Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 496: Play big

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It's not Li Mu that looks down on the world ’s heroes. It is really the reason why the Democrats do not fight for themselves, and there is no way to make Li Mu deserved.

To say that the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are actually half a catty, which is not much better. In the 19th-century United States, the history of the entire country is only this century. American-style democracy is also at the stage of crossing the river by feeling the stones, and it is only Li Mu. People who know 500 years before and 50 years will know the future of American democracy.

Before the Civil War, American democracy may still have a little meaning of democracy. Whenever something happened, everyone sat down to discuss it carefully to find a suitable solution together.

The Civil War completely ripped off the hypocritical veil of American democracy. Since we can't talk about it, then the fist is big and reasonable. Let's fight first.

After the Civil War, the rapid development of the American economy, the emergence of large corporate groups, and the decline of American politics into a plaything of money. The President has slowly become a mascot in front of the stage. It is those Wall Street tycoons who really determine American politics.

Li Mu's strength comes from Bi. He is now a Wall Street tycoon, and it is one of the biggest ones.

After returning to New York, Li Mu intends to cultivate his self-cultivation and no longer worry about those troublesome things in Washington. Whoever loves them, anyway, the Republican Party can't lose in recent years. No matter who comes to power, after all, they are Republicans. There is always something to talk about. .

Taking a step back 10,000 steps, even if the new president is not pleasing to Li Mu and Steeding Horse Group, it is not easy to deal with Li Mu and Steeding Horse Group now, but also be careful, a little worse, you will be strongly backfired by Li Mu and Steeding Horse Group.

In fact, self-cultivation is also good. The Governor's Island is isolated from the world, like a paradise. Li Mu is here to close the door and become the emperor of the earth. No one cares.

Get up in the morning, ride a horse, and walk your dog by the way. In the morning, go to the Junma Group headquarters to sit for a while, or pick up a few affiliated companies to slip your legs, and it will pass by in the morning.

In the afternoon, I will be responsible for dressing the urban beauties and newly opened men as designers. This time, Li Mu is racking his brains and preparing to form drawings of all the popular styles in his memory. This way, at least, he can ensure that the urban beauties and men are dressed in 50s. There is no need to worry about backward style during the year.

In the evening, the nightlife has just begun. At this time, the sky is the most colorful, barbecue, dinner, camping, night fishing ...

As long as Li Mu is willing, there is always endless fun ...

At the same time as Li Mu's self-exile, the 23rd US presidential election has finally begun.

Like the information Mu Mu had received before, the current president, Ulysses S. Grant, failed to get a nomination for the Republican election.

Ulysses Grant himself certainly hopes to be re-elected for the second time, but he has not been even offered the opportunity to be nominated. This has indeed given Ulysses Grant a great blow. It can be said that his political career has been so far. The end.

Although Li Mu was not surprised by this result, not everyone was prepared. For example, Arthur, he did not expect that Ulysses Grant's approval rating would be so low.

When the news that Ulysses Rand failed to get a nomination arrived in New York, Arthur rushed to Governor Island and Li Mu to discuss countermeasures.

From the time of Tweed's fall, Li Mu's fate was closely linked to Arthur. These two people are really a grasshopper on the line, and no one can do without them.

"What to do? Mr. President cannot be re-elected. We are about to face a new president. I don't know who he is, I don't know his tendencies, I don't know his political ideas, and I don't know his economic strategy. It's all a mess ..." Ah Exaggerated, he can't wait for the revolutionary old-timers who designed the American political system to whip the corpses out of the grave.

Once a gentleman and a courtier, the impact of the new president on Arthur far exceeds that of Li Mu, so Li Mu can not care who the new president is, and Arthur cannot ignore it.

"Don't worry, you are the highest executive in New York. I am the richest person in New York. No matter who is the president, this cannot be changed." Li Muxian gave Arthur a peace of mind. Washington is too far away. Li Mu is still affecting No, it can't play a decisive role, but in this three-acre acre of New York, it's the dragon who is entangled and the tiger who is lying.

This is the spirit of the ground snake.

Li Mu is right. Do n’t look at Arthur as a politician. He must accept Washington ’s leadership, but even if the new president is not pleasing to Arthur, the new president cannot use an executive order to drive Arthur out of office. With voters voting for office, the president's prestige in New York is no greater than Arthur.

"That's what it says, but we always have to be prepared. It's better to have less trouble. I don't want a **** to come to power and get a mess." Arthur showed little awe to the new president. He just had an unknown fear of the future.

Except for people like Li Mu, everyone has an unknown fear of the future, but only to varying degrees.

In fact, Li Mu is sometimes confused. Compared with the history that Li Mu is familiar with, there is already a small deviation in the historical trend. If this deviation continues to increase, then Li Mu cannot dare to say that he is familiar with it. Those things will definitely happen.

In other words, Li Mu is not sure whether the things he knows will happen at the inherent time point, which may be advanced or delayed.

"This time the presidential election taught me a reason ..." Li Mu raised his chest and abdomen and took a deep breath on the chair. Thinking about the helplessness while in Washington some time ago, Li Mu decided to do something.

"What's the reason?" Arthur was lying on the table with his upper body, leaning forward, staring anxiously at Li Mu, hoping to get some definitive news from Li Mu.

After meeting Li Mu, Li Mu brought almost all the good news to Arthur.

Arthur still remembered that when he first met with Li Mu, he was then the head of New York Customs. The two gradually became closer because they wanted to support Cubans against the Spaniards. One day, Li Mu said that he had to deal with those who covered the sky in New York. Tweed, that decision did surprise Arthur.

To be honest, At the time, Arthur did not think that Li Mu had the ability to bring down Tweed. Arthur even had some ideas of watching the fire from the other side, waiting to see Li Mu's bad luck.

