Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 541: not to be trifled

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If there were no Mike and little fat man on the ship then, maybe Li Mu is already buried in the belly.

Feudal emperor nations are particularly strict. The presence of a county king on the ship will indeed bind feudal officials. If there is a foreigner on board, the officer will become a rat that has penetrated into the bellows, neither inside nor outside. people.

Although Rong Hong was not on the ship that day, in his post-report, Rong Hong can understand how embarrassed Chen Liqiu was.

Now it's a shame to remember that year. For Rong Rongzheng and Li Gui, both Li Mu and the Steed Group have become out of reach. The two can only complain here.

"After I go back, I will definitely tell the Shangguan that if Li is left alone, he will sooner or later become my Qing dynasty." Li Gui is still extremely loyal to the Qing Empire.

"You can go back and try ..." Rong Hong was not optimistic.

As far as Rong Hong knows, Li Gui's department is Ningbo Customs. If other departments are better, what kind of department is Customs ...

Rong Hong can almost conclude that if Li Gui truly reports it, who is really unlucky?

A very sad fact is that at this time the chief of customs of the Qing Empire was the British Hurd. Although the British and the Americans did not deal with it, the British may not be aimed at helping the Qing Empire.

The key issue is that even if targeted, it may be useless.

At this moment, another large group of people came to the exhibition area of ​​the Qing Empire. Most of these people were teenagers, black hair and yellow skin, neat clothes and stylish hair, but also short hair, and both men and women. This made Li Gui very curious.

From the point of view, these children should all be Oriental teenagers, but they are not the same in terms of expression. These young people do not have the usual snobbishness that is common among the young people of the Qing Empire at this time. They look confidently at others and even enter the door. At that time, the couplets on both sides of the archway were still a little bit sloppy, which made Li Gui very unaccustomed.

Li Gui doesn't know where these teenagers come from, but Rong Hong is very clear. These are students from the school affiliated to Steed. Visiting the independent century exhibition is one of the benefits of Steed affiliated school. Steed Group will be responsible for all the expenses.

"Students of Junma Affiliated School? You mean, these are the children that Junma Group bought from my Daqing?" Li Gui felt a little incredible when he heard Rong Hong's explanation.

Massive immigration of the Junma Group from the Qing Empire is no secret. Li Gui, who works in the customs, even knows many specific data that ordinary people do not know. In Li Gui's impression, the children taken away by the Junma Group from the Qing Dynasty in various ways every month There are thousands of people. Originally, Li Gui thought that these children would be used as child labor when they were brought to the United States. Now it looks completely different.

"You noticed that it seems that Qing Guo's exhibits are all taken out of the museum without traces of modern industry." Right next to Li Gui, because the teenager of the school affiliated to the horse said with a clear voice.

"Niu Jiajun, you must have failed to learn modern history well. Is there a modern industry in the Qing Dynasty? Manchus will allow us Han people to own modern industry? Don't be funny, okay ..." The person next to him dismissed.

"You two didn't learn very well. Who said that there was no modern industry in Qing Dynasty? Wouldn't it be great if our Junma Group supported them in building a smokeless gunpowder factory?" Another person answered next.

In a few short conversations, Li Gui heard the whole body cold. The expressions of these teenagers did not seem to be fake. It can be seen that this was not a premeditated dialogue. When they mentioned "Qing Empire" in their tone, they clearly took it with them. A disdain from the heart, or a kind of indifference that has nothing to do with me, made Li Gui feel panic.

At this time, the Qing empire was in a very delicate state. Before the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement, the attitude of the Manchu rulers to the Hans was strictly guarded against death. Not to mention the modern industry, the Manchu rulers were eager to maintain this state of small nations and widows until forever and always.

The greatest advantage objectively brought by the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement is that the Manchu rulers finally had to relax the suppression of the Han forces. If they did not rely on the strength of the Han people, the Manchu rulers would not be able to suppress the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom movement and maintain their rule, so they were suppressed. After more than 200 years, the strength of the Han people has finally risen.

