Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 546: Qin Shiqi

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Torture has always been a technical task. For special personnel who have undergone strict anti-criminal training, purely physical injuries do not play much of a role, and psychological gaming is even more important.

Of course, people like Akiyama cannot receive much rigorous training. Even the Japanese do not yet have the consciousness of anti-criminal training, so Bai Qi blindly did so much preparation work. Akiyama has completely collapsed.

Unfortunately, Akiyama's status is too low. Bai Qi didn't get much valuable information from Qiushankou. Takeo was an unexpected windfall, but for Bai Qi, the value was not great.

Takeo is different from Akiyama. As a military attache to the Japanese Embassy in Ryukyu, Bai Qi cannot deal with Takeo like Akiyama.

Bai Qi was relieved that besides Pan Zhuzi, Akiyama did not develop more off-line in Yutian. It was also because the level was too low, Akiyama did not know if Wu Nan had more internal response in Yutian.

"Get your hands on ..." As he left the interrogation room, he whispered to Hunt.

Akiyama was trembling with fright at this sentence, and just wanted to speak for help, but Hunter was punched in the stomach fiercely, and he was groaned instead.

Ten seconds later, Hunter followed Bai Qi out of the interrogation room.

"That Takeshi, would you have done him in the past?" Hunt was aggressive.

"It's not necessary now, let's keep this account first, and sooner or later we will count with them." Bai Qi has not arrogantly thought that only a dozen people would be able to run rampant in Shuri City.

In fact, Shuri City is not large. It is a small city of about 20,000 people. The armed forces in the city are also limited. If Bai Qi relents, he may well succeed in the battle.

However, this does not make much sense. The civic groups in the city of Tian Tian are undergoing final training. In another half a month, Pan Tingzhen will be able to raise an anti-flag publicly, allowing Wu Nan to live a few more days.

Back at Yun Tian, ​​Bai Qi still went to Pan Tingzhen and informed Pan Tingzhen of the latest situation.

"My thief is dead, and let them be happy again." Pan Tingzhen had the same opinions as Bai Qi.

"How's your training? Now pulling out, can you ever play the Wangcheng Guard?" Bai Qi has been on the small round island recently. Yang Wei is responsible for the training. Bai Qi is not very clear.

The Kingdom of Ryukyu is indeed a weak country. A large country can only be called an "army". The total number of people is about a thousand. Not only are there not many people, but training and relaxation, backward weapons, and soldiers' equipment It was even a rifle with a breech, and a springfield loaded magazine rifle equipped with the Tiantian Group. It was not a product of an era.

"Relax, General Bai, in fact, even if we do it now, we can be sure to kill them without leaving a piece of armor." Yang Wei, wearing the new military uniform, was full of confidence.

Although the size of the current Tiantian Civilian Regiment is not large, everything is compiled according to the regular army, which certainly includes military uniforms.

These military uniforms were also sent from the United States. The helmet-type soft military cap, dark blue suit, and cowhide bullet box around the waist were very style of the US Army during the Civil War.

Compared with the new military uniforms that the Steed Group is selling to the US Department of War, this suit is a bit behind, but it is still the latest equipment in the Far East.

Yang Wei is wearing such a suit now, but he just replaced the bullet box on the waist with a quick-draw holster, and a silver-colored python army revolved with a revolver.

In fact, if Bai Qi's requirements were met, all recruits would have to undergo half-year recruit training.

Although the Mintian Group now has less than five months of training, compared to the Wangcheng Guards in Shuli, it is considered to be fully trained, so Yang Wei ’s confidence is not groundless.

"Be prepared at any time ... soon there will be a chance ..." Bai Qi thoughtfully turned to Shuri.

Opportunities did indeed come very soon. On the fourth day after Bai Qi returned to Tian Tian, ​​officials in Shuli finally came to Tian Tian and asked Pan Tingzhen to surrender Bai Qi and others.

Bai Qi and his party went to Shouli without deliberately hiding their tracks. To tell the truth, they could not hide. White and strong white men with a height of more than ten years, mixed in the Ryukyu people, would not be eye-catching.

What's more, after Hunt's execution, Akiyama's body was hung at the gate of Akiyama Fish Store. This is tantamount to claiming to Hongguo that Bai Qi and his party will be responsible for this.

