Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 527: Long-term consideration

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If we don't face the threat from Junma Group, then I am afraid that no one can realize the kind of helplessness and despair.

In the United States in the 19th century, casual killings on the street were very common. Let alone an ordinary member of the House of Representatives. Even the president of the United States was shot dead on the street. This shows how bad the security situation in the United States is.

Assassinations are not uncommon around the world. Wasn't World War I detonated just because Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated on the street? It is still decades away, so one can imagine the politics at this time. surroundings.

Someone in Houston is dying because of the threat of the Steed Group, and no one in New York thinks that there is any problem. Texas is as far away as the moon for New Yorkers. Will ’s worry has not become a reality. It happened. Things in Texas have hardly caused any uproar in New York, and no newspapers or magazines have discussed the matter publicly, as if it never happened.

In fact, Achill Theresa was a bit overreacted. Although Li Mu wasn't prepared to stop it, he didn't plan to kill it. After all, if the Texas Cotton Farmers Association really closed, then the horse clothing factory would have no place to ask. Compensation went.

The day after Christmas, Li Mu finally received a telegram from Samuel Tilden.

"Oh, if this telegram was sent three days ago, it might be useful, now ..." Li Mu threw the telegram in his hand to the table in front of him, and the irony in the words was obvious.

It seems that Samuel Tilden's boat is really a bit slow. He just arrived in Miami this morning, so after hearing the news, even though it was the first time for Li Mu to reply to the telegram, Still looking belated.

Samuel Tilden may not have thought that Li Mu's revenge would be so direct and violent. In the telegram, Samuel Tilden hoped that Li Mu could exercise restraint and that Li Mu could give him some time, Samuel Tillden Tilden promised that the matter would be resolved satisfactorily.

"Anyway, Mr. Governor has no intention of staying out of the way, so now we can fight for a better compensation." Grover Cleveland looked sad and tried to dispel Li Mu's anger.

Grover Cleveland is also a Democrat. As the chief legal adviser to Steed Group, Grover Cleveland must, on the one hand, perform his duties with loyalty and use his own legal knowledge to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Steed and Group. The group strives for more profits, and at the same time, Grover Cleveland wants to make the Texas Cotton Farmers Association pay less as much as possible to fulfill the role of a Democrat.

Therefore, the balance between them is really difficult to grasp. If you accidentally cross the border, Grover Cleveland will not be people inside and out.

"Grawford, I think you simply join the Republican Party, so you don't have to worry about it anymore." Li Mu casually dug a corner, if you can get Grover Cleveland into the Republican camp, it will be considered Li Mu's greatest contribution to the Republican Party.

Grover Cleveland will serve two terms as President of the United States in the future, and he is not yet re-elected. He is re-elected after another term, which fully illustrates the personal ability of Grover Cleveland. Li Mu took Cleveland to the Republican camp before Grover Cleveland had not yet made his way, so I'm afraid Democrats have no idea what they have lost.

In this way, the unconscious operation of the gods will give Li Mu a thrill of having everything under his control.

Grover Cleveland probably didn't expect Li Muhui to be so blatantly solicited. After a staggering stun, Grover Cleveland only said: "Sorry Rim, I can't do that now, I have been nominated to enter The Democratic National Committee, so ... I'm afraid I can't even hold the post of Chief Legal Representative of Steed Group for too long. "

The news was indeed an accident. At this moment, Li Mu's turn was tangled. Li Mu actually had a feeling that he could not steal a chicken.

In fact, Li Mu neglected one thing. If Grover Cleveland did not serve as the chief legal representative of Steed Group, then Li Mu had the possibility of attracting Grover Cleveland, precisely because of Steed Group The chief legal representative has made Grover Cleveland a leader in the legal world. The Democratic Party cannot fail to notice this, so this is regarded as Li Mu's self-restraint.

"Congratulations, Grover ..." Although Li Mu was surprised, he still sent his blessings.

In fact, many politicians in the United States are lawyers. This is not only because lawyers are mostly wealthy, but also because the profession of lawyers inherently represents fairness and justice, so lawyers want to enter the political world easily, at least much easier than other professions.

Of course, the above-mentioned "fairness and justness" is just in a general sense. In fact, the reputation of American lawyers is very bad, even worse than that of arms dealers such as Li Mu.

Although the reputation of arms dealers is not good, but there are not many places that intersect with ordinary people, so ordinary people do not actually have much aversion to "senior arms dealers" like Li Mu.

Lawyers are not the same. American law requires people to hire lawyers as long as they have a lawsuit. Poor people cannot afford lawyers, so they have no right to sue. Therefore, the public's impression of lawyers is not good. For money.

Well, in fact, it is a little better than the arms dealers, because the arms dealers are a deadly group.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ream, if you insist ..." Grover Cleveland doesn't know yet where he will eventually go, but Grover Cleveland knows that if he didn't For a period of work experience, if Grover Cleveland wants to enter the Democratic center, it will take at least 10 years and 8 years to gain popularity.

For a moment, Grover Cleveland was hesitant. Although it is a good thing to join the Democratic National Committee, if it offends Li Mu, it will definitely pay more than it pays.

"Don't worry about Grover, how can I hinder your future for my own selfishness, if you are worried about the future, then I can give you a promise now, if you are not happy in the Democratic National Committee, then steed The group will open the door for you at any time ... "Li Muxian gave Grover Cleveland a reassurance, and then opened an American joke:" But from now on you have to be careful, if you have anything to do with me In your hand, then Sami will not be polite with you. "

In fact, strictly speaking, this is no longer a threat. Li Mu is preparing to run Sami Larkin into the Senate next year. In this way, Samiragin will also resign as the editor-in-chief of Time Magazine. At that time, Li Mu will have Thomas · Nast righted.