From the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement to the present, the attitude of the Manchu rulers towards the strength of the Han people has changed again because of the disappearance of hostile forces, the so-called flying birds are gone, the good bows are hidden, the cunning rabbits die, and the running dogs cook. Once the rulers wanted to resume the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Previous status.

But the Han nationality officials who have real power in their hands will not easily give up the power in their hands. They have tasted the deliciousness of power and do not want to return to the state of nothing before. At this time, the attitude of the rulers of the Manchu dynasty is probably at ease. The lack of power, they could not use force to force the officials of the dynasty of Xinjiang, which may lead to a greater disaster. At the same time, they did not want to watch the officials of the dynasty of the Han nationality sit up, so a new round of games is continuing. .

If this game continues, it will lead to the slapstick of "one enemy to one country" during the Sino-Japanese War of 1894.

Li Gui naturally wouldn't think so far, but Li Gui has subconsciously felt the danger. These teenagers are still young and do not have much danger. But if they wait for them to grow up, what will they do? Are not guaranteed.

"It's dangerous, it's too dangerous!" Li Gui frowned, and decided to report the situation here to China as soon as possible.

"Brother Koike, speak carefully." Rong Hong's heart is chaotic. If this matter is not handled properly, it will definitely affect the relationship between the young children's foreign trade and the Steed Group.

As far as the current situation is concerned, if the Junma Group wants to deal with the young children's foreign trade bureau, it is almost effortless. Li Mu doesn't even need to do it by himself. Bringing disaster.

No one knows more about the strength of the Junma Group than Rong Hong. The two places Rong Yun often stays at are Springfield and Hartford. Both of these places are now the sphere of influence of the Jun Horse Group. As long as Li Mu said a word, countless people can't wait to jump out and help Li Mu to do things.

Rong Hong believes that even when the Qing embassy in the United States comes forward, it will be useless.

"Brother Chunfu, how can I be cautious about this situation? If you don't play according to the truth, you are really a son of human beings." Li Gui is resolute and must not allow the Steed Group to act recklessly.

At least it is good to remind the court.

"What are you going to play?" A voice suddenly sounded, Li Gui stared intently. It turned out to be the former boy named Niu Jiajun.

"Hehehe, my friends, fortunately I will ..." Li Gui laughed with a smile on his face, not seeing any indignation just now.

Li Gui was so excited just now that he didn't notice that he was surrounded by a group of people. He looked at Li Gui badly in front of these teenagers. There were some rhythms that he would attack in a group.

"This gentleman, did you say you want to play, just do you have any comments on what I said and done? If so, you can point it out in person, you don't need to play." Niu Jiajun's expression was not good, looking at Li Gui's eyes With a slight disdain.

"Niu Jiajun, you are wrong again. It is not the same to play and report. What you understand is to report to the school. What he said is to play the court. The most serious consequence of yours is that we have no lunch and this one If the sir is played, we might be cut off by the door ... "The person next to him was unwilling and explained clearly.

"Chopping the door? Hahahaha ..." Niu Jiajun bent over with a smile, and stopped for a long time: "Xue Jinxun, I ’m scared of what you said, but unfortunately I do n’t know how my family is now, have I been hungry? Damn, if you can help me find it, trouble to take them to the United States, I will give you all my pocket money ... "

Niu Jiajun said that his eyes were a little reddish, obviously causing sadness.

"Okay, okay, I'm not telling you the school, aren't you going to visit it? Go and go ..." Rong Huan wanted to be a peacemaker and expose the incident.

"Even if you go and tell us, and I might as well tell you, this adult's worry is very reasonable. Although we are young, we know where we come from and where we want to go, but unfortunately some people I don't know. "Xue Jinzhuang looked disdainful when speaking, it was obvious that there was no point.

"You ... really a monarch ..." Li Gui was obviously said to be hurting.

