Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 547: Get in the car

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In this big age, his personal strength is really insignificant. Many times he can only follow the wave. Lin Shigong's suicide has already been the most powerful resistance to this era.

Of course, in the face of Japanese invasion, you can choose another way to resist, but before that, Lin Shigong had never had this consciousness.

So it is conceivable how shocking Lin Shigong was when he saw a unit in the city of Wutian ready to go.

Relatively speaking, Bai Qi ’s mood is much more stable. After all, similar scenes Bai Qi has seen too much. Small scales of hundreds of people do not even seem to be worthy of a special ceremony for Bai Qi.

For the descendants of the Chinese in the city of Tiantian, this scene is really uncommon. The Han nationality is actually a deeply restrained nation. As long as the Chinese are not forced into despair, the Chinese generally will not choose to resist with such fierce means. It is more about surrendering and struggling to survive.

Public opinion also needs guidance. After publicity over the past few months, the descendants of the Chinese in Putian City have been waiting for the scene in front of them for a long time.

It ca n’t be regarded as a mass-eating crowd. After all, everyone in the field is related to them. There is a real glory and a loss between them. If this time it is not successful, many of them will probably not survive.

From the time the people's group lined up on the martial arts field, there began to be sporadic applause around, and then some people took out the wine and prepared to practice for the strong men.

Practicing wine is of course the last part. After Pan Tingzhen read the sacrifice, dozens of young girls who had been waiting for a long time rushed up, filled the wine for the warriors, and wished them a smooth journey.

When it was time to show determination, Bai Qi finally came forward.

Bai Qi didn't have much nonsense. He took the porcelain bowl in his hand and drank it. Instead of breaking the porcelain bowl in his hand, he gave it back to the girl who had turned his eyes into a heart shape. Then he greeted and set out, then turned around. Stride away.

Also taken away was Lin Shigong, who has lost his ability to move and was taken away by two strong men.

Immediately after leaving the village, Lin Shigong strove to break free from the restraint of two big men, three steps and two steps to catch up with Bai Qi.

"Mr. Bai, are you going to hit the Japanese?" Lin Shigong still had illusions deep inside.

"Right ..." Bai Qi rode on a Mongolian horse that was not very tall, with a very relaxed attitude.

"If the Japanese were driven away, what would you do to my king, Mr. Bai?" Lin Shigong asked, this was his most worried question.

"It depends on whether your king knows the prime minister. If he knows the prime minister, then it doesn't matter if he continues to be the king. If he doesn't know the prime minister, don't blame me." Bai Qi told the truth and did not tell the truth. Necessary.

How to deal with the King of Ryukyu is indeed a difficult problem. Originally, according to Li Mu's ideas, he wanted to replace Pan Tingzhen. Now it seems that it is not necessary. If the King of Ryukyu is willing to cooperate with Li Mu's actions, it doesn't matter if he keeps it. Will be in the hands of Pan Tingzhen.

"It's so good, it's so good." Although Lin Shigong was still uneasy in his heart, with the promise of Bai Qi, Lin Shigong took a breath.

But faintly, Lin Shigong was a little disappointed in his heart.

All Chinese people know the phrase "not our own race, their hearts must be different." Of course, Lin Shigong also knows.

Although the king of the Ryukyu Shang Tai knows Lin Shigong, after all, Lin Shigong is a descendant of 36. This fact cannot be changed, so it is normal for Lin Shigong to have other ideas.

"I also want to ask you a question. If Japan really annexed Ryukyu, what would you do?" Bai Qi's question is a bit worried, which is exactly a problem that Lin Shigong has been avoiding for a long time.

"If Japan really annexed Ryukyu ..." Lin Shigong looked up towards Shuri with a blank expression, his feet only alternated subconsciously, and there seemed to be no force at all: "If Lin Mou receives the favor, if Japan really wants to annex Ryukyu Lin will definitely fight to the end, even if it is for this purpose.

Lin Shigong's remarks aren't just words. He will do the same in the future. In order to restore the Ryukyu kingdom, until the last glimmer of hope is broken, Lin Shigong expressed his indignation in the extreme way of suicide.

Leaving aside Lin Shigong's pedigree, this is indeed very bloody.

