Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 554: No truth

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The Centennial Independence Exhibition is the first time in 100 years that the United States has established itself to truly show itself to the world.

This feeling is a little bit of a counterattack like "I used to ignore your love and today I can't afford you to climb high".

We must know that the United States is a country of new immigrants. If all new immigrants are not able to linger in the old continent, they will definitely not leave their hometowns and come to the Americas.

After more than a hundred years of hard work, Americans are now considered to have achieved little success. Today, with the opportunity of the Independent Centennial Exhibition, Americans can concentrate their industrial achievements for a display, which is indeed a rare opportunity.

Li Mu certainly wants to seize this opportunity and expand the channel of Junma Group as much as possible.

Before that, the influence of Junma Group is limited to the United States, or it can affect Latin America to a certain extent if it is expanded a little, so Li Mu attaches great importance to this opportunity and hopes to use the independent century exhibition to make Junma Group Influence has further expanded.

The only regret is that only the President of Cuba and the King of Brazil participated in the opening ceremony of the Centennial Independence Exhibition. There was no national leader from Europe, but this did not affect Li Mu ’s enthusiasm. The company's two partners, using these two companies, Li Mu can also achieve the purpose.

But the effect will be worse.

The exhibition area of ​​Junma Group alone allowed Li Mu to introduce for a full hour.

Don't underestimate this hour, you must know that in the itinerary plan of the three national leaders, visiting the Independence Centennial Exhibition, the total length is only three hours.

The effect is still very good. The biggest gain is still the Steed Weapons Company.

Sylvester placed an order for Steed Weapon Company on the spot totaling more than one million dollars. Pedro II had a bigger hand, 150,000 soldiers, more than 150 artillery pieces, and 20 offshore patrol boats. The total order amount is over $ 13 million.

This is also the largest order that Steed Arms has received so far.

Do n’t think that the price is 13 million US dollars. This is the price after the discount. You must know that the political situation in Brazil has been unstable due to the expansion of Pedro II. If this batch of arms can be delivered in time, this may make Pedro In the sense of this aspect, the second order can maintain the situation in a timely manner, and this order cannot be measured by money at all.

Li Mu's good mood continued until he visited the Qing Empire exhibition area.

After buying all the exhibits of the Qing Empire, this is the first time that Li Mu has come to the Qing Empire's exhibition area. Li Mu was quite surprised that the Qing Empire exhibition area is now beyond recognition. All the pots and pans have disappeared. Replaced by a wide range of modern weapons.


This situation was a little unexpected than Li Mu's expectation. The original weapon company that participated in the 100-year independent exhibition was the Junma Weapons Company. There is no semicolon, and now another one pops up, which makes Li Mu very upset.

The archway is still the familiar archway, and the people are still a few familiar people, but the exhibits were beyond Li Mu's expectations. Looking at the past, the double-action pistol, the breech-filled single-shot rifle, and two feet were used. Gatling-type light and heavy machine guns with tripods, and light artillery with wooden wheels for easy movement ...

However, from the perspective of light weapons, this is simply a replica of the exhibition area of ​​Junma Weapons Company.

Li Mu and the Organizing Committee of the Independent Centennial Exhibition had an agreement before. Weapons companies that can appear in the Independent Centennial Exhibition are only allowed to have a Junma Weapons Company. Now such a thing has happened. Of course, Li Mu is in a very bad mood.

So Li Mu's first person to look for was Arthur.

"I don't know what's going on ... you have to believe me, it's definitely not my approval!" Arthur's expression was innocent, and he narrowed his neck and spread his hands, saying he knew nothing about it.

"I don't know ... there must be any misunderstanding ..." Tom King, chairman of the organizing committee of the Independent Century Exhibition, was equally aggressive.

Known as the landlord of Manhattan, Tom King has more than a thousand Manhattan properties under his control. By renting these properties alone, Tom King can enter the high society of Manhattan.

