Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 539: Kill you with money

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The Independence Centennial Exhibition is a grand event for the whole world, especially for Americans.

In Li Mu's impression, Nikola Tesla will soon become a U.S. citizen after a few years, so it is necessary for Nikola Tesla to feel the grand occasion of the independent centennial exhibition in advance, which is beneficial to Nicholas La Tesla further developed a sense of identity with the United States and the Steed Group.

Regarding how powerful Nikola Tesla is, this question no longer needs to be repeated. He is the only person in the world who is called "the man closest to God." Many of his inventions can be used even in the 21st century. "Black technology" to describe.

If Li Mu's smooth sailing in recent years is only because of the light of the traversers, then as long as Nikola Tesla is brought in, it can at least guarantee that in the next 50 years, the steed group can still be opened. Get a variety of dark technologies.

Hearing that Nikola Tesla had disembarked, Li Mu immediately lost his mind on Taobao. Compared with Nikola Tesla, these thousands of patents in the patent office were dwarfed immediately.

When Li Mu met Nicholas Tesla, Nicholas Tesla had been arranged by Li Mu into the presidential suite on the top floor of the Clinton Castle Hotel.

The facilities in the Presidential Suite are naturally perfect. Many people mention luxury when they use the toilet inlaid with gold rims. In the Presidential Suite at the Clinton Castle Hotel, there is really gold on the toilet. When the house was renovated, all the available The metal parts are almost entirely made of gold, and are still pure gold.

Obviously, Nikola Tesla's interest was not in the gold everywhere in the room, but on the phone in the room. When Li Mu saw Nikola Tesla, Nikola Te Silla was tossing the phone. Looking at this situation, she very much opened up the desire to further improve if she researched.

After seeing Li Mu, Nikola Tesla was a little bit helpless. This was a very thin young man with a big back, fluttering ears, and poor, deep eye sockets, and the corners of his eyes drooped slightly. The whole man looked full of depression.

"Nikola, welcome!" Li Mu gave Nikola Tesla a big hug.

Nicholas Tesla was so nervous that he did not even raise his hand to give Li Mu the proper response. After Li Mu released Nicholas Tesla, Nicholas Tesla did not respond in English proficiently: "Very Nice to meet you, Mr. Riem. "

"You don't have to be so polite, just call me Rim." Li Mu was very happy and turned around and instructed Yan Shun to find a tailor, while asking the restaurant to bring lunch.

In the presidential suite, you can actually cook your own meals, but Li Mu is not ready to fire Nikola Tesla. After all, Nikola Tesla is only a 20-year-old young man. Li Mu is very suspicious of Nikola Tesla. Will Sla cook?

Nicholas Tesla was also a life-long man. He had a poor family when he was young, and even interrupted his studies. He was recommended to Edison by his teacher. As a result, he fell into the wolf's den. The whole second half of his life was suppressed by Edison. It is no exaggeration to say that if it was not for Edison's jealousy, Nikola Tesla's fame would definitely be greater than any scientist.

Here at Li Mu, of course, Nikola Tesla will not be struggling to survive under the crazy pressure of Edison, like another time and space. Li Mu will help Nikola Tesla solve all his worries and let Nikola · Stella really shows its value.

"Mr. Riem, nice to meet you." Li Mu noticed that there were others in the room.

"Please allow me to introduce you, this is my teacher Charles Bachero." Nicola Tesla plucked up the courage and introduced Charles Bargello to Li Mu.

Charles Bachero is a middle-aged white man in his 40s. Like many people nowadays, Charles Bachero has a beard and a decent dress. His eyes are full of enthusiasm and envy.

That's right. This is a normal person. Seeing Li Mu is his proper look.

"Mr. Charles, welcome to New York." Li Mu and Charles Barchero shook hands.

Charles Bachero was regarded as Nicholas Tesla's Bole. It was also because of Charles Bachero's recommendation that Nicholas Tesla was able to join the Edison Lab.

Although it turned out that Nikola Tesla joined the Edison Labs was a mistake, but this error has nothing to do with Charles Bachero. In a recommendation letter to Edison, Charles Bachero wrote: I know two A great person, one is you, the other is this young man I want to recommend for you.

Li Mu's impression of Charles Bachero was very good. When he found Nicholas Tesla in Henry and expressed his willingness to provide Nicholas Tesla with funding for Nicholas Tesla to complete his studies, Charles · Bachero was very cautious and fully expressed a teacher's responsibility to the students, so when Li Mu invited Nicola Tesla to the United States, he also sent an invitation to Charles Bachero by the way.

"Mr. Riem, thank you for your hospitality, which really flatters us." Charles Barchero understands his weight, although Charles Barchero does not know how much potential Nicola Tesla has in the future, But Charles Bachero knows that Charles Bachero would not be eligible to stay in the presidential suite if it was not for Nicolas Tesla.

That's right, if not for Nicola Tesla, Charles Bachero would not even have been invited by Li Mu.

In fact, in the past two years, Junma Group has been searching for talents, especially after Li Mu began to build the Springfield Institute of Technology. A world-class comprehensive university, so don't have too many well-known professors who have relied on the Steed Group in the past two years. Charles Bacchiro is just one of them, perhaps the most inconspicuous one.

At this time, Yan Shun brought in a man and a woman with two tailors, and they wanted to customize clothes for Nikola Tesla. This was one of the benefits that Nikola Tesla decided to play for Li Mu.

"Sir, don't do this." Nikola Tesla was a bit shy.

Shyness is also normal, after all, Nikola Tesla is only 20 years old.

