Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 559: Kuniyuki

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Donations were part of the election.

The Republicans are currently facing problems, in fact the Democrats also have, but only to varying degrees.

Relatively speaking, the Democratic Party deals with this problem in a smarter way. They started raising funds within the party and issued bonds specifically for the general election. So it seems that the problems of the Democratic Party are not as serious as those of the Republican Party.

In fact, it's all a blunder, regardless of the fact that the Democratic Party is attacking the Republican Party under the pretext of "corruption" all the time. In fact, everyone knows that if the Democratic Party comes to power, it may be more excessive than the Republican Party.

The problem is that most voters are not clear about the morals of the Democratic Party. They also look forward to a major change in the government's style of operation after the Democratic Party came to power. Although Li Mu has prepared a lot of outside moves, the effects of these outside moves It remains to be verified that this does not mean that Hayes will surely win the election.

Time flies quickly, and it's June 1st.

On this day, Will and Claudia held an engagement ceremony at Trinity Church in New York. More than 500 guests participated in the engagement ceremony, the most notable being U.S. President Ulysses S. Grant and a Republican candidate. Hayes and Democratic candidate Samuel Tilden.

Ulysses Grant and Hayes were invited by Will. The arrival of Samuel Tilden surprised both Li Mu and Will.

According to US law, US military members cannot be politically inclined, but soldiers can vote in general elections, so winning support from the military has always been a top priority in the campaign.

Considering the relationship between Will and Li Mu, although Will himself has never publicly expressed his political tendencies in public, when the election begins, Will will undoubtedly vote for Hayes.

In fact, Will's engagement ceremony is also a show. Although Samuel Tilden knows that the chances of winning are not great, he still has to actively fight for it. This can be regarded as doing everything and knowing the fate of the destiny.

During the ceremony, due to the limited capacity in the Trinity Church, less than half of the guests could enter the church to observe the ceremony, and more people would stay outside the church, which can only be regarded as a gesture.

But even this "gesture" is not something everyone is entitled to. Only holding a invitation signed by Will or Li Mu in person can enter the Trinity Church on the day of June 1.

The engagement ceremony is different from the wedding ceremony. It is not as grand as the wedding ceremony, but there are also oaths and ring exchange ceremonies. When Will and Claudia exchange rings, Li Mu and Gloria are in the first row of the church. Observe the entire process of the engagement ceremony at a close distance.

"I don't want to be so cumbersome when we get engaged." Gloria was wearing a gown, staring at the ring on Claudia's hand, squinting in a voice that only two people could hear.

This hand requires effort, and most people can't.

"How are you going? You can't just do it in our living room by then ..." Li Mu didn't squint, but what he said was also a million miles away.

"That's not bad, I just want to get blessings from ourselves, others don't care ..." Gloria thought about it, she didn't care about these red tapes at all.

In the final analysis, marriage is a matter for two people. Even if it is magnified, it is only a matter for two families. Li Mu is not willing to work so hard.

However, people living in the world cannot do everything they want, and they must always consider the feelings of others, so regardless of what Li Mu and Gloria think, their engagement ceremony will definitely be better than that of Will and Claudia. The engagement ceremony came even more solemnly.

"If it's replaced by us ... God, I don't know if I'm going to laugh." Gloria seemed to be agitated, as if she couldn't bear herself.

"Calm down, let's talk about it later." Li Mu gave Gloria a vaccination. Today's stage belongs to Will and Claudia. Li Mu doesn't want to be extravagant.

Fortunately, the part of the exchange ceremony soon passed. When Will and Claudia showed their engagement rings together, there was a warm applause in the church. Li Mu was finally relieved. According to the plan, this should be the last one. Item content.

"Next, please move to the Clinton Castle Hotel. We will start a real carnival to celebrate this couple newly married under the witness of God." The emcee promptly came forward and announced the successful conclusion of the engagement ceremony.

On the way to the Clinton Castle Hotel, Yan Shun reported to Li Mu that the engagement ceremony took place outside Trinity Church: "At the beginning of the engagement ceremony, two people wanted to forcibly break into the martial law area. People are Democrats, and some are Aboriginal people from Montana ... "

Aboriginals from Montana put Will in the way, Li Mu understands, but why are those Republican supporters? Li Mu really didn't understand.

"They wanted to make a big news and called a photojournalist, but our preparations were more thoughtful. We detained two cameras and four reporters ..." Yan Shun's work was still a bit simple and rude, Li Mu Be regarded as the same.

In fact, the Democratic Party also has its own newspaper, but compared with the "Time", the influence of the Democratic newspaper is really not worth mentioning, so Li Mu never took it seriously.

"Just buckle them, pay attention not to hurt them, and let them out tomorrow." Li Mu is also simple and rude. The so-called "freedom of the press" is a joke here.

For media workers, "freedom of the press" is a matter that must be upheld, but in fact the so-called "freedom" is relative. Of course, freedom can be unbridled within the scope allowed by the rules, but if you touch a certain In these minefields, "freedom" immediately became a tower in the air. This point has never changed even in the 21st century.

In fact, this is effective in all industries. The so-called "freedom" is a joke. The "freedom" that people have is carefully examined by some people or certain departments. It is completely "free". Never existed, even in Utopia, freedom was a luxury.

"Springfield reported that Gogir wanted to take a train from Springfield to New York yesterday, but was stopped by the police station and the rifle association. He called and asked what to do with Gogir." Yan Shun immediately said The gang of reporters left behind and raised another thorny question.

Welcome to the fat man. This guy is unwilling to be sure, but he can only do very little. Maybe the fat man wants to come to New York to sue him. But in Springfield, if Li Mu doesn't agree, the fat man will even get on the train now. Nope.

