Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 504: incite defection

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??? D ???????? Oy?} M6? Po?! 0o? E ??? G [| y ?? k ???? E?:? N6? B ?? It is easy to persuade an ordinary person, and it is even more difficult to persuade a successful person who has already reached the peak of life, or is reaching the peak of life. \\ r

Li Mu's persistent and unsuccessful lobbying work finally broke down. With the exception of J.P. Morgan, Li Mu could not convince any big man, including Rockefeller, who had the closest relationship with Li Mu. \\ r

To be honest, Mu Mu was not surprised by this result. Li Mu was able to persuade J.P. Morgan, mainly because J.P. Morgan did not support any of James Blaine and James Garfield. And, J.P. Morgan and Hayes can find a common language. In the final analysis, these two people are a kind of people, so J.P. Morgan will support Hayes. \\ r

As for Rockefeller and William Vanderbilt, they don't have any common language with Hayes, and already have a firm supporter. Now it is almost impossible to change their strings. \\ r

Rao is so. In the second round of voting, Hayes still killed James Garfield and joined James Brian in the final battle. \\ r

However, in the second round of voting, James Blaine has gained a big advantage. If the situation does not reverse in the next two weeks, James Blaine will represent the Republican Party and the Democratic candidate for the 23rd president of the United States. \\ r

Although the situation is unfavorable, Li Mu is still full of confidence. After the second round of voting, Li Mu decided to start the propaganda machine in advance to build up the momentum for Hayes. \\ r

"From tomorrow on, all resources will be tilted towards Hayes. The" Special Election Supplement "will begin to serialize Hayes's election program. I want you to take out all the front page headlines in this half month and serve Hayes all "Li Mu called Sami Larkin to the Governor's Island to give the opportunity. \\ r

After the Republican National Convention began, Time Magazine added a "Special Campaign Election" to serve the presidential election. \\ r

Previously, Time Magazine's stance was always impartial, and it would not take the initiative to favor any candidate. Now that the election campaign has become heated, it is time for Time Magazine to express its position. \\ r

"We have an agreement with James Blaine's office. If we do this, we will be very passive, which may make us lawsuits." Sami Larkin was a little hesitant, who became the president has little to do with him , But if Time Magazine's business is in trouble, then Sami Larkin has no responsibilities. \\ r

"Don't worry, if James Bryan wins, then he will not be held accountable. If he can't win, it will not make sense to investigate again." Li Mu settled on James Bryan, and he was not afraid of Bogong. \\ r

If James Bryan wins, then he will have to face competition with Democratic candidates. This is definitely inseparable from the cooperation of Time Magazine, so even if James Bryan is unhappy, then he can only endure With. \\ r

If you lose, it will be simpler. Even if James Blaine's office brings Time to the court and wins the lawsuit, it will not be possible for James Blaine to run for the Republican Party. \\ r

What's more, before the final election is won, all Republicans should unite and work for the victory of the Democrats. At this time, any hindrance behavior is unacceptable. If James Bryan sues " "Time", James Blaine's fame is home. \\ r

"Well, I will arrange it when I go back." Sammy Larkin did not insist, anyway, he had already pointed out the possible consequences of a full fall to Hayes, so even if the worst result occurred, Li Mu would not be surprised Sammy Larkin on his head. \\ r

Sami Larkin's execution is very high, and that night he arranged for someone to sort out the manuscripts and adjust the layout, and began the first round of building for Hayes. \\ r

In fact, the manuscripts are all prepared, and even the typesetting work has been completed. You only need to advance the time a few months and you can start printing immediately. \\ r

The focus of the first wave of incendiary focus was on Hayes's personal governance philosophy. In the "Time" report, Hayes was described as an honest and selfless person, completely insulated from various nepotisms. Therefore, Ulysses S. Grant, who is everywhere in the world, stands in stark contrast. \\ r

In fact, Hayes also has an advantage in this regard compared to James Blaine. You must know that James Blaine was the former president of the House of Representatives. The network of relationships must be much larger than Hayes. If James Blaine was elected president, Well, the US government still cannot escape the crooked circle of nepotism. \\ r

If Hayes is elected, there will be no hidden dangers in this regard. Hayes was the governor of Ohio before. The relationship is limited to Ohio. Even if Hayes is rewarded in the future, there is not so much relationship for Hayes to take care of. \\ r

This is very important for the current Republican Party. It is the Democratic Party who firmly grasped this point and pursued the Republican Party to gain the advantage it has now. If the Republican Party wants to maintain its advantage, it must have Breakthrough. \\ r

Although everyone knows the crux of the Republican Party, it will undoubtedly require courage to change the status quo. Prior to this, neither James Brian nor James Garfield dare to touch on this aspect, whether it is in the public When speaking, or in an interview with reporters, they only dared to talk about their economic measures and promised to bring the United States out of the abyss of the economic crisis. They never dared to touch on this aspect. \\ r

The problem is that the Republican Party now hates the most. In this regard, the American people desperately need the Republican Party to show its courage to change the status quo, rather than the content of rhetoric. \\ r

Yes, although the Democratic Party has won the House of Representatives, a considerable part of the voters still pin their hopes on the Republican Party. Corruption is a stubborn disease of the US government. Even if the Democratic Party comes to power, there will be no fundamental improvement in a short time. If the Republican Party continues to rule, then maybe the Republican Party will converge. \\ r

This "convergence" is not a discovery of conscience, but a period of digestion after fullness. If a new group of people comes to power at this time, they may be hungry. \\ r

