Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 543: Harrison's Sincerity

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This is not the first time that a horse-affiliated school has dug a corner of a foreign trade bureau, and it is not even the first time for Rong Hong himself.

In this era, it is still difficult to find a traditional literati who is willing to see the world. The horse-affiliated school took painstaking efforts from the Qing Dynasty. After searching for two full years, it did not find more than 50 unscrupulous literati. The difficulty is imaginable.

Li Mu still paid more attention to Rong Hong. At the time, Rong Hong returned to the Qing Empire by himself, and he almost promoted the establishment of the Children's Education Bureau. This is a rare person with ideals and willing to take action.

In fact, Mrs. Henry has been doing very well in the Steed School, but after the formal admissions of Springfield Institute of Technology in August, Mrs. Henry will have to transfer most of her energy to Springfield Institute of Technology, then elementary school This piece also needs capable people to sit in town, Rong Hong is the best candidate in Li Mu's eyes.

At least Rong Hong won't complain to Li Mu because of the admissions policy of Junma School.

Mrs. Henry is also a white man. For the admissions policy of Steed Affiliated School, Mrs. Henry did not look for Li Mu. It is for this reason that Steed Affiliated School has to recruit some white students every year to calm the complaints of the white teaching staff.

As the Independence Centennial Exhibition was getting better, the battle between Hayes and Samuel Tilden became more and more popular.

Last year's re-election showed that the Democratic Party is already on the rise, so the Democratic Party has great enthusiasm for this election. They hope to break the Republican monopoly on the throne of the president after the Civil War and obtain power in a correct way.

The Republicans naturally refused to admit defeat. They did not even think that they would lose. It was not just Li Mu who was confident. Most Republicans believed that last year ’s House election was just an accident. The Democrats won by chance but did not represent the Democratic Party. To win the general election at the end of the year.

Relatively speaking, Li Mu should be regarded as the calmest. At least Li Mu will not be blindly optimistic in this matter. The reason why Li Mu believes that the Republican Party can win depends on the advantages of public opinion. As long as the Democratic Party can't come up with A newspaper that contends with "Time", Li Mu believes that the Democratic Party is already a winner.

In fact, not many people understand the power of public opinion offensive these years. Although Li Mu has used the public opinion offensive to overpower Tweed, most people still attribute Li Mu's victory to the victory of capital, and do not think that public opinion can play a role in it. Key role.

It is estimated that this advantage of Li Mu can only last until after this election. At that time, everyone will be surprised by the power of public opinion. The Democratic Party will certainly not sit back and watch Li Mu can arbitrarily control public opinion.

Since the comfortable days won't be long, Li Mu will no longer cover up, and will go all out from the beginning of Christmas.

In fact, embracing public opinion is a technical task. At this time, the quality of the news media professionals alone, if there is no personal guidance, they are really uncertain, at least not perfect.

Li Mu's current role is to be the "reviewer". Time-oriented magazines and all other newspapers will be sent to Li Mu here a week in advance. After Li Mu's review, he will see the newspaper.

For this reason, Sami Larkin ran a little **** Governor Island during this time. Fortunately, Li Mu has promised Sami Larkin and will fully support Sami Larkin to enter the Senate next year, so Sami Larkin also No regrets.

Benjamin Harrison was also a guest on Governor Island during this time.

When the Republican Party ran for the primary party last year, because of the differences between Benjamin Harrison and Li Mu, the relationship between the two was a little alienated. Now that the dust has settled, Li Mu used facts to prove that Li Mu was right Yes, so Benjamin Harrison started to move closer to Li Mu.

This does not mean that Benjamin Harrison was in the helm of the wind. This is the case for politicians. There are no permanent friends, no permanent enemies, and only interest is the core of politicians' only values.

Li Mu is not surprised at this either. If he did not win with Hayes, but with James supported by Benjamin Harrison, then Li Mu would now scratch his face.

This is the rule of the game.

