Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 513: Make money

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Li Mu arranged for Pan Tingzhen and Pan Wenli to live in a room on the Governor's Island.

After returning to the room, Pan Wenli was fascinated by the electric lights in the room, and was very happy to turn the switch on and off. Pan Tingzhen searched in the room for a long time and could not find the copper pipe for eavesdropping.

After returning to Shener, Pan Tingzhen laughed absurdly. How could they have any value worth being monitored? If Li Mu sees the two of them as pleasing to the eye, he might pull Ryukyu.

If it doesn't look pleasing to the eye, it doesn't matter if you don't ask them to live on their own.

Sitting on the balcony as warm as spring, watching the scene of heavy snow through the window, Pan Tingzhen's heart has flew back to Ryukyu.

I don't know what will happen to Ryukyu this winter. I hope the Japanese will not hurt the killer and give Ryukyu a breather.

"Dad, do you say that Mr. Li Mu will help us?" Pan Wenli finally lost interest in electric lights and came to sit next to Pan Tingzhen.

"We can only pray for the blessing of the bodhisattva today. Only Mr. Li Mu may be able to help us drive away the Japanese." At this moment, Pan Tingzhen finally made up his mind. Every additional day of delay will add one more point to the pain of the Ryukyu people. Pan Tingzhen did not Time carefully weighs the pros and cons, Li Mu can wait and gain, but Ryukyu can't wait.

There was no speech overnight, and the next morning, Pan Tingzhen once again sought to see Li Mu and completely surrendered to Li Mu.

"So in other words, if you foster a Chinese American as the King of Ryukyu, you are also acceptable." Li Mu raised this question again.

"Everything you tell, in fact Ting Zhen seems to think that if you can be the King of Ryukyu in person, it is better." Pan Tingzhen thinks far away, this time is really thinking from the stand of Li Mu, not trying to Ryukyu fights for interest.

How could Li Mu go to Ryukyu to become king? If Li Mu wanted, Li Mu would have been the President of the United States of Cuba.

"I don't have to ..." Li Mu looked at Pan Tingzhen with a low eyebrow, and immediately thought: "I think you are the most suitable ..."

Pan Tingzhen was frightened and was about to speak, Li Mu raised his hand to stop: "Look, if I support the Ryukyu people to drive the Japanese away, then your credit is the greatest in this process. The current king of Ryukyu seems to be called Shang Tai Right, since Shangtai can't protect the people of Ryukyu, you should have the right to do it instead. "

Li Muzhen feels that this idea is good, Qin lost his deer, and the whole world chased it. This kind of thing is not loyal and loyal.

Taking a step back 10,000 steps, even if it is loyalty, then the target of Pan Tingzhen's loyalty should now be Li Mu, not Shang Tai, who is difficult to protect himself.

Pan Tingzhen obviously understood this truth, but for a while, her head couldn't turn around. After listening to Li Mu's words, Pan Tingzhen was in a state of confusion. One voice was clamoring madly that Shangtai should be replaced, and another voice kept reminding. Pan Tingzhen should be loyal to the monarch and serve the country.

Loyalty and loyalty, Ryukyu is about to destroy the country, even if you want to be loyal to the country, there is no target for loyalty.

"That's it!" Li Mu said without a word, and did not give Pan Tingzhen a chance to quit: "Tomorrow you will return to Springfield, and then escorted the weapon to San Francisco, and returned to Ryukyu by boat from San Francisco. I will arrange for you and you Go to Ryukyu together, train your people to use weapons, and by the way, can you guarantee your 500 people's loyalty to you? "

Li Mu was worried that Pan Tingzhen could not control the situation. In that case, Li Mu would rather gather a group of mercenaries and follow Pan Tingzhen to Ryukyu.

"Please rest assured that Qian Tian's young and strong are all my Han children. Strictly speaking, they are all my nephews. There is no problem in loyalty. It's just to avoid being scared and not to be so conspicuous. At this point, Pan Tingzhen is still sure.

In fact, Li Mu is more concerned. In this era, if a person is separated from the family, he cannot survive. The restraining power of the family on family members is beyond the imagination of the 21st century.

If you think about it, the head of a family even has the power to kill and kill family members. This is equivalent to the patriarch replacing the official force and directly governing the entire family. Therefore, the group leader's binding force on family members is equivalent to the 21st century. Violent authorities.

