Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 530: Too many cards

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People living in the 21st century probably do not understand the power of disease in the 19th century.

In the 14th century, the Black Death caused a sharp decline in the European population by more than one-third. The Spanish pandemic in the early 20th century affected about one billion people worldwide, of which about 25 to 40 million people died.

You know that the total population of the world at that time was only 1.7 billion.

Knowing these data, the power of infectious diseases is also on the paper.

As Yang Wei expected, the Ryukyu officials responded to the Japanese chubby man after a short call across the wall with "Pan Tingzhen". Unexpectedly, they did not get a chance to get close to the chubby man. The chubby man was eight feet away from the Ryukyu official and confirmed that After the illness of Pan Tingzhen, the chubby man forced Ryukyu officials to stay in Tiantian to continue his observation, and he took away several guards regardless of the sad call of Ryukyu officials.

The Ryukyu official suddenly fell to the ground and cried like an abandoned woman.

This scene is actually a bit embarrassing, but as the original creator, Yang Wei was not embarrassed, not only did he not persuade from the side, but Shi Shiran watched a good show, until Yang Bang rushed over.

"Brother, a boat is coming ..." Yang Bang trembled and said softly in Yang Wei's ear.

"Is it Uncle Pan?" Yang Wei's pupil suddenly enlarged, like a raccoon cat who had found prey.

"I don't know yet, the iron ship coming from foreigners did not fly the flag, there were no sails, and there were no paddle wheels." Yang Bang could not determine the ownership of the coming ship.

"Let's go and see." Yang Wei leapt away from his robe.

When Yang Wei and Yang Bang arrived on the cliff, the strange-looking iron kayak had docked under the cliff.

There were more than a dozen figures on the deck of the iron kayak. Two of them were in robes and short gowns. The others were all dressed in short dresses similar to foreigners. Yang Wei recognized at a glance that Pan Tingzhen was the one in the middle.

"Put the gondola, go gondola!" Yang Wei was overjoyed, he started his work with his sleeves folded, and put the gondola down in person.

When the gondola was raised again, there were two people in the basket, one of whom was Pan Wenli and the other was a white blonde.

"Wenli, this is ..." Yang Wei couldn't afford the greeting, and there was doubt and vigilance in the eyes of the white man.

Since the Opium War in 1840, white people ’s reputation in East Asia has deteriorated. Asians are afraid and hate white people. They hate white people for doing nothing evil, but they are afraid that even the East Asian Qing Empire is not a white opponent, and other countries are simply unable to fight. .

For Yang Wei, although there was no real pain in the invasion of white people, he was also a Chinese. Because of the Qing Empire, Yang Wei also felt cold.

"Weige, this is Lieutenant Hunt from the United States ... Oh no, now Mr. Hunt, Mr. Hunt is here to help us." Pan Wenli quickly changed his mouth.

Hunter and Riem, Yang Wei only felt that the more he listened, the more confused, but now is not the time to ask questions. As long as he is a friend, Yang Wei treats him with courtesy.

Hunt was even more polite, and before Yang Wei bowed, Hunter asked Pan Wenli, "So, can you be sure of safety now?"

"Yes, safe." Pan Wen nodded with strength.

Hunter greeted Yang Wei before turning around and pulling out a silvery white whistle.

Uh ...

The voice is indeed loud, and even more boring than what I knew in the summer tree, Yang Wei only felt his ears were buzzing.

The gondola was quickly put down again, and then came up to Pan Tingzhen and Bai Qi.

"Chairman Yang, long and long ..." Bai Qi was still serious, even with a smile on his face, it made people feel like falling into an ice cave.

"Dare not dare, General Bai came from a long distance and worked hard ..." Yang Wei said casually.

"But don't, I'm not a general. You can just call me White Consultant." Bai Qizhengzhen, this time really not polite.

Before boarding the ship, Li Mu had determined Bai Qi's terms of reference. No matter how much noise could occur in Ryukyu, Bai Qi would not sing the protagonist. Only the locals of Ryukyu could sing the protagonist.

So the first time Bai Qi met, he first stated that he was just a consultant.

