Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 540: Strangle

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It is often said: "Noble is the epitaph of the noble, mean is the passport of the mean."

This is not necessarily true. The person who said this must be a pessimist, or a conspiracy theory holder. Most of his thinking should be that people do not die for themselves, and there are not many noble parts.

In fact, Li Mu is also a conspiracy theory holder. As long as the purpose does not ask the process, as long as the purpose is correct, it does not matter whether the process is evil.

Humans actually have two sides. Evil people like Hitler are accompanied by their lovers at the end of their lives, so it is not appropriate to simply sum up a person by right or wrong.

For example, Li Mu. In the process of starting the horse, there are indeed many things that make Li Mu difficult to talk about. However, on the other hand, the horse has provided living security for more than 100,000 families. At the same time, it must be acknowledged that the horse New products have also objectively improved people's living standards.

So the evil of man is relatively speaking. If we consider the resources of the world as a big cake, some people will get more, and some people will get less. This is the law of nature.

Sounds pessimistic, right?

But we also don't have to be pessimistic, because in this world, there are always people who will make others feel self-defeating, such as Lei Feng, and Father Damien, who stays silently on Molokai Island against the leprosy virus, uses "selfishness" It seems impossible to explain what they have done, so it can only be attributed to their noble sentiment.

It is difficult to say whether Nikola Tesla's sentiment is noble, but from the point of Nikola Tesla's rejection of the extraordinary treatment provided by Li Mu, at least Nikola Tesla is a man of integrity.

Regardless of whether Li Mu is doing something evil or not, Li Mu likes upright people, so Li Mu appreciates Nikola Tesla's insistence.

"Of course, if you insist, of course, although I'm pretty sure your worth is worth everything I have for you." Li Mu wants to solve all the worries for Nikola Tesla. "All" here, of course, also Including does not make people question the value of Nikola Tesla.

"That's very grateful ..." Nikola Tesla was relieved. If Li Mu insisted, Nikola Tesla would not be able to handle himself.

"Come on, let's have a drink for a new life." Li Mu toasted.

"Jingjun Horse Group ..."

"Tomorrow ..."

Nicholas Tesla and Charles Bachero responded abruptly, and no one could reject such a proposal.

In the afternoon, Li Mu arranged for Nicola Tesla and Charles Bachero to visit the Centennial Independent Exhibition. In the next few days, they will visit the Time Magazine headquarters, Junma Automobile Factory, Junma Electric and other related companies in turn. Nicola Tesla and Charles Bachero will be arranged to visit the Steed Lab in Boston, and finally to Springfield Institute of Technology.

By the way, Nicholas Tesla eventually chose Springfield Institute of Technology. He will be an assistant to Charles Bachero at Springfield Institute of Technology, and will also be in Steed Labs. Senior researcher, will own a private laboratory with an independent budget within the Springfield Institute of Technology.

The afternoon visit does not require Li Mu to accompany him personally. Li Mu did not go to the main exhibition hall of the Independence Century Exhibition, but went to the Horse Park in Central Park to find Henry.

You touched me. I originally planned to place the headquarters of the Steed Group in Battery Park, but I did not expect that the office building of the Fortress Park simply could not accommodate the growing number of the Steed Group headquarters, so Li Mu could only place most of the Steed Group headquarters in Central Park. There are only a few core departments in the office building of Battery Park. In terms of scale, it is more like Li Mu's private office.

Henry's office is on the top floor of the Central Park office building. In terms of area, it is larger than Li Mu's office, occupying almost half of the top floor area. Looking out the window, you can see the entire Manhattan.

The number of times Li Mu came to Henry's office was so few that Henry's secretary was a little embarrassed when he informed Henry. Although there were still people waiting in line outside Henry's office to wait for Henry to meet, Li Mu was immediately given the opportunity to cut in.

"Ha ... what day is it today, my boss actually came to my office, shouldn't I be flattered?" Every time Henry saw Li Mu, he was upset.