Of course, Li Mu will certainly not let Benjamin Harrison easily, so this matter is often taken out by Li Mu as a mockery of Benjamin Harrison's capital.

Benjamin Harrison was helpless, though.

Who made the wrong team in the first place ... this is the standard one's missteps and hatred.

In the study on the second floor, Li Mu's face was not very good looking at the soft texts carefully crafted by a group of Sammy Larkin in his hands.

It is more difficult for journalists in the 19th century to understand the mode of public opinion in the 21st century. After all, the public opinion offensive in this year is still at the level of scolding. For example, in New York City Council, it is normal to have a group fight during a meeting, and some people may not agree. When meeting duels, in this case, Li Mu would introduce the concept of "soft text", which is a bit too advanced.

But do n’t use it. Ulysses Grant ’s scandals in these years have lost the Republican character. If Li Mu wants to help the Republican Party win the victory, it ’s necessary to start with whitewashing the Republican Party. The best weapon.

"There is a more subtle point. You need to knock on the side, you can't directly write things like" I believe the Republican Party will do a good job. "We must look for flash points so that readers can spontaneously think that the Republican Party is good and OK. Save it, instead of the hysteria of Hongguo as it is now, it would be ineffective to write it like this. "Li Mu explained with patience, meanwhile scolding Ulysses Grant for his 18th generation.

I have to say that the Republican Party is really a good card and played a rotten game. After the Civil War, the Republican Party even had the opportunity to turn the United States into a one-party autocracy. It was because of the indecision of the Republican Party and the greed of some people that it pushed the Republican Party Into this unfavorable situation.

"We have hyped up the Independence Centennial Exhibition and the National Auto Rally. Other highlights ..." Sami Larkin also felt a headache, not that Sami Larkin and his men did not work hard. It's really that the pig teammates don't help, and they can't find the flash point.

By the way, the word "hype" was also introduced to Samirakin by Li Mu.

"If you can't find the entry point, look for the dark history of the Democratic Party. Haven't they been clamoring to restore the slavery system? Use this as an excuse to attack them." Li Mu provided another idea, if it is really exaggerated Then, start to criticize the Democratic Party. Anyway, this is a worse time. As long as the Republican Party looks better than the Democratic Party, the result is acceptable.

"Slavery ... Does anyone still dare to say that now?" Sami Larkin was sweating heavily. This is not a trivial matter, or Lou Zi's trouble.

After the Civil War, slavery became a taboo in the United States, and no one dare to mention it. As for Li Mu, it is even more nonsense for members of the Democratic Party to blatantly clamor for the restoration of the slavery system. Democrats want to set aside time to pay it back. Well, who dares to touch this can only end up in a dead end.

"You didn't go to investigate, how did you know?" Li Mu was displeased. With this elm head, even if Li Mu tried his best to get Sami Larkin into the Senate, it would be estimated that the result would be killed alive.

Li Mu ’s intentions are also obvious. Of course, the politicians of the Democratic Party dare not openly clamor for the restoration of the slavery system. However, in the vast southern region, there will always be places that the Democratic Party cannot take care of, even if it is just an ordinary and powerless person. The farmer, Li Mu, can also spill this pot of sewage on the Democratic Party. At that time, the Democratic Party will have no choice, because even the dogs fed by Li Mu know that the southern region is a traditional place of the Democratic Party.

This may sound a bit despicable, but the problem is the fact that, even in the 21st century, the general public can only understand the news carefully screened by some people or organizations in the media. As for the truth In fact, it never matters. In fact, for politics, when the king is defeated, the winner has the right to speak, and the loser has nothing, even the opportunity to justify it.

"Wow, it sounds terrible for you to do this." Sammy Larkin hadn't had time to speak before, and Benjamin Harrison, in the office, finally found a chance to ridicule.

"Shut up, or I'll let you know how it offends me." Li Muhao was rude, and rolled Benjamin Harrison's eyes in a word.

