Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 538: Nicholas

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Perhaps the whole world knows that the Junma Group and the British do not deal with it, but the people of the Qing Empire are not included because the Qing Empire people and people outside the Qing Empire are two worlds.

There are many reasons why the British do not like Steed Group, such as Steed Group's American background.

Compared with Li Mu's Chinese background, the British people hate the American background of the Junma Group. After all, the Qing Empire cannot pose any threat to the British, let alone a person who has left the Qing Empire.

The United States is not the same. The grievances between Americans and British people are childish and mother-in-law. It ’s a long story, and it ’s probably not enough to talk about this chapter. The momentum is enough for the British to worry.

Although the economic crisis of the previous year broke out in the United States, in contrast, the British economy was more affected. This is not only reflected in the British industry and commerce, but also in the British financial industry.

As mentioned earlier, in fact, the economic crisis of the previous year can be regarded as an American conscious daddy action. The daddy is the United Kingdom. After the economic crisis broke out, most British investors in the US financial market were forced to withdraw and exit. In the United States, all the money they made in the United States market in the previous ten years has been forced to spit out. This has given some people in the United States a chance to make a dip. After two years of hard work, the U.S. stock market has gradually got a little bit more. The text message will not improve for a few years. The scars have forgotten that the hurting British capital will enter the United States again. At that time, it will be a new round of pig raising. When the pigs are fattened, I believe there will be another economic crisis.

So don't assume that Americans are cutting meat at every turn. It seems to be everything. In fact, people have already begun this as early as the 19th century.

The British are not ignorant of this situation, but even the British realize that they are helpless. After all, the United States is currently the world's largest emerging market. Funds do not flow to the United States. Do they stay in the ancient British castles? Moldy?

So Britain's relationship with the United States is very complicated, it is the standard love and hate.

Specific to the Steed Group, the British's fears are manifested in the endless variety of new things. If the Steed Group is willing to go public, the British may be more friendly to the Steed Group, because it means that the British may control part of the The shares of Steed Group became shareholders of Steed Group.

But Li Mu is an extremely conservative person in this regard. He has no intention of listing the Steed Group, so the British have only hated and had no love for the Steed Group.

As the only "sunset" empire in the world, the British are also representatives of conservatives around the world. They refuse to change, or they are afraid of change. They just want to keep their place. They do not want to see or accept it. The emergence of a challenger, so the British are hostile to the Steed Group in all directions.

Since it is hostile, it is certainly not pleasing to each other, so as long as there is an opportunity, the British are willing to cause trouble for Li Mu, even if it is not even trouble at all, but as long as it can make Li Mu feel uncomfortable, That can be considered to achieve the goal.

Li Mu doesn't know these British people, and he doesn't care who they are. Li Mu can see that it is not difficult for his compatriots to tolerate them, but this does not mean that Li Mu can tolerate the British provocations.

So when the British man showed interest in the lacquerware in the hands of Chu Xue, Li Mu immediately showed his arbitrariness: "Don't think about it, everything here belongs to me, and you have no chance to get any of them."

After hearing this, Rong Hong's expression was both happy and worried, and he was pleased that this trip was a worthwhile trip. For that worry, it was all the troubles caused by the rat getting into the bellows.

To make things worse is to get angry at both ends.

"Is that so?" The old **** represented by the British was there, not taking Li Mu's stubble at all, and blindly letting go.

"Of course not, of course not, everyone has a chance ..." Rong Hong hadn't had time to speak, and a middle-aged official beside him was busy with the interface.

"Brother Koike, be cautious ..." Rong Hong didn't respond too slowly, and cut off his words immediately.

"Koike" is Li Gui with an inscription on the archway.

Li Gui is the founder of Qingguo Modern Post. This time, he can be considered to visit the United States Postal Service by taking the opportunity of participating in the Independent Centennial Exhibition. This is Li Gui's first visit to the United States, so he does not know what Li Mu and Junma Group mean in New York What is it.

