Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 555: Retribution comes fast

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How did Li Mu study weapons?

Li Mu didn't even need the tools, he directly drew the structure diagram of the "double action pistol", which fully illustrates how crude the weapons are these days.

Therefore, the products produced by the Junma Weapons Factory are really not very technical. As long as there are machines and raw materials, they can be made for you in minutes.

It is worth mentioning that the patent for the double action pistol is still in the hands of the Zhanhan factory. Even the Steed Weapons Company needs to authorize the Zhanhan factory to produce the double action pistol, so from this aspect, the Zhanhan factory still has Emboldened.

It is one thing to produce double-action pistols with confidence, and it is another thing to have confidence at the Independent Centennial Exhibition. The relationship between the Steed Group and the Independent Centennial Exhibition here undoubtedly requires courage.

Li Mu was pleased that Pedro II and Silvester were not very interested in the products of the Zhanhan plant, but Ulysses S. Grant behaved strangely.

It is also understandable that Ulysses Grant is the president of the United States and a military general. No matter from which point of view, Ulysses Grant is not willing to see Steed Weapons Company monopolize U.S. military industry.

Li Mu is also considered to have a certain city government. Although the presence of the Zaihan factory made Li Mu unpleasant, Li Mu did not have an attack on the spot. After the group left the exhibition area of ​​the Qing Empire, Li Mu deliberately dragged on to find King Kim.

"Why does the Zaihan factory appear here?" Li Mu made no secret of his hostility towards the Zaihan factory.

"This is just an accident. We have not received the relevant application, so why does the Zhanhan factory appear here? I am not quite sure at the moment." Tom King also did not know what was going on.

Li Mu can infer some of it. Considering the identity of the fat man, it is estimated that this is because the fat man put pressure on the Qing delegation, so he temporarily appeared in the exhibition area of ​​the Qing Empire.

After all, the delegation of the Qing Dynasty has now sold out all its products, and they dare not offend the big men behind the fat man, so they are so troubled.

Speaking of which, there is also the reason for Li Mu. If Li Mu had not bought all the exhibits of the Qing Empire from his own pocket, it would probably not have happened.

"Actually, this is not necessarily a bad thing. There can be contrast to make it high and low. If there is no loading factory, how can it set off the success of Steed Weapon Company?" Tom King returned to Li Mukuan with heart.

"It's a fallacy. Maybe you can try to open a gunpowder factory in Delaware, or go to Pennsylvania to open an oil refinery and see how you will be treated." Li Mu was not polite and found no competition at all. Challenges and excitement from opponents.

Delaware is the home of the DuPont family, while Pennsylvania is the home of Rockefeller. The DuPont and Rockefeller families are also the first two trust companies in the United States.

The birth of capital is indeed accompanied by the original sin. When facing the competitors, the founder of the DuPont family can invite his competitors to take a dirt plane without hesitation, and Rockefeller does everything when facing the enemy. Extremely, even in the face of the strike of his own workers, Rockefeller can mobilize the army to suppress it without force.

In this respect, Steed Weapons Company can do a little bit more.

"Rim, you have to know it's two different things." Tom King tried to calm Li Mu.

"This is actually the same thing, they can't get it elsewhere, nor can they get it in New York." Li Mu ended the conversation with Tom King and talked to a landlord about "monopoly".

Before Li Mu has come out of the main exhibition hall of the Centennial Exhibition, a series of orders have been sent from New York to Springfield. A large net for the Zhanhan factory is slowly unfolding ...

Fatty has had a hard time these days. Do n’t look at Fatty who can easily get huge orders from the Qing Empire through someone, but the total amount of orders is limited. After a period of overload production, the Zhanhan factory also Finally, we are facing an unsustainable situation.

In fact, the orders received by the fat man are not all orders of the Qing Empire. Strictly speaking, even most of them are not counted, and can only be regarded as a small step.

