Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 495: not angry

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After Benjamin Harrison left, Li Mu's rare emotional runaway broke the glass, and he sat in the yard alone for a long time.

Li Mu didn't expect that Ulysses Grant was so unpopular. Except for Benjamin Harrison and Burnside, Republican Senate Leader James Bryan did not support Ulysses. Grant continues to run for the Republican Party, and new Republican chairman James Garfield is also not optimistic about Ulysses Grant.

Looking around, apart from Li Mu, Ulysses Grant has very few supporters in the Republican Party.

Even Li Mu, who lacks the tacit understanding of Benjamin Harrison, is unable to fully support Ulysses S. Grant.

Of course, as long as Li Mu firmly believes, Langer and Samuel will still choose to be consistent with Li Mu. As for Chen Guofang, this is Li Mu's iron ticket warehouse. In any case, Chen Guofang will firmly support any decision of Li Mu. .

Early the next morning, Li Mu took the initiative to visit Ulysses S. Grant to inform him of the current situation.

Obviously Ulysses S. Grant knew his situation, but he was not discouraged: "It is almost half a year before the Republican National Convention, so we have a chance to convince them to change their decision ..."

In accordance with the electoral process, the Democratic and Republican parties will hold a national congress at the end of this year to select one person from all the nominated candidates to represent their party in the final presidential election.

The first problem that Ulysses Grant has to solve is this "nomination of candidate qualifications". As long as Grant can be nominated, Li Mu is confident to help Grant win the final victory. The problem now is that Grant may even qualify as a candidate. None of them can be obtained, even if Li Mu has a great ability, he cannot do it.

For half a year, it ’s not long or short, and it should be said that there is still a chance, but it is not easy to achieve it. In the past few years, Ulysses Grant was on the stage. Not only did the Democratic Party complain, but the Republican Party There are also many different voices coming out. The shortcomings of "dividing fertilizer" are here. You can never make everyone happy.

"Even if I don't get a nomination, we don't have to be too frustrated. At least the president will be a Republican, and the band of Yankees will never have a head start." Ulysses S. Grant finally did not lose his mind completely The overall situation is still very good.

Li Mu doesn't pay attention to the big picture. If things don't develop to his own advantage, Li Mu must "disorder anyway", no matter what method is used.

However, after listening to Ulysses S. Grant's words, Li Mu had no interest in tossing, and he took care of the overall situation ... you don't care about it, why is Li Mu so ups and downs?

In the end, Li Mu now supports Ulysses Grant with such a clear flag. Then, on the side of Hayes and James Bryan, maybe he has been blacklisted, even if they are talking about the so-called "demeanor" Not to mention, it must be inevitable to wear you a little shoe in private.

The mud Buddha still has three points of fire. Li Mu can now be seen through the so-called "American democracy".

Damn it!

Out of the President's Palace, Li Muyi was confused. They planned to inspect the progress of the Washington Monument, and now they are not interested.

"Mason, just turn around ..." Li Mu didn't want to go back to her home on the shore of Sakura Lake. The relationship between Li Mu and Benjamin Harrison was a little embarrassing in the past two days because of differences in support of candidates, although this would not affect them. Friendship.

"Okay." Mason is still reliable. After the National Auto Rally ended, Mason was named the best driver and won the MVP of the event. Li Mu had intended to give Mason a higher platform, but Mason was firm and would rather give up the National Automobile Association. With an annual salary of $ 15,000, he still serves as Li Mu's driver.

BMW's speed is not fast, driving on the streets of Washington at a constant speed. In the past two years, American cities have set off a road construction boom. As long as there are conditions in the city, the roads in the city have basically been hardened. Asphalt highways in Yishui, Jaya There are no potholes.

As the capital of the United States, Washington is definitely good at infrastructure, so the streets in Washington are spacious and flat, and the quality is no less than New York.

Of course, but in terms of financial resources, there is definitely a gap between Washington and New York. The New York City is now considering installing street lights on the main streets of Manhattan. This is a large project with a total investment of more than 20 million US dollars. The Washington City also wants to install , But they have no money.

