Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 548: Not a rank

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If you want to control a country, even a small country like Ryukyu, it is impossible to pin your hopes on someone.

Another task of coming to Ryukyu in vain is to find a new agent, so as to form some checks and balances with Pan Tingzhen, and finally achieve the purpose of controlling Ryukyu.

Lin Shigong is another goal selected by Bai Qi.

In fact, objectively speaking, Lin Shigong has a greater advantage than Pan Tingzhen. After all, Lin Shigong is an official of the Ryukyu and has an orthodox background. Such people are also more easily accepted by other Ryukyu people.

Relatively speaking, Pan Tingzhen's identity is a bit embarrassing. After all, Yan Tian has been relatively closed for so many years. There is very little communication with other parts of Ryukyu. If Pan Tingzhen came to power through a coup, the Ryukyu people may not accept it.

With Lin Shigong now, it is equivalent to giving the Ryukyu people an option. Regardless of which of the Ryukyu people will eventually choose, Li Mu and Junma Group will be the leading players behind the scenes.

Bai Qi didn't want to waste too much time at a small checkpoint. Bai Qi didn't even have time to listen to Kuroda's explanation. After going out, Bai Qi turned back and gestured to Hunter.

With a smirk on his face, Hunter pulled out a dagger around his waist and pushed in the door. After hearing a few snoring sounds, there was no trace of noise in the room.

Holding Jin Chanchan's pocket watch, Lin Shigong's expression was extremely solemn.

Even if Lin Shigong is stupid, at this moment, he has already guessed the intention of Bai Qishouli's trip, so Lin Shigong's mood at this moment is very complicated.

From the heart, Lin Shigong is indeed unable to sit back and watch Japan annex the Ryukyu. If the Ryukyu kingdom must perish, Lin Shigong would rather die in the hands of the Qing Empire.

Now this result can also be reluctantly accepted by Lin Shigong. Although Bai Qi is American, Bai Qi is also a Chinese, and this bottom-up form is indeed easier for Lin Shigong to accept.

However, as long as he thought that he would bury the Ryukyu Kingdom himself, Lin Shigong felt heavy, which made Lin Shigong happy anyway. Even in the foreseeable future, his status would continue to rise.

Bai Qi didn't have so many thoughts in his heart. Rebellion is already familiar to Bai Qi. Now he just needs to move forward step by step.

Near noon, Shuri was looking far away. Bai Qi did not intentionally hide his way on this way, so when Bai Qi rushed to Shuri, the four gates of Shuri City were closed, and the city was full of Musketeers. .

"Sir, you are ready, and you are asking for an attack." Yang Wei and his men were the main siege force.

Although Shuri City is not large and the walls are not high, after all, it also has a certain defensive ability, so this battle must be fought.

Bai Qi hopes to train the militia's combat power through real battles, so he arranges for Yang Wei and his men to take the lead.

This will cause greater casualties, but this is unavoidable. If Putian Chinese want to become the masters of the country, they will have to fight for their blood and sacrifice. The happiness that they can easily obtain will not be cherished.

"Let's start ..." Bai Qiyuan gestured to Hunter, and then ordered to start the siege.

Da Da Da ... Da Da Da ...

The first thing to start is the machine gunners led by Hunter. These machine gun shooters are all Americans, but their deputies are all members of the Tim Tian group, and they want to help Tim train as many machine gunners as possible to deal with the future. A larger battle.

The machine gun position is very close to the city wall, only less than about 200 meters, this distance is very suitable to play the maximum power of the rainstorm light machine gun.

Relatively speaking, the rangegun shotgun equipped by the Wangcheng Guard has a range of less than 200 meters, so it cannot pose any threat to the machine gun position, which allows machine gunners to calmly shoot.

The training of the Wangcheng Guard was indeed impossible. Although the range was insufficient, the soldiers on the city wall fired back after the light machine gun fired.

The Wangcheng Guard's counterattack can't be said to be useless. After all, the gunpowder used by the Wangcheng Guard is still black powder. After the volley, the black smoke pervades the city head, which can cause a lot of trouble for the machine gunner.

Relying on the cover of the machine gun position, Yang Wei pulled out the command knife at his waist and blew the copper whistle in his mouth vigorously, leading the army to attack the Shuri city wall at a constant speed.

