Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 542: Falling down (Happy New Year)

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The phrase "Xiucai meets soldiers and can't reasonably explain it" is also applicable to the United States.

Compared with the young and frivolous Xue Jinzhang, Li Gui is indeed tied up, because Xue Jinzhang occupies all the initiative, backed by the big tree of the Junma Group, Xue Jinzhang already has sufficient capital, Li Gui is definitely afraid to start and use strong.

Compared to the bodyguards around Li Mu, Xue Jinzhang is obviously in a weak position. From the perspective of future development, Xue Jinzhang may indeed have a promising future, but at this stage, Xue Jinzhang still has to be a man with his tail in his hands. After all, Xue Jinzhang ’s biggest amulet is this Shi had no effect at all, and Xue Jinhuan even asked for trouble.

A group of little ghosts were sent away, and the bodyguard recovered his arrogance when confronted with Li Gui and Rong Hong: "Now these things already have the Lord, so you better be careful when you keep it, if there is any accident , Then before you leave New York, I can't guarantee that you will not have an accident. "

Although Li Gui was so annoyed by these words, Rong Hong was frowning. Li Gui finally had no choice but to walk away, but Rong Hong could not walk so smartly.

Rong Hong has now naturalized in the United States, and has established a family in Springfield. His wife is an authentic white American. It is impossible for Rong Hong to give up all these things.

With a dull feeling in his heart, Rong Hong didn't want to stay in the exhibition room to get angry, he simply left the Qing Empire exhibition area and turned around.

In Rong Hong ’s view, the most valuable exhibition area of ​​this independent century-old exhibition should be the Jun Ma Group ’s exhibition area. Among them, the Jun Affiliated School ’s exhibition area is the most fascinating. Come to the exhibition hall of the school affiliated to Steed Horse and visit at least once a day.

In order to allow young children to go to the Steed Affiliated School to study, Rong Hong had a lot of dealings with the staff of the Steed Affiliated School. After more than ten days, he and the Steed Affiliated School sent to participate in the work of the Independent Centennial Exhibition. The personnel are particularly familiar, so Rong Hong has just entered the exhibition area of ​​Junma Affiliated School, and an acquaintance immediately met.

"Brother Chunfu, come, come, you and I talked about a game, and Mo lived up to the good times." Ba Wenqiang, the teaching director of the horse-affiliated school, was greeted with honors. Two people can be regarded as chess players. They will fight each other as long as they have time. Since these ten days, they have been able to fight several games as long as they are free.

"Brother Wenqiang, I'm sorry, I'm in a bad mood today, and we can't let Brother Wenqiang be full of joy, please forgive me." Rong Hong has no thoughts of playing chess. Seeing pictures and text introductions in the exhibition area of ​​the school affiliated to Junma, Rong Yu tolerance Can't help but feel sad.

It should be said that Rong Hong is also an ambitious person, at least much better than Li Gui, Chen Liqiu and others. Now that he has joined the U.S. citizenship and set up a family in Springfield, Rong Hong could have found a stable career in the United States. Comfortably live his little life.

However, Rong Hong did not forget his compatriots in the Qing dynasty. He insisted on returning to the Qing empire, and tried to promote the establishment of the Children's Overseas Education Bureau. He also brought more than a hundred students from the Qing Empire to the United States to learn advanced cultural knowledge. This method Although it looks a bit stupid, the starting point is undoubtedly a good one.

What Li Mu is doing is in fact no different from Rong Hong. They all get people from the Qing Empire to the United States. They all want more people to receive a new education and then return to the Qing Empire to become the tinder to open the people's wisdom. But Li Mu did The scale is larger and the effect is more obvious, so Rong Hong has fallen behind.

But in reality, Rong Hong and Li Mu should be the same kind of people, at least they never forget where their home is.

"Come and come, since we have no intention of playing games, let's drink tea or chat." Ba Wenqiang relied on Rong Hong and forced Rong Hong to sit down in the rest area.

The exhibition area of ​​the school affiliated to Steed Horse has a large area, so it has a quite large rest area. The staff got more than 20 swivel chairs, and the green area was used to separate the rest area from each other. The problem, Rong Hong looked at the surrounding environment, so he had no choice but to sit down.