If there is no Japanese affiliation in this matter, then maybe the big things will be changed into small things. Now it is obvious that the Japanese are unwilling to give up and take advantage of this. Bai Qi and others will learn a lesson, so Ryukyu The official Lin surname came here with a firm attitude: "Although Mr. Bai is an American, he committed such a terrible crime in my Ryukyu capital. Mr. Bai deserves to explain to our nationals ..."

"Mr. Lin, I'm really sorry, Mr. Bai is a guest of our Tim, not a subordinate of Panmou, so Panmou has no right to order Mr. Bai. If Mr. Lin insists on going to Mr. Bai, then please do it yourself ... "Ping Tingzhen went back softly and hardly, without any signs of a major illness recovering.

Pan Tingzhen has been pretending to have been sick for several months, and it is still a terrible leprosy. Even if the disease is cured, he will still be full of leprosy. Seeing the appearance of Pan Tingzhen, it is not as if he had leprosy. .

"I heard that Mr. Pan was in a hurry some time ago, and now it seems that Mr. Pan's looks are very good, and it must be rumors ..." An official of the family name Lin tried to suppress the anger.

To tell the truth, Lin Shigong came this time with the ambition of dying. Now watching Pan Tingzhen jumped alive, he didn't look like healed at first, which really made Lin Shigong angry.

Lin Shigong is also a celebrity. After Ryukyu was annexed by Japan, Lin Shigong went into exile in Qing Dynasty and ran all day for the support of the Qing Empire.

At that time, the Qing Empire and Japan were negotiating on the status of Ryukyu. At the end of the negotiations, Lin Shigong committed suicide in front of the door of the Qing Empire Prime Minister Yamen.

It was because of Lin Shigong's suicide that the Qing Empire and Japan did not agree on the status of the Ryukyu, but the Qing Empire did not move further, so that Ryukyu became Japan's Okinawa Prefecture.

At present, Ryukyu has not yet lost his country, and Lin Shigong is still Lin Shigong, who was the country of the emperor's wholehearted heart, so when he sees Pan Tingzhen, who is ambiguous, he can imagine the anger of Lin Shigong.

"Master Torin's blessing ..." Pan Tingzhen replied shamelessly, and then leaned back on the chair without pretending to die.

"There is something unknown about Lin, please ask Master Pan to dispel Lin's confusion ..." Lin Shigong no longer politely, his eyes began to turn cold.

"Dare to ..." Pan Tingzhen responded.

"I don't know today's Yutian, can he be regarded as Ryukyu's Yutian? I don't know, Master Pan, can you be regarded as a citizen of Ryukyu?" Lin Shigong had more than one question.

"Since Master Lin said so, there is something unknown about Pan ..." Pan Tingzhen couldn't sit still.

Like Lin Shigong, Pan Tingzhen has accepted the set of "loyalty and patriotism" since he was a child. Without the Japanese forcibly annexing Ryukyu, there would be no Pan Tingzhen's trip to the United States, and they would not appear here for nothing.

Although this causal relationship could not be explained clearly to Lin Shigong, Pan Tingzhen was also reluctant to carry a treacher.

"Please Master Pan to answer Lin's question first ..." Lin Shigong interrupted Pan Tingzhen.

"The building will fall, and the good birds will choose to live by wood. If my king can protect my side, Pan will still be diligent, diligent, and dare not have the slightest slack, but now the Japanese soldiers are under pressure and aggressive, my king But she pinned her hope on plea, without any self-improvement, what can we do? If the king still has a little ambition, Pan will definitely follow His Majesty and the Japanese to fight for your life, but this is the case now If you don't want to be a dead man, you can only strive to survive ... Pan Mou doesn't want to be a slave of a dead country ... "Pan Tingzhen ignored the anger of Lin Shigong, and expressed his own self-confidence.

"Shameless ... a nonsense ... the messy thief ..." Lin Shigong couldn't hear anything from Pan Tingzhen, and pointed at Pan Tingzhen's nose and scolded him.

This will be very lively in the living room. Pan Tingzhen and Lin Shigong talked to each other. No matter what the other was talking about, the two people's voices were not small. The guard at the door didn't dare to enter, but they were afraid of being decent. Just tear it up, that's great.

"Enough!" Bai Qi appeared in time with Yang Wei, and immediately made Pan Tingzhen and Lin Shigong shut up.

Bai Qi is still a black suit, but he does not wear a bowler hat. This modified version of the suit not only retains the elegance of the tuxedo, but also does not have the comical sense of a top hat. It is the main style for men.