Li Gui can "new born calves are not afraid of tigers", but Rong Hong will not make such a mistake. Springfield, where Rong Hong is located, is now almost the world of the Steed Group. Thanks to his Chinese identity, Rong Hong is in Spring. Linfield ’s social status is also rising, so although Rong Hong didn't say it, he was deeply grateful to Li Muwei. Of course, this kind of gratitude was never expressed, otherwise Rong Hong ’s plan is likely to be halfway through Die.

Although Li Gui didn't know who Li Mu was, he wasn't stupid. Hearing Rong Hui's words, Li Gui shut up immediately, then pleaded guilty, and pulled Rong Hui to whisper.

"Mr. Li Mu, this is not in line with what the gentleman did." The British shrugged and spread their hands, posing with a high regret.

"No bullshit, how many years have you been ashore?" Li Mu, you're welcome. Don't look at the British guy in front of you. Bacheng Zu is also a pirate. Now, with some money, he starts to be a gentleman, and he doesn't look at himself. Butt wiped clean.

Although I do n’t know who the British is in front of him, Li Mu is not worried about what he said wrongly. In fact, the British are so stingy. If it were not for the “Private Order” issued by the British Queen, the British could not even do the Dutch. So no one in Britain is clean on the bottom.

For a gentleman who is arrogant, the most feared is the dark history of others picking him up. Li Mu downplayed a sentence and immediately made the British person in front of him smoke a smoke.

This time it wasn't just the nose and neck that was red, but the brains were also red.

Many British people have a red nose, which is a sign of alcoholism. This kind of nose is also called a distiller's nose by many Chinese people. As for the red neck, in general, this is a mockery of North Americans to South Americans. In fact, many white people They all have red necks, and there are many in the northern United States.

"Don't you feel good? Slowly you will get used to it." Li Mu didn't talk nonsense, here is New York, Li Mu's home field, as long as it is what Li Mu cares about, no one wants to get involved.

It doesn't matter if you intervene. If Rong Hong really sells these lacquerware to the British, Li Mu is also confident that these British people will not be able to transport these things out of New York.

Even if the British can find the boat, Li Mu is confident that the boat will not return to Britain.

Now in the 19th century, there are so many pirates at sea, so accidents on ocean-going ships are normal, and insurance companies will not guarantee such ships.

"Don't be proud, one day you will regret it." The British stared at Li Mu for a long time with a murderous eye, but only uttered this sentence.

Li Mu was trying to turn his lips back, and Mike Fuer reported: "This is Leonard Albert from Yorkshire. He is a shareholder of Enfield. The Albert family is a famous family in Yorkshire."

Oh, oh, this relationship still exists, no wonder it is so arrogant, and dare to assert that Li Mu will regret it in the future.

That will not be until Enfield can kill Steed Weapons.

And this is New Yorkshire, not Yorkshire, so Li Mu doesn't really care what Albert family, even Prince Albert Li Mu can care.

"I don't care who you are. If you have the ability, prove it to me." Li Mu casually dropped a sentence, and no matter what the outcome of the discussion between Rong Hong and Li Gui, took this early snow and turned away.

Anyway, I have already bought it. If I want to see it, go home and watch it slowly.

Out of the Qing Empire exhibition area, next to it is the Japanese exhibition area. Li Mu would like to go to the Japanese exhibition area. Even if it is nothing to buy, it is good, but under the firm obstruction of Mason, Li Mu also Had to give up.

Mason's reason is that Li Mu's safety cannot be guaranteed, because no one is sure if two fools will attack Li Mu when Li Mu picks and chooses, even if it is only possible.

In fact, Li Mu doesn't worry about this problem. How can there be so many idiots? If Li Mu had badly attacked the Japanese staff in the Japanese exhibition area, the Japanese would wait for the revenge of the Junma Group. Li Mu can be sure that the Japanese will never give Li Mu a chance to attack, how silly this is, Will pick this opportunity to avenge.

