Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 529: smallpox

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During the Christmas period in New York, it is the coldest time of the year, and the lowest temperature at night often reaches below -10 degrees. In this era, there is no perfect social security system in the 21st century. Although Li Mu lived on Governor's Island, it was warm as spring The poor people in the city were out of luck. Almost a dozen homeless people were frozen to death every day, adding a lot of trouble to the New York City Police Department.

This is also the time when the New Year is coming. It is located at 128 degrees east longitude and 26.5 degrees north latitude.

Thanks to the warm and humid air of the Pacific Ocean, Ryukyu has almost no concept of winter. Although it is also at the lowest temperature of the year at this time, the daily temperature is also around 16 or 7 degrees, and the temperature difference between day and night is not large. It is warm as spring.

In such days, it is most suitable to invite three or five friends to bring picnic baskets to the beach for picnics. If you are lucky, you can also look at the whale, even if you do nothing, lie there and take a sun. The blue sky and white clouds are great enjoyment.

Perhaps it is for this reason that Japanese talents have coveted Ryukyu for a long time. They can't wait to get this beautiful island in their pockets. As for the people who originally lived on the island, the Japanese probably don't want to accept it.

This is still the case with the native Ryukyu people. The Japanese are anxious to treat the descendants of the Chinese people who live in Ryukyu.

Located 12 kilometers from Shuryu, the capital of Ryukyu, Tiantian is a gathering place of Chinese descendants in Ryukyu.

The size of Putian's city is not large. It has a size of about four or five square kilometers. There are more than 6,000 people living here. All of them are of Chinese descent. There are descendants of the original 36 surnames, and some have moved to Ryukyu in these years. New immigrants.

Although these Chinese are now de facto Ryukyu citizens, in fact they still retain the original Chinese tradition, speak Chinese, write Chinese characters, and even because they have not suffered from the poison of the Qing court, most of them still With the traditional Chinese hair accessories and traditional clothes, only those new immigrants will have a male and female head.

Like countless cities on the continent across the sea, Wu Tian is surrounded by a wall of stone walls, an arrow tower above the gate, arched eaves, and left-right symmetry. It is known at a glance that it is a traditional Chinese style.

The streets inside the city wall are horizontal and vertical, and most of the sides of the street are made of stone structure. All the doors and windows are quite narrow. If all these doors and windows are blocked, the house will immediately become a strong fortress.

The entire city is built on a mountain top at a relatively high altitude. The city is surrounded by sea on three sides and surrounded by pine forests on the other side, and there is only a less spacious path leading directly to the mountain.

All in all, this is a town with a distinct military color. These lonely overseas Chinese are stubbornly sticking to their traditions in this almost conservative way, and I am indifferent.

Because of the special status of the Chinese in Ryukyu, the King of Ryukyu did not send civil officials to the army, nor was he stationed in the army. Riumu is like a country in a country. Pan Tingzhen is a well-known patriarch and is also subject to King Timor appointed by the king.

In the past, Tian Tian was quiet and peaceful. People returned from sunrise and sunset. They can be called stable and happy in life. However, this happiness has been getting farther and farther after the Japanese set foot in Ryukyu. If you really follow the Japanese requirements, 莆Tim should, like other places, be the Emperor of Japan and under the jurisdiction of the Ryukyu clan.

The always conservative and exclusive Xuan Tianren was naturally unwilling to accept such an ending, so he had Pan Tingzhen's trip to the United States.

Since Pan Tingzhen left, Yang Tian, ​​the head of Wu Tianmin's regiment, has gone to the cliffs of Houshan every day to look forward, and hopes that Pan Tingzhen will bring back the good news as soon as possible.

But over time, hope has become smaller and smaller. Although Yang Wei was anxious, he never dared to write his anxiety on his face.

Pan Tingzhen was absent, and Yang Wei, who was standing next to him, was the backbone of everyone. At this time, Yang Wei could not wait.

As usual, after having breakfast, Yang Wei, wearing a azure robe, came to Houshan Cliff again, praying to God to bless Tim, while looking forward to the arrival of a ship on the distant sea.