Yang Wei, who was behind Bai Qi, was still in a military uniform. The only difference was that he had a bullet belt around his waist and a pair of half-high leather boots on his feet.

"You're just white?" Lin Shigong's expression was a little surprised.

Lin Shigong has heard the name Bai Qi, but this is the first time Lin Shigong has seen Bai Qi.

When seeing Bai Qi's familiar black hair and yellow skin, Lin Shigong was a little bit stubborn, and suddenly he forgot why he came to Tian Tian.

Strictly speaking, Lin Shigong was also one of the 36 Chinese surnames at the beginning, but Lin Shigong was not born in Tian Tian, ​​but was born in a village called Jiumi. Later, Lin Shigong was selected as an official student and sent to the Qing Empire to study abroad. Later, he became the official, and He Yutian gradually drifted away.

In 1880, Lin Shigong committed suicide by protesting against the "island renewal case". One fact to note here is that if it was not Japan but the Qing Dynasty that annexed Ryukyu, it would be hard to say whether Lin Shigong would commit suicide.

"Yes, I'm Bai Qi, do you want to catch me to Shuli?" Bai Qi looked at Lin Shigong, who was also dark-haired and yellow-skinned, interested.

"Not arresting, but please go to Shuli to cooperate with us in investigating a case." Lin Shigong has recovered his mind at this time. When the case has not been finalized, he must not use the "capture" method to treat Bai Qi this American. .

"Cooperate with your investigation, or with the Japanese investigation?" Bai Qi showed no mercy, tearing off the last layer of shame.

"Of course ... we ..." Lin Shigong suddenly felt short of breath, and he didn't believe what he said.

"Look at you, are you Chinese?" Bai Qi felt that the person Lin Shigong should still be able to save.

"Yes ..." Lin Shigong felt his temper was a little shorter, and his voice was so low that he could hardly even hear himself.

"Since you are a Chinese, why are you acting as a tiger and helping Japanese to deal with your own people?" Bai Qi's questions were sharper than one.

Lin Shigong opened his mouth this time and didn't speak at all. He felt a hot pain on his face.

"You are loyal to the country, but you do n’t even know who you are loyal to. Do you think you are loyal to the king? No, even your king is loyal to the emperor. Who are you going to? Allegiance? "Bai Qi's current problem can be called heartfelt.

"Actually, even if you don't come, I thought that I would go to Shuri sooner or later. Now that you are so determined, I will go to Shuri now." Bai Qi did n’t shrink his head. When he was in Cuba, Even the Spaniards are not afraid. Can they be afraid of the Japanese now?

Don't be funny.

"You ... you ..." Lin Shigong was startled and smelled an unusual breath.

"General, the troops have assembled, please give instructions." Yang Bang, dressed in a uniform, hurried to report.

Yang Bang's dress is basically the same as Yang Wei's. The difference is that Yang Bang has a Springfield rifle on his shoulder. Yang Bang likes this gun very much and never leaves his body even when he is sleeping.

"Ministry ... troop ..." Lin Shigong felt his hands and feet were weak, but at the same time, a strange emotion was growing in his heart.

On the Yanwu Stadium in Putian City, 500 members of the Putian Regiment and 150 American Gunners have lined up and are ready to advance to Shuri at any time.

That's right, Bai Qi doesn't want to wait any longer. Since the army in Shuri is vulnerable, it should be launched directly, and there is no need to find any reason. Anyway, this is the self-promotion of the Ryukyu people. It is the internal affairs of the Ryukyu people. This American is out of control.

This 650-strong unit is equipped with more than a thousand weapons. Many people are equipped with one long, one short and two guns. There are also ten heavy rain machine guns on the ground in front of the team. This will destroy the King City Guard. Killer 锏.

Before the expedition, a ritual is still to be held. Pan Tingzhen prepared a stinky and long sacrificial ritual, which is the set that Qin lost its deer.

In fact, it doesn't make sense to say this. Except for Pan Tingzhen, nobody at the scene understood the meaning of this sentence. Pan Tingzhen was just talking to himself.

Of course, there is one more Lin Shigong that can be understood now, but unfortunately, Lin Shigong didn't care about Pan Tingzhen at the moment. When he saw this fighting force on the performance field, Lin Shigong went into aphasia.

It's not just aphasia. Almost all souls are gone. Lin Shigong never dreamed that Bai Qi was going to go to Shuli with Lin Shigong like this.

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