Thomas Nast's current position is Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Time Magazine. Compared to Sami Larkin, Thomas Nast is more technically focused, although management skills may not be as skilled as Sami Larkin's. , But has more prestige in the press than Sammy Larkin.

When he broke his face with Tweed, if it was not for the comics of Thomas Nast, then Li Mu would not have won so easily. Thomas Nast has now become a leading figure in the American comics industry and is well-known in the United States. The cartoonist has a certain reputation all over the world, which is far less than Sami Larkin.

It is precisely because of the existence of Thomas Nast that Li Mu can send Sammy Larkin into politics without any shame. This is due to the reasonable professional manager echelon construction of Junma Group, as long as it can strictly implement various rules and regulations. Can provide a steady stream of talents for the Junma Group.

For the current Steed Group, there are two people who cannot be replaced, one is Li Mu, and the other is Henry, the general manager of Steed Group. Except for the two of them, no matter if anyone else leaves the company, there will be a suitable one immediately. People on top.

"Rem, thank you very much." Crawford Cleveland was a little excited, and quickly entered the role: "Please rest assured that I will not leave the job until this matter is successfully resolved."

It makes sense that Grover Cleveland should have a beginning and an end, not to mention that Grover Cleveland also has to explain this to the senior Democrats and prove that he has not been deeply involved with the Steed Group. It is entirely possible to serve the Democratic Party wholeheartedly, so Grover Cleveland will definitely handle this matter from an absolutely fair position, which does not need Li Mu to worry.

However, Li Mu also had to show his attitude. He worshipped after 24 weeks, and did n’t care about it. Since he wanted to leave Grover Cleveland with a good impression, he would do a full set of simple acting, so Li Mu also sincerely said: "Ge Luo Fo, if this thing will make you embarrassed, then you must not force it, trust your colleagues, they will not let you down. "

The horse department's legal department is not just a Grover Cleveland. At present, the horse department's legal department already has a team of more than 30 people, even if the Grover Cleveland is missing, The Group still has the ability to guarantee its own interests.

Glover Cleveland was sent away, and Li Mu sat secretly at the desk.

Grover Cleveland is a secret lie buried by Li Mu in the Democratic Party. If he wants to play a role, he will have to wait for more than ten years, so to solve the current problem as early as possible depends on Samuel Tilden.

According to the information currently received by Li Mu, the Texas Cotton Farmers Association is definitely affirmative. Now the only uncertainty is the problem of paying more and paying less. In this way, the problem is simple. Li Mu now has nothing, the poor only The rest of the money, so it does n’t matter how much compensation you can get from the Texas Cotton Farmers Association. It ’s important to let some people understand through this incident that the Junma Group is not easy to mess with. This is the most important thing. Weight.

Considering the relationship between Li Mu and Grover Cleveland, even if Li Mu pays no compensation, it does not matter, but if he does that, the result is likely to be counterproductive, so Li Mu is prepared to give Samuel Till Make a face.

"What are you thinking?" Gloria brought Li Mu a cup of coffee, gently placed it next to Li Mu, and then went behind Li Mu to massage Li Mu's shoulders.

This almost made Li Mu feel a little flattered. You must know that Li Mu can only enjoy such treatment only in Chu Xue, usually Gloria is the first time in a world.

"Relax, I can't pinch your muscles so tightly." Gloria's technique was still quite unfamiliar, and did not make Li Mu feel relaxed, but made Li Mu feel a little nervous.

"Sorry ..." Li Mu let herself relax as much as possible. Rarely, Gloria volunteered, and Li Mu always gave people a chance to practice.

It has not been easy enough. Gloria has almost never had the experience of serving people since she was a child. Now she is willing to learn massage for Li Mu. No matter what other people ’s methods are, this idea of ​​Li Mu is essential. It is estimated that Will has not enjoyed it. Gloria's massage.

"Will and Claudia are about to get engaged on March 1. Do you want to give them anything?" Gloria chatted with Li Mu as she pressed.

"What do you want to send? All they need is our blessings, so there is no need to prepare more for this." Li Mu could think of it. Anyway, Will and Claudia have nothing missing, so let's have some spiritual support. No money and no hassle, and it's guaranteed to keep Will and Claudia happy.

"We all send blessings? Will we not pay enough attention ..." Gloria is not as free and easy as Li Mu. Although Gloria is sure that Will will not mind, Gloria is not sure if Claudia will mind.

"I want to send blessings. If you like, we can give one, otherwise you can think of your own gift." Li Mu didn't want to bother with his brain. He usually fights with others and has exhausted countless brain cells. It ’s better to return home.

"I don't want to, you help me think." Gloria was really serious for less than three minutes. Seeing that she was about to get better, she immediately picked a pick.

"Okay okay, let me think ..." Li Mu immediately surrendered, saying that after Will and Claudia get engaged, it is estimated that it won't take long. Li Mu and Gloria will also be engaged, so it's fiance to serve fiancee. Bottom line, there is no excuse for this.

"If you want to keep it simple, then it is better to send something more memorable. If you want to send a benefit, then simply transfer the shares in your name to a small Will ..." Li Muhua said easily, but unintentionally I occasionally encountered a hidden danger that may be in the future.

Adding new members to the family is a happy event, but it may also cause some disputes, especially for families with strong economic strength such as the Barrons. The distribution of property is almost a hurdle that cannot be bypassed.

Well, this question is really a long-term consideration.

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