From Bai Qi's point of view, this kind of combat method is indeed a bit silly. If the Shuli garrison is also equipped with light and heavy machine guns, then how many deaths will come, this situation has been verified in Cuba and Montana.

However, this method is also the most popular combat method in the world at this time. This year's warfare does not pay attention to what is interspersed and circuitous, nor does it pay attention to what is strange and complementary. What is fight is will and determination. .

The training in the first half of the year was fruitful. At least on the battlefield filled with smoke, the front of the Tiantian Regiment did not collapse. Although some of them were trembling and breathing fast, they could still keep the spit line on the rhythm of the whistle. Parallel, this is already pretty good.

This fighting method is indeed a test of will and courage. Yang Wei has hardly seen any Internet access. The Wangcheng Guard on the city wall collapsed first.

In fact, as soon as the light machine gun was fired, the crash had already begun.

According to the experience of the Wangcheng Guards, at a distance of 200 meters, the bullets could not penetrate the dugs on the wall at all, so the Wangcheng Guards did not respond to the cover shot of the light machine gun at all.

As a result, the power of the light machine gun was beyond the expectations of the Wangcheng Guards. Even at a distance of 200 meters, the bullets fired by the light machine gun still hit the stack of stones and the power was amazing.

After a local garrison was hit by a bullet and screamed down the wall, the collapse began immediately.

First, sporadic soldiers abandoned their guns and ran away, and then the small-scale escape escalated into a large-scale defeat. Some officers still tried to maintain the front, but few people were able to stay calm in the face of death threats, so Yang Wei and theirs With almost no resistance, he came under the wall smoothly.

The two-meter-high city wall can't be said to be tall. Two people cooperate and can easily turn up. From the light machine gun to cover and shoot until the first soldier reaches the city head, the entire process takes less than 20 minutes.

"It's no wonder that the Japanese will miss you as much as your combat effectiveness." Bai Qi didn't expect the Wangcheng Guard to be so vulnerable.

Although Bai Qi had carefully evaluated the strength of the Wangcheng Guards before, but he did not expect that there were a lot of overestimated elements. Now it seems that this is a group of black people. In order to deal with such a group, Bai Qi actually gathered the Yutian group to train. For half a year, it feels like a waste of time.

"The building is about to overturn, people's hearts are moving, and military officers are beginning to adopt Japanese names. How can they be expected to be born and die for the kingdom ..." Lin Shigong had to admit that Bai Qi was right.

"Come on from the beginning, you still have a chance ..." Bai Qi's words were not to comfort Lin Shigong, but to state the facts.

If Lin Shigong can't bear this pressure, then Bai Qi needs to think about whether it is appropriate to choose Lin Shigong.

"Come again ... easy to talk about ..." Lin Shigong shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"How difficult is this? We will guarantee the independence of your Ryukyu Kingdom and will not be threatened by anyone, but at the same time, you must cooperate with our steed group and not hinder us from behind, if you can do it, believe me Well, you have a bright future. "Bai Qi didn't want to be king, so he gave Lin Shigong a high degree of freedom.

Lin Shigong finally remembered to determine the purpose of the Junma Group, so the question came quickly: "What do you want to do?"

The so-called **** determines the head. Lin Shigong does not have Li Mu's structure, so he cannot understand Li Mu's purpose.

This is also normal. Nowadays, few people can guess Li Mu's thoughts. Rockefeller knows Li Mu best. He can only infer the purpose of Li Mu from the character of Li Mu, but it is not completely correct, so Rockefeller also often Fall into the trench dug by Li Mu.

"Our purpose is twofold. One is to emigrate to the United States from the Qing Empire as much as possible to enrich the Chinese American power. The second purpose is to curb Japan. Although our chairman has no interest in Japan, Japan is a country As long as it rises, the first unlucky person will be the Qing Dynasty. In the final analysis, the unlucky Chinese people are still the Qing Dynasty. This is our purpose. "Bai Qi was very straightforward, but he didn't even say that helping you was just lame.

"So, what can we do for you?" Although Lin Shigong was unwilling to admit it, the facts are now clear. In this cooperation, Ryukyu can only be in a subsidiary position.