In fact, this cliff has another mystery. The entire cliff is almost vertical like a knife and a chisel. The water under the cliff is more than ten meters deep and can be used to dock large ships. For hundreds of years, Tiantian has cut a small platform under the cliff. There are ships under the platform all the year round. It's really critical time. Here is the last escape route for Yu Tian.

In the early years, Yang Wei didn't take this back road to mind, thinking that a generation of Emperors would be like their ancestors and would never start this back road, but since the Japanese set foot in Ryukyu, Yang Wei also had to face reality , Not only to ensure that this road is worry-free, but also to increase capacity as much as possible.

The height of the cliff top is about 50 meters above the water surface. There is no road for climbing at all. If you want to reach the small platform under the cliff from the cliff top safely, you can only rely on the hanging basket, but how much capacity can a small hanging basket provide? Carrying up to three adults at a time, considering the 6,000 population in Putian City, Yang Wei is indeed trying to figure out a way.

"How is the rope net prepared?" Yang Weiyi glanced at the sky and the sky, Shen asked a young man beside him.

The young man was in his early 20s, with a body shape similar to that of Yang Wei. He was wearing a sleeveless short gown and a pair of thin-soled fast boots on his feet. He looked really smart.

The young man also looked at the distant sea before answering, and then he bowed and said, "Brother, you are all ready."

In order to shorten the evacuation speed, Yang Wei ordered a huge rope net to cover this cliff. At that time, young and old people could climb down the rope net, while the old and weak were riding in a hanging basket. This will greatly increase capacity and evacuate as many people as possible in a shorter period of time.

"Organize the brothers to practice more ..." Although he was looking forward to the day when the rope net would never be used, Yang Wei had to plan ahead.

"Relax, brothers, brethren are used to boating and boating, it's nothing to climb a net." Yang Bang was full of confidence, and his face was full of vitality and escape from his age.

"Hang up the net tomorrow, try to make everyone who can climb familiar with it ... including women." Yang Wei relented, even at the last minute, all the men and women had all worked together, and it was necessary to ensure that women and children could escape. Go out.

"I'll arrange it when I look back ..." Yang Bang's voice fell, his emotions were inevitably affected.

"Be spirited, maybe Uncle Pan will return with good news in a few days. We are just taking precautions." Yang Wei cheered Yang Bang, even though he himself was a little lacking in anger.

"Weige, Weige ..." A young man dressed like Yang Bang yelled and ran over.

"What's the matter?" Yang Wei half-turned, holding his musket with one hand behind his back, and holding the handle of his waist with one hand.

"Weige, Shuri is here, and he is also a Japanese." The young man was resentful, panting and not forgetting to clenched the bird in his hand.

Unlike the Qing empire whose defense was more important than Fangchuan, the folk in Ryukyu could n’t help but firearms. So Tian has a large number of firearms, even copper cannons. This is thanks to the hard-earned accumulation of generations of Ryukyu, so that they can face There is no resistance against threats.

Of course, although the official is a cannon, firearms, but Tim does not have too advanced weapons, not even a real rear-mounted rifle, most of them are not powerful birds, but considering the weather conditions here, in fact, For cold weapon applications like swords, it is more.

"Go, take a look." Yang Wei looked back at the empty sea and turned away.

After all, it should come, sooner or later.

Below the towering city gate, a middle-aged man in a Ryukyu civilian uniform with a dozen guards surrounds a middle-aged punk wearing a Japanese kimono.

Dozens of members of the militia group holding birds of prey on the gate of the city gate are lined up. Both earth cannons have taken off their gun clothing and opened the fire door. The muzzle of the black bird points directly at the only downhill passage below the city gate, the fire gate. Members of the wing group have lit the incense in their hands.

There are many pine trees in Ryukyu. This kind of earthen cannon is a pine tree surrounded by one person. After splitting from the middle, dig out a part of the tree heart, then close it and hoop a few iron hoops on the periphery. A simple artillery can be made. .

This kind of artillery can't talk about range and accuracy because of its tightness, but it has great power in a short distance. After installing iron sand stones, it can be said that people can block the killing of the Buddha and block the killing of the Buddha within dozens of steps.

Looking at the members of the armed militias who were waiting in the city walls, Ryukyu officials looked embarrassed, and the chubby people were gloomy. Before they arrived, they already knew that these Chinese people of Tian Tian were not easy to deal with, but they did not expect that Tian Tian ’s attitude was so Deciding.