The result was unexpected. Li Mu successfully overturned Tweed and sent Arthur to the throne of the mayor of New York, which really started Arthur's political career.

Later, Li Mu and Arthur cooperated and pitted Tweed again. This time, Arthur really had the confidence and never had to worry about money again, and tied himself to Li Mu's chariot completely.

For a long time, Li Mu's impression to Arthur is almost omnipotent. No matter whether it is commercial competition or political upheaval, Li Mu always behaves with ease. Unlucky is always Li Mu's enemy. This kind of things happen again and again. To the extent that Arthur sometimes even wondered whether Li Mu was living in God's heart.

"We can't put everything on others. Instead of waiting passively, we should take the initiative. If we don't regret afterwards, then we must hold him firmly, such as the presidential election. I am worried that the new president will cause us trouble, so why not hold this matter firmly in the hands at the beginning? "Li Mu has a strong desire to control. No matter what the matter, Li Mu will not allow it. Out of control.

"You mean ..." Arthur seemed to understand what Li Mu was talking about, but he couldn't be sure. Although his expression was mixed with terror, the stubborn throat knot fully expressed Arthur's desire.

"Yes, that's what you think. I hope that in the next presidential election, I will be able to personally send the candidate I want to the stage, instead of passively watching other people to pick out a few candidates first, and then here. I chose one of them as my object of support. I didn't like this helpless feeling, I didn't like it at all. "Li Mu was biting his teeth when speaking. To be honest, Arthur had never seen Li Mu so disoriented.

"Of course, I also don't like it ..." Arthur's eyes were blurry, as if his entire body had been emptied and fell on the back of the chair, his eyes stared at the ceiling, wondering what was in his mind.

"Well, what are your thoughts, by the time of the next presidential election, you have been the mayor of New York for almost seven years. Don't you have any further thoughts?" Li Mu is like the poisonous snake on the tree, Desperately trying to seduce Arthur, this silly Adam.

"Of course, I hope I can do something ..." Arthur was obviously hooked. Although his voice was a little trembling, he was finally firm.

"Then we have to work hard in the past few years. You have to find a way to achieve enough political achievements, find more political allies, and gain higher political prestige. What I want to do is to consolidate the current ownership of the Junma Group. Everything, more effective control of public opinion, and ways to influence more votes, as long as we work together, then I believe that after four years, all our efforts will not be wasted. "Li Mu ambitious, already four years later A new outlook.

This time Li Mu was caught off guard. In any case, Li Mu could not think of it. Ulysses Grant had no chance to get a nomination, which made Li Mu's preparations impossible.

After four years, it will be different. By then, Li Mu will have stronger strength and preparation will be more complete. Li Mu is looking forward to the return of the king.

"Yes, I need political achievements, more political achievements, such as ... such as next year's World Expo, alas, I still don't know who will be cheaper then." Arthur was a little frustrated in his voice, very kind of busy and busy The feeling of others making wedding clothes.

"Even if the World Expo, we can go to other events, which can also increase the influence of New York and you, such as the National Rally of America, this is a good project, and hockey and rugby in preparation, which is even more prestigious. Good project, if you and New York City can appear on the front page of the newspapers all year round, then you ca n’t do it without paying attention to it. ”Li Mu has also saved his blood this time, not only to keep the name of New York ’s financial center, We must also make New York a cultural center of the United States.

To build a cultural center, you really do n’t need much history. There is no way to separate culture and style. Sports is also a kind of culture. Li Mu does n’t want to promote general education in the United States. So start with sports. Anyway, sports in New York Activities can also increase the cultural heritage of New York.

"Yes, if there isn't one game, let's have ten games. Isn't it just throwing money. Who is afraid of New York in terms of money?" Arthur was aggressive, as if he saw the president's throne beckoning to him, who would dare For trouble, Li Mu doesn't need to take any action, Arthur will tear it to pieces by himself.

"In addition to organizing sports competitions, we also need to build more libraries, museums, concert halls, opera houses, stadiums, squares, parks, etc. If possible, we should build New York into a garden-like city, When people come here, they do n’t want to leave, so that they can play an exemplary role. ”When designing the prospects for New York, Li Mu did not forget to bring private goods. To build so many venues, manpower is always needed. When it comes to architecture, Who can be compared to Junma Construction Company.

"Build! I'll find someone to design when I go back, and design a new city for me. I want to build an unparalleled city." Arthur was not distressed at all, and he didn't spend his money anyway. New York City government pays.

"If you want to build a new city, you better go find Mr. Governor, don't you think New York is too crowded now? I don't even want to go to Clinton Castle. I have been there for a long time, I feel There will always be hypoxia. "Li Mu wanted to get everything done at once, and the expansion of New York City was imminent. Regardless of whether it was available now, let's take up the site first.

At present, in New York City, it refers to Manhattan and its surrounding city groups in a broad sense. In a narrow sense, it refers only to Manhattan. Compared to the current population of New York City, Manhattan is too small.

This has certain historical reasons. It is important to know that Manhattan is on an island with inconvenient external traffic. At present, only the Brooklyn Bridge is under construction, which is far from meeting the transportation needs of Manhattan.

In Li Mu's view, there is still a lot of work to be done to make Manhattan and the city group around him. On the Brooklyn side alone, I need at least 5 bridges, and then I need to supplement it by ferry.

Compared to building a house, repairing a bridge is more profitable. Well, Jinqiao Yinlu, these businesses are of course prepared for Junma Construction Company.

"Yes, it really should be expanded ..." Arthur agreed with Li Mu's statement. Although not as exaggerated as Li Mu said, as a mayor, Arthur knew more about the extent to which New York's municipal land had been strained.

Without tension, the main pavilion of the World's Fair would not get Brooklyn.

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