Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 514: On the move

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It must be said that among all ethnic minorities in the United States, the average living standard of the Chinese should be the highest.

Among them, the role of Li Mu and the Steed Group is only one aspect. What plays a more critical role is the diligence, intelligence, and practical ability of the Chinese themselves.

When it comes to intelligence, only Jews can be compared with the Chinese, but Jews are not strong enough at least, and at least no banner figures like Li Mu have been born. Therefore, the sense of Jewish existence is not strong. Generally speaking, it affects American society. The influence is not as good as that of the Chinese.

Blacks and Mexicans should be at the bottom of society. Americans have long discriminated against Mexicans, just like the British despised the French and the French despised the Belgians. Therefore, in American society, the Mexicans ’social status and Black people are almost the same, and they are also at the bottom of society.

It should be said that black people are still very good. The US government has not had so many welfare policies these days. Black people have not been used to so many problems. Although the response is a bit slow and the brain is not clever, this is actually a paste for black people. Honest and loyal labels.

Don't think that the word "loyalty" has nothing to do with black people. Black people in the 19th century did not have any capital to sneak in. The long-term slave policy caused black people to be generally timid, cautious, and obedient. Even if they encountered unfair treatment, not many black people dared to. Revolt.

Although the slave policy has been overthrown in a legal sense, it is actually widespread in the United States, especially in the southern states, but now it has been changed to a more elegant title, which is generally described as "apartheid policy" In fact, it is still the same thing.

As a minority, Li Mu ’s attitude towards blacks who are also ethnic minorities is gradually changing. The current Steed Group has begun to selectively recruit blacks. Among the 100 gunmen that Li Mu sent to Ryukyu this time, The 25 black gunmen, together with 35 other white gunmen and 40 Mexican gunmen, will form the ultimate power in Bai Qi's hands.

In fact, Bai Qi wants to bring more black people. After all, the skin color of black people can be regarded as their racial talent. When performing night operations, as long as black people do not open their mouths, almost no one can find them.

It is not easy to train a qualified black shooter. Blacks are indeed very brave, but it is easy to have excess adrenal secretion, which is the so-called red-eye killing. In addition, the reaction speed is slow. There is always a problem in understanding the technical and tactical actions. Therefore, Springfield Security also does not have so many black gunmen to choose from.

In addition to the one hundred gunmen, the other 20 instructors are all Chinese. These 20 will also be a team of officers in the hands of Bai Qi. They will be responsible for supporting the framework of the Ryukyu troops.

When Li Mu and Bai Qi arrived at the Junma Weapons Factory, Zhang Leye had already prepared enough weapons for Bai Qi.

"A total of 1200 rifles, each with 500 rounds of ammunition, plus 600 pistols, each with a hundred rounds of ammunition, in addition to ten heavy rain machine guns, and five tripods At that time, they can be combined at will, with a total of only 50,000 rounds of machine gun bullets. Considering the distance from here to Ryukyu, it is best to find a solution nearby. "Zhang Leye has prepared enough weapons. The prepared weapons are based on Li Mu's requirements. It has increased by 20%, and it should be, after all, weapons may be damaged during use.

"The bullets are doubled again. As for the bullet factory, preparations will start after Bai Qi goes." Li Mu has plans, and the problem of bullets is not difficult to solve.

The Qing Empire is still somewhat industrially based, such as the Hanyang Iron and Steel Plant. It is rumored that the steel produced by the Hanyang Iron and Steel Plant is not qualified for making guns and rails.

In fact, that's not the case at all. Weapon steel has high requirements for steel, and steel produced by ordinary methods cannot originally make guns.

As for the rails, the rails produced by the Hanyang Iron and Steel Plant were still in use until the 21st century, and no substandard was found.

The reason for this rumor is estimated to be related to the ulterior motives of some people. After all, as long as the Qing empire cannot produce steel itself, it must always seek to import. It is a good thing for some countries. Otherwise, why do the Japanese keep Han Yeping bought iron ore.

Since the ore bought by the Japanese can be used, then the Junma Group should also be able to use it. After Li Mu is ready to wait for Bai Qi to arrive in Ryukyu, he can find an island on the Ryukyu Islands to build a steel plant. It is not difficult to make bullets, even guns.