Early the next morning, all New Yorkers were surprised to find that almost all mainstream media, including Time, the New York Daily, the Manhattan Evening News, and the Boston Post, all appeared on the front page. No positive news about Hayes and no news about James Bryan. \\ r

This situation is not surprising. In the past two years, Time Magazine has been expanding rapidly. While developing itself, Time Magazine has developed into a huge news corporation through joint ventures and acquisitions. \\ r

"Time" has set up branches in all cities with a population of more than 100,000 in the United States. At the same time, it has at least one local newspaper as a subsidiary. In almost all American cities, the "Time" can be easily purchased on that day. This is where Li Mu's confidence in launching a public opinion offensive lies. \\ r

The tendency of the news media to show such a tendency immediately caused concern for James Bryan's campaign office. \\ r

At noon that day, James Brian personally called Sammy Larkin to inquire about the matter. After the inquiry was fruitless, that afternoon, James Brian invited Li Mu to drink afternoon tea through Arthur. \\ r

Li Mu certainly promised. Western politics is very particular about "demand". Trading cannot be a benevolent one. No matter who wins or loses, don't hurt your peace. \\ r

At 4 pm, the balcony on the third floor of Clinton Castle. \\ r

James Bryan wore a black tuxedo, and after sitting down, he looked at Li Mu with a bad look: "Rim, you have really given me a big problem ..." \ r

"Come on, you gave this problem to me first. If you had promised me, then these things will not happen now." They have already met each other, and it makes no sense to deny it. Li Mu answered very simply. . \\ r

"Oh, the current situation just proves that the access system is absolutely infeasible. Look at today's newspapers. These guys who adhere to neutrality in ordinary days are almost all in the same voice. If you really set up the access system as you said, the result will be Even more terrible. "James Bryan was never here to surrender. \\ r

James Bryan had not realized the role of the news media before, but now James Bryan has discovered that he and his campaign team may have made a big mistake. \\ r

"You only see the side that is not good for you. In fact, you should be very clear. When all this is for you, then how beautiful the results should be. Of course, the access system is not perfect. In fact, this world There is no system that is immutable. If we find that there is a problem with the access system, we can adjust it later to make her gradually improve, instead of negating it like you, this is not a solution to the problem. " Li Mu is still aggrieved by the admission system. This thing is a double-edged sword, depending on how you understand it. \\ r

"Now we have no point in discussing this. Even if I allow you to implement the access system, our relationship will not return to the past, so I come to you this time with only one purpose. I hope you can uphold the spirit of knighthood, and I have a fair and fair competition so that no matter who we lose or who wins, we will at least be ashamed. "James Bryan made his demands straightforwardly without talking nonsense. \\ r

"James, I have to remind you that I don't want conscience, I just want victory. We Chinese have a saying to be king defeated. In this war, there can only be one winner." Li Mu is not Be fooled at the meeting, and let the "chevalier spirit" of that Rush son go to hell. Li Mu is only willing to smile on the throne of the winner, but not cry on the altar of the loser. \\ r

"You are such a frank and nasty ghost!" James Bryan shook his head and grinned, he was not afraid of hypocrites, but of real villains. \\ r

"I take your sentence as a compliment to me, and I like to see you gritting your teeth but being helpless." Li Mu only felt a little pleasure now, when you refused, you did not refuse. Is it crispy? Come on, let it go. \\ r

"Come on, we are not enemies. You still keep your shameless measures against the Democrats. Even if you support Hayes, Hayes will lose this time. Do n’t you think about your own future? "James Blaine still has a winning hand, and in a blink of an eye, he digs a hole for Li Mu. \\ r

"Whoever loses and who wins is not necessarily. I agree with what you just said. Our relationship is not the enemy. Even after the third round of voting, no matter who you and Hays win, we must join hands. Fight against the Democratic Party, but before that, I will definitely go all out, so even if I lose in the end, I will never regret it. "Li Mu did not completely avoid, but only fell into half a foot. \\ r

"I know I will definitely lose in the end, but I still have to insist on it, why is it ..." In the face of such a cunning Li Mu, James Brian is also a big head. \\ r

"This is not necessarily, although you won the highest number of votes in the last round of voting, but this does not mean that you will always win." Li Mu's morale is high. It's too early to tell the winner. \\ r

In the second round of voting, James Garfield has already been out, then who will support those who support James Garfield, this will be the key to the third round of voting. If in the two weeks, Li Muneng Gain more supporters, then Hayes is likely to come back. \\ r

James Bryan also knew this possibility, so after testing Li Mu's firmness, James Bryan immediately ended his contact with Li Mu. \\ r

At this time, it is kingly to win more supporters. \\ r

After James Bryan left, Li Mu smiled at Arthur with a smile: "How? I told you not to make a decision so early, now I regret it ..." \\ r

"You're less here. If you told me earlier that you supported Hayes, I don't have to suffer so much now." Arthur was in a bad mood. \\ r

Although it seems that James Blaine's win is still relatively large, but with the participation of Li Mu, the original results have become ambiguous, so Arthur really regrets it ... \\ r

"It's okay, if you surrender now, we still treat the captive ..." Li Mu laughed, proudly folded his arms in front of Arthur, ready to receive the captive. \\ r

"Dream!" Arthur flushed, apparently not reconciled to the result. \\ r

"Come on, come on, I've talked to Mr. Governor, as long as you support Mr. Governor, then you can choose Washington's position after Mr. Governor enters the White House." Li Mu drew a big cake for Arthur, leave it alone Not hungry, at least it looks beautiful. \\ r

If Li Mu remembers it right, after Hayes entered the White House, he personally removed Arthur New York's post of chief of customs.

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