It's really irritable. Henry is more than ten thousand people in the Steed Group, and now he has obtained a part of the shares of the Steed Group and became a shareholder of the Steed Group. It can be said that he has joined the ranks of the rich.

Even so, Henry's private life was messed up by Li Mu. Mrs. Henry has stayed in Springfield to run the Springfield Institute of Technology and the Steed Affiliated School. It's rare for two people to meet each other in a busy month, so Every time Henry saw Li Mu, he had to be ridiculed.

"Annie, please give me a cup of coffee." Li Mu didn't take himself as an outsider, and sat in front of Henry with a careless smile, and no one assigned Henry's secretary beside him.

In fact, Henry also has a large number of secretaries. There are more than a dozen secretaries in the office. Annie is Henry's personal secretary and also Henry's life assistant. According to the information received by Li Mu, the relationship between Annie and Henry seems a little unclear.

This kind of thing is quite normal. The matter between men and women is actually very tolerant. Mrs. Henry should know about it, but since Mrs. Henry does not have an attack, Li Mu has no need to interfere.

Non-intervention and non-intervention, Li Mu was also very polite to evoke Anne, and there should be some high and low, Li Mu did not mind Henry gossiping, as long as there is no public or private use, Li Mu would like to hear.

I really like to hear that Annie was not married, and this incident did not affect Henry's family. Li Mu thinks this will help Henry properly release the pressure, so this is a good thing.

"Okay, please wait for Mr. Riem." Annie did come very soon, and brought the coffee up soon, of course, and did not forget Henry's.

"Let's go, what's the matter?" Henry had calmed down at the moment and had a leisurely coffee with Li Mu.

In fact, Henry's work is not too busy. There is a deputy general manager below Henry. Each department has a department manager. Each branch has a branch manager. The factory has a factory manager. One person is responsible for the work that Henry can handle himself. Not many, and most of them will have a secretary to do the work for him, most of the time Henry only needs to sign.

"I went around the showroom of the Patent Office today, and there are really a lot of good things there, so you set up a team to buy back all the valuable patents in the Patent Office." Li Mu came to Henry for a real business.

Mosquito leg meat is also meat. Compared with Nikola Tesla, the patents in the patent office are not worth mentioning, but they are still valuable after all.

"Such a trivial matter, do you need to take a trip? Isn't it a good idea to make a phone call?" Henry was crying a little. It wasn't worthwhile for Li Mu to go on such a trivial matter.

"It's a trivial matter, mainly I still want to see you ..." Li Mu drank his coffee, and immediately got up to leave. "How long haven't you been back to Springfield? Annie is preparing for the start of Springfield Institute of Technology Ceremony, you ca n’t pull her hind legs. "

Li Mu half joked and warned.

Henry's wife was also called Annie, which should be a coincidence.

"Do you remember that the Polytechnic is going to start? It's rare." Henry said with sarcasm, and it was annoyance to mention his wife.

"Good-bye, remember to notify me when you get there." Li Mu didn't want to stay long, and now Henry is like a grieving woman. Li Mu may be infected if she stays here for a long time.

When Li Mu and Henry threw taunts at each other, Li Gui and Rong Hong were arguing.

The Qing Empire sent people to participate in the American Independence Centennial Exhibition, which caused a great influence among the Chinese Americans. Although most Chinese in the United States have already joined the U.S. nationality, in the past ten days or so, many Chinese Americans have come to the Qing Empire. The visit to the exhibition area included the children who came to the United States with Li Mu.

Once upon a time, Li Mu was just a little fart like them. Now more than four years have passed. The young children of the past have grown into juveniles. Some of them are even anxious and have begun to accumulate hair. Although they still have braids, they all have He speaks fluent American English, and most of them are already in suits and shoes. From the perspective of clothing, they are no different from whites.

Seeing this, Li Gui still expressed some level of concern.