"Dawei, you choose 200 elites, take them to the small round island, everything is obedient to them." Pan Tingzhen entered the role quickly, and didn't want to waste a minute.

"Little round island ..." Yang Wei's face was difficult.

Xiaohuan Island is an uninhabited island located in the southern Ryukyu Islands, about 150 kilometers from the island of Ryukyu. The area of ​​the small ring island is about 30 square kilometers. The island has mountains and the highest peak is about 500 meters above sea level. In addition, there are rivers and plains. And a large pine forest.

Although there is fresh water on the island, which is very suitable for human habitation, there are no fishing grounds near the island, so no one is currently settled on the island.

"You don't have to bring anything. When you arrive on the island, everything is advised by Bai adviser." Pan Tingzhen doesn't want to say too much now, and will explain to Yang Wei slowly when there is time.

"Yes." Although Yang Wei was puzzled, he didn't ask much.

When Yang Wei and Pan Tingzhen talked, the hanging basket kept going up and down. There were more than 20 capable Chinese people walking up the hanging basket, and then there were sturdy wooden boxes, although I did n’t know what was in the box. , But looking at the tension of those strange Chinese, the contents of the box should be no small matter.

"Come! Pry open." Pan Tingzhen followed a finger to a wooden box and motioned to Yang Wei to open it.

Yang Wei had long been unable to hold back, so he took out the dagger inside the boot, and pried the wooden box three or two times.

Lifting the lid of the box and pulling away the straw, Yang Wei saw ten brand-new rifles.

The black rifle exudes a faint smell of gun oil, which was originally a pungent gun oil, but it smelled so refreshing in Yang Wei that Yang Wei's pupils instantly enlarged to the extreme.

"This ... this ..." Yang Wei was inexplicably surprised and wanted to confirm, but couldn't believe it.

"It's all from us, Mr. Li Mu gave it to us. From now on, you must keep the name firmly in mind." Pan Tingzhen's old tears were vertical and horizontal, just like the wandering family who finally felt the warmth of the family.

"Li Mu ... I remember." Yang Wei didn't know how to describe the mood at the moment. He wanted to scream in excitement, and wanted to cry on his knees. Although Yang Wei didn't know who Li Mu was, Yang Wei was absolutely sure of one thing. Well, from now on they don't need to bow to anyone anymore.

When Yang Wei was in a mixed mood, Li Mu was laughing with his palms.

There were hardly any surprises. The Team of Horses, which did not perform well in qualifying, once again won a complete victory, and won the top three of the Tour de America Rally in New York with unprecedented strength.

The first place is last year's championship phantom team, the second place is the BMW team, the third place is the Time team, the standard oil team won the fourth place, and the results are nearly five minutes behind the first team.

The rally was nearly two hours behind, and the five-minute gap didn't sound much, but it was actually desperate, so when the final result came out, Rockefeller's expression was very ugly.

"Rim, do you want to turn the Tournament Rally into a game between your horse racing teams? If so, then you can play it yourself ..." Rockefeller was very upset looking at the proud Li Mu.

"Cut, scare who? If you don't want to play, just quit. No one is stopping you." Li Mu is not afraid of the threat of Rockefeller. Now the Tour de America Rally has become a golden doll. Even if Li Mu wants to drive Rockefeller away, Rockefeller probably won't go.

Although last year's National Rally did not lose money, it did not make any money. This year's National Rally is different.

After a year of incubation, the National Rally of the United States began to have a strong vitality from the first stop, and even its Rockefeller's crazy ability to absorb gold was dazzling.

The National Auto Rally ordered a group of souvenirs from the Steed Apparel Factory two months ago, including mascot dolls, team flags and racing models of the participating teams, as well as various daily necessities with the National Auto Rally logo, including tea cups , Sheets, blankets, hats, scarves and more.

According to statistics from the National Rally Organizing Committee, if you want to buy a complete set of souvenirs, it will cost about $ 40.

What is $ 40? If you save a little money, it will be enough for a family of three to live on for half a year, so to be honest, the sales of these souvenirs are not optimistic.

At this moment Li Mu played a decisive role, and Li Pai ordered all 500,000 sets from Junma Clothing Factory.

What is the concept of 500,000 sets?

