Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 560: ban

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This behavior of the Japanese delegation is tantamount to grabbing business with the Organizing Committee of the Independent Centennial Exhibition. This is how people can bear it. Li Mu can imagine that if the organizing committee of Japan sells souvenirs to the Independent Centennial Exhibition In the ears of the organizing committee, how the gentlemen of the organizing committee will be furious.

In fact, money is still in the final analysis. Although the New York City government has money, it is a bit stretched to host an independent century exhibition, so the organizing committee has to do everything possible to open source and reduce expenditures, at least to get the money back.

Selling souvenirs is a method that Li Mu has come up with for the independent centennial exhibition organizing committee. So far, this method is still good. By selling souvenirs alone, not only all the initial investment of the independent centennial exhibition has been recovered, but also slightly. The surplus is really gratifying.

Seeing that the situation is very good, the Japanese have taken the initiative to grab business with the organizing committee of the Independent Century Exhibition, so there is no need for Li Mu to take action against the Japanese who do not know how to live or die. No bones left.

According to news from Li Mu, the Japanese mostly sell traditional crafts from Japan, such as folding fans, Toyo knives, Ukiyo-e, etc. Strictly speaking, they do not conflict with the souvenirs sold by the organizing committee of the independent century exhibition. There is no competition, but Li Mu will certainly not pass these messages to the independent centennial exhibition organizing committee at the same time. This is the same as when the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are propaganda, they only want to convey what they want others to know.

After the banquet, Li Mu personally approached Arthur and informed the Japanese of transgression.

"Selling souvenirs privately? How did the Japanese do this?" Arthur jumped out of his chair like a cat with a tail on it.

As the mayor of New York City, Arthur personally served as the chairman of the independent centennial exhibition organizing committee. During Tweed's tenure, the New York City government generated a large fiscal deficit. Because of the hosting of the independent centennial exhibition, this deficit has further expanded. Arthur Originally, it was expected to rely on the independent century-old exhibition to make a big sum to fill a part of the fiscal deficit and prove that Bitweide was more capable, so Arthur absolutely did not allow any accidents.

Not even a potential accident.

"Have you received the relevant report? If not, it proves that the Japanese have already done so." Li Mu has conclusive evidence that the Japanese are digging the corner of the Independence Century Exhibition.

You ’re Japanese and you ’re scared. After all, it ’s not enough to support the Meiji Restoration. It ’s not enough to organize women to “work” overseas. The Japanese government also wants to increase income. So as long as there is an opportunity, the Japanese are always very active and treat them. Opportunity is exceptionally positive.

"This **** shit, I knew they wouldn't be at peace. Now they dare to be so provocative. It seems that I overestimate their IQ ..." Arthur yelled, and if Emperor Meiji stood there In front of himself, Arthur dared to rush to devour him.

Sitting on a chair, Li Mu carelessly trimmed his nails. Now it is Arthur's performance time. Li Mu will not force his fortune.

"Frank, come here ..." Arthur finally scolded enough and called his special assistant by ringing the bell.

This Frank is not the Minister of Information Frank. They have the same name but different surnames.

"Sir, please tell me ..." Frank responded.

"Tell Director Bresta to immediately seal the Japanese branch exhibition hall and collect all prohibited materials and illegal income. Tell Director Bresta that if the Japanese are allowed to take one cent, then I will use his salary to make up." He is so aggressive, this is the rhythm to kill the Japanese.

"Yes, sir." When Arthur finished speaking, Frank retreated.

"The Qing Empire seems to be preparing to abandon their exhibition hall. If the organizing committee has no comments, I would like to transfer the use right of the exhibition hall to the urban beauties." Li Mu seemed to casually make a second request.

"What happened to Qingguo?" It seemed that Arthur was not quite sure about the PY transaction between Hanhan and Qingguo.

"Nothing, I bought all of their exhibits, so they have no merchandise available for display now. In this case, why should we keep it." Li Mu's reason is very reasonable.

Originally, Li Mu promised the delegation of the Qing Dynasty to allow them to continue exhibiting the exhibits that already belonged to Li Mu. Now it seems that this need is completely unnecessary. It seems that Li Gui does not cherish this opportunity. Since this is the case, he still reserves the opportunity For those who need it.

"You take care of it, you can decide on such a trivial matter." Arthur didn't care about these things. Although the Qing Dynasty had a large population and occupied a quarter of the world's population, although the Qing Dynasty people still insist that Qing Kingdom is just The center of the world, but in fact, Arthur really doesn't care what the Qing people think.

This view of Arthur largely represents the current status of the Qing Empire in the world. Although Li Mu sounds a little uncomfortable, Li Mu also has to admit that in the white world, no one cares about the Qing Dynasty. Life and death of man.

In that case, it would be simple.

In the afternoon of the same day, the Qing Dynasty and Japan exhibition areas in the main exhibition hall were all revoked, and replaced by urban beauty clothing and men's clothing.

To be honest, although the beauty of urban beauty and men's clothing is huge, in the current era, nobody really recognizes them, so even if Li Mu had thought about it before, it would not be possible in the crowded main production hall. , Find the right area for men's clothing and urban beauties.

Right now, the withdrawal of the Qing Dynasty and Japan just left enough room for Li Mu.

Of course, the entire "exit" process was not smooth.

Fortunately, the Qing Dynasty side said that it was probably Li Gui who knew that things had been irreversible and that they had sold out all the goods and successfully completed the mission of this trip, so they left, Li Gui and they were not too nostalgic.

Speaking of which, the arrogance of the Qing people must be mentioned. Even Li Mu has often lingered in the main exhibition hall of the Independent Century Exhibition recently, especially the booth of the United States Patent Office. Li Mu even organized a team dedicated to Collect potential and valuable patents.

However, officials of the Qing Dynasty did not do this. Li Gui and they came to participate in the 100-year Independence Exhibition. It is said that this is a great opportunity to "open your eyes to the world." But Li Mu regrets that Li Gui and they have nothing in this regard Meaning, since this time, Li Mu has never seen any Qing government official take the initiative to walk out of his own exhibition area, communicate with staff in other exhibition areas, or actively communicate with exhibitors.

Perhaps in Li Gui ’s hearts, this time they went across the sea to participate in the Independence Centennial Exhibition, which is a "journey of exile". They are now anxious to return to the Qing Empire quickly to continue their career. As for the new technology here, learn What about going there?

It ’s really not good. It ’s useless even if you go back to study. Under the rule of the Qing government, all new things are to be rejected. Think of the gentleman of the Wuxu six decades later. This is what wants the Qing Empire to progress. End.

In the Japanese exhibition area, Bresta's operation encountered great resistance.

Different from the Qing Dynasty delegation, Japan really treats this century-old exhibition as a rare opportunity. Now Japan is not Japan after the Sino-Japanese War, nor is it Japan after the Russo-Japanese War. Being angry, but the narrow country and barren resources have limited Japan's future, and