Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 427: Idler

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Although he did not like the Qing government, he would not just watch the Qing government lose to the Japanese in the Sino-Japanese War.

In the 21st century, there are still people who make good for the loss of the Sino-Japanese War of the Sino-Japanese War of the Qing Dynasty for the Qing Empire. They believe that this has awakened the people and accelerated the demise of the Qing government.

It's all nonsense. The more than 20,000 injustices in the Lushun Massacre should line up to face some people, which may awaken some people's already crooked hearts.

Zhang Yanghao said in the "Slope Sheep · She Caring for the Ancients": Xing, people suffer; death, people suffer. Many times this poem is used to lament the hardship of people's livelihood and express the noble feelings of worrying about the country and the people. In fact, Li Mu knows that the people will suffer because the country is not really prosperous enough. It is really in the 21st century. If we say "the people are suffering", it is critical.

Li Mu can form the Junma Group and can lead Chinese Americans to become rich, but Li Mu is not sure to make 400 million Chinese rich. All he can do is saints, so Li Mu is not ready to return to the Qing Empire. Those great things are still great. Let ’s do it. Although Li Mu is now one of the richest people in the United States, Li Mu thinks that the original ape is still in his bones, so he is not going to return to the Qing Empire as the founding father.

"The Qingguo factory doesn't have to worry. It loses money, as long as it can strengthen the national strength of the Qingguo and let the Qingguo win the Japanese." Li Mu has nothing to do with the Qing Empire, but there is still incense with the Chinese of the Qing Empire, so even if Li Mu loses money, Will support the Qing Empire to kill the Japanese.

For no other reason, the rise of Japan as a country would be too much damage to the Chinese. Without the blood transfusion of the Qing Empire, it would be impossible for the Japanese to rise. Whether it is the Sino-Japanese War of 1894 and the war of aggression against China, for Japan In other words, all of them are similar to the gambling of the National Games. The Japanese have not enough confidence, especially when the Sino-Japanese War was launched. The Japanese government has reached an unsustainable level. If the Qing empire is stronger, then it will lose. It must be Japanese.

"Don't you usually hate Qing Dynasty? Why do you want to help now?" Chu Xue didn't understand Li Mu's behavior. From the perspective of Chu Xue, this is the standard difference between words and deeds.

"I hate the Qing government, not the Chinese of the Qing Dynasty. If the Qing Dynasty fought against other countries and lost, it will be the Chinese who will be unlucky in the end, so helping the Qing empire to improve its national strength is not a bad thing." Li Mu has a calculation, and there are some things that can't be just looked at. surface.

If the Qing Empire had always been a stagnant water, even the "Father of the Sun" could not help it, so if you want to make the Qing Empire qualitative change, you must first let the Qing Empire have something new.

With smokeless gunpowder, the Qing Empire will form a new army, and now the formation of the army is inseparable from the Chinese. At that time, the "eight flags" had disappeared, and the noble children of the Manchu dynasty had been raised into rice bugs, and a large number of Chinese Join the new army, and then new ideas will spread.

This is proven by history. In another time and space, it is these new Qing empires that overthrew the Qing empire. The role of the founding father in this process is really small. If you change people, you will also become the founding father. If there are fewer guns in the mouth, Yuan will probably not succeed, and there will be no successive wars in the future.

It is only the 1870s, and it is still early in the 1950s. For more than 80 years, Li Mu believes that with his own intervention, the Chinese will not wait another 80 years to usher in the real liberation.

Li Mu will not drag on to that day. If he can live to that day, he has to say two more things: Li Mu will surely make the Chinese stand up in his lifetime.

In Li Mu ’s plan, when these students of the Steed Affiliated School grow up, the children who have received the new education will have unlimited potential, and then there will be people who really worry about the country and the people return to the Qing Empire and prepare for What the Chinese in the Qing Empire did, what Li Mu had to do now was to create conditions for them and try not to let them face a mess, which might make the Chinese less suffering.

It seems impossible for Chu Xue to accompany Li Mu on vacation. It seems that the little girl has finally found a job that can prove her value. Her enthusiasm for the job is very high. Li Mu can help without any help.

It is not possible to find Gloria. Gloria's job is also excellent. She has successfully passed the internship and become a qualified journalist.

In this process, Li Mu did not help, and even Li Mu instructed Sami Larkin to give Gloria more tests, allowing Gloria to move to multiple departments, and Gloria even participated in the preparation of the printing plant.

There is an ideal person who can't stop, Gloria is no longer willful, and every job is done in a down-to-earth way. All department heads give Gloria good reviews. They even strive to be in Gloria. After becoming a regular employee, you can work in your own department.