"It's so good, you can rest assured in terms of candidates. I will try to choose Chinese people in the past. I will never let the Japanese find out." This problem is well solved. How many Chinese gunners are there in Springfield Security? If you go to the First Cavalry Division There are even professional officers available for Li Mu to choose from, so Li Mu has a lot of cards in his hand, beyond Pan Tingzhen's imagination.

Pan Tingzhen also didn't make nonsense, and solved the problems of weapons and instructors. Pan Tingzhen gave a gift to Li Mushen, then stepped aside and waited for Li Mu to order.

"Leo, call Springfield, let Zhang Leye prepare enough weapons and ammunition for a thousand people, and then call your brother and Wushuang to let them come to the Governor's Island immediately." Li Mu said as long as he could To trouble the Japanese, Li Mu's enthusiasm does not need to be doubted.

Compared with sending people from Ryukyu to the United States for training, it is definitely more convenient to send instructors directly to Ryukyu. Now, the only way to travel between the United States and Ryukyu is by steamship. It takes one or two months to return, and Li Mu does not have that much time. Can be wasted.

Considering that Ryukyu is far from the United States, the supply line is desperately long, Li Mu decided to let Pan Tingzhen bring more weapons. If possible, Li Mu is going to set up a weapons factory in Ryukyu to supply the needs of the Far East nearby. In the future, Ryukyu will also become a logistical supply point for Li Mu in the Far East. Through Ryukyu, Li Mu can continuously provide resistance to the Qing's resistance.

To find Chu Wushuang was to transfer some gunmen to Ryukyu. In this way, even if things were exposed, Pan Tingzhen would not be powerless to resist.

And if the Japanese are slow to respond, professional officers from the first division will continuously train qualified soldiers. Based on the current situation in Japan, there are not many people, even if there are only four or five hundred people. Enough for the Japanese to drink a pot.

In the evening, Chu Wushuang and Yan Hu arrived as promised.

After listening to Li Mu's statement, Chu Wushuang said immediately that he would select one hundred best gunmen from Chuntian Security Company and go to Ryukyu with Pan Tingzhen.

Yan Hu will not question Li Mu's decision, knowing that Li Mu wants to borrow several professional officers from the First Cavalry Division, Yan Hu even intends to lead the team in person.

"No, no, no, you ca n’t go. You are our Chinese benchmark in the US military. So you ca n’t go anywhere. Let Bai Qi take the team. You choose 20 active officers and let them retire directly. By the way, let Bai Qi come to see me at night. "Li Mu had to separately tell Bai Qi a few words, so that he can safely send Bai Qi to Ryukyu.

"Okay, I'll arrange it right away." Yan Hu a little regretted, but still resolutely implemented Li Mu's order.

Compared with Yan Hu, Bai Qi is the most suitable candidate.

Bai Qi was a scout, and when he was in Cuba, he showed enough cruelty, and Bai Qi was not pedantic. He was ingenious and intelligent, and it was best for Bai Qi to go to Ryukyu to deal with the Japanese.

On the train from New York to Springfield, Li Mu met Bai Qi, who was temporarily retired. Prior to this, Bai Qi was already the deputy of the 2nd regiment of the 1st Cavalry Division and was awarded the rank of lieutenant colonel. Besides, the Chinese with the second highest military rank.

"When you come to Ryukyu, you have to be careful on the one hand and the Ryukyu people on the other. Under all circumstances, you must firmly control the army. I will equip you with 20 active officers and a hundred from Chuntian Security. The company's skilled gunmen, these people are enough to help you control the army. If you encounter any trouble, you can deal with it directly without reporting to me. "Li Mu understands the reason for the power in the gun, and 20 officers are enough to help Bai The Ryukyu Army has been controlled, and even if the Ryukyu Army is further expanded in the future, Li Mu can continue to send people to Ryukyu, so there is no need to worry about the shortage of manpower.

As for the one hundred skilled gunmen, Li Mu does not intend to split them up. These people should be the last rely on Bai Qi. It is really critical. With more than one hundred people, the entire Ryukyu can be turned upside down.

"If something goes wrong with Mr. Pan ..." Bai Qi wanted to determine which step he could take.

