Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 463: fresh blood

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The National Rifle Association should be considered a semi-military civil society.

Li Mu and the American Rifle Association have not dealt a lot. Knowing that the members of the American Rifle Association are basically on the National Guard's roster, so this organization is a bit sensitive. Generally, active duty officers will not serve in the American Rifle Association, but it is not ruled out. Exceptions, such as Yan Hu, although Yan Hu is now an active officer in the U.S. Army, Yan Hu is still on the National Rifle Association's roster, and his position is still an instructor at the Springfield Rifle Association.

It seems that it is not impossible for Will to serve as the chairman of the National Rifle Association.

It's a matter of man. As long as Li Mu is determined to work well, it is not completely hopeless.

Although the National Rifle Association is a non-governmental organization, its original intention was to strengthen the American martial spirit and improve the shooting skills of ordinary Americans, so the military color is very strong.

In the publications provided by the National Rifle Association to all members in the past two years, the weapons produced by the Steed Weapon Factory have been highly recommended, which is a feature that Li Mu attaches great importance to.

In fact, it seems that this function is a bit of a rib. As Colt and Winchester were gradually incorporated by the Steed Weapons Factory, in addition to the Springfield rifles produced by the Steed Weapons Factory, the American Rifle Association had no other choice.

However, this is not the reason why Li Mu ignores the American Rifle Association. Li Mu knows how much potential the American Rifle Association has in the future, so Li Mu will do everything possible to maintain the cooperation with the American Rifle Association and maintain its influence on the American Rifle Association. force.

Compared with the 21st Century National Rifle Association, the current National Rifle Association is just a newborn calf. The 21st Century National Rifle Association has millions of members, so powerful that it can even control the presidential election. No matter who is on the stage, they dare not Ignore the influence of the National Rifle Association.

It is also because of the existence of the National Rifle Association that all previous presidents ’ideas of banning guns have been put to naught. Of course, the influence of weapon manufacturers has also played a large role in this.

Junma Weapons Company is now the largest weapon manufacturer in the United States. The American Rifle Association also attaches great importance to cooperating with Junma Weapon Company. As long as the Junma Weapon Company sells a weapon, whether it is a pistol or a rifle, it will be given to the National Rifle Association for one year Membership, this can be considered as one of the cooperation between Steed Weapons Company and the National Rifle Association.

Now that you're in Boston, you can't help but go around the Steed Lab.

The Steed Lab is becoming larger and larger, with more than 500 researchers of various types, not only in the United States, but also in the world.

The Power Institute is still the core of the Junma Lab, with more than 160 researchers. It is currently working on the third-generation engine and transmission technology. The reason why the Junma Automobile has performed so well in the National Rally of the United States is that the Power Lab is a great success.

You will be rewarded for your merit, so Li Mu didn't hesitate to come to the Steed Lab. Li Mu came with a check with a total face value of 500,000 US dollars this time to be a scatter boy.

"It's not easy to study new engines and gearboxes. If you want to get higher power, you need higher temperatures and pressures, and this is exactly what we don't ..." Li Mu came to the institute, and Franklin was of course accompanied by him. However, as soon as Franklin saw Li Mu, he suffered a lot. He didn't have much grace as a "father of cars".

The Steed Lab has cultivated many "fathers", such as Runkel, now known as the "Father of Electric Lights", and also Antonio Meucci, which is the "Father of the Phone", and Franklin as the Steed Power Lab The man at the helm is now called the "Father of the Car".

In fact, if Li Mu is willing, Li Mu can concentrate these titles on himself, but this is meaningless. Li Mu is more willing to use these false titles to stimulate the enthusiasm of scientific researchers, which will bring greater benefits to Li Mu and the Steed Group.

What Franklin said is also the fact that science and technology have developed to a certain extent, and materials have begun to become the biggest bottleneck restricting the development of science and technology.

Li Mu once intended to set up a materials laboratory, but in Pittsburgh, Carnegie has set up a similar materials laboratory. If Li Mu repeats his investment, it may affect the friendship between Li Mu and Carnegie.

After the rebirth to now, the changes brought by Li Mu are getting bigger and bigger. If in the past few years, the development of American companies still relied on primitive methods to expand and expand, then since Li Mu ’s Steed Lab began to show its value The value of technology is being valued more and more by people, first Rockefeller Labs and Rockefeller University, and now Carnegie has also joined in. Although there is only one materials lab at present, in a few years, maybe there will be another Carnegie University of New York was born.

"I will communicate with Pittsburgh in terms of materials and try to put our needs first. You must also pay attention to changing your mind, developing ideas, and finding new ways to solve problems. You cannot go all the way to the black." Material problems cannot be solved in one or two days, so Li Mu can not make specific promises, but still has to tap his own potential. As long as his thinking does not slip, the solution is more difficult than that.

In terms of power, Li Mu is also a layman. At the beginning of the power laboratory, Li Mu can give a certain degree of guidance based on the knowledge he gained in the 21st century, but once the research is carried out in depth, Li Mu's ability is also blind.

Fortunately, Steed Lab has accumulated a lot of talents. After having a certain degree of successful experience, Steed Lab will develop in accordance with its own inertia, with or without Li Mu's guidance. Li Mu's role will become more and more important in the future. Small, ultimately can only assume the role of an investor.

This is enough. There is no shortage of Maxima in the world, what is lacking is Bole.

"We are really trying our best. Some time ago, one of our researchers proposed an idea: when the air enters the cylinder, it compresses the air. When the compression reaches the extreme, the fuel injector of the fuel supply system, Fuel is injected into the air combustion chamber at a very high pressure in a very short period of time, and the fuel forms fine oil particles, which are mixed with high-temperature and high-pressure air. At this time, the combustible mixture burns by itself, violently expands to generate explosive power, and pushes the piston to perform work. We can get higher power and more powerful power. "Franklin's a lot of technical terms came out, and eventually Li Mu did not understand what Franklin said.