"So what is going on now? Do we have so many people dazzled?" Li Muhuo was furious. If this incident affected the transaction between Li Mu and Pedro II, Li Mu would kill people.

At the time of Li Mu's emergency communication with Arthur and Tom King, the three national leaders had entered the Qing Empire exhibition area.

Immediately, two staff members dressed in Qing imperial robes greeted. Li Mu recognized one of them as Li Gui, but the other was strange.

"Welcome to the exhibition area of ​​the Zhanhan Factory. We are the largest defense company in Massachusetts and have good cooperation with many countries in Southeast Asia. Our products are sold worldwide, not only with reliable quality, but also with low prices. I believe it is here You must be able to get what you want ... "The official who greeted with Li Gui had just spoken, and Li Mu knew their details immediately.

Damn, it's a long-lost fat man!

This missing fish!

Li Mu always thought that the little fat man just wanted to make a lot of money in silence, which would not have much impact on Steed Weapons Company. Now it seems that Li Mu was wrong. The little fat man was unwilling to rely on nepotism to pull the list. Will jump out and do things.

"Oh, oh, your products are very special ..." Ulysses Grant was perfunctory.

"Zhanhan Factory ... Isn't the largest weapons company in Massachusetts, the United States, or even the Americas? Not the Steed Weapon Factory?" Silvester's face was filled with question marks.

"Tell me what you all have. If you can convince me, there must be some orders." Pedro II has not yet figured out what happened and is very interested.

"Of course, let me introduce you ..." The staff was very enthusiastic and immediately locked the main goal.

Sylvester and Li Mu exchanged a vague look, then walked to the platform at will, picked up a double-action pistol and turned it over and over.

From the appearance alone, the pistol in Silvester's hand is the same as the Python pistol produced by Steed Weapons. The biggest difference is the price of the two. The ordinary version of the Python handgun produced by Steed Weapons sells for $ 39.9, and Here, a pistol costs only $ 29.9, which is a whole ten dollars cheaper than a Python pistol produced by Steed Weapons.

"Sir, do you want to ..." Yan Shun looked fiercely and said gently in Li Mu's ear.

"No need to let them toss ..." Even if Li Mu was angry, he wouldn't send out a brain now, how much money the little fat man is willing to sell is his freedom, this Mu Mu can't control: "Contact Mr. Bruce, I hope the day after tomorrow ... No, tomorrow ... I can have lunch with him tomorrow. "

"Bruce" is Massachusetts Governor Bruce Motley.

Li Mu and Bruce's personal relationship is very good. Li Mu has never paid attention to the Zhanhan factory before. Now it seems that Li Mu is a tiger breed ...

It's time to work it out.

"Yes, I will contact Mr. Bruce's office immediately." Yan Shun disappeared silently after speaking.

Li Mu came to Pedro II, looked at Pedro II's double-action pistol, and suddenly asked: "Huh, looks good, but do you have an export license?"

"No, no, this gentleman, we do not need an export license. We are from the Jiangnan Weapons General Factory of the Qing Empire, so we do not need an export license." Li Guiyi explained to Li Mu in good faith, and the reason was actually very good.

In Li Mu's memory, the Jiangnan Weaponry Factory is indeed a factory of the Qing Empire, but the production capacity of this factory is limited. They are now still producing smooth-bore rifles, similar to double-action pistols. The Jiangnan Weaponry Factory does Not coming out.

In a decree issued last year in Washington, all companies and individuals in the United States are required to obtain an Import and Export License from Congress if they want to engage in arms operations.

According to Li Mu's knowledge, among all the companies in the United States, you have the Junma Weapons Company with a complete import and export license. No other company can do it. Even the Zhanhan factory has only export licenses and no import licenses.

Little fat people are not stupid, knowing that if they were in the name of the Zhanhan Factory, they would not be able to enter even the door of the independent century exhibition, so they not only borrowed the exhibition area of ​​the Qing Empire, but also borrowed the name of Jiangnan Weaponry Factory. In this way, we can bypass the steed by the Steed Weapons Company's monopoly on the independent centennial exhibition and appear in the main hall of the independent centennial exhibition.

