Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 528: 1876

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It was January 1876 when Samuel Tilden returned to New York.

According to the habits of last year, the first weekend of January, the second season of the Rally America Car Rally was held as scheduled, and the first race was also in New York.

Compared with last year, this year's race is also a total of six stations, but the order has been adjusted. The first station is New York, the second station is Boston, the third station is Philadelphia, the fourth station is Washington, and the fifth station is San Francisco. And finally returned to New York for the finals.

There are still only eight teams participating in the race as last year, but the team name is different. The Volkswagen team has become the Time team, and the Rockefeller team has changed to the Standard Oil team.

The biggest difference from last year is in the composition of the audience. After successfully hosting last year, and after three months of warm-up, the Tour de America Rally has become an undisputed benchmark in this era of entertainment. Not only are American spectators rushing, but also distant Europe, some spectators come to the United States to watch the game.

When Samuel Tilden met Li Mu, Li Mu was attending the Car House Fans Association inauguration ceremony at Clinton Castle.

The concept of the fan association was not advocated by Li Mu, but an ordinary salesman from Junma Automobile Factory. The salesman was named Johnson Monin, and he was also appointed as the chairman of the Car Fan Association. .

Establishing a fan association has many advantages.It is not only conducive to the promotion of the car, but also to unite all the steed owners, so that they can have sufficient recognition of the products of the steed car company. In the long run, it will cultivate a Faithful fans, not only will they buy Steed Cars when they have enough economic capacity, but their descendants will also buy them, which is impossible to buy.

Li Mu has always either done nothing or left no trace of life for others. Therefore, after Johnson Monin proposed the concept of the fan association, Li Mu further perfected the concept, not only adding the emblem for the fan association, Standard, as well as the corresponding membership system, and also prepared a membership publication for the fan association, called "Car House".

When Samuel Tilden met Li Mu, Li Mu was looking at the inaugural issue of "Car House."

"Samuel, you missed yesterday ’s good show. You know that yesterday ’s qualifying was very exciting. The first place belongs not to the Mirage team or the Standard Oil team, but to the Morgan team that no one likes. If you were here yesterday, you might make a lot of money. "Li Mu said nothing about the affair with the Texans, talking about yesterday's qualifying.

The National Auto Rally has been in its second season. As a matter of course, Li Mu should let more teams taste the taste of victory, so this is the victory of the Morgan team.

However, yesterday's race was just qualifying. It didn't help much today's race. Li Mu still had confidence in the Steed Group's team and believed that they could get a good start.

Now that the quality of the audience is on the rise, the organizing committee should reasonably launch more products and services so that it can attract more attention, and it is possible to turn losses into wins this year.

So this time the National Auto Rally officially launched a mascot. The mascot is a bald eagle wearing a red, white and blue three-color top hat. Before Christmas, the National Auto Rally Organizing Committee ordered 500,000 from Junma Apparel Factory. Bald eagle dolls of different sizes, as well as matching scarves, gloves, fleece hats and other daily necessities with red, white and blue as the main colors.

If nothing else happens, by selling these souvenirs, the organizing committee will have a small surplus.

The greater profit is of course in gaming. The Metropolitan Gaming Company, which belongs to the Barron family, has officially opened the Tour de America Rally. Last year's championship phantom team won the lowest odds of 1: 1.5, and Vanderbilt won the championship. The odds are up to 1:12.

In addition to the final championship, there are also markets for qualifying and sub-races in each station. Spectators can place bets at will according to their preferences. Do n’t worry about the Metropolis betting company. Come and endorse for the Metropolitan Gaming Company.

"Ha, I heard that yesterday's race was really exciting, but I look forward to today's race. I know that I can invest a thousand dollars on the Mirage team. Don't let me lose money." Samuel Tilden is also really good, poor to say, his New York governor's salary is more than one thousand dollars a year.

Of course, as governor, Samuel Tilden feels comfortable enjoying the luxury homes, yachts, personal bodyguards, personal nurses, and even Samuel Tilden ’s chef who buys food on the street. Pick up and drop off, so this money is really drizzle.

"Thank you for your trust, friendly reminder, if you have not registered with the Car Home Fans Association, then you should remember to hurry up, members can have the qualification to order in-demand models ..." The attraction of the fan association, Li Mu can be considered a painstaking effort.

Relatively speaking, the Steed Group is still fairly fair. For example, the Car Home Fan Association, it is reasonable to say that Li Mu's membership number should be 00001, but Li Mu has always been very generous in this regard, so Li Mu gave the first member the honor To Johnson Mourning.

If Samuel Tilden is going to register now, then I am afraid that it is already the second leader. This is only a few days after the registration is opened. It is conceivable how popular the fan association is now.

"I asked Tim to sign up for me and help me pick a lucky number." Samuel Tilden was also very proud.

Tim is a personal assistant to Samuel Tilden. Don't get me wrong, Tim is a man.

"I wouldn't do it if you were. Instead, I would tell every car home fan." Li Mu was speechless about the sensitivity of Samuel Tilden, and wanted to run for president on this quality. In the 21st century, running for a monitor is enough.

"O'Shea ..." Samuel Tilden realized, and immediately got up and went downstairs.

Standing next to the window on the third floor, watching Samuel Tilden's enthusiasm and the greetings of every member of the car home, wishing to tell the world, Li Mu nodded slightly, really a **** to teach.

This kind of thing can be regarded as hello, hello everyone, okay, the car home needs publicity, Samuel Tilden needs to win the voters, anyway, both sides are advertising for free, not to mention who takes advantage of whom.