The heavy wooden door wrapped in iron sheet slowly opened, and Yang Wei came out alone with a smile on his face and arched out, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Master Pan has a bad body and can't see the guests, so you can wait for a long time."

When Yang Wei spoke, he used neither Japanese nor Ryukyu, but Chinese, which is familiar to both Japanese and Ryukyu.

The influence of Chinese culture in the East Asian cultural circle is unparalleled. Although Japan already had its own words at this time, until the early Meiji period, Chinese was the official language of Japan. Although Japanese speak Japanese, they only need to form words. Almost all use Chinese. In Japan, only high-class people with high status will learn Chinese. This is a status symbol in Japan.

Not to mention Ryukyu. The Ryukyu language itself is greatly influenced by the Min Nan language. The official language of Ryukyu is also Chinese, so Yang Wei need not worry that they do not understand Chinese. If Japanese and Ryukyu people want to be officials, Chinese is their compulsory course, just like the fourth-level English in the 21st century ...

"Oh, Huo Huo, this is the case. It doesn't matter. Since Mr. Pan is physically ill, I just take this opportunity to visit, please ..." The chubby man took the initiative to talk, although the words were polite, but the taste of Yi was still very strong.

This chubby man really knows Chinese, and he can still be a Beijing movie.

"This adult is slow. Adult Pan's disease is smallpox. In order not to be embarrassed, adult Pan has locked himself in the room and no one sees him. If this adult wants to visit, he needs to be prepared in advance, if he is sick That would be greatly unsatisfactory. "Yang Wei's words were not soft or hard, and in order to fool the past, he couldn't care about his morals.

Smallpox is definitely an incurable disease in this year. The horror of this disease is not because it is incurable, but because it is contagious. Generally, as long as one person in a city is infected with smallpox, Then this city can basically be determined as a dead city, because of the aftermath of smallpox, even if the entire city has not died, the survivors will be excluded by the entire society.

For the Japanese, smallpox is also terminally ill, and it is an incurable terminal illness. Japan ’s population density has been quite horrifying these years. Once an outbreak of an infectious disease has occurred, it will not be a death toll. Children, until the beginning of the 20th century, each outbreak of a large-scale infectious disease in Japan will cause tens of thousands of deaths, even a small flu, the number of deaths will reach tens of thousands.

As Yang Wei thought, he almost just heard the word "smallpox". The short fat man immediately covered his mouth and nose and stepped back, looking at Yang Wei with a look of horror.

"Walk around, hurry ..." Ryukyu officials also recognized each other, casually perfunctory, seeing the posture immediately want to turn around and run away.

"Stop!" The chubby screamed sharply, turning the dead fish eyes and ordered Ryukyu officials: "Go and see Master Pan ..."

"I, I ..." Ryukyu officials were stunned, presumably they had scolded the 18-year-old ancestors of the fat man.

"Yes, it's you, you, go and see Master Pan instead of me ..." The chubby man is really a dead friend, an immortal friend, a word of words.

Although the weather was not hot, there was still a large drop of sweat on the forehead of Ryukyu officials. Feeling the insistence of the chubby man, Ryukyu officials finally gave in: "Yes, Xiaguan obeys ..."

"So, this adult please ..." Yang Wei led sideways.

God knows what the Ryukyu official ’s mood was when he walked into the gate of the city gate. It is estimated that he followed the gate of the ghost gate. Anyway, Yang Wei felt that the Ryukyu official was breathing heavily and his body was shaking.

After entering the city gate hole and making a round, Yang Wei and Ryukyu officials disappeared into the sight of the chubby.

As soon as he disappeared from the sight of the chubby man, Yang Wei stole a bag for Ryukyu officials.

"Sir, smallpox is coming. Men and women can resist it, so please forgive the human body and talk to Mr. Pan next door. Don't be too close, otherwise I'm afraid it's not easy for adults to explain." it's time to.

In fact, it doesn't matter if you are close or not. The short fat man only needs to confirm Pan Tingzhen's condition. If a positive answer can be obtained, I am afraid that the Ryukyu official will not go back if he wants to look back.

Just kidding, what if the virus comes back?

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