The greening on both sides of the road is not bad. The green belt is trimmed neatly. The trees on the road cover the sky. The whole city is like a forest.

The entire city covers a huge area. Even a small town with tens of thousands of people is spread out. A capital such as Washington rarely has more than three floors of buildings. The buildings on both sides of the road are generally low and large. Part of the building is a wooden structure. If a building is found to be large in scale, it must be the private house of an official.

As a purely political center, the commercial atmosphere in Washington is not strong. The most commercial establishments in the city are hotels and bars. Li Mu let Mason stop at any bar and wanted to relax.

It is also difficult to meet this small wish. The bar is usually open at night, and at least the bar will not open until the afternoon.

I ran for two full streets and couldn't find a bar that was open. Mason parked in front of a bar called "Cincinnati", ready to get out of the car and call the door.

"Forget it, Mason ..." Li Mu didn't want to spread the fanfare. A dozen or twenty black men were not good people at first glance, and it was estimated that they would not dare to open the door.

"It's too bad here, I can't feel the city's friendliness ..." Mason mumbled back to the car, saying Li Mu's mood in a word.

"Let's go to the station and let's go back to New York." Li Mu didn't want to waste time in Washington.

How nice it is to return to New York. If you want to drink, the Mad Cow Tribe and Clinton Castle are open 24 hours a day. Even if you do n’t want to harm your own people, you do n’t need to ask Mason to call the door. Just drag a policeman on the street to do this. thing.

Li Mu's special train stopped at the Washington Railway Station. There is a special person responsible for maintenance. It only takes an hour for the station to complete the dispatch and let Li Mu's special train run on the booth.

Just before the train left for the last minute, Gloria hurried over.

Li Mu did not inform Gloria that she was going back to New York. Obviously, some people reported the news. The most suspicious thing was Chu Xue. This girl has a good relationship with Gloria recently.

"Why are you so anxious to go back, my place has not been selected yet ..." Gloria sat down opposite Li Mu, panting and complaining a little.

Gloria came to Washington to find an address for her store. It was not necessary for Gloria to come in person, but in order to show her support for the business in her name, Gloria was brave enough to take responsibility.

It ’s not good to do it. If you have n’t found a place yet, you have to follow Li Mu. Although Li Mu is a little touched, the words are really not so nice: “If you do n’t choose well, you can choose again. I will let the train pick up after I return. You, the head of the business, think of it when you think about it, you know that you don't have a long life ... "

Well, in order to maintain Gloria's little self-esteem, Li Mu said the last sentence in Chinese.

I do n’t know if Gloria understands it. Li Mu remembers that Gloria has been learning Chinese with Chu Xue, but I do n’t know how it is. Look at Gloria ’s expression is not different. Li Mu estimates Gloria ’s Chinese score. Don't skimp.

Under Li Mu's invisible table, Gloria twisted her handkerchief fiercely, and she no longer saw what she was like: "I shouldn't have pity on you. It seems you don't need any comfort, then I'll go back to Washington Good ... parking, give me a parking! "

While talking, she had unknowingly reddened her eyes, and there were crystal tears flowing down her eyes.

Special trains can really say go and go, stop and stop.

"Lily, don't do this ..." Chu Xue appeared in time, grabbing Gloria.

Li Mu knows that Gloria ’s nickname is “Lily”. This nickname is rarely used by Will. Li Mu has never used it. It seems that Chuxue ’s relationship with Gloria is very good, at least it has been upgraded to Girlfriend level.

"No, you let me go ..." Gloria was really sad. I would have lighted the moon, but no one could bear the moon.

Gloria is a girl who has been riding and hunting since she was a child. Her health is very good, and it is described in a realistic sentence. It is as strong as a female leopard. Once Gloria is hard to leave, Chuxue really pulls Can't live.