The content of the "Auto House" inaugural issue is still very detailed, a performance evaluation of BMW cars, a popular science article introducing the basics of maintenance, a "story I and the car have to tell", plus two articles. A few chicken soup articles, as well as a soft article by Volkswagen, alone in terms of the richness of the content, have already exploded all the magazines on the market.

No, it won't break Time Magazine, second only to ...

If you have to pick the bones in the egg, there should be some problems in the printing level and paper quality, but this is not the intentional slackening of the editors of "Car House", but it is limited by objective conditions, and the crime of non-war is also .

"The next batch of ads should be placed on top of it. If possible, a poster should be attached. Our current advertising method is still a bit obscure. It should allow readers to feel the benefits of cars more intuitively." Li Mu turned his head back. To continue to improve the "Car House".

"Okay, I'll arrange it right away. Actually, I think our current" Car House "is already perfect, but who makes you the boss and what you say is what." Johnson Mourning laughed.

For Johnson Mourning, the appointment of the chairman of the Car Fans Association was an unexpected surprise. As a car salesman, Johnson Mourning was unsuccessful, and he could not even complete the horse racing factory arrangement. If it wasn't for the idea of ​​setting up a fan association, maybe Johnson Mourning had lost his job this year.

"Don't worry, just do your job right now. I always think that God will close a door for you and it will open a window for you. So work hard. I hope you can create glory in your new position." Li Mu Employing people is definitely eclectic, and qualifications and backgrounds are never considered. Capability is the only requirement of Li Mu.

"Capitalism" may sound a bit unscientific, but Li Mu believes that this is not a matter of principle. For a company, profitability should be the sole criterion for the survival of the company. Therefore, whether the morality is high or the faith is not the enterprise Judging criteria, the horse-affiliated school may need a group of moral gentlemen, while the horse-horse group needs professional managers.

"Thank you. In fact, I have always had a question before. Why do you become a billionaire now when you are young, but I have n’t eaten it? Now I understand." Johnson Mourning seized the opportunity to make a fart, If he can always maintain his standard, then Li Mu believes he will be able to get a good job in his new job.

"Go, tell our members, tomorrow I will leave a separate area for them in the auditorium. I hope that everyone will be able to enter the uniform in uniform at that time. This is a good opportunity to gain popularity. Tell Mr. Hayes that his competitors are ready. "Speaking of momentum, Li Mu was in full swing.

It is now 1876. Both the Republican Party and the Democratic Party have started propaganda for their presidential candidates, building momentum for their presidential candidates, and accumulating prestige as much as possible. The National Auto Rally is undoubtedly a good publicity platform. Who can be here? Taking advantage will accumulate more advantages for the general election to be held at the end of the year.

In fact, the fighting has already begun.

Li Mu originally invited Hayes as the award presenter to the National Rally Car Race in New York. Now it seems that one award presenter is not enough. Li Mu will create more opportunities for Hayes to make a public appearance.

By the time Samuel Tilden returned, Li Mu was ready to leave Clinton Castle.

Samuel Tilden seized the opportunity to have a brief communication with Lee.

"I'll do the work in Texas. I hope you can exercise restraint during this time. I believe I will give you an answer that will satisfy you." Samuel Tilden was also helpless, he Although he is the governor, what Li Mu wants to do is not something he can stop.

American politics has always been a vassal of the economy. Politicians' social status is really inferior to those of the economic world. Soon, New York State will hold a general election. At that time, Samuel Tilden will definitely step down because he wants to run for president. Now Samuel Tilden can't really stand up in front of Li Mu.

"It will trouble Mr. Governor. To be honest, I don't want to have any unpleasant incident with anyone, but the world will not always be satisfactory. We will face countless troubles all the time." Li Mu Shows generosity, giving Samuel Tilden face.

"Who said no? People always face trouble when they are alive, but we still have to live strong." Samuel Tilden has no less trouble than Li Mu.

According to information received by Samuel Tilden, the leadership of the Texas Cotton Farmers Association has undergone a personnel change. The former president was shot dead on the street. The executive chairman has resigned sadly. The new chairman is actually the former secretary general. Claude Emerson.

This is simply a glorious world. The Texans have been frightened by the Steed Group. If Samuel Tilden never comes out again, maybe the Texas Cotton Farmers Association will disintegrate directly. This The result was unacceptable to both the Texans and the Democrats.

So Samuel Tilden must give Li Mu an option that will satisfy Li Mu.

"I haven't come to you yet, you have dug out my chief legal counsel." Li Mu complained half-truth and gave Samuel Tilden a step.

Faces are given to each other. Don't look at Samuel Tilden who is now soft on behalf of the Texans, but this beam is settled. If there is a chance in the future, whether it is Democrats or Texans Will not be softened.

Although Liang Zi was settled, the steps to be given must still be given. Li Mu complained half-truth. The subtext in the words was that the Democratic Party dug the corner of the Junma Group, which suffered a loss in this area. No one owes anyone.

Samuel Tilden is smart, although he has not yet won, but he can represent the Democratic Party and he has the qualifications to become president. Such a person must be well aware of the way to advance and retreat, and know the art of compromise, so Immediately hit the snake and stick on it: "Hahaha ... Grover's decision is his own decision, and has nothing to do with others, I can't help you in this regard."

In fact, how important is a lawyer? One is more, the other is less. The number of lawyers who are willing to serve the Steed Group is many, but there are only a dozen members of the National Committee of the Democratic Party. This is indispensable.

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