Judging from Li Gui's performance, the Junma Group is already registered in the minds of officials of the Qing Dynasty. If anyone sees Rong Hong talking with the people of the Junma Group in the exhibition area of ​​the Junma Affiliated School, the consequences are unpredictable. , Rong Hong now does not want to have extravagant branches.

"Brother Chunfu, I think you have a lot of heart. I wonder if you can say that Yuba is listening?" Ba Wenqiang was very enthusiastic, brewed tea for Rong Huan himself, and then sat down on the circle chair beside Rong Huan, ready to be A good listener.

"Well, thank you Brother Wenqiang for your kindness, but it's just a taste. It's really not humane." Rong Yan shook his head and sighed, he couldn't say.

"Why is it any good to hear that, you and I are the same root, although they are the same, but in the white world of the United States, we Chinese should watch and help each other so that we will not be bullied by these white people and live out It ’s a taste. ”Qi Wenxuan, said by Ba Wenqiang, said that nothing can be said to people. As long as he stands upright, he is naturally not afraid of gossip.

"Oh ..." Rong Hui said, but Ba Wenqiang simply sighed and stopped speaking.

What can you say? The Steed Group was founded by Li Mu. In just a few years, this great momentum was established. Rong Hong asked himself that he did not have the ability.

Looking at the open-minded Ba Wenqiang in front of him, and thinking about Li Gui who is too old to start the soil before he can figure out the situation, Rong Hong has a kind of self-defeating feeling.

If you talk about your personal abilities alone, Rong Hong believes that even if he can't compare with Li Mu, or at least not better than the Bawen in front of him, he can just make things better. If the strength of the team is compared, the young children's overseas education industry bureau is much larger than the horse-affiliated school Not so, so Rong Ye really felt wronged.

This kind of aggrievedness has nothing to vent.

"Brother Chunfu, what is the scale of our school affiliated to Steed Horse today?" Rong Yun really was unwilling to say it, and Ba Wenqiang simply said to himself.

"Nothing in 300 years, Mr. Li Mu's talent is slightly admirable." Rong Hong was still unconvinced, and only said that he admired Li Mu, the meaning of the words is naturally nothing to do with other people.

"Brother Chunfu didn't know. In August this year, Springfield Institute of Technology will also be put into operation. I have a word and asked Brother Chunfu to laugh at me arrogantly. Within two years, Springfield Institute of Technology will Entering the ranks of the world's first-class universities, not only the Han children of my Steed Group, but even those foreigners will also come. "Ba Wenqiang's self-confidence is not enough, which is far worse than Li Mu.

Rong Hong is also a regular Tiger Tiger event in Springfield. How can he not know that it is Greenfield Institute of Technology.

Springfield Institute of Technology is located beside the Kubin Reservoir and covers an area of ​​more than 1,500 acres. There are not only teaching buildings and accommodation buildings on campus, but also large experimental facilities such as experimental buildings, libraries, gyms, and concert halls. Although it has not yet officially enrolled at Springfield Institute of Technology, it is already well-known. As far as Rong Fang knows, many dignitaries have stated that they will send their children to Springfield Institute of Technology, including Massachusetts. The governor of the state and the mayor of De Springfield.

It can be said that Rong Hong was watching the Springfield Institute of Technology build from scratch, so if Ba Wenqiang mentioned anything else to Rong Hong, Rong Hong could pretend not to hear, but mentioned At Springfield Institute of Technology, Rong Hong didn't have to do even if he wanted to pretend.

"Brother Wen Qiang, there is something unknown to my brother. Brother Wen Qiang is also asked to explain his confusion." Rong Hui stood solemnly, got up to clean his shirt, and stunned Ba Wenqiang to the ground.

"Oh, Brother Chunfu doesn't have to be so polite. Even if something is said frankly, the fool brother will know everything and endless words." Ba Wenqiang was good at seizing opportunities and immediately occupied the moral high ground.

In the minds of traditional scholars, there is still a market for seniors and young children. The name "brother" is not casually shouted. It is said that elder brothers are like fathers. If they recognize others as their elder brothers, they will have to work hard.