But this does not prevent Li Mu from understanding, another new technology was born.

"What is the researcher's name?" Li Mu was curious. The engine described by Franklin was called a compression ignition engine, and this engine also had a diesel engine.

Compared with gasoline engines, although diesel engines are bulky, their power increase is also safer, so they are widely used in various large machinery.

If the development of a diesel engine is successful, it may not be practical to apply it directly to a car according to the current level of technology, but for a truck or agricultural machinery that Junma Group is studying, the application prospect is still very wide.

"Rudolph, Rudolph Dessel." Franklin didn't mean to grab credit, and it wasn't necessary for him.

Rudolf Diesel, this name is really thunderous. In the future, the diesel engine will be named directly after Rudolf's last name to commemorate the great inventor. It was unexpected that the inventor now works in Steed Lab.

"Genius' proposal to help Rudolph set up a research team, and Rudolph is directly responsible." Since there are such talents in the institute, Li Mu certainly wants to make the best use of them.

"Rudolph is now our first-level researcher. He already has his own team. He has 20 people. It won't take long for his research to yield results." Franklin is still very good, the promotion mechanism of Steed Labs It also guarantees that talent will not be buried.

Li Mu has formulated a promotion system for Steed Labs. All members of Steed Labs can put forward their own research ideas. As long as the plans are approved by the operation committee, they can form their own research teams, and their ranks will be promoted accordingly.

This promotion system is common in the 21st century, but in the 19th century, it has a taste of "eclectic talent reduction."

It should be known that the knowledge of these years is still monopolized in the hands of a few people, and most people do not have access to knowledge. Therefore, the technology industry is a relatively rigid group. In the business community, you can rely on your own efforts to get your own business accordingly. Development, and then obtain the corresponding status, but not in the scientific and technological circles. This is a very serious group of seniors. Unless there is a special background, you can only follow step by step according to the hidden rules.

"How about Father Damien?" Li Mu remembered the priest who had exiled himself for a group of leprosy patients. Such a person should be respected at all times.

After returning to New York from Hawaii, Li Mu placed Father Damien in the Steed Lab. In order to allow Father Damien to work at ease, Li Mu established a biological laboratory and hired several researchers from Trinity College, Cambridge, England, as high-paying staff. Father Mein's assistant.

This is definitely a high standard and strict requirements. Cambridge Medical College is currently the only medical college in the world. The graduates there have always been the xiangxiang of major hospitals. Among the talents hired by Li Mu, one is Mai The people of Charles Williams, who were once professors at Cambridge Medical School, are qualified to lead a laboratory if they are placed in any country in the world.

"Mr. Damien is very good, works hard and treats others with kindness, but Mr. Father recently issued a report asking to build a church in the laboratory." Franklin said well in his mouth, but he said in his words that he was not professional. " "Mr. Fr."

But this is also very normal. Well, the priest should have a church, and the priest Damien is truly deserved, otherwise he would become a "travelling monk".

"Can't there be a church in the laboratory?" Li Mu never interfered with the specific operation of the laboratory. Although Franklin was the top leader of the laboratory, the entire Steed Lab was actually operated under the management of the operation committee, and Franklin couldn't completely It's up to you.

This operating committee is actually composed of the leaders of the research institutes under the Steed Laboratories and representatives of researchers. The operation mode is similar to that of the US Senate and the House of Representatives.

"This mouth cannot be opened. Father Damien is Catholic. If a Catholic church is built in the laboratory, should we also build an Orthodox church for Orthodox Christians? What if the Protestant asks similarly? So this kind of thing must be Be careful. "When it comes to religion, Franklin doesn't dare to neglect.

Li Mu didn't really think that much. If Franklin said so, it would be a bit too much to say that Buddhist temples and mosques must be built. This is a science laboratory, not a religious fair.

"Well, do whatever you want, but pay attention to the way of working. It must not affect the enthusiasm of Father Da Mein." As long as it does not affect the work, Li Mu has always been laissez-faire.

Father Damien's current research direction is still leprosy. Although no results have been achieved, Li Mu is not in a hurry. This is a work that is beneficial to all mankind and requires Li Mu to maintain great patience.

Of course, talking about "all humans" is definitely a high-profile, and Li Mu values ​​the benefits brought by the biological industry. Relatively speaking, the benefits of leprosy are not that much. Li Mu looks to the future and waits for leprosy. With the study coming to an end, Li Mu will soon find a new direction for the biological laboratory.

It may be difficult for others to determine the direction of work, but for Li Mu, it is very easy.

The easiest way is to just hoard some moldy fruits, and then you can find a best job direction for Father Damien.

Yes, Li Mu knows that penicillin was originally discovered from moldy fruits. As for what kind of fruit and the discovery process, it is not clear to Li Mu.

However, this is precisely the significance of the existence of biological laboratories. Li Mu put forward research directions and provided huge amounts of funds. If this still does not allow the biological laboratories to produce results, then Father Damien's membership should be unknown.

Even if Father Damien was willing to remain anonymous, I am afraid that Miles Williams would not.

"I recently discovered that someone was digging our corner. Today, a low-level researcher offered to resign. He is said to be going to work in Europe. Although his level is relatively low, it will not have any impact on the research work, but I still do n’t. Approved. "Franklin casually reported a new situation.

"You can resign, but you are not allowed to engage in related work within five years after you resign. If you can do this, let him go if you want to leave." People walking to higher places, Li Mu is not immoral, but if it hurts the horse The interest of the laboratory is the prerequisite, let alone to Europe, even if it goes to the moon, Li Mu can make people pay.

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