Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 462: Change

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Although Doug did not mention the Steed Group from the beginning to the end, Tom knew that Doug served the Steed Group. So, the inability to sell Levi's shipping company to the Japanese means Steed Group.

Tom hasn't seen Li Mu, but Tom knows how strong Junma Group is in New York. Compared with Junma Group, Levi's Shipping Company has a 50-year history, but even when Levi's Shipping Company's operating conditions are the best, and Compared with the strength of the Junma Group, it is like a baby who has been walking slowly, without any resistance.

So Tom couldn't refuse Doug's request, although Tom didn't like Doug.

"Well, I will return the deposit to William." Tom resignedly resigned.

You ca n’t give in. The Irish in front have been putting their hands on the holster around their waists. Although they noticed a tense sword here, little Chuck, who has always been familiar with Tom, puts his hands on the counter as much as possible, although he looks towards Tom's eyes were full of concern and guilt, but he didn't mean to help.

Tom doesn't blame Chuck. In fact, when Doug appeared, Tom realized that there were only two ways to stay in front of himself, either to obey or to die like Lewis.

Lewis is also the owner of a shipping company. About a month ago, Lewis sold his company to the Japanese. As a result, the contract was not fulfilled, and Lewis was shot and killed at the door of the apartment. As for the ships of Lewis, It all disappeared overnight.

No one knows where these ships went. Although the New York Police Department surveyed them, they confessed that they should not have too much hope for the results. Although the members of the Shipping Association also went to the mayor Arthur and asked Arthur Fair prestige, but so far, no results.

Tom felt that the case might never come to fruition.

It's easy to get rid of someone, just spend a thousand dollars to hire a stray gunman.

But it is not easy to get away with a dozen ships overnight. In New York, there are not many people with such strength. The Steed Group must be one, or the Vanderbilt family has such strength.

Neither the Vanderbilt family nor the Steed Group can offend Tom.

"Smart choice, Tom." Doug patted the Irishman's shoulder, and the Irishman smiled awkwardly, turning around and leaving without taking away the glass of rum that had never been touched in front of Tom.

"Damn guy ..." Doug cursed casually, raising his hand and asking Tom for a drink: "You just don't have to sell the boat to the Japanese, as long as the deposit is not yet paid, as you please, if William uses this as a reason I will sue you, and I will deal with him, of course, this requires you to pay an additional commission. "

Doug embraced Tom's shoulders, but he didn't brag about these words. Although Doug was not very good, when it comes to professional quality, he can still be trusted. Otherwise, Doug is not eligible for the Steed Effect.

Litigation matters, it depends on who initiated the case. If it is a lawsuit initiated by a company such as the Junma Group, it does not have to be said. Generally, the trial will be held within a month, and then a quick decision will be made. Beneficial results for large companies.

If a large company like Junma Group is the defendant, the result is difficult to say. It is estimated that it will take a year and a half to complete the investigation and evidence collection stage. Waiting for the trial stage will be more protracted and the average person simply cannot afford this. Time is not so much money wasted on a vampire-like lawyer.

Moreover, the court may not win. The cost of the lawyer is too expensive. Although the court can appoint a lawyer for free if the client cannot afford a lawyer, but after waiting in the court, facing a team of lawyers formed by Yishui Barrister, With my feet, I also know that the odds are not great.

"No, I'll give it back to him." Tom has a bottom line, tearing up the contract is horrible enough, and the deposit should be returned.

"Okay, okay, our Mr. Tom is really a gentleman." Doug didn't have the slightest shame, patted Tom's shoulder and laughed.

Tom took the cup in front of him and drank it, his face was full of fatigue and helplessness.

"God always opens a window for you while closing the door, so praise the Lord!" At the same time in Boston, Benjamin raised his glass proposal.

Now that Benjamin has taken off his military uniform and is dressed in a suit and shoes, he is no longer an officer of the United States Navy, but a noble congressman.

After returning to the United States from Hawaii, Benjamin returned to his hometown of Ohio to begin his own political career.

The Harrison family was rich in political resources, and Benjamin was elected as the Ohio senator with little effort.

Of course, in Benjamin's mouth, his senator road is full of thorns and bumps. In the process of being elected as a senator, Benjamin won as much support as possible by defeating powerful competitors. It's all about turning the tide on its own, as Benjamin did when he was in Hawaii.

No one knows what Benjamin did in Hawaii, but Li Mu is very clear.

However, Li Mu did not break down Benjamin's lies. He was rarely elected as a senator and started a new life. Let him be proud first.

"Praise the Lord!" Li Mu responded to Benjamin's proposal and held up his wine glass.

Becoming a senator will basically be working in Washington in the future. Benjamin purposely detoured Boston before taking office to catch up with Li Mu.

"I bought a piece of land next to Lake Sakura, right next to your house, and we will be neighbors in the future." Benjamin was proud of himself and was very happy with his foresight.

Although Li Mu did not deliberately buy a house and land, there are many real estates under Li Mu's name, such as the riverside town of Springfield, the Governor's Island in New York, the shore of Lake Sakura in Washington, the Charles River in Boston, and even Auckland in the West Coast. , All have Li Mu's real estate.

Relatively speaking, this property in Boston is not considered luxurious, but the area is still large. The three-story main house, two-story partial house, stables, swimming pool, garage and garden are all available. There is even one on the Charles River. The total area of ​​the small pier is not much smaller than that of MIT.

Although Li Mu is based in New York, but the housekeeper Raul did not ignore it. The daily life here is managed by another Raul. The two have no kinship, but the names just coincide.