Rong Ye didn't care about Ba Wenqiang's advantage. He asked himself questions that have troubled Rong Ye for a long time: "Brother Wen Qiang, you and I all know the Qing Dynasty background of the Steed Group, and even your Steed School. Being biased, I often hear people complaining that the horse-affiliated school is racially inclined. You and I are both Chinese and far from home. How can your horse-affiliated school be independent and not affected by white people? "

Rong Hong is indeed troubled by this problem for a long time. The enrollment of Junma Affiliated School is the differential treatment of Hongguogu. As long as it is an employee of Junma Group, he can send his child to the Junma Affiliated School unconditionally, not only does it cost a point. Money, and the horse school affiliate also provides a variety of benefits, which is unprecedented.

Perhaps the welfare treatment provided by the Steed Affiliated School is really good. In the past two years, Springfield has no shortage of opposition to the approach of Steed Affiliated School. Some people even traveled from Boston to New York to send their children to the Steed Affiliated School. , But usually not as expected.

In the face of all kinds of criticism, the horse-affiliated school not only failed to converge, but institutionalized it, becoming a racist system of red fruit in some populations.

For example, the admission system of freshmen in the school affiliated to Steed Horse is very suspected of racial discrimination.

Every year, freshmen entering the Junma Affiliated School are exempt from the Chinese test, and others must take the Chinese test. Unless they have a certain Chinese cultural foundation, students may enter the Junma Affiliated School to study.

And first of all, it depends on whether there are any enrollment places in that year. For example, the initial enrollment plan of Junma Affiliated School last year was only 3,000. However, because there were too many Chinese students enrolled, the scale expanded and expanded. In the end, there were as many as 6,000. At the same time, there were only a few hundred white children who attended the Stallion Affiliated School throughout the year last year, and more than a hundred of them were just additions. The Stallion Affiliated School never organized separate examinations for white students.

In Rong Hong's view, this system is Hongguo's racial discrimination, but the Junma Group has the confidence to write this system on the paper and advertise it high above the school gate. This really allows Rong闳 Budget was puzzled.

"Hehe, brother Chunxian, your so-called racial discrimination is nonsense. Since the establishment of our steed school, we have not reached out to the prefectures and cities for even a penny. All expenses are provided by the steed group. Therefore, it is our steed's job to recruit any students. No one can say anything about this. "

In this matter, the school affiliated to Steed is indeed confident.

The education in the United States has never been a nine-year compulsory education. Even in the 21st century, it cannot become a reality. The main protagonist in the American education system is private education. This is also true even in the 21st century. It is said that the proportion of children of other races recruited by the Junma Group is too small. Even if the Junma Affiliated School only recruits Chinese, the Junma Affiliated School has enough confidence to deal with any blame.

"That being said, but in this way, we artificially set up a large group of enemies for our Chinese people. If nothing happens, it will be impossible to say anything in case of any accident." Rong Hong He shook his head and smiled bitterly. Although he knew that he was light-hearted, he still couldn't help it.

For the time being, because the Steed Group is so powerful, no one is doing it, but Rong Hong knows that a dangerous vortex is gradually taking shape. Naturally, there is no need to worry about Ba Wenqiang having the Steed Group asylum. For those Chinese who are in the United States but have not joined the Steed Group, this is not a good thing.

"Chun Fuxian needs to know that non-ethnic people have different hearts. When we were in San Francisco, we Chinese were trying our best to be introverted and low-key. However, in exchange, we had merciless killings and fires. The dumb brother was not talented. The day was in San Francisco. Picked up a life, and then came to Springfield to join the Steed Group ... So Chunfu ’s sages do n’t think that white people are good and can live in peace with me. Facing the beasts, we can only make them afraid if they are more fierce than them. We. "Ba Wenqiang came forward to prove the need for a tough attitude.

"This ..." Rong Yao, who knew what Ba Wenqiang had experienced before, was speechless.

Now that the word has been said about this, Ba Wenqiang no longer covers it, simply seeing: "Brother Chunfu, you know you are so ambitious, that ’s why you have a young child out of the Foreign Affairs Bureau, but you also know Under the circumstances, the Children's Overseas Education Bureau may be revoked at any time, so what will you do next?

This is also a fact. Li Gui is definitely not going to give up, so it won't take long for the country to know the truth. At that time, not to mention whether the young children can keep it out of the foreign trade bureau, and Rong can guarantee that he will not be left alone. It's a blessing to investigate.

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