"Ryukyu will be a transit point for our immigrants, and at the same time it will be our logistic base to contain Japan. What you have to do is to provide us with sufficient human resources and raw materials and equipment. In the process, your economic foundation will also be It will be greatly improved, I believe you can see the benefits. "While answering, Bai Qi raised his telescope and looked around the city gate.

The Wangcheng Guard was really lazy to the extreme. In the face of the pressure of the army, he did not even do the most basic defense measures, and he did not even block the city gates. It really deserves it.

Yang Bangfei, who had not yet had a chance to shoot, came back to report, and the joy on his face couldn't help it: "Report to the sir, the Wangcheng Guard has collapsed, and Her Majesty the King's whereabouts are unknown. We are pursuing the remnant enemy, please instruct ...

It won!

Thinking of the hard work of this little half year, Bai Qi felt cried and laughed. He felt a sense of loss when he punched out with all his strength, but hit the empty sandbag.

"Continue to chase the remnants, and pay attention to maintaining order. In addition, send someone to return a happy message to Lord Pan ..." Bai Qi shook his head slightly, and decided to set up a tent outside the city. He will not enter the city tonight.

The battle just appeared to be lively. In fact, the King City Guard did not die a few people. Most of the soldiers just fled. At present, most people are still hiding in Shuri City, so entering the city now is not a good choice. After all, Shuri City The streets are narrow and the terrain is complex. It is very suitable for the breech firing gun to exert its power. Bai Qi doesn't want to enter the city to be sent to the door to be shot by a black gun.

"Yes!" Yang Bangli was saluting and turned to the magpie.

This action turned Bai Qi into anger, salutation on the battlefield is a taboo, it seems that Yang Bang must not learn hard when he is training.

"How to clean up this mess now?" Lin Shigong finally recovered from the soul swim too empty, and focused his attention on the mess in front of him.

"Simple, go and find a child casually, and then say that he is a descendant of the royal family, let him be the king, and then you and Master Ting Zhen will discuss your own position." Bai Qi did not mix such things Well, as long as they can cooperate with themselves to perform tasks, even if the Ryukyu people get a dog to become a king, Bai Qi has no problem.

"The position of Master Tingzhen and me ..." After listening to Bai Qi's intention of not interfering, Lin Shigong immediately became enchanted.

"Yes, your own position, you decide, if you want, even if you take turns to be the king." Bai Qi decentralization is very thorough, similar to Li Mu.

"Being a king doesn't work, maybe there shouldn't be a king in the whole country." Lin Shigong shook his head again and again. People like him are more ignorant of the truth. Once they drilled the horns of the horns, eight horses could not be pulled back.

"Then you are casual, I just make a suggestion and do not require you to do so. I do not want you to keep the king, then you can run for president, but no matter how you toss, you must not miss our steed." Bai It is also result-oriented, and the form is not important at all.

"The king should still be retained at this stage ..." Lin Shigong thought a lot. Considering the acceptance of Ryukyu citizens, it is still necessary to retain the king.

Of course, this reservation is just a reservation. In fact, it does not have any rights. When it is needed, the king can be relegated to the people at any time, and then it will be a model of democratic victory.

"You can discuss it ..." Bai Qi was a little impatient and got up to go to the cooking class.

This cooking class has just been set up, and half of its members are women.

It is also necessary to have a cooking squad of six or seven hundred soldiers. According to Bai Qi's requirements, soldiers can only go to the cooking squad to find food in addition to the food they carry with them. Once they enter Shuri City, It is full of mountains and sea, and no one is allowed to touch it.

This is the most stupid way to protect yourself, but it is also the most effective way. Now no one knows how the residents of Shuri City will treat the Tiantian Chinese.

"Sir, Mr. Wellington is here." A guard hurried to report.

Wellington is the U.S. ambassador to Ryukyu. It seems that the news of the embassy is a bit slow, and it has only been reflected so far.

Without having to go back, Bai Qi knew what the purpose of Wellington's visit was to determine the purpose of Bai Qi and others. Maybe he wanted to be a peacemaker and take advantage of it.

"Let's go, let's go back and see what Mr. Wellington is going to do." After all, Bai Qi dare not neglect.

Ambassadors abroad are also officials.

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