It can be seen from the clothing that Nicholas Tesla's family is not good, the fabric of his clothes is not good, and even it is summer at this time, but Nicholas Tesla still wears spring and autumn. Thick suit.

It can also be seen from the clothing. Although Nicholas Tesla's clothing is not very decent, but it is washed cleanly. Although the collar of the shirt is severely worn, there is still no trace of stains, which makes Li Mu immediately feel good. Rise.

People are really different from others. Although some people have a wealth of money, they ca n’t see the slightest accomplishment and quality in raising their hands. Although some people are poor, they can still maintain self-discipline and integrity in the poverty. Some people just don't get on the wall, and some people's success is inevitable.

"Nicholas, don't worry about this. If you feel embarrassed, then use your future performance to prove that you are worth the money." Li Mu gave Nicholas Tesla a reason to refuse.

Nikola Tesla is not a greedy person. Another experience in time and space shows that Nikola Tesla is not a good businessman. He is a pure scientist, so Li Mu wants to give in various ways. Nicolas Steth caused more emotional fetters, so that Nicholas Tesla would focus on serving Li Mu and only do what he was best at.

Both tailors are professional tailors. Older tailors did not even use a ruler to make a circle around Nikola Tesla, and casually took all the clothes Nikola Tesla needed. The data came out, and the little girl who followed the old tailor recorded with parchment and pencil. This is also a tradition of old European craftsmen. Even in the information age, these top tailors still do.

Soon, the tailor bowed and resigned, and they will provide a few sets of clothing suitable for Nicholas Tesla's temporary replacement, and the real customization can be completed in two months.

Li Mu's tailors are definitely top tailors. Even the substitute clothes are of better quality than the main products in men's clothing stores. These substitute clothes are not recycled. If Nikola Tesla is willing to save Just save it and throw it away if you don't want to save it. Of course, the cost is included in the custom cost.

While the tailor was measuring his clothes, the restaurant downstairs had already delivered lunch. In order to take care of the appetite of Nikola Tesla and Charles Bachero, Li Mu specially prepared the kitchen to prepare Serbian traditional gourmet smoked beef jerky and dried rosemary This touched them a little bit with tears.

Li Mu was still apologizing when pouring the wine: "Sorry, I wanted to find the rosé wine you are more accustomed to, but unfortunately the quality is not satisfactory, so I prepared a white wine from Reims, France, hoping to make you satisfied . "

The French Reims is also the so-called champagne area in the future. The champagne produced here is known as the most pure champagne. Champagne produced in other regions can only be called sparkling wine.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Riem, we can hardly express our gratitude in words. Please allow me to express my respect to you. You and your Steed Group have become a legend. Your attention and investment in education are even more important. The other rich people should be ashamed, and I am honored to join Springfield Institute of Technology. I believe she will become a world-class college in the future. " Cool.

Time Magazine now has overseas editions. When promoting Li Mu and Steed Horse Group, Time Magazine focused on Steed Electric Company and Steed Affiliated School. These two are undoubtedly high-tech industries. The other is the Huimin project, which can be equated with charity. Therefore, in Europe, Li Mu and Steed Group have a good reputation. Although British newspapers also habitually disdain Li Mu and Steed Group, they are outside the United Kingdom. More Europeans do not dislike Li Mu and Steed Group.

In fact, even in the UK, there are newspapers who speak for Li Mu and the Steed Group from the stand of "fairness and openness". Of course, these newspapers are controlled by Rose Company, so "openness and justice" here should be quoted.

The advantage of capitalism is this. At present, the most popular formulation in the world is free trade. The government should minimize intervention in the economy. Therefore, although the British government does not like Li Mu and Steed Group, the British government cannot really treat those as Li Mu. The newspaper that spoke to the Steed Group shut down ...

They don't have this power!

"I believe that Springfield Polytechnic University must be the best school in the world. We have the best professors, the best students, the most abundant funds, and the most open academic environment in the world. You will be proud of your decision today, and you will be a part of it. "Li Mu is really not worried in this regard. Education is actually a process of throwing money. Money does not necessarily do well. , But you can't make it without money.

"Mr. Riem, can I work at Springfield Institute of Technology?" Nicholas Tesla couldn't help it.

"Of course, as long as you want ..." Li Mu first gave a positive answer, and the following words even surprised Nikola Tesla and even panic: "Here I have all the autonomy, if you If you want to study, you can go to any school you want, even MIT and Harvard. If you want to work, you can go to any department of the Steed Group, including Steed Lab. If you have any Ideas, you can tell your assistant directly. "

Li Mu is going to set up a laboratory specifically for Nikola Tesla, either anchored in the Steed Lab or directly at Springfield Institute of Technology, depending on Nikola Tesla's idea.

"Assistant ..." Nikola Tesla was a little dumbfounded, after all, the treatment provided by Li Mu exceeded Nikola Tesla's imagination.

Li Mu just kept smiling and didn't speak.

In fact, Li Mu prepared more than one assistant for Nikola Tesla. Life assistant, work assistant, chef, driver, maid, etc. Li Mu even prepared a phantom for Nikola Tesla.

"... Is anyone else there?" Nikola Tesla noticed something different.

"Not necessarily, only important people can have special treatment." Li Mu honestly said that if this treatment was provided to all employees of the Junma Group, Li Mu would have to go bankrupt if he had money.

"That being the case, then I hope I can refuse, I know Mr. Riem you are a generous person, but I hope I can enjoy the corresponding treatment after making the corresponding contributions." Nikola Tesla Sure enough, he did not disappoint Li Mu.

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