The Qing Empire sent students to study in the United States. The most worrying thing was that these students were deceived by Western society, and then there was some kind of "nonsense". Changing clothes can be as big or as small. Make yourself look a little different, make a little fine-tuning, and say it ’s too much trouble when you get bigger. You must know that when the Qing Empire entered the customs, it was the appearance of the Han people that first shattered their self-esteem, and then started their own slaves. rule.

Rong Huan disagreed with this. To save money, Rong Huan and Chen Liqiu even had to arrange for some students to go to the Junma Affiliated School. If this happened, it would be a bigger scandal. Things like clothes are not worth mentioning at all.

In fact, in order to ensure the normal education of these children, the Qing Empire was in a sense no expense at all. However, more than a hundred children in the United States are really too expensive, so the "young children go abroad" and have to repeatedly Reducing expenses, this has barely propped up to now.

In these four years, Rong Huan was really struggling. From the very beginning of his blood, to the current difficulties, Rong Huan sometimes dreamed back at midnight, I really do n’t know why he was so desperately tossing.

After all, Li Mu's incident was passed back to the Qing Empire, but it was strange that this incident did not cause much disturbance, and it is said that the palace of King Gong played a key role in it.

Although the Qing government did not cancel the "Children's Overseas Education Bureau" and recalled all the students studying in the United States, there were already rumors in the field that the fermented, so Rong Hong and Chen Liqiu had a hard time in the past two years. Maybe one day will Afterwards, Rong Hong and Chen Liqiu will be dismissed from office and paid a heavy price for this matter.

The focus of the dispute between Chen Gui and Rong Hong is precisely with Li Mu. Chen Gui really ca n’t understand. With the introduction of young children in Li Mu district, how did he create a large foundation in the United States in just a few years? Here, it's just heaven and earth.

"Li Mu's incident was completely an accident. At first, she was rejected by the foster family before she arrived in Springfield. Later, a police sergeant in Springfield accepted Li Mu, and then Li Mu was in the police again. With the help of Chang, he founded the Junma Weapons Company. As for why Li Mu and Washington went online, this is no longer under our control. "Rong Hong also said that he was not quite sure about Li Mu ’s history, because Rong Yun also could n’t understand Li Mu. How to create a huge foundation in these short years.

"The accident is indeed possible at any time, but we should annihilate the accident in a budding state, so that it will not cause a greater accident." Li Gui remembered the strength of the Steed Group, and still couldn't help but secretly startled.

After Li Mu left in the morning, several people came to the Qing Empire exhibition area. Among them, there are powerful figures in Li Gui's eyes, such as the prime minister of Cuba and the countries, such as the mayor of New York City, and even the American tycoon in Rong Hong's mouth.

They all have a common purpose to buy all the products in the Qing Empire exhibition area, but when the people of the Junma Group said that Li Mu had bought all the exhibits of the Qing Empire, these people laughed away.

After the fact, Li Gui learned after many inquiries that it turned out that these people wanted to buy the exhibits of the Qing Empire just to please Li Mu simply.

This really surprised Li Gui. Li Gui thought that he had thought about the strength of the Junma Group as much as possible, but he did not expect that it was still insufficient.

If others don't say it, they will say that the Cuban and Commonwealth Prime Minister is a person similar to the Prime Minister. Such a character will actually please a "arms dealer", which makes Li Gui feel incredible.

After a detailed understanding, Li Gui didn't know how sacred his family was.

Thinking of the exhibits of the Junma Group in the main exhibition hall, Li Gui couldn't help but be jealous. How good it would be if the Junma Group was the Qing Empire ...

This idea just grew in Li Gui's heart, just like the weeds in spring.

"How to stifle? The Young Children's Education Bureau is only a temporary agency. There is even a county king among the students under management. Who can we manage?" Rong Hong couldn't help but feel sad and sad.

If Chen Liqiu is here, he will certainly cry with Li Gui.

At first Chen Liqiu also wanted to stifle the danger in the cradle, but was unsuccessful. Now this weed has grown into a towering tree, and it is impossible to kill it again.

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