Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 532: Can't handle

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The best way to get people to accept a new thing as quickly as possible is to throw money at it, which is true for all time.

A hand-stitched rugby is placed on the counter in the store, and it costs three or five dollars. This price is still a bit expensive for ordinary American families at this stage, so Li Mu simply puts it in place and directly uses rugby as a gift. Send it out, this should solve the equipment problem for most people.

About whether these footballs can be used reasonably after being sent out? Li Mu is not worried about this issue.

Americans have little entertainment these days, no movies, no television, no internet, and no radio has been invented. The average American child has no chance to even go to school, so it is certain that the football game will be welcomed. Needless to say.

Just as Li Muyou was enjoying life in New York, the situation facing Tian was getting more and more tense.

The Japanese are still not assured of Chinese descent. After the short chubby returns to Shuri, an emissary will be sent to Putian every few days to observe the situation. After that, all the Japanese are sent. Yang Wei ca n’t do whatever he wants to do. Start.

No matter how short, poor, and ugly the Japanese were carefully selected by the fat people, there is no doubt about the loyalty of the Emperor, so they can tolerate the threat of smallpox virus, and even if they are likely to be infected, those Japanese must Keep seeing Pan Tingzhen.

For the first few times, Yang Wei could barely fool around, but since February, the Japanese's attitude has become more and more resolute. The chubby people even sent a team of Japanese people to stay at the gate of Tiantian City. Forced to the edge of the cliff.

"Okada's attitude is resolute. This time, he must see the Lord of the City. The people of Okada even set up a tent at the gate of the city. If they do not see the Lord of the City, they will not look back ..." Yang Wei had no choice but to run to the small round island Come look for Bai Qi.

After Bai Qi arrived in Tiantian, he brought more than 200 American gunmen and more than 300 Tiantian to the small round island on the same day.

Forty or five hundred people started working together, and the efficiency was still very high. It was only two months of effort. At the highest peak of the small round island, a camp had already stood up.

The temperature difference between day and night on the Ryukyu side is not large, so the requirements for the house are not too high, as long as it can shield the wind and rain, there is basically no need for warmth, so all houses are wooden houses, as long as the structure is stable, build a frame. , Then cover it with thatch.

Of course, this condition is not good. Chinese people who have been used to the hard times can still accept it, but for those gunmen from the United States, this life can really be described as a year.

Again, the entertainment is really lacking at this time. Staying on this deserted island, apart from training or training in daily life, Chinese people are still fresh about everything, of course, but for those from the United States For the gunmen, this life like a dervishes is equivalent to hell.

Of course, Bai Qi is not used to everything now, but thinking of the ultimate purpose of this trip, Bai Qi can tolerate all this.

"We haven't trained enough people yet, so we have to be patient." Pan Tingzhen's suggestion is to be patient, which is also a common choice for many Chinese when facing threats.

"It is a fact that there is not enough manpower to train, but patience may not be ..." Bai Qi is not a patient person, otherwise Li Mu would not send Bai Qi to Ryukyu. The reason why Li Mu chose among hundreds of Chinese officers Bai Qi was hit because Bai Qi's contingency.

Ryukyu is tens of thousands of kilometers away from New York. This year, there is not even a radio telegram. I want to spread the news from Ryukyu to New York. The fastest speed is to take a boat from Ryukyu to San Francisco, and then send a telegram from San Francisco. How long does it take San Francisco to get to New York? It only takes about 20 days from Ryukyu to San Francisco. The return time is one and a half months. Not to mention the daylily is cold, and it ’s simmering.

So before Bai Qi was on his way, Li Mu gave Bai Qi the right to adapt. As long as he didn't attack the Japanese mainland at one go, Bai Qi could cut and play.

"Yang Wei, how do you think those Japanese warriors compare with our gunmen?" Although Bai Qi already had the answer, he still had to add a line to Yang Wei.

"If you win with bare hands, the outcome is not yet known ..." Yang Wei answered honestly and made the students respectfully: "But if we all hold weapons, we can fight ten Japanese samurai alone."