Gloria's performance was so good that Li Mu couldn't fault it. The only thing that worried Li Mu was that Gloria was still thinking about becoming a war correspondent. The war in Montana was about to end. This time the Indians The vitality was so bad that maybe there would be no war of this scale in the future, which made Gloria unwilling.

Unwilling Gloria started trying to look at the world, find areas in the world where war is still going on, and try to become a true war correspondent.

This is delusional, Gloria is unable to do so in the United States, and it is impossible to go abroad.

In order to appease Gloria, Li Mu instructed Sami Larkin to set up an "Independent Centennial Exhibition Special Reporting Group" to track and report on the preparation of the "Independent Centennial Exhibition" from now on.

The special report team is led by Gloria, and now there are only two members, Gloria and her good girlfriend Elena--

Uh, it seems to be called Elena. Regardless, it is a passerby who is not important.

This decision received strong support from the New York City government. In order to praise the decision, the Independent Centennial Exhibition sponsored a BMW for Time Magazine, which was designated for the "Special Reporting Group of the Independent Centennial Exhibition", that is, A special car was assigned to Gloria.

Although Li Mu knew that this car was paid by Will, Gloria obviously didn't know about it, so Gloria was very happy. In Gloria's view, this is her own work that is valued by others. It is also a proof of her own value, so Gloria now drives this specially made "BMW" every day, dismissive of the "Phantom" that Will buys for her.

Well, in fact, this BMW of Gloria has been added. The engine and gearbox are exactly the same as the "Phantom". Don't look gray and inconspicuous in the interior, but this painting process is from the Steed Labs. The latest research results have not even had time to apply "Phantom".

It ’s easy to make a car, but if it ’s from scratch, it ’s very daunting. Besides, the jet technology of a car alone is worth setting up a research institute to study the cars produced by Junma Automobile Factory. The painting process is better. At least until now, even the earliest BMWs that have left the factory have not experienced paint shedding; Vanderbilt family cars are not. After the Vanderbilt family cars were launched, the Steed Lab I immediately bought a car for research, and found that the paint effect of the Vanderbilt family car lasts for up to three months, let alone the other. In addition to the engines and gearboxes provided by the Junma Automobile factory, the Vanderbilt family The car is like a poor-quality product put together on a temporary production line, with no major problems and constant minor problems.

But such a small fault will destroy the reputation of a brand. Think about the once domestically produced cars-forget it, let's say something else.

I have to say that domestic car owners are really not easy.

Without Chu Xue and Gloria's company, Li Mu had no interest in vacation. Sandy was still a little girl. Taking Sandy to vacation had a kind of single father feeling. Li Mu didn't want to have such a bad experience.

Back at the Governor's Island, Li Mu felt a little irritable and was not pleasing to the eye.

At first, in order to retain some historical traces, Li Mu left William Castle un demolished. Now this measure has failed. It is not trivial to stand such a castle next to the eastern garden.

If William Castle is a beautiful building like Swan Castle in Germany, it still makes a little sense to keep it. The problem is that the style of William Castle is too ugly. When it was built, it was threatened by the British. William Castle is a purely military building with negligible ornamental value.

Li Mu shouted that Situ Lei, who was plotting with Yan Shun, asked Stoile to build a real castle on the Governor's Island. It was not required to be as magnificent as Swan Castle. At least it must be a serious castle. The same joke.

What makes Li Mu sad is that Situ Lei, a native of Situ Lei, has never seen Swan Castle. Li Mu thinks about it carefully. Stoile is indeed impossible to see Swan Castle. Swan Castle started construction in 1869 and it was not opened until 1886. Well, Situ Lei naturally had no chance to appreciate the grandeur and romance of Swan Castle.

However, this did not affect Li Mu's mood. Li Mu drew the style of Swan Castle in his memory. Although Li Mu had only seen the pictures, the paintings were a little bit nondescript, but he still shocked Situ Lei.

"Rim, it would be impossible to build such a castle without ten years of effort." Situ Lei calculated for a long time and gave Li Mu an approximate time.

ten years!

In the impression of Li Mu, no one would spend ten years to build a house. It took only a few months for Li Mu to build a Chinese garden on the Governor's Island.

However, what Li Mu neglected is that the gardens on the Governor's Island now only have some approximate appearances. If you really want to get out the oriental flavor, you still need to carefully sculpt, so there are dozens of craftsmen working on the Governor's Island. They were all hired by Li Mu from the Qing Empire with high salaries.

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