This sentence now says that the power is still insufficient, but it doesn't matter. After the end of the election, Benjamin Harrison will realize the consequences of offending a media mogul.

If the media tycoon is also a capital tycoon, the consequences will be even worse.

"I suddenly feel that maybe four years later, I should run for president." Benjamin Harrison has now realized the power of public opinion. In this regard, Benjamin Harrison's sense of smell is 100 times more sensitive than that of Sami Larkin. Times, people are professional in politics.

"It's too late to say this now, and your qualifications are not enough in four years time. Let's talk about it in a few years." Li Mu knew the potential of Benjamin Harrison, this guy's potential is definitely greater than Hayes, so What Li Mu promised to Benjamin Harrison was the future.

"I see, I'll arrange it when I look back." Sami Larkin finally got the hang of it, and Li Mu's meaning was already obvious. If Sami Larkin could not understand it, then Li Mu would have to reconsider Sami Larkin. Worth it.

In fact, Li Mu's meaning is very obvious. There is a reason to engage in the Democratic Party, and there is no reason to make up a reason to do it. Anyway, the Democratic Party does not even have a voice channel, and there is nowhere to argue even if you want to justify it.

"Go, go, the eyes may not only focus on the slave system, but to find more entry points, such as the group of Yankees who are conservative and stubborn, their styles are rotten, they are hooking up with the British, and they may not even help the old lady. I can count them on the road. In short, I want to make the Democratic Party smell bad and make voters think of the Democratic Party and feel sick. "Li Mu provided as many ideas as possible. In short, this combination of punches must make the Democratic Party a life impossible. Take care of yourself.

"No problem, just look at it." Sammy Larkin finally had confidence, and when it came to this part, let's start with impunity.

In fact, it is easy to pick a bone in the egg. The Democratic Party has always attacked the Republican Party under the pretext of corruption. This is indeed a powerful move. After all, the "corruption" in the Democratic Party's mouth does exist, and this is what voters most hate now. That's why the Republican Party is showing signs of weakness.

The reason why the Democratic Party attacked the Republican Party under the pretext of corruption is that it has no reference. Because the Democratic Party has not been on the throne of the president for more than a decade, voters cannot predict the situation after the Democratic Party takes office. This gives the Democratic Party a chance.

What Li Mu has to do now is to pull the Democratic Party into the water. Now that the Republican Party is already in the stinking ditch, and the Democratic Party is still in vain, then simply pull the Democratic Party into the stinking ditch. Climbing out of the stinky ditch depends on your ability.

After Sammy Larkin's resignation, Benjamin Harrison paid his respects to Li Mu: "When you founded Time Weekly, everyone disagreed. Now it seems that this is indeed a wonderful move. Say you are willing to sell" Time Is it a weekly stock? "

Benjamin Harrison thinks a lot. Everyone knows that Li Mu is a puppet who ca n’t get in and out of capital. It ’s difficult to buy shares from Li Mu. If Li Mu is willing to sell, he wo n’t be able to get Benjamin Harrison.

"Don't think about it, I won't sell the shares of Time Magazine ... Of course, it depends on how much you pay. If you give me a price that I can't refuse, then maybe I will consider it. Li Mu thought for a while and didn't say anything to death.

The Harrison family is still very powerful in American politics, just like the Li family in the 21st century. If you can use the "Time" to bind the Li Mu and Harrison families, the result will be good.

Li Mu has now passed the stage of seeing the money die. For Li Mu, no amount of money is just a number, so Li Mu should use the capital in his hand as much as possible to connect with more people. For Li Mu, At this stage it makes more sense than making money.

"How much do you want? Or should I trade you for shares in San Diego Investment?" Benjamin Harrison did save the money.

Although Benjamin Harrison's share of the San Diego Investment Company is not high, he can bring hundreds of thousands of dollars or even millions of dollars to Benjamin Harrison every year. Benjamin Harrison is now willing to take these The shares were sold out, showing Benjamin Harrison's sincerity.

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