After looking around, Li Mu finally came to the booth of the US Patent Office.

The Patent Office's exhibition area can be regarded as the largest exhibition area other than the Junma Group exhibition area. In order to participate in this independent century exhibition, the Patent Office took out the bottom of the box, and displayed about 60,000 pictures, and 5000 This invention model, of course, is the number one for this century-old independent exhibition, and even the Steed Group couldn't keep up.

In the past few years, the United States has indeed been full of new things. Especially after the Civil War, new immigrants came to the United States from the old and conservative Europe. New inventions appear one day.

Not all inventors have such a good life as Li Mu. Although more inventors have successfully applied for patents, because there is no start-up capital or no investors can be found, their inventions can only be suppressed by the patent office. In the pile of old paper, waiting for someone to discover them.

The U.S. Patent Office also considers that this situation is not good for the patent office and the inventor himself, so this time it really came out, hoping to sell these patents for a good price.

As long as Li Mu has time in these days, he will come to the Patent Office exhibition area to turn around. If he finds something good, Li Mu will be able to toss out another monster that **** money.

Having said that, in fact Li Mu himself is also a great inventor who has registered at the Patent Office, so the staff is very familiar with Li Mu. Li Mu just entered the door. A dozen staff members immediately swarmed up and moved the chairs to move the chairs. Coffee poured coffee, the service is meticulous, and some people take the initiative to bring those valuable pictures and models to help Li Mu, hoping that Li Mu can be generous.

Li Mu is indeed generous in treating new inventions. The day before yesterday, Li Mu saw a new transmission structure. In order to get this transmission structure, Li Mu smashed 10,000 US dollars in one breath. This money was insignificant to Li Mu, but it was not so good for the patent office and The inventor himself is a pleasant surprise.

The phrase "knowledge is power" is not fully expressed these years, and it is not that someone will smash tens of thousands of dollars for a new invention, even Rockefeller and J.P. Morgan.

Rockefeller now has its own laboratory, so Rockefeller wants to see the results in his laboratory more than buying patents.

As for J.P. Morgan, he is an investor, not an industrialist. If the inventor himself is interested, maybe J.P. Morgan will invest, but if J.P. Morgan is to run the business himself, they will not have this interest.

Compared with operating entities, investing in finance is too simple to make money. In the future, more and more Americans will fall in love with J.P. Morgan's way of making money.

Li Mu also likes finance, so he has the Bank of America, but in contrast, Li Mu prefers industry, so the core industry of Junma Group is always Junma Weapons Company, and Li Mu has always been a successful "gun dealer".

There are really many good things in the patent office. Soon, Li Mu found another patent for explosives and a patent for telegraph.

These two patents are actually not very valuable, but since they can be patented in the patent office, there are certain advantages, so Li Mu and this kind of explosives patent to Henry DuPont to see, see Henry Is DuPont interested, and then transfers the telegraph patent to Junma Communications to see if there is any residual value that can be squeezed out.

The price of the two patents is not high, and the patent office adds up to $ 15,000. This price includes the remuneration paid to the patent owner and the royalties of the patent office.

"Rim, Mr. Nicholas is here." Yan Shun hurried over, his face full of joy.

"Nicholas" is the famous Nicholas Tesla. Previously, Nicholas Tesla had been studying at the Graz University of Technology in Austria. Last year Nicholas Tesla was forced to lose his scholarship. It was because of the funding from the Steed Group that Nicola Tesla was able to continue his education. Nicola Tesla also vowed to work for the Steed Group after graduation.

Li Mu originally wanted to get Nicholas Tesla to the United States after Nicholas Tesla completed his studies, but now it seems unnecessary, Li Mu is also afraid of night long dreams, so he will bring people over Right.

It's not that MIT is much worse than the Graz University of Technology in Austria. It really isn't. There is no Harvard.

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