Based on the current production capacity of the Junma Garment Factory, it takes a full year to produce 500,000 sets of souvenirs.

So before the start of the National Auto Rally in New York, the organizing committee got only 100,000 of them.

Surprisingly, once these 100,000 sets of souvenirs were put on the market, they were snapped up by enthusiastic audiences.

The enthusiasm of the audience almost scared everyone. A model of a phantom car cost as much as $ 9.99. When Li Mu announced this price, everyone once thought that Li Mu was crazy.

The reality gave those who questioned Li Mu a slap in the face. The first 5,000 models put on the market were snapped up in less than an hour. After the models were sold, quite a few of them occurred for the second time. Circulation, at this time the average price has reached as high as 20 dollars.

Immediately, someone suggested to the organizing committee to increase the selling price. Even if it is not sold for 20 dollars, it is good to sell 15 dollars. If this decision can be passed, this alone will increase the revenue of the organizing committee by 2.5 million dollars.

Again, Li Mu firmly rejected the proposal to increase the price. The reason why the official is official is because it has authority that other people do not have. This authority needs to be maintained by the official credibility. If the price of souvenirs changes over time, this is lost. This kind of credibility, although it seems to be profitable in a short time, but in the long run, more will be lost.

From the sale of souvenirs to the end of the New York race, the first batch of 100,000 sets of souvenirs put on the market have been sold out. Only in the case of souvenirs, the National Auto Rally has earned $ 4 million in gross revenue.

Cutting costs, this alone, has brought millions of dollars in profit for the national auto rally.

For Li Mu, millions of dollars are no longer worth the excitement, but other than Li Mu, even Rockefeller can't ignore this money.

Rich people in the United States actually spend a lot of money, but there are also a lot of people who save money. For example, Rockefeller has a lot of money, and Rockefeller always stays in ordinary hotels when he travels, which is in stark contrast to its descendants.

Later someone interviewed Rockefeller about it. Rockefeller's answer was: My son has a rich dad, but I don't.

One million dollars is actually not small even in the 21st century, not to mention it is now in the 19th century, and no one can look down on it like Li Mu.

Since it ’s too light, there ’s no need to eat alone, so Li Mu thinks about it enough: "Rest assured, there are still so many prizes. If there is extra profit in the end, it will be evenly distributed to all participating teams. Now you are satisfied Right. "

With a soft mouth and short hands, Rockefeller immediately smiled: "Of course, even distribution is a good idea."

In fact, what's so happy about this, Rockefeller hasn't made a turn yet. Of the eight teams participating in the race, four belong to the Steed Group, so even if it is evenly distributed, Li Mu can take half of the profits. This business is absolutely necessary.

"Since this year's competition is so hot, shouldn't we expand the scale of the competition next year?" Rockefeller also has his own small 99. Li Mu can organize four teams at one go, Rockefeller can naturally.

"If it is to increase the number of races, I agree. If it is to increase the number of teams, you must consider it clearly." Li Mu is not worried that the participating teams will expand indefinitely. The capital is always selfish, and no one wants to see it. Fewer and fewer cakes are distributed by myself.

In fact, setting up a team this year is not much trouble. For example, Rockefeller's Standard Petroleum team, his participating car is actually a phantom car produced by Junma Automobile Factory. All Rockefeller has to do is find a driver to sit on and then give it to him. Equipped with a logistics team, even if a fleet is formed.

The price of a phantom car is $ 50,000, which sounds ridiculously high. In fact, for the rich, the price is not so unacceptable. Think of the 47 million Bugatti Veyron in the 21st century. Well, for ordinary people, this is indeed a sky-high price, but the problem is that this car is not made for ordinary people at all.

Now that the cost of setting up a team is so low, if the National Rally Organizing Committee sends out its voice to expand the scale of the event, one can imagine how many teams will flock to it.

"Well, what you said makes sense. If we want to maintain the size of the eight teams, can we sell your place to me?" Rockefeller was also a skeletal surprise, and his brain opened a new path.

"No, if you want, you can exchange for the shares of the plastic factory." Li Mu is indispensable.

Compared to Rockefeller, Li Mu has too many cards in his hand.

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