"To Washington in this troubled autumn, you have to be careful not to be caught by people." Li Mu reminded kindly.

Although Arthur's series of good governance in New York injected a boost to the Republican Party, in general, the situation of the Republican Party has not changed. President Grant is still criticized, and the Washington government is still not trusted and wants to completely reverse the situation of public opinion. And still need Republicans to do more.

Li Mu didn't want to visit this muddy water, so in the past two years, Li Mu should rarely go to Washington to avoid appearing in the spotlight.

Li Mu can hide, but Benjamin, who has become a senator of the Congress, cannot hide, and because of Benjamin's background and his past experience, Benjamin will become the focus of the Democratic Party. At that time, countless people will surround Benjamin with a magnifying glass to observe Benjamin. Every move, I hope to find an excuse to attack the Republican Party.

"If they want to find a breakthrough from me, then they are wrong, and I will let them down." Benjamin is confident, even if he is unclean, Benjamin is sure not to give people a handle.

In fact, it is not easy to find a handle from Benjamin. The Harrison family is a well-known family. The general teachings do not work on Benjamin. Benjamin owns shares of San Diego Investment Company. These shares will bring millions of dollars to Benjamin every year. Dollar gains, so Benjamin doesn't have any problems with money.

As long as there is no money problem, Benjamin is almost impeccable. Although Benjamin is a bit lascivious, but politicians, it is not normal to have romantic affairs in this area.

"Let's do it ..." Li Mu didn't think it would be a big deal until the order was over.

Li Mu now has more and more political resources. Langer, Chen Guofang, Burnside, and now with Benjamin, Li Mu has four **** alliances in the Senate. Thinking of this, Li Mu is very proud.

Each state can have two senators, so there are only 70 or so senators in the Senate. It is not easy for Li Mu to find four **** alliances. Rockefeller does not have this ability.

"Don't worry about me anymore. In that mood, you might as well care about your Steed Weapon Factory." Benjamin's malignant laughter, although the meaning of ridicule is obvious, but this is just a prank among friends.

"What's wrong with the Steed Weapon Factory?" Li Mu was unknown, but since Benjamin issued a warning, it must not be groundless.

"Bernup is going to be unlucky." Benjamin's sarcasm was still obvious, but this time it was not directed at Li Mu, but at Bernalp.

"Bernapp ..." Li Mu was completely confused. Recently, Li Mu has been busy with the national car rally. He hasn't really cared about the Ministry of War.

In Benjamin's subsequent explanation, Li Mu knew the truth.

This also starts from the previous case of the Whiskey Group. When the whisky group broke out, Grant's brother-in-law Ebble was involved as a "protection umbrella". Although Grant's efforts escaped the prison, but Democrats can Without giving up, they have been trying to find more evidence and strive to punish all those who are guilty.

As a result, he found Bernalp.

Large-scale cross-border smuggling is an organized crime, and the strength of the individual is insignificant. Ebble's report is conclusive evidence. In addition, there is also the asylum of Bernap, which can only escape the coast guard smoothly under the protection of the military The team pursued and smuggled large quantities of whiskey from Europe to the United States.

Bernapp is still clever, knowing that he abandoned the car and gave him a scapegoat before the investigation, so the previous investigation did not involve Bernap.

Things are different now, and since Grant can't be involved with Ebble, the Democrats have focused on Bernap.

It can be said that American officials these years are all criminals who must have been wronged, but people like Bernap will not have to check, as long as they check, they can pick up some problems for you.

Li Mu knows the nature of Bernalp. Mr. "Ten Percent" has long been famous. If he wants to do business with the Ministry of War, he must give Bernalt a 10% rebate. Even the Steed Group is no exception. The news was not surprising.

However, it didn't matter much. Li Mu had expected that day, the Steed Group and Bernard had an agreement. As long as Bernard stepped down as the Minister of War, Bernard could go to the Steed Group as a special adviser. Therefore, Bernard The investigation did not have much impact on the Steed Group. Even if Bernard resigned, the Steed Group can still use the influence and network of Bernard.

Of course, Li Mu will definitely not give up to win over the next Minister of War, so Li Mu is concerned about the candidate for the next Minister of War.

"It's not easy to say now. If Bernard leaves office, the successor may be either Burnside or Sherman, depending on what the President thinks." Benjamin knew everything and informed himself Come one by one.

According to Grant's usual employment habits, Burnside and Sherman are indeed very likely. They are both generals of the Northern Army during the Civil War. Grant's lineage is deeply trusted by Grant.

It's not bad. Both of them have dealt with Li Mu, especially Burnside, and have close relationship with Li Mu. After the baptism of the "Battle of the Long Street", it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a life or death relationship. When Enside came to power, the cooperation between the Steed Group and the War Department would be closer.

"If it's Burnside, then who will serve as the chairman of the National Rifle Association?" Li Mu thought a little bit. The Ministry of War is the official organization, and the National Rifle Association is a private organization. They are all partners of the Steed Group.

The National Rifle Association has millions of members, far more than the soldiers in the War Department. From this perspective, the National Rifle Association is more important to the Steed Group than the War Department.

Burnside has previously been the chairman of the National Rifle Association. If he is the Secretary of War, then it may not be the case that Burnside will be dismissed as the chairman of the National Rifle Association. If the successor is a stranger, this is for Steed Group. Not good news.

"It's hard to say, but if you want, yours is a good candidate." Benjamin didn't know much about the National Rifle Association, but he could also give his own suggestions.

Li Mu thought for a long time before he understood who Benjamin was referring to.

Benjamin is referring to Will. This seems unlikely. We should know that Will is also an active officer.

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