can choose to study in higher schools. They are willing, even if Yale, Harvard, Li Mu can find a way.

"Well, then wait a few more years. In fact, I feel that work is the best school. Instead of letting those students study at school, let them directly participate in the work. I can guarantee that they do n’t need three years at all and they will Become a qualified accountant. "Chu Xue now also has her own opinions, and no longer obeys Li Mu only.

Chu Xue's statement is well-founded. Think of what it was like when Xue Xue first arrived in the United States three years ago. A Huangmao girl who did not understand anything, followed by Mrs. Henry had only studied financial knowledge for two years, and now she can independently support one. The department became Li Mu's left and right arm, so Chu Xue's words were very convincing.

"Don't worry, we are actually half-way monks. If we don't pay attention to study, the ultimate achievement will definitely be limited. These children have more favorable conditions than we had at the beginning, so their future success will be higher." Li Mu was not anxious, in In Li Mu's view, the example of Chu Xue is just an example, and it is not universal, just like Bill Gates founded Intel after dropping out of school. The value of education cannot be denied because of Bill Gates' success.

If Bill Gates had n’t had a banker's mother, it would n’t be easy to succeed. Looking at Intel ’s history, Bill Gates ’mother in the early stage has always played a very important role, even for the early stage. For Intel, Bill Gates' mother is more important than Bill Gates.

"Well, you're right--" The best thing about Chu Xue is that he never argues with Li Mu. Even if Chu Xue thinks he is right, he will fully take care of Li Mu's emotions: "Say how are you free today? Going to work? I feel a bit wrong-- "

It's really not right. Li Mu is a person who can sit and stand, and can lie down and sit. It is more difficult for Li Muzheng to go to work than to train Pan.

Finally, when it came to the topic, Li Mu immediately asked with Pan, looking at Chu Xue with the eyes of Xi Yi, hoping that Chu Xue could quit her job and go on vacation with Li Mu.

"Go to Cuba? Forget it, you can see how busy I am now, so-you can go to Gloria or Sandy, you can do it with anyone, but I can't-at least not now. "Chu Xue refused very simply, leaving no room for maneuver.

Chuxue was really busy. Just when Li Mu stayed in Chuxue's office for a while, Li Mu noticed through the blinds that there were already several people waiting at the entrance of Chuxue's office. Needless to say, it was all waiting for Chuxue to sign.

Junma Group now also has a set of management regulations for finance. After the accounts of its subsidiaries have been checked, they must be signed by Chu Xue.

"The Junma Group now has a total of fifteen subsidiaries. Even if the accounts of each subsidiary need to be checked for two days, it will take one month to see all the accounts. So sorry, I really ca n’t go with you. Since You gave this job to me, and I will be responsible for my job. "Chu Xue is firm and will not sacrifice her for personal reasons because she wants to go on vacation.

In addition to the subsidiaries of the Junma Group, the subsidiaries mentioned by Chu Xue also include the subsidiaries of the San Diego Investment Company, and even the financially independent Bank of the Americas. The total workload is really unclear.

"Leave the work to those accountants. Let's hire them at a high salary. Instead of just doing everything every day, they should play a bigger role.

Li Mu's requirements are a bit high. In Li Mu's concept, all members of the Junma Group are super talents.

"Oh, okay, I know now, you're just idle and too boring. If you really have nothing to do, I have a document here that you can look at." Chu Xue glanced through the essence of Li Mu and took the initiative to find something for Li Mu dry.

This is a financial statement of the Qing Empire smokeless gunpowder factory. It can be seen from the five or six signatures that Chuxue values ​​the factory.

"What's the problem?" Li Mu didn't bother. Li Mu set up a smokeless gunpowder factory in the Qing Empire with other intentions, but from the financial statements, the Qing Empire's smokeless gunpowder factory is a lost money.

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