In fact, do n’t think that the officials of the Qing Dynasty are all loyal and loyal. It depends on who is loyal to the loyalty. Although the rulers of the Qing Dynasty have been whitewashing the peace, the real scholars know that the three days of Yangzhou Jiading and the Three Massacres. It's impossible for them to forget them completely.

Of course, knowing and knowing it is another thing to show it, and it is another thing to do it yourself. As far as the current political ecology is concerned, such a thing is a sin even if you think about it.

"Oh, sir, I'm afraid to recognize the thief as the father!" Xue Jinxun said that he was astonishing and endless. This was a posture to force Li Gui to rebel immediately.

"The boy is in a stateless state, and quickly retreats, retreats ..." Rong Hong had to go out again, if I keep talking, I will probably fight.

The staff in the exhibition area noticed the situation here. Several subordinates and translators were already around, and the situation seemed quite tense.

Xue Jinxuan was not nervous. He slightly curled up his suit, and a delicate handle suddenly appeared.

Yes, I almost forgot. The core business of the Steed Group is Steed Weapons Company. Students of Steed Affiliated Schools participate in a summer camp for a certain time every year. There are military training in the camp, and they are certainly no strangers to weapons, so a child It's not uncommon to go out with a gun. If you don't bother, even if you carry a heavy rain-type light machine gun to go shopping, no one talks about it.

As far as living standards in the United States at this time are concerned, at least the Junma Group's employees' families can mix at least a middle class, and their employees buy products produced by their companies at a discount. Considering the gun holding rate of Junma Group employees It is not normal to go out without a gun.

Li Gui never expected that when a student came to visit the Independence Century Exhibition, he even carried a gun with him. When he saw the silver-colored gun handle, Li Gui was obviously frightened and subconsciously retreated. A big step.

This retreat was improper, and Li Gui happened to hit a shelf full of porcelain.

There are a lot of porcelain on the shelf. Although Li Gui didn't knock the shelf directly down this time, two porcelain plates fell down and "Wowa" fell and shattered.

It was just two plates. It wasn't a big deal, but what Li Gui didn't expect was that there would be a rush to come.

The person who came is one of the bodyguards left by Li Mu. This guy is a pure white man. When he came over, he crossed his nose and eyes, and no one was pleasing to the eye. Mr. Riem? Damn it, what are you all doing here? "

"This gentleman, please pay attention to your words." Before Li Gui had time to speak, Xue Jinxuan stood up again.

"Ah, Boy Scouts, I hate you Boy Scouts ..." The bodyguard stood with his nose and eyes crossed, standing in front of Xue Jinyu with his hands on his hips.

The Scout is a collective name for the students of the school affiliated to Steed. This was originally the name for these students after they entered the summer camp. Now it has become the daily name. Both students and parents love this name.

"Yes, we are Boy Scouts. I hope you speak with respect. Don't look at you as a Chuntian company. Maybe after a few years I graduate, I will be your top boss. You better pray that day will not come. Otherwise, I will make you regret it. "Xue Jinxun was so imposing that what he said was irrefutable.

There is a saying how to say, "Mo bully the poor", probably that's what it means.

Juveniles have unlimited possibilities. Who knows where these juveniles will go in the future, so what Xue Jinchen said is likely to become a reality.

"Let's talk when you're done, boy, give me an instant now." The bodyguards are also very imposing. Although they wear Peugeot of Chuntian Company, they are not strictly speaking of Chuntian Company. This is just an advertisement. So even after Xue Jinxun became a senior of Chuntian Company, he couldn't control the bodyguard beside Li Mu.

One thing is for sure, these little boy scouts now have a bright future, so although the bodyguards hate itchy teeth, they ca n’t help them.

In fact, Xue Jinzhang is also a dead support. The corporate culture of Junma Group is to try his best to avoid **, so if you are in a hurry, it is still Xue Jinzhang who suffers, so Xue Jinzhang listens to the bodyguard and immediately runs away.

Why do n’t you just stay here? Waiting to be beaten?

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