For more than two months, everyone has not been idle. Although Yang Wei has spent most of his time in Tiantian, he already knows the weapons they bring.

Although the Springfield rifles they are equipped with are single-shot rifles, they have used magazines for bombs, and the magazine's loading capacity is still eight rounds. In addition, a revolver with a human hand, one with ten is quite conservative Answer.

In film and television works, it often appears that a person has countless guns and is still alive. In fact, they are nonsense. The power of military bullets and civilian bullets is different. Including police bullets, the goal they pursue is not to kill but to subdue However, military bullets are not the same. Military bullets have only one purpose to kill each other, so the bullets used by gunners under white hands are specially processed by themselves.

These days, there is no convention organization or the concept of a dam bomb. On the contrary, because the quality of bullets is not uniform, the specifications are not very uniform, so if the bullets used by white people are too lethal, this is not a surprise.

"Since that's the case, are we still polite? Does the Japanese have 5,000 troops in Ryukyu?" Bai Qi really didn't think much of the Japanese. In these years, Bai has played Spanish, Americans, Indians, and young What a little Japan.

"No, let alone 5000, they don't even have 500." Yang Wei did a good job in the early stage.

Although Bai Qi was on the small island, he did not relax the monitoring of Ryukyu Island. Yang Wei ’s biggest task in the past two months was to send people to conduct an early investigation of Shuri to determine the Japanese power in order to facilitate Bai Qi ’s thunder operation. .

"Since there aren't, what are we waiting for?" Bai Qi stood up, he really didn't want to stay on this island.

In fact, let alone say that the Japanese are not very powerful. Even if the Japanese are very powerful, Bai Qi does not want to continue to shrink on the small round island. After all, Bai Qi is now an American and an "foreign man."

"General Bai thinks twice ..." Pan Tingzhen was a little apprehensive, which was not the same as Li Mu's prior arrangement.

The original arrangement of Li Mu was for Bai Qi to train troops on the small island and wait for a certain strength before driving the Japanese forces out of Ryukyu. In the process, Li Mu will also build a logistic factory in Jilong to provide Bai Qi for them. service.

If according to Li Mu's plan, it should be at least half a year after Bai Qi's exit from the small roundabout. Listening to Bai Qi's meaning, he will now face the gongs and drums in front of the Japanese, and Pan Tingzhen feels inappropriate.

"Mr. Pan is more worried. I don't want to tear my face with the Japanese now. I just want to be honest with the Japanese, at least not let people block the door." Bai Qi didn't say he would attack Shuri now, But if the Japanese do n’t know what to do, Bai Qi does n’t mind seeing a real chapter with the Japanese.

"This ..." Pan Tingzhen was uneasy, and it wasn't a problem to keep people blocking the door. The thousands of people in Putian City consumed a lot of materials every day. They only hung up by hanging baskets on the cliffs of the back mountains. Can't solve the problem.

"Master Bai, let's talk, how can we do it?" Yang Wei was already impatient. He had long seen the Japanese displeased. If it wasn't for Pan Tingzhen, Yang Wei would have thrown the Japanese outside the city into the sea.

"We don't do anything. It's enough for Hunter to go." Bai Qi's words disappointed Yang Wei, but Pan Tingzhen was overjoyed.

In the afternoon, Ichiro Miyagi and Koyamabori were drinking afternoon tea in a tent outside the city.

Miyagi Ichiro and Koyama lookouts were the followers of Okada. They were wandering samurai when they were in Japan. They were later accepted by Okada, and they came to Ryukyu from Japan with Okada.

Before coming to Ryukyu, Ichiro Miyagi and Koyama Wang didn't know that there was such an afternoon tea, but people's habits always changed with their status. The Ryukyu people gave everything to Miyagi Ichiro and Koyama look out for a self-esteem that has never been seen before. This kind of self-esteem immediately turns into arrogance, so afternoon tea has become a very necessary thing.