"Tell Richard and Lane that if they can help me solve this problem, I will donate $ 100,000 each to the Massachusetts government and the Massachusetts Rifle Association next year. If they ca n’t do that, it will be very simple. Tell them that it's not just one or two people staring at the post of Governor of Massachusetts and Mayor of Springfield. "Li Mu's connections in Springfield are not just Bruce Motley alone.

Bruce Motley is the current governor of Massachusetts. Li Mu had entrusted Bruce Motley with the settlement of the Hanhan Plant, but it now seems clear that Bruce Motley could not complete it.

Next year, both Massachusetts and Springfield will have general elections. Richard Wesley has made it clear that he will participate in the governor election next year. Meanwhile, Ryan Matthew is also preparing to run for Mayor Springfield. Job.

Richard Wesley was a former Massachusetts judge and Ryan Matthew was the president of the Springfield Rifle Association. They have a chance to get their wish, but if Li Mu doesn't think so, then their situation is It's all dangerous.

After all, there were not many things that Li Mu had to deal with personally. After Yan Shun reported these two things, he kept silent.

The convoy arrived at the Clinton Hotel. The hotel was ready for reception. The red carpet extended from the hotel door along the steps to the entrance. On both sides of the red carpet were energetic waitresses. They all had special etiquette training and smiled slightly. Showing eight teeth is just an entry-level, full etiquette training waiter, professional level is not inferior to famous ladies, this is a special gift prepared by Li Mu for guests of the Clinton Castle Hotel.

"Welcome to the Clinton Castle Hotel ..." As soon as Li Mu got out of the car, he immediately ushered in a Yingyingyanyan.

Li Mu did not forget to help Gloria open the door, then raised her hand and called Bresta over.

Bresta, as Will's old subordinate, will certainly be fully responsible for the security of the entire engagement ceremony on this special day today.

Li Mu reminded Bresta in a more subtle way, but Bresta responded quickly: "Rest assured, I mobilized nearly 400 police officers today. To this end, I even deployed the police force at the Independent Centennial Exhibition. Now I can assure you that there will be no problems throughout the process, and in any case, the mood of the guests will not be affected. "

This is the best. Li Mu can still trust Bresta, so he casually chats with Bresta and follows Will and Claudia into the Clinton Castle Hotel.

Today, the Clinton Castle Hotel is full of lights. There are ribbons and balloons in traditional western ceremonies and big red double happiness in traditional eastern rituals. These big red double happiness are specially requested by Will. Li Mu originally planned to engage in his own engagement. It was used again at the ceremony, but Will showed a lot of interest after seeing it, so now comes in handy.

Of course, Li Mu will not oppose this kind of thing. In fact, it is very difficult to have the opportunity to appear on the top occasions of white society, so this is also an opportunity. Li Mu can be used to test the acceptance of Chinese elements by guests.

What makes Li Mu feel gratified is that it ’s not just the big red double happiness. Americans seem to be more fond of the big red lanterns. Rockefeller even asked Li Mu for a batch to decorate his home.

As he was about to enter the banquet hall, Mason secretly gestured to Li Mu, so Li Mu made an excuse and came to the stairwell with Mason.

"We found violations in the Japanese pavilion. They are selling souvenirs and Japanese traditional crafts privately. This violates the provisions of the independent century exhibition. I think ... should we do something?" Mason's words made Li Mu happy and joyful. a feeling of.

According to regulations, each country participating in the Independent Centennial Exhibition can build its own branch club, which is considered as part of the Independent Centennial Exhibition.

Japan has invested heavily in this area, not only spending huge sums of money to buy land in Manhattan, but also establishing its own branch club.

In fact, this branch club is not very useful. Many countries regard the branch club as an office for receiving nationals. Japan did this before.

However, Japan has another purpose for building branch clubs. After the independent centennial exhibition ends, Japan will rely on their branch clubs to re-establish the Japanese embassy and consulate in New York.

In addition, with regard to the sales of souvenirs, the Independent Centennial Exhibition has clearly stipulated that all souvenir sales must be officially conducted by the Independent Centennial Exhibition, and other countries and states within the United States have no right to do so.

If, according to past experience, this regulation does not cause any objections, the problem is that the souvenir sales of the Independent Centennial Exhibition are too hot. The so-called wealth is so exciting, so some people have the idea of ​​souvenirs.

The Japanese were slammed into the muzzle.

"Don't come forward and inform the organizing committee of the Independent Century Exhibition, they will do it more thoroughly than you." Li Mu will take this opportunity to make the Japanese completely disappear in New York.

Until now, the relationship between Junma Group and Japan has been irreversible, so Li Mu will certainly not be merciful. This kind of incident is not effective, and it is more authoritative to appear in the official name. Li Mu does not want to Get the limelight.

"Okay, I'll inform them right away ... Besides, the exhibition group of the Zhanhan Factory will board the car and return to Springfield today. Should we do something?" Mason didn't dare to make a decision on his own or asked Li Mu Views.

After Li Mu and Gloria established the relationship, Yan Shun ’s identity became a bit awkward, so now Mason is not only Li Mu ’s driver, but also Li Mu ’s security director, and also Li Mu ’s personal assistant. Many All things that are not convenient for Li Mu to do are Mason.

"Since they want to leave, let them go, as well as the exhibition hall of the Qing Empire. Since they don't want to use it, then cancel them and give them to those who really need the opportunity." Li Mu's handling method is very simple, It was a good thing that Li Mu bought the exhibits of the Qing empire, but now that he is so troubled, Li Mu can't care about the "national body".

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