To be honest, Li Mu still has a little admiration for the cleverness of the fat man, but now is not the time to tout each other, so Li Mu will continue to provoke problems: "Jiangnan Weapons General Factory, I seem to have heard of it, but do you have an invitation?"

This invitation letter is one of the means by which Junma Weapons Company guarantees "uniqueness". Without this invitation letter, any arms-related enterprise will not be allowed to enter the independent century exhibition.

The Organizing Committee of the Independent Centennial Exhibition issued an invitation letter for the arms industry, not even Krupp or Enfield.

"We are an enterprise in Qing State, so we don't need invitation letters."

"Is that so?" Li Mu smiled slightly and turned to look at Tom King.

Of course this is not the case. Krupp is from Germany and Enfield is from Britain. If Li Gui said, they would not need an invitation letter.

"The military industry is a special industry. No matter which country you belong to, we need an invitation letter, or we are not allowed to participate in the Independent Centennial Exhibition." Tom King finally got a voice, with a serious expression that seemed to save the world.

This is true. Invitation letters are not needed in any other industry, but they must be in the military industry.

You need to know that the World Expo is also a trade fair. When the World Expo ends, if the goods shipped from various countries are not sold out, then you can organize sales on the spot. So other industries do not need invitations, but the military industry must Otherwise, if Krupp or Enfield took advantage of the opportunity of the Independent Centennial Exhibition to blatantly transport a large number of weapons into the United States, I am afraid that everyone would be restless.

Think about it, Krupp is better, but Enfield has a previous record.

During the Civil War, the British chose to support the Southern Government Army, and the Northern Government Army, which had once fought in the frontal battlefield, was losing ground.

Although the South American War has ended, the United States is not without its hidden dangers. The Texans have been clamoring for independence, and the Indians are still making waves. If the British let you ask for your batch of weapons at this time, the consequences are indeed unpredictable. No one can afford this responsibility.

"Sir, our weapons are not produced in the Qing Empire, but are produced in the Zhanhan plant in Massachusetts, so we also do not need invitations. In fact, your approach is very confusing. Is it an American company? You are embracing each other and racially discriminating. You should be ashamed of it ... "Li Guikan said without any concession.

At the same time Li Gui was carrying it hard, another official was following Pedro II to seize the time to introduce: "Your Majesty, only our factory really owns the patent for the double action pistol, so choosing us is the right decision. And you can also see that one gun sells for less than $ 30, so what's the hesitation? Always thinking about two incense sticks, maybe it doesn't matter, but if it's 1,000 or 10,000? Wake up, Your Majesty, Don't be fooled by the clever tongue of some people ... "

Pedro II didn't say anything about it. Just looking at one gun and one gun, it took less than two minutes to finish each gun, and sometimes even just picked it up to try it, and immediately discarded it.

Pedro II is not stupid. Before coming to the United States, Pedro II had fully understood the background of Li Mu and the Steed Group, so now even the products of the Zhanhan Factory sell more than the Steed Weapons Company products. Cheap, Pedro II will not change his decision easily.

Being a king, Pedro II is still very clever.

Li Mu is equally clever. No matter if he sells individual soldiers or sells artillery heavy machine guns, Li Mu can provide buyers with training officers. This is a great advantage. No one wants to see that the good things that he has carefully bought are ruined. So instructors are essential.

Instructors these days are still very valuable, especially artillery officers. This profession is known as the "mathematician arms". If you do not master mathematical knowledge, you cannot command the artillery.

So from this point of view, Junma Group's after-sales service is simply too thoughtful. Except that it can not directly send troops to fight for you, the rest can be called the Three Guarantees service, which relieves all hidden concerns of customers.

"Rim, give me an opinion, you know, the more options I have, the more tangled I will be." Pedro II asked for help in time.

"Oh, I wouldn't buy it if you were ..." Li Mu's mouth must have heard nothing good.

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