Fortunately, Mason was blocking the door. The guy was holding a silver tray with a bottle of champagne and a glass on it. The train compartment door was relatively narrow. Mason was so big that he blocked the door and even air was lost.

Gloria's bad temper was that people blocked the killing of the Buddha and blocked the killing of the Buddha. Seeing Mason holding a bottle of wine in front of him silly and not giving way, Gloria kicked up and kicked the plate directly in Mason's hand. .

Mason also responded quickly. While throwing away the tray, he grasped the wine bottle in one hand and grasped the wine glass in the other hand. This hand is almost as fast as a single person for 50 years.

"Enough!" Li Mu screamed angrily, got up behind Gloria, hugged Gloria by the waist, and threw it to the sofa next to him. Mason, who had a guilty expression at the gate, wasn't angry. Come out: "What champagne do you drink? Are you in a good mood? What would you like to celebrate?"

The conscience of the world, Mason really didn't want to celebrate anything, just because Li Mu used to drink champagne, so Mason found Li Mu a bottle of champagne.

"I'll change it right away ..." As a qualified driver, you shouldn't listen or listen, you should pretend not to hear when you hear it, and pretend not to see when you see it, so Mason Hold the wine glass in your pocket, squat down against the wall, pick up the tray, and quickly leave your face.

Gloria, who fell on the sofa, was even more sad when he was "rudely treated" by Li Mu. It was heartbreaking to twitch, but somehow, there was still a trace of ecstasy in the inner corner. A little thoughtfulness was reflected in the corners of her raised lips.

Li Mu didn't mean to speak, sitting back on his sofa, watching Gloria struggling to tears out, and took out her handkerchief to pass.

Gloria grabbed her handkerchief, snotted after wiping her tears, and then threw it back with disgust.

Bingo, in the middle of Li Mu's chest.

Li Mu jumped from the sofa like an electric shock, kicked the silk with a foot, and hesitated to touch the button of the suit.

Throw your clothes?

In fact, there were no tears or snot.

But do n’t throw it, I really respond.

The most unbearable thing was that when she saw Li Mu's constipated expression, Gloria, who was still in the rain with rain, actually laughed, and then twisted her arms around the sofa with a smile Rolling, two feet constantly flapping, maybe it is not enough to express a happy mood, both feet need to be empty and kick a few times.

This action is so joyful that Li Mu even forgot to be angry.

"Boss, it's okay to drink this ..." Ai Ai came together during the Mason period and gave Li Mu a bottle of vodka.

day! It was actually vodka. All New Yorkers know that Li Mu never drinks high alcohol.

Looking at Mason with a smirk on his face, Li Mu found that he was really upset: "Bring me the bottle of champagne just now, by the way, get me two more ice ..."

Right, this is the normal script.

Without Li Mu's hands, Chu Xue's hands and feet were sloppy, and Li Mu quickly got a "exclusive drink".

Of course, Chu Xue will not forget Gloria. Gloria lifted the glass and changed her legs as elegantly as possible. Two big eyes flickered to see Li Mu's heart panicking: "Now angry ..."

How can you be angry ...

"Sorry ..." Li Mu took a sip and wanted to apologize for his bad attitude.

"We don't need to say sorry ..." Gloria refused to let Li Mu go on, her expression was taken for granted: "If you are in a bad mood and want to find someone to chat with, then I hope you can think of me, if you I don't want to talk, and I hope you will always remember that no matter what the situation, at any time, we will always support you ... "

Li Mu suddenly felt that no one was president.

If Ulysses S. Grant continues to be re-elected, it is of course very good. Steed Group will continue to obtain a four-year high-speed development period. Perhaps after four years, Steed Group does not need to rely on administrative forces to maintain its advantage.

If you change to Hayes or James Bryan, there should be no major problems. In any case, both of them are Republicans like Li Mu. Since everyone is a group, it is considered that Junma Group cannot get enough. Preferential conditions will not be exhausted.

As for the Democratic Party, Li Mu did not consider this possibility at all.

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