"It's best to have a factory, but let's just transport it over a set of production lines and then send some workers over, so there is no worries." Zhang Leye was so happy, seeing this frame, people couldn't wait for someone to take the machine and walk along with it.

Li Mu felt unusual from Zhang Leye's attitude, but did not say much.

In fact, anyone who knows this thing knows what it means for the Qing Empire to build a weapons factory in Ryukyu.

Although it ’s thousands of miles away from home, it ’s a home after all. The Chinese have now established a foothold in the United States, but many people have never forgotten that there are hundreds of millions of Chinese who do n’t cover their body or food in the Qing Empire. The ancestors told us that when we are poor, we are lonely, and when we are good, we can only pretend to be invisible even when we are incapable, and we always do something when we are capable. Otherwise, we ’ll see our ancestors 100 years later. French accountability.

From the heart, Li Mu also hopes to overthrow the decaying rule of the Qing Empire as soon as possible, but this kind of thing Li Mu will definitely not charge forward. Let Li Mu give money, weapons, and even technology, but let Li Mu throw his head. Spilling blood, Li Muzhen asked himself that he couldn't do it.

Seeing a box of weapons and ammunition that have been neatly stacked, Pan Tingzhen and Pan Wenli couldn't help tears and tears, and did not experience the pain of the country. It is probably impossible to understand the mood of Pan Tingzhen and Pan Wenli. Some things are always used to ignore when they have them. You can't regret it if you lose it.

"After returning to Ryukyu, you'd better not raise the anti-flag immediately. Before training enough people, temporary tolerance is still necessary. I suggest you find an island that the Japanese cannot penetrate and train your troops. After you are fully prepared, Make a great contribution to the battle. "Li Mu still had to beat and beat Pan Tingzhen, so that Pan Tingzhen would not be ecstatic.

"Reassure Lim, you can't drive the Japanese out and have complete control over Ryukyu. Ting Zhen will raise his head to see him." Pan Tingzhen nodded again and again, keeping Li Mu's words in mind.

Although Li Mu had previously said that he would let Pan Tingzhen become the king of Ryukyu, Pan Tingzhen has never forgotten that Pan Tingzhen has sold his life to Li Mu. Since Li Mu has a way to make Pan Tingzhen become the king of Ryukyu, then naturally there is a way Pulling Pan Tingzhen from the seat of the King of Ryukyu, Pan Tingzhen has to remind himself at all times that he must not be complacent, and always keep his identity in mind.

"The Japanese are now very backward in equipment, so you do n’t have to worry. As long as there are five or six hundred people, it should be no problem to fight against one or two thousand Japanese soldiers. After you pass, I will ask the US Navy to pay attention to the Japanese. If the Japanese send a large number of troops to Ryukyu, then I will ask the US Navy to give you appropriate support. "Li Mu has a second hand, relying on the friendship between Li Mu and George Dewey and Alfred Mahan , And the partnership between the Steed Group and the US Navy, it is not difficult to achieve this.

Regarding the combat effectiveness of Japanese soldiers, this must also be viewed in stages. Prior to the Meiji Restoration, the Japanese government did not even have a regular military force. The combat effectiveness was nothing. It is not an exaggeration to use the black people to describe it.

During the Sino-Japanese War during the Sino-Japanese War of the Sino-Japanese War, although the Japanese sang on the battlefield, but to say how powerful the Japanese soldiers were, it was also a nonsense to stare.

The Japanese army won the Sino-Japanese War of the Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War, not because of the strength of the Japanese army, but because the fighting force of the Qing army was too stubborn, and there was a court behind the court of Li Zhongtang, so the Japanese won very reluctantly.

During the Russo-Japanese War, the Japanese once again met a good opponent. The Russians wanted to send troops and supplies from Europe to the Far East through long Siberia. The difficulty is imaginable. Even if there is a Siberian Railway, this will be dead for the coming It is too difficult for Russia.

The combat effectiveness of Japanese soldiers really became strong. It was not until the period of the invasion of China in 1937 that the Japanese army had burst out of confidence after a series of victories, and the Japanese economy finally got out of the predicament and entered the right track. This resulted in an arduous eight-year resistance.

