Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 533: Unreasonable

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The accumulation of weakness and poverty for a long time has caused the Qing Empire to lose its original deterrent in East Asia.

Once upon a time, the prestige of the Central Plains dynasty was broadcast far away, and no one dared to attack it. Since the Han Dynasty, there have been shocking eloquences that "those who violated the great power of the Han Dynasty will be defiant".

The emergence of the Qing Empire completely changed all this. Under the rule of the Qing Empire, the Chinese became the "East Asian Sick Man" who could be deceived, and even Japan, which has always been a younger brother, began to lose peace.

Therefore, the Chinese now have very little deterrent power in front of the Japanese. Even if Bai is a genuine American, because his skin color can not have enough deterrent power in front of the Japanese, it is best to let Hunter, a pure white person, come forward. In the face of the Japanese, Hunter's advantage is not only manifested in physical, but also in psychology.

Hunter is not an American military officer. He was originally a homeless and downcast gunman. By coincidence, he became an employee of the Steed Group. For a long time, the market has allowed Hunter to play the villain, and he does not even need to play. You can play this bully role well.

The hunter in front of Koyamawang is indeed an outrageous bully. Although Koyamawang tried his best to explain and try to gain Henry's understanding, Henry made a thunderous thunder, strode to the front of Koyamawang, and fell down on the foot. On the ground, he untied the belt around his waist and yanked it without a face.

"Your yellow pig, did your mother teach you politeness? I will teach you instead of your mother now, and let you learn to be humble and cautious ..." Hunter cursed as he pumped, regardless of Ichiro Miyagi's coming The uglier look.

Bai Qi's calculations are still very accurate. Although Miyagi's face is getting ugly, he has no courage to tear his face with Hunt.

The status of Americans in Japan is very special. This is not only reflected in the fact that it was the Americans who opened the door to Japan through the "black ship incident", but also in the relevant treaties between the United States and Ryukyu.

This matter should actually be regarded as a problem left over by history, but also a sorrow for the weak strength of Ryukyu.

In the face of Japanese aggression, the Ryukyus were unable to resist, and in the face of the Americans, the Ryukyus were also responsive.

In 1853, the US Navy Rear Admiral Perry, who had dominated the "Black Ship Incident" for the first time, arrived in Ryukyu for the first time. The following year, in the process of signing the "Kobe Nagawa Treaty" with the Japanese, Perry asked Japan to open the Naha port of Ryukyu to the United States. .

At that time, Japan rejected Perry's request on the grounds that Ryukyu was a sovereign country and had no right to make decisions in place of Ryukyu.

On July 11th of that year, Perry and the Ryukyu Government signed the Ryukyu Repair Treaty. The treaty stipulates that Ryukyu will open Naha ports to the United States in both Chinese and English.

At the time, this "Ryukyu Repair Treaty" seemed to have been signed by the United States persecution of Ryukyu, but today, it may become a talisman for Ryukyu.

If the Ryukyu people are smarter, this treaty will legally overthrow the Japanese annexation of Ryukyu, so before Okada they went to Ryukyu, the Japanese government demanded that Okada should not be allowed to contact the United States under any circumstances. People conflict.

So in the face of the angry Hunt, although Miyagi Ichiro was dissatisfied, he could only dare to be angry and not to speak.

"Sir, I didn't do it on purpose, please forgive ..." Koyama looked with his head on the ground and mourned. He didn't even dare to hide, only to pray that Hunter could vent his anger as soon as possible.

"Asshole, you shameless stupid pig ..." Hunt seemed endless, scolding and scolding, energetic.

"Sir, please forgive him, he didn't mean it, it was just an accidental loss ..." Ichiro Miyagi was careful not to pay.

"Inadvertent loss ... are you teasing me?" Hunter relented, and there seemed to be signs of a change of goal.

"Excuse me, this is just an accident ..." Ichiro Miyagi stepped back and forth, walking around the tent and Hunt.

"Sponsorship, why don't you stop me and let me slap you ..." Hunt relented, clutching his belt and chasing after him.