"You take care of yourself. In any case, protect yourself first. I will find a way to set up a supply station in the chicken cage. At a critical moment, you can take your people to the chicken cage. Of course I believe in you. Shouldn't push himself to that step. "Li Mu's decentralization was completely released, and he would not be affected by foreign military orders.

In September 1871, 66 Ryukyu people encountered a storm at sea. The ship drifted to Taiwan and strayed into the Aboriginal village of Mudanshe. The Aborigines were besieged. 54 people were killed and the remaining 12 were escorted back to Ryukyu by the Qing government .

Last year, in 1874, Japan used the excuse to punish Taiwan's "born fan" who had killed "refugees from several countries in Japan" and sent troops to occupy Taiwan's "born fan" residence. Later, under the mediation of the British, the Qing government acknowledged that the indigenous people of Taiwan had The killing of the Ryukyu people was a "random killing of refugees of Japanese nationalities", which also led the Qing government to always be at a disadvantage when negotiating the Ryukyu issue with the Japanese.

At this time, Taiwan was not the treasure island of the 21st century, and there were not so many Masao Iwali. Sanguan is quite normal. If Li Mu wants to build a supply station in Taiwan, it should not be a difficult task.

"Hey, Lim, let's just take down Ryukyu in Taiwan in one breath ..." Bai Qi had a big appetite and wasn't afraid to be killed.

"Why do you take them all down? Are you going to be king?" Li Mu didn't care about that. How good it is to stay in New York. See the flowers bloom in front of the court. Have a drink, go fishing and walk your dog, and wait for a few little loli to grow up slowly. Isn't it more interesting than being a king?

"I can't, you must go." Bai Qi was quite self-aware.

"I can't do it either, so you can take it easy and don't kill anyone, at least you have to keep someone to be the king." Li Mu didn't hide his Sima Zhao heart. To be honest, Li Mu didn't care about how many people died.

This may sound a bit anti-human. In fact, that's what happened. When the Japanese defeated and withdrew from Okinawa, 280,000 Ryukyus were massacred, and almost all Ryukyus were killed. This was later Japan. Return to Okinawa and bury an ambush.

Li Mu has always believed that the total resources in the world are limited. If you give more to other races, the Chinese will get less. There is such a cruel premise that Li Mu really doesn't care how big it will be. Sin.

"No problem, rest assured, Rim, I promise to give you a clean Ryukyu." Bai Qi understood Li Mu's meaning instantly. To be honest, Bai Qigan did not have any psychological burden when he was in Cuba. Even the Spaniards are killing their heads. Now it is not much to kill a few more Japanese people. Anyway, it is estimated that he has already registered with Lord Yama.

When he returned to Springfield, heavy snow had stopped. Zhang Leye personally came to pick up the station. Instead of taking a car, Li Mu chose to ride to Junma Town like Bai Qi.

The scale of Junma Town is getting larger and larger, no matter whether it is population or city size, it is not inferior to Springfield. In terms of urban construction, it is far more than Springfield, and it is faint to align with Manhattan.

Of course, if we only talk about the height of the city, there is still a gap between Horse Town and Manhattan.

The "height" here is pure height. Manhattan has the densest high-rise buildings in the United States. Although the streets of Junma Town are flat and the streets are wide, there are not many high-rise buildings. Most are two or three-story wooden detached country houses. Another flavor.

When entering Junma Town, you can clearly feel that more and more elements belong to the Chinese. Almost every house has big red lanterns at the door. Many people also have sausages, bacon, peppers, garlic and other food under the eaves. This aspect makes The whole city looks warmer and more grounded. On the other hand, it fully shows that the people in Junma Town have a rich life.

Definitely rich. In this age where the general weekly salary is still less than ten dollars, the weekly salary of the workers of the Junma Group has generally exceeded 20 dollars, and the income of the workers of the Junma Group has not been affected much in the recent economic crisis. This is extremely rare across the United States.

In addition to salary income, the hard-working nature of the Chinese determines that they have other income. Men go to work during the day, and women are not idle at home. No, it is impossible to generate income for the family, and it is still possible to cultivate the grass behind the house and plant a la carte.

After Li Mu began to get involved in the apparel industry, the women of the Junma Group have found a way to make money. Among them, the ingenious people and urban beauty stores, as well as the men's gang, provide a variety of oriental charms for the two stores. Handicrafts.

Really make money.

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