It is now 1875, and the Meiji Restoration has only just begun for 5 or 6 years. The stomach of the Japanese is not yet full, so how powerful can the Japanese soldiers be?

It is estimated that with the Japanese Bushido spirit, the combat effectiveness of Japanese soldiers at this stage should be a little stronger than that of the Qing Empire soldiers.

But the strength is also limited. If the total score is ten, it is probably the difference between 2.01 and 2.02.

Of course, at this time, the US soldiers are not invincible. If the total score is also used to measure, the combat effectiveness of the US soldiers is about five points and six points, and those selected by Li Mu can reach seven points, Eight points, or nine points.

From this perspective, it is not difficult to help the Ryukyu people drive away the Japanese.

"Hey, if we had navy help, let's just smash Huanglong and take down the four islands in Japan." Bai Qi has a big appetite. It seems that the people who take this name are all crazy.

In fact, Bai Qi is now going through hundreds of battles, experiencing the Cuban Independence War, and Montana's battle against Indians. Putting Bai Qi in Ryukyu should be overkill, and there are some stances to kill chickens.

This is exactly what Li Mu pursued. When he watched a movie in his last life, Li Mu's favorite segment was the revelation of the villain when he had an advantage. He refused to give the protagonist a shot, and the protagonist successfully turned over.

Li Mu doesn't want to make such a **** plot, so no matter how weak the enemy is in front of him, Li Mu always likes to use the power of thunder to make the enemy clean and dry.

This is in line with Li Mu's rules of conduct.

"Even if we attack the Japanese mainland, we are just a company. We are in the business. It is our old business to make money. Therefore, we can think about attacking the Japanese mainland." Mu Mu didn't want to go to this muddy water.

So what do you want the Japanese to do now? There is no money for money, no resources for resources. The only thing that can be obtained is the Japanese labor force, but there is more labor in the Qing Empire. After all, the total population of the Qing Empire now accounts for more than 30% of the world's total population. So, for Japan, Li Mu really looks down on it.

"Well, it's a pity ... I heard that Japanese **** is pretty good ..." Bai Qi is very clever, this is deliberately explaining his weaknesses.

In fact, it is not necessarily to say how beautiful Japanese girls are these days. In this age of lack of clothing and clothes, you ca n’t eat enough, and your skin is yellow and thin, and you do n’t have beautiful clothes, even if you can barely survive. It can't be lined up, and there are no cosmetics these years. Without this "black technology", even Japanese women in the 21st century are worried, so you can imagine the level of Japanese women now.

As for Bai Qi ’s “self-exposure of its shortcomings”, this is the practice of smart people. It ’s important to know that after Bai plays the Ryukyu, Bai Qi can be regarded as the official of Fengjiang. At the same time his status rises, the hidden dangers continue to rise. At least Bai Qi wants to make Li Mu feel that everything is still under Li Mu's control.

But Bai Qi was more concerned. Li Mu was not so careful, let alone a small Ryukyu king. Even if Bai Qi was mad, he rushed to the Qing empire and expelled the Emperor Guangxu from the Forbidden City. Li Mu also Will not be jealous.

Not just not jealous, but grateful ...

That evening, Li Mu held a banquet for Bai Qi and Pan Tingzhen in Springfield.

The banquet was held at Li Mu's home on Pick Avenue. After the transformation, Pick Avenue was no longer the mess and mess, and is now a noble residential area in Springfield.

Li Mu's home is located on No. 1 Pick Avenue, covering an area of ​​more than 30 acres. From Pic Avenue to the Connecticut River, all belong to Li Mu's private ownership.

The dinner was hosted by Chu Xue. Li Mu didn't look for a guest. All the people who participated in the dinner were their own, even Chinese.

No, it should be Chinese.

Immediately after parting, Li Mu also opened his heart openly: "Going to high mountains and rivers, I can't go with the princes, I just hope that the princes will go smoothly and well, and when I see you next time, I hope to be in the Ryukyu ...

Shuri is the capital of Ryukyu, and it is located in the northeast of Naha City, Okinawa Prefecture. Since Li Mu said such words, I don't know what he meant.

Bai Qi and Pan Tingzhen did not speak, and the hands holding the cup were a little white.

"Come, let's toast!" Li Mu suggested.

"Go!" The crowd promised.

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