This is also related to the national conditions of the Qing empire. After all, the current Qing empire and the army controlled by the central government of the Qing empire are very few. Most of the power is in the hands of local governors. In total, the Zhanhan Plant has not even received as many orders from the Qing Empire as the Steed Weapons Company.

This is no wonder others, the fat man is a banner person, this status gives the fat man the greatest convenience, and also restricts the further development of the Zhanhan factory, at least the current Zhanhan factory is under the step by step of the Junma Weapons Company. on one's last legs.

Fatty, of course, also wants the Zaihan factory to participate in the independent century exhibition and get more opportunities.

Unfortunately, under Li Mu's insistence, the only military industry company that can participate in the 100-year independent exhibition is the Steed Weapons Company. Even the fat man ca n’t find the temple with his pig head.

At this time, you can see the benefits of being in the United States. If it is in the Qing Empire, it is Li Mu ’s great ability and it is subject to restrictions from the official level. It is not the same in the United States. At present, no one in the United States dares to give Li Mu wears small shoes, not even Ulysses S. Grant. In front of Li Mu, even Ulysses S. Grant has to think twice before acting.

In order to get more orders, the fat man had to secretly position through the delegation of the Qing Empire, hoping to allow the Zaihan factory to appear at the independent century exhibition.

Of course, the fat man is also very clear. If this is done, it will definitely usher in the fierce revenge of the Junma Group, but the fat man has no other choice, and no more orders can only be a dead end, so the fat man can only fight hard.

Unlike Junma Weapons Company, the head of the Zaihan factory is a domestic slave from King Qingchun's palace. In addition, the fat man also hired a white lawyer to **** the Zaihan factory. As for the fat man himself, and Li Mu When I first saw the fat man on the boat, the fat man is now fatter and has a layer of fluff on his mouth. It looks like he is already young.

This is also normal. Most of the Qing people are precocious. If they were in the Qing Empire, they would be as old as a fat man, and maybe even have children.

"Today is the first day of the opening of the Independence Centennial Exhibition. Li Mu's kid will definitely find our actions. In any case, we have to survive this barrier." In the office of the Zaihan factory, the fat man was restless.

"Xiao Wangye, there is no turning back for the so-called bow. The only way to do it today is to do everything to know the fate of the destiny." Fukuyama, the person in charge of the factory, was worried.

"Hi prince, I don't think it's necessary to worry about this. The United States is a country ruled by law. All illegal acts will be severely punished by the law. Although the Junma Group is huge, it can't do whatever it wants. You have to follow the rules. "Armstrong, the fat man's lawyer, was confident.

Armstrong is right in saying this. He has a strong chicken soup posture, but unfortunately, the words did not make the fat man relax, and even the fat man's expression became more serious.

It is worth mentioning that this Armstrong is also a Democrat like Grover Cleveland, the former chief lawyer of the Steed Group.

"Mr. Armstrong, I have a very bad feeling. Maybe we have taken a bad step." The fat man was in a heavy mood. Thinking of the strength of the Junma Group, the little fat man now regrets it.

"The problem is that we have no other choice, so we can only go on unswervingly." Armstrong was firm-minded and did not look ahead.

A quick knock came, and the fat man's body trembled suddenly. Fukuyama stood up, clenched his fists, stood in front of the fat man, facing the doorway, and Armstrong got up and opened the door.

"Little lord, Mr. Grant is visiting." A long man bowed in, ignored Armstrong, and reported directly to the fat man.

"Please come in ..." The fat man's face was a little pale, and he reluctantly answered.

The "Grant" is not Ulysses Grant, but a businessman from Springfield Grant.

Grant is a fat man's partner who is responsible for supplying the fat man's culvert factory with the steel necessary for the production of weapons. These steels were purchased from Carnegie-Rim Steel in Pittsburgh, so this Mr. Grant is a second-hand trafficker. .

Grant is a middle-aged white man in his 40s. He is not tall and has a serious fortune. He has a huge rosacea and is impressive.

