Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 505: Press conference

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. \ '0 ???? dT ????> ??; ???? E ??? b ????? 6 * ?? bN ??? S? * ???? Ulysses · Grant's relationship is well known, so it is obvious that if Hayes, who hates nepotism, comes to power, Arthur's prospects are not good. \\ r

Of course, this "prospect is not good" is not absolute. If Arthur makes great contributions to Hayes's election campaign, then Hayes won't kill him by then. \\ r

This is the position of politicians. In many cases, the so-called "justice" is just a cover-up to cover up the real purpose. Seriously, you lose. \\ r

"All official positions ... even if I want to be Secretary of State, would Hayes agree?" Arthur was a little bit reserved, or Arthur wanted to get a positive promise. \\ r

"Maybe, maybe not. I can't give you this promise. If you want, you can talk to the governor personally." Li Mu will not ignite himself, and can match up with Hayes from the middle. \\ r

"Tomorrow night, no, the day after tomorrow, and the night after tomorrow I hope to talk to Mr. Governor." Arthur also knows that this kind of thing is estimated to be thunder, so it must get enough benefits. \\ r

In fact, the position of politicians is really worthless. A mother is a true portrait of a politician if she has milk. Not to mention the temporary change of support. If necessary, it is no problem to quit the Republican Party and join the Democratic Party. \\ r

Therefore, Arthur changed the court, there is really no psychological pressure. \\ r

"Rest assured, I will arrange it for you." Li Mu nodded, feeling like a pimp. \\ r

Well, this adjective is a bit too harsh, it should be said to be "matchmaker". \\ r

It still doesn't feel good ... \\ r

Li Mu arranged for Arthur and Hayes to meet in the main exhibition hall of the capped Independent Centennial Exhibition. Meeting here will not only give people no handle, but also fully demonstrate Arthur's strength as the mayor of New York. \\ r

Li Mu was not present when Arthur and Hayes met. I don't know what Arthur and Hayes talked about, but from the expressions of the two after the meeting, the results should be optimistic. \\ r

Once Arthur is settled, it ’s an arm cut off by James Bryan. Do n’t underestimate the post of Mayor of New York. As the manager of the largest city in the United States, Arthur ’s choice can affect the choice of a large number of Republican representatives. In a sense, Arthur now has a stronger influence in the Republican Party than Li Mu. \\ r

This is really not the intention to raise Arthur's importance. You must know that Arthur is an outright American and a white American. He is born with a stronger affinity than Li Mu. Do n’t look at Li Mu's omnipotence in New York. In New York, quite a few people really do n’t know what Li Mu is doing, and even some people are hostile to Li Mu because of Li Mu ’s skin color. This is an unavoidable fact. \\ r

November 10, the third round of voting. \\ r

Voting will take place at 6pm, and from 8am, Clinton Castle will begin its final sprint. \\ r

Basically, every candidate will set up a campaign office. Of course, Hayes is no exception. His office in Hayes was originally located at 197 Park Road, but after Li Mu joined the Hayes campaign team, Clinton Castle began to become Hayes's base camp. . \\ r

"Mr. Garfield has not made a final decision. According to the intelligence analysis we have now, those representatives who previously supported James Garfield are very likely to fall to James Brian, and once this happens , We will probably lose. "On the third floor balcony, Benjamin Harrison briefed the latest situation. \\ r

It's a real mess. Although James Garfield has been out, his decision may actually become the winner of the final result. \\ r

Li Mu has been in contact with James Garfield since a week ago, but this guy is ambiguous and still sells for the price. He hasn't decided which side to turn to. \\ r

Speaking of Hayes, success is "righteousness" and defeat is "righteousness". The "righteousness" label on Hayes has won him the greatest support from voters, but has also brought a lot of trouble to Hayes. Especially when it comes to finding allies, few people are willing to take over Hayes, so Hayes can only keep promises, and as a result, the "honest" label on Hayes is gradually losing its meaning. \\ r

If you lose, lose it. As long as you can become president, even if it is labeled "evil", it is worth leaving the voters happy. \\ r

"Call him again and tell him: Yes!" Hayes smiled again and again and decided to compromise again. \\ r

Compromising this thing is really easy to do, but there are big hidden dangers, and if you are not careful, you will get used to it. \\ r

When Li Mu first met James Garfield, James Garfield made a request not only for the position of Treasurer in the new government, but also for a special allocation to his hometown for James Garfield. Reconstruction of the highway network in Field's hometown. \\ r

There is no problem in giving money. No matter how much it is, as long as the state treasury is not evacuated, Li Mu can promise to replace Hayes. \\ r

However, the position of the Minister of Finance is too important. Li Mu is afraid and does not want to agree to this request. \\ r

To be honest, if possible, Li Mu would like to be the Minister of Finance. \\ r

If Li Mu becomes the US Treasury Secretary, one thing after taking office is to promote the US government to purchase buses in large quantities ... \\ r

On this issue, Hayes and Li Mu agreed, so James Garfield has not received the promise he wanted, and this issue has been delayed to this day. \\ r

It's too late to be dragged to this day. Vote at night. If Hayes can't beat James Blaine, then Hayes' insistence now will be of no value. \\ r

"Suddenly, it made me sell myself cheaper ..." Li Mu couldn't help but make a fool. Compared to James Garfield, Li Mu did get a little less. \\ r

"Come on, Rimm, you will be compensated in the future." Hayes is not in a hurry, if you want to repay the humanity, there will be more opportunities in the future. \\ r

Even if he did not become the Minister of Finance, Li Mu was confident to promote the U.S. government to purchase buses in large quantities. Even if other governments are not as financially capable as the New York City government, three or fifty cars can still afford it. \\ r

At noon, Hayes and James Garfield held a press conference at Clinton Castle. \\ r