It's a fool to lay down on the floor honestly. Ichiro Miyagi saw that Hunter was pursuing more and more tightly, and he just ran away, rushing away towards Shuri.

Well, as long as the way to solve the problem is so simple, don't look at the three Hunters and tie them together and you can't beat it, but if Bai Qi comes forward in person and wants to solve the problem, it's not necessarily as simple as Hunter.

"Boy, don't let me see you again, otherwise I'll see you hitting you once!" Hunter did not say anything but stern words. This is a formal stance to incorporate Tian into his own protected area.

In fact, when Hunt was looking for trouble, Bai Qi and Pan Tingzhen were mixed among the American gunmen. Seeing that Bai Qi actually solved the immediate crisis in this almost rogue way, Pan Tingzhen really felt a little bit crying and had to pause for Bai Respect.

Leave black cats and white cats alone. Cats that catch mice are good cats.

Seeing that Hunter dragged the mourning hills on the ground like a little chicken, Bai Qi couldn't help but laughed: "How is it, simple? You do n’t need a shot and a shot, you can take Little Japan. Daughter-in-law's fart urinating ... "

Before Pan Tingzhen had time to speak, Yang Wei's flattery suddenly rolled up: "Bai Yeying ..."

It was indeed wise, Henry was so troubled that Okada did not dare to send someone over, but instead protested to the US government through the Japanese ambassador to the United States.

"Protest! Just for something ... my dear Ellen, are you too free or am I too free?" The first reaction of Li Mu when he heard this was to give Arthur a bad face first.

It is not easy for the Japanese to protest to the US government. They must first send someone from Japan to San Francisco, and then send a telegram to Washington from San Francisco. This has come down to the end of March.

Washington did not know what was going on at all. After asking the Japanese ambassador to the United States, it became known that the Steed Group had a conflict with the Japanese in Ryukyu, so this lawsuit went to Arthur.

Arthur has also been very busy recently. In May, the Independence Centennial Exhibition will be held in New York. Arthur didn't have the intention to manage such broken things, but he had to hit the clock one day as a monk. Since Washington sent Arthur Telegram, Arthur always has to do business routinely, so there is Arthur's visit to the Governor's Island.

"Do you think I care? I wouldn't be able to find you unless Hamilton sent me a telegram in person." Arthur was sitting at Li Mu's desk. The tie had long been unknown, and the top of the shirt All three buttons have been untied to reveal the thick chest hair on the chest. He also put his legs on Li Mu's desk. This pose is indeed not taking Li Mu as an outsider.

In fact, Li Mu didn't think how disrespectful this posture was, but others couldn't get used to it. You can see that Arthur has been here for so long, and Chu Xue didn't even get a cup of tea, which fully illustrates the relationship between Li Mu and Arthur. .

"So what do you want me to do? Go to Japan and take the crime in front of the emperor? Don't say if this matter is related to my people, even if there is, then we must first investigate the facts and come to a conclusion, Then decide what we should do. "Li Mu is not in a hurry. Now he only needs to hold back Japan's annexation of Ryukyu. As for the relationship between Junma Group and Japan ...

Let him go, let alone plead guilty, even if Li Mu commits suicide by caesarean, it is estimated that the relationship between Junma Group and the Japanese is not good, so let ’s forget it. Li Mu doesn't mind playing a lawsuit with the Japanese for two or three years.

"Ha ... investigation! How do you want to investigate? Organize a joint investigation team? When the results come out, I am afraid that Mr. Hamilton will also retire." Arthur would not care about this. He came to Li Mu and had other things. This thing is just a reason.

The full name of Hamilton is Hamilton Fish. It is the current Secretary of State of the United States. Since taking office in 1869, this year is the eighth year. After the presidential election at the end of the year, Hamilton Fish will also follow Ulysses. Grant retired to the second line, so for now, Hamilton Fish's telegram is indeed deterrent, but the deterrence is not much.

"It depends on the Japanese. If they want to form a joint investigation team, then I have no problem." Li Mu pouted his lips and took the initiative to get Arthur a glass of brandy.