Arriving at the mountain pass, the checkpoint set up by the Ryukyus was in front of Bai Qi. The original intention was to order the troops to break through by force, but Lin Shigong voluntarily appeared to be a lobbyist, hoping to use this method to let the Ryukyu soldiers take the initiative to remove the checkpoint.

"This sentry card is set by the Japanese, are you sure they will listen to you?" Bai Qi looked suspicious, and his face was full of disbelief.

The Japanese penetration of Ryukyu has been very serious. According to Bai Qi's knowledge, 80% of the Wangcheng Guard's officers have been bought by the Japanese. This sentry card is the main means for the Japanese to contain Tiantian City. Bai Qi is not convinced Lin Shifu convinced the officers here with a three-inch tongue.

"Let's do everything ..." Although Lin Shigong was not very confident, he did not want to see the Chinese and Ryukyu people meet.

It ’s okay to do whatever you can. The result depends on God ’s intentions. If Lin Shi ’s function is successful, of course, if he ca n’t, it ’s Bai Qi ’s last effort for peace.

"20 minutes ..." Bai Qi looked at the pocket watch on his chest and turned around and ordered the troops to rest on the spot.

"Please wait for my good news ..." Lin Shigong's voice didn't have much confidence, but he still had to leave for reason.

In fact, the checkpoint was very simple. Two wooden huts were built beside the mountain road at the foot of the mountain. A trunk was erected in the middle of the road. A dozen soldiers carrying muskets walked in the shade of the road, looking very listless.

Of course, it is impossible for an officer to be on the road personally. The only officer at the moment was resting inside the house. The man who accompanied him to drink tea was the Japanese military ambassador Takeo.

"The Chinese people in Tiantian have been eager to move recently. Our sentry posts at sea have not played any role. I now have reasons to believe that they have been bought by the **** Qing people, so after today's sentry returns, we will hold them accountable. "” Takeo remembered the unknown gunman who appeared in Shuri City a few days ago, and his heart was very radiant.

Ever since the Manchus entered the Central Plains, the Japanese have despised the Chinese, including Chinese who have already acquired American citizenship.

The Japanese are indeed numerous in Ryukyu. Although Pan Tingzhen has blocked the news, the Japanese still know their existence.

The Japanese government even protested to the US government for this, but the Japanese government was disappointed as a result. Although the US Department of War acknowledged that a Chinese named Bai Qi had served in the US military, Bai Qi has now retired and is not in the US military. Among the active duty forces, both the U.S. government and the U.S. Department of War have stated that they cannot interfere with Bai Qi's personal behavior, nor can they interfere, because this is Bai Qi's freedom.

Although disappointed with this result, the Japanese government was not surprised. In fact, the Japanese government had long anticipated the Americans' shirking behavior, which is precisely the answer that the Japanese government wants most.

"Those who don't follow the rules **** it ..." The Ryukyu officer in a uniform was murderous.

In terms of clothing alone, the style of Ryukyu military uniforms is similar to that of Japanese military uniforms.

This has long been related to the Japanese government's deliberate intentions, which can be regarded as the cultural export of Japan. The Japanese government hopes to use this method to allow Ryukyu people to get used to and even accept everything from Japan, and prepare for the annexation of Ryukyu.

Now it seems that this hand is very useful, at least the Ryukyu army has no resistance to Japanese military uniforms.

"Kuroda, you are so devoted and you will certainly be rewarded by the empire." Takeo is serious, as if he is holding a reward order in his hand.

"Kurada, huh, really a good name ..." Before the day had passed, Lin Shigong came with an angry voice.

This is a coincidence. Lin Shigong didn't expect to listen to his ears casually, but he could hear such a surprising message.

"Master Lin ..." Kuroda's face was very ugly, and he stood up subconsciously, his hand already grasping the gun handle on his waist.

It seems that this Kuroda does have a way. Other soldiers still use breech firing guns, but the pistol on Kuroda's waist is actually a python export-type detective pistol.

This is also true that Kuroda must have colluded with the Japanese. You must know that the horses of the Junma Group are not cheap to sell. Based on Kuroda ’s meager salary, I want to buy a detective pistol of the Junma Group. Do n’t eat or drink One year is not enough.