"Mr. Hayes, are you confident of winning this presidential election?" \\ r

"Mr. Hayes, if you were successfully elected president, would you still stand against corruption?" \ R

"Mr. Hayes, if you were successfully elected, would you pursue the economic problems left over by the previous government?" \ R

As soon as Hayes appeared, the press conference scene was immediately chaotic. \\ r

No one asked James Garfield's political tendencies. James Garfield and Hayes' attendance at the press conference have explained a lot of things. The reporters are quite politically conscious, and no one will waste valuable questioning opportunities. Determine the question. \\ r

"Gentlemen, please come one by one ..." Li Mu, as the host of the press conference, is called the standard "platform". \\ r

Although Li Mu's voice was not loud, the scene of the press conference immediately calmed down. Many reporters present were from Time Magazine. The reporters knew Li Mu's identity, and no one dared not listen to the big boss of Li Mu. \\ r

Li Mu gave the first questioning opportunity to the reporter of Time Magazine. \\ r

"Thank you Mr. Rem ..." Mike Brown, chief reporter of Time Magazine, thanked politely before asking questions to James Garfield: "Excuse me, Mr. James Garfield, have you decided to meet in the next election? Support Mr. Hayes? "\ R

Right, this kind of question fits the theme. The presidential election will be next year. Now the candidate battle is going on. This battle has not yet been won. It is a bit to say what will happen to Hayes after his election. Too early. \\ r

"Yes, I have decided to fully support Mr. Hayes in the next election ..." James Garfield's smile is mature and charming, and this guy must have trained in the mirror, otherwise it would not be so contagious: "As we all know, Mr. Hayes has a noble character and his integrity deserves all of us. This is exactly what we lack now. In the competition with the Democratic Party, we have lost the House of Representatives and lost countless people. Of the Southern State in power, we have even lost a key influential state like New York, we have retired, so I do n’t have to unite, only then can we win the election and win a re-certification of our Republican Party in front of the national Opportunity ... "\ r

James Garfield eloquently spoke for ten minutes, and while wearing countless high hats to Hayes, he also flaunted himself by the way. \\ r

The second question belongs to "New York Daily", which is also a wholly-owned newspaper company of Junma Group. Unlike Time Magazine, which focuses on the overall situation, New York Daily focuses more on commerce and is a powerful supplement to Time Magazine. \\ r

With more and more newspapers under control, Li Mu is already considering setting up a media company to guide public opinion more effectively. \\ r

The main reason why this plan has not yet been implemented is whether the "industry access system" can pass. If the "industry access system" can be successfully implemented, this plan can be postponed appropriately. \\ r

The reporter for The New York Times is Katie Maxwell, who, like Gloria, is also a female reporter. \\ r

"Mr. Hayes, I noticed that you have been emphasizing change. Does this mean that you are dissatisfied with the current government? We all know that the Republican Party ’s approval rate is gradually declining. As a Republican, I am also very worried. There are a lot of rumors that involve senior Republicans. How do you think about this? If you can be successfully elected, will you thoroughly investigate these rumors? ”Katie ’s question is more acute, but it does not go off the topic and build momentum for Hayes. It ’s also“ The main tasks of the Time Series. \\ r

This question is difficult to answer. Many rumored targets are directed at the current president, Ulysses S. Grant, or the first lady of the United States. If Hayes indicates that he will conduct a thorough investigation, then this represents a high-level Republican conflict and will Overshadow the next duel with the Democratic Party, and if not investigated, Hayes's "fairness and justice" will become an air tower. \\ r

Li Mu, who was raised on this issue, was also a bit surprised. Li Mu could not help but be furious. After Li Mu decided to wait for the press conference to end, he would send someone to check Katie's boss. This guy may be an undercover agent from the Democratic Party. \\ r

"If those rumors are true, then I will definitely check them." Hayes responded quickly and showed no compromise. "The problem is that many rumors are purely groundless, and it is that some people deliberately pour sewage on us, although they see It went up successfully, but I want to say that those conspiracy villains who can only put cold guns in their backs will never go to the front desk. Time will eventually prove that justice will prevail over evil, so what we have to do now is to strengthen our convictions. Provoked by those specious guys, our United States is on the right path. As long as we brighten our eyes, we will not be confused! "\ R

Hayes is indeed very clever. This hand-to-hand flowering is so beautiful that it is no wonder that others can become president. \\ r

"Mr. Hayes, are you confident of winning the next election? As far as I know, your opponent is strong and has many supporters in the party. The results of the previous two elections also show that the delegates are not I trust you very much, how are you going to break this deadlock? "The third opportunity also belongs to Time Brown's Mike Brown. Li Mu doesn't want to see any accidents, so let's be arbitrary. No one dares to raise it anyway. \\ r

"I have confidence to defeat anyone! This confidence is not based on arrogance, but on the trust that voters have given me. As to whether Mr. James Blaine is strong, it is obvious to all that I believe in James B. Mr. Lane also has the trust of voters, so no matter who loses or wins in the third election, the Republicans will win in the end. This will be a victory for all of our voters, regardless of whether the voters give me power or whether Pass it to Mr. James Blaine, and we will serve our voters wholeheartedly and lead the United States forward ... God bless us! "Hayes' answer is always inspiring, no matter what the future may be, at least for the moment, participate in the press release The reporters at the meeting all thought that Hayes was already in the grasp. \\ r

As he walked out of the press conference hall, Hayes was a little bit proud: "How is my performance today?"

"Excellent!" Li Mu stretched out his hand and gave a thumbs up. Even if Li Mu answered in person, the effect would not be better. \\ r

Everything is ready only due to the east wind. As time passed, at four o'clock, Li Mu and Hayes left Clinton Castle and headed to the New York City Hall.

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