"Haha, take a look. I have been here for so long. Actually, you, the chairman of the Steed Group, poured me a drink. From this we can see how relaxed your Steed Group management is." Seizing the opportunity always hurts Li Mu.

"It's you who don't invite others to see you, so don't blame others for neglecting you." Li Mu would not blame Chu Xue.

"To be serious, how are you preparing? Are you sure you can recover the cost? You made a lot of money in the last US rally, and the council and the city government are waiting for cash to place orders, so you go to snacks. Well, anyway, the last money you make is yours. "Arthur said pitifully. The city government and the council have become artisans in Arthur's mouth.

Bresta ’s report has been submitted. Arthur ’s side did not fight at all. It was submitted to the parliament on the day of receiving the report ...

The municipal government did not reject the application, but at the same time submitted the municipal government's car purchase plan, which caused the original 400 cars to swell to 1,000 at a time, eventually resulting in the total order size tripled.

If the city government wants to use cars, it must not be all popular versions. There must always be some luxury versions. Although the total number of vehicles has only increased by 150%, the total amount has increased by 200%.

Do n’t think it ’s over here. When the New York Parliament reviewed the application, a thousand cars had quietly turned into 1,200, and the extra 200 belonged to the parliament.

When the New York City Council approved the application, the total value of the order had reached 13 million U.S. dollars. The New York City government could not get it at all, so now it is equivalent to waiting for blood transfusion in the entire New York City. The inability of the New York City government to make a fortune through the Independent Centennial Exhibition will definitely disappoint many people.

Zhu Yu, who has the National Auto Rally in New York, is ahead. It doesn't seem to be difficult to make money through large-scale activities, but not everyone has this ability. Arthur still puts his hope on Li Mu. If Li Mu can stand up Out, then Arthur believes that let alone 13 million, even if it is 31 million, it is not completely impossible.

"The souvenirs are ready, the main exhibition hall has been completed, the exhibition hall has been divided, the exhibitors are entering the venue, and the branch halls have basically been completed. The exhibition halls of all countries have been completed a year ago, so don't worry. We are all ready now, and only owe Dongfeng, you just have to wait for the money. "Li Mu is more confident, even if the independent century exhibition can not make money, Li Mu will help the New York City government get this Money.

In fact, it is easy to get money. Especially for institutions like the New York City Government, there are many banks that are willing to lend to the New York City Government, so the New York City Government will be over 100 million in debt early.

Li Mu wants to continue to taste the taste of being a creditor of the New York City government, so if this time the independent centennial exhibition can not make money, Li Mu intends to help the New York City government loan through the Bank of America.

"That's what it says, but I always feel insecure." Arthur's worry was also justified.

In fact, Arthur really doesn't care if the independent century exhibition can make money, or how much money can it make? What Arthur really cares about is whether the Centennial Exhibition can be carried out smoothly, because it is related to Arthur's official voice. If he can successfully hold the Centennial Exhibition during his tenure, it will greatly help Arthur's future. Maybe he will In a few years, Arthur can also join the game of presidential throne.

"Relax, Ellen, I can guarantee it's yours, it will definitely be yours, and no one can take it away." Li Mu has never let Arthur down, and this time it is the same.

"Well then, I hope you can have a snack, I can put all my hopes on you ... As for the Japanese, I will reply to them ..." Arthur said here, and suddenly remembered that Li Mu was the protagonist, so immediately Return the initiative to Li Mu: "Well, how do you want me to reply to the Japanese?"

"Let them die!" Li Mu was rude, and the Japanese were unhappy.

"You are cruel enough, I will let them die ..." Arthur pointed his finger at Li Mu, fully expressing his "admiration".

"Oh, by the way, please tell the Secretary of State that the employees of the Steed Group have been treated unfairly in Ryukyu in the Far East, so I hope Mr. Secretary of State can preside over justice for us to go to the Group." Since the Japanese have filed their complaints in Washington, Li Mu cannot show weakness.

As for whether the Secretary of State will help Li Mu, Li Mu is not worried about this.

Who makes Junma Group a creditor in Washington? It is because Washington cannot afford it now, so Mr. Hamilton will surely know what he should do.

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