"Mr. Lin, are you ... completed the task?" Takeo was curious why Lin Shigong appeared here.

Although Takeo knows Lin Shigong's mission during this trip, in Takeno's opinion, this task is almost impossible to complete, so Takeo is very surprised.

"Yes, I have already completed my mission. Don't you want me to bring Baiji? I have brought people now." Lin Shigong faced Frost, walked a few steps to Hetian, pointing Kuroda's nose began to yell: "You should be ashamed of the clothes on your body. Your Majesty the King trusts you and orders you to do such an important job. Is that how you repay your Majesty's trust?"

"Shut up, Mr. Lin, do you think our Her Majesty still needs to exist? In the future, there will be only one His Majesty, His Majesty the Emperor of the Great Japanese Empire." Kuroda broke the pot, and admitted it was simply.

"Shameless! You should be hanged on a gallows and executed at the gate of the city. Everyone should know the ugly things you did, and your family should be ashamed of you ..." Lin Shigong shuddered with anger, he I have never seen such a shameless confession of confession as a father.

"It's you who shut up! You **** supporter, you think you can be a noble Ryukyu by wearing the official robe of Ryukyu, we can give you everything and take everything from you, you Just like those of your compatriots in Tongtian City, you should be hanged at the gate of the city ... "Kuroda is not willing to stand by, and just hit a rake, this hat can do the trick.

"Asshole ..." Lin Shigong's eyes were red with qi, and he rushed to fight Kuroda with his life.

"Wait, wait ..." A white voice suddenly heard outside the door.

"Who are you?" Kuroda and Takeo asked at the same time.

"I am the Bai Qi you are looking for. I regret to meet in this environment. It is too rude and the air is not fresh enough. Can we talk outside?" Bai Qi was in a good mood, not expecting Can actually see such a big show.

"Mr. Lin, you are indeed the enemy ..." Kuroda's brain circuit is also quite strange. The first reaction was to plant Lin Shigong first.

"Yes, I am indeed a collaborator. What kind of hope can the country have in the hands of people like you? Since this is the case, then we might as well change the way ..." Lin Shigong did not want to justify, the impact he received today is already large enough .

At this time, Bai Qi took two more steps into the house, let the door open, and suddenly Hula La flooded in a large group of heavily armed soldiers.

When Kuroda saw this scene, his face changed color immediately, but Kuroda was quite sensible and did not pull out the pistol around his waist.

What's the use of pulling a gun? Kuroda has only six bullets in his gun, but at this time there are more than six soldiers in the house, not to mention that Kuroda's marksmanship is not as good as one shot at a time.

"It turns out that you are Mr. Takeo. I ’m so lucky. I originally wanted to go to the Japanese Embassy in Ryukyu, but I ran into it here. I have a question that I did n’t understand. Do n’t you want to ask me why? Going to find you? "Bai Qi's tone was a little light, but it didn't feel frivolous, but Zhizhu, who controlled the audience.

"Mr. Bai Qi, it is indeed a lucky meeting. I didn't expect you to be a Chinese ..." Wu Nan's expression was a little complicated.

This answer is a bit perfunctory. The name "Baiqi" ​​is absolutely Chinese, okay, foreigners simply can't understand what the name means, so even if they take a Chinese name, they won't take this.

"It's better that we talk while walking. To be honest, I don't have much time to waste here, don't you want me to go to Ryukyu? Let's go on the road together." Bai Qi didn't want to spend too long here, here Shuri is still far away, so let's go in the morning.

Neither Takeo nor Kuroda spoke, and both looked ugly.

A soldier Dala came over, took away the weapon between Kuroda and Takeo, and by the way conducted a simple body search, taking away a Takeo ’s gold pocket watch.

In the end, of course, the pocket watch was in Bai Qi's hand. Bai Qi turned around and gave the watch to Lin Shigong.

"Hum, General Bai, you can't do nothing." Lin Shigong actually didn't want to.

"Why not? If you didn't hold on to these two guys just now, my people wouldn't have succeeded easily." Bai Qi is sure to bring Lin Shigong to the rhythm of his chariot.

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