"This group of Chinese really don't know what to do. They will kill them in the future." Koyama looked fiercely, and looked at the closed city gate with anger. From the perspective of Koyama, the Chinese people of Tian Tim should agree with The Ryukyu people in Shuri looked down like the wind, and they demanded the Japanese in every possible way. What Koyama did not expect was that after coming to Ryukyu, the Japanese who had a smooth ride actually ate a closed door in Tiantian, which made the hill Hope really feels extremely humiliated.

"To maintain patience, Xiaoshan Jun, Chinese and Ryukyu are different. They have a glorious history. It is impossible for them to bow to the court like Ryukyu, but don't you think it will be more pleasant to conquer such a nation? Think about it Look, when those Chinese women are struggling and begging under your Majesty, you will get an unparalleled sense of satisfaction. "Miyagi Ichiro has patience, and he sees this as a game of cats and mice, even as a prey. , After all, can not escape the hunter in the palm of his hand.

"Yes, you're right, I will play them, and then cut off their heads, and then make the most beautiful one of them." Koyama looked licking his thick lips haha Laughing, the expression is stubborn like those dying beasts.

"Ah, you guys are always so violent, we should pick out the most beautiful woman back to Japan so that our offspring can have both our strong will and the strong Chinese body, which is the most perfect Matching. "Ichiro Miyagi thinks a bit more, which is what the Japanese have been doing.

Japan has always been a vassal of the Chinese in history. It can be said that the Chinese have always been the object of worship by the Japanese. For a long time, Japanese women have gone to sea in groups to hope that they can find a Chinese to match them, so that they can receive the father and brother after they return home. reward.

Do not think this is an isolated phenomenon. In fact, this kind of thing is very common, including those noble families in Japan. If a Japanese woman is pregnant with a Chinese child, even if the woman is a civilian, she even has With her right to marry a noble, even her and her children will be very popular, and her husband's family will never discriminate against her.

In the opinion of Ichiro Miyagi, the previous improvement of the breed was unsuccessful. It was because the wrong target was selected. Dad frustrated one, and mother frustrated. It is expected that a 1.4-meter woman will give birth to a 2-meter man. It's not very realistic. Ichiro Miyagi now wants to change the way and see if it works.

To say that the Japanese are indeed abnormal, they do not seem to have the ancestry consciousness at all. No wonder they like to be sons so much. They used to be Chinese, then Americans, and in the future ...

Probably Ichiro Miyagi's proposal was very constructive. Koyamako just wanted to reconcile, and suddenly heard a noise from outside the tent.


"Asshole, who's making a loud noise?" Koyama looked hot-tempered, and shouted loudly before he got up.

Unexpectedly, there were more than a dozen white men dressed as cowboys outside the tent. These people were armed with weapons. They looked very bad and tall. The middle man was definitely over 1.9 meters tall. Now he is positive. Grim glaring at the hill, there was a translator beside him adding jealousy: "Sir, he is scolding you."

"No, you probably misunderstood, I absolutely do not mean this ..." Koyama Wang explained immediately.

In fact, the bones of the Japanese are really not too hard, otherwise the Japanese who clamored for "100 million jade pieces" would not bow their heads to the Americans so much. The Japanese mentality is actually a standard soft bullying fear, facing the weak They will never show mercy, and they will beg for mercy in the face of the strong. As long as they can live, they can give their self-esteem, their own women, and even their own chrysanthemums.

"Asshole, do you think I don't understand?" The man in front of Koyama was Hunt, and Hunt was worried that he could not find the reason for the attack. Now, let alone Koyama, apologize, even if the emperor took his daughter Now, Hunter will never give up.

Speaking of Emperor Girl ...

It is said that the products produced by the royal family must be boutiques, because the emperor's wife must have been chosen from a thousand choices, so you can see the royal families of all countries in the world. In most cases, one of them is handsome, handsome, and charming.

The reason to say "in most cases" here is because of the special case of Japan. The wife of the emperor of Japan must have been chosen a lot, but the princess of Japan ...

Those who want to take the Japanese princess home at every turn, how can you succeed?

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