Entering Fatty's office, Grant greeted Fukuyama and Armstrong casually, and then sat down on the chair opposite Fatty, looking at Fatty's poor eyes.

"Gorgil, I do n’t understand why you want to provoke Junma Group? Do you think that Junma Group is a good mess? IMHO, Junma Group wants to destroy you easily. Think of Springfield, Colt, and the unlucky Winchester ... Do you think that this fate will never come to the Zhanhan Factory? Who gave you confidence? "Grant was very You're welcome, as soon as you sit down, you start talking.

"Mr. Grant, I think you are more concerned ..." Armstrong tried to fill Grant with chicken soup.

"Shut up! You guy who can only talk about it, I know, there must be your share in it, but I have to remind you that you will soon lose your job, so you still think about your future. Grant was rude to Armstrong.

Many people say that lawyers are a well-respected profession. In fact, this is relatively speaking.

Compared with those "mud legs", lawyers who can make a lot of money just by moving their lips are really enviable, but for a person like Grant, the status of a lawyer is not much higher than Grant's pet.

Well, in layman's terms, a lawyer is a dog raised by a rich man. In the 19th century, few people really respected this profession.

In the face of Grant's arrogance, Armstrong did not turn back, and even maintained good manners. He sat in a chair with a smile without a word, and felt very sloppy.

"Mr. Grant, do you have anything to do?" The fat man had to get out of the way, and the dog still had to look at the owner.

"Is there anything ... you still ask me this, why don't you ask what you have done? Damn, you not only ruined your factory, you also ruined my business. I just took it When you telegraph at the Carnegie Plant, they will no longer provide me with special steel products. Are you satisfied now? "Grant couldn't wait to swear, really wondering why the fat man was doing such an unwise thing.

The steel used in Fatty ’s factory is also a weapon steel purchased from Carnegie-Rime Steel. It is also because of the use of weapon steel that Fatty has the confidence to compete with the Steed Weapon Company. If he continues to use the former Weapons for steel production, except for selling to the Qing Empire, it is impossible for the fat man to find any buyer.

The reason why Carnegie sold the weapon steel to Grant was because the weapons produced by the Zhanhan plant were not sold in the United States, and there was no direct competition with the Steed Weapons Company.

"This is about the Zhanhan Factory and the Steed Weapons Company. What does it have to do with Carnegie?" The fat man had a large head for a while, and he didn't expect revenge to come so fast.

"Stupid pig, you're almost as stupid as a donkey. Carnegie Steel's full name is Carnegie-Rime Steel. Don't you know the relationship between Carnegie Steel and Steed?" Grant couldn't wait to yell at him. He couldn't think of it anyway. How did the little fat man maintain the operation of the Zaihan factory?

The fat man was almost dumbfounded. He really didn't know that Carnegie Steel's full name was Carnegie-Rim Steel. The fat man didn't even know that Carnegie Steel was in Pittsburgh. Otherwise, the fat man would Raw materials will not be purchased from Carnegie Steel through Grant.

"Damn, let me tell you the truth, Rim is the owner of Carnegie-Rime Steel and a major shareholder of Carnegie-Rime Steel. I really don't know who gave it to you. You have the confidence to challenge the Steed Weapons Company? "Grant gushed.

Who gives the confidence?

Who else can it be, the fat man and Fukuyama immediately set their sights on Armstrong.

"I know it's you **** guy who is making a ghost. Why do you hope that by relying on this matter, you can let Li Mu and the Republican Party settle themselves? Then you are wrong, I will tell you the truth, what do other people think? I do n’t know, but I know when the general election at the end of the year, I will never vote for your Democrats. You, this unkind guy, because of your selfishness, caused me to lose my business and become yellow. For your work, I hope that your Democratic Party can introduce you to a great goldsmith ... "Grant was not afraid and shook Armstrong's boss thoroughly.

general election…

How is this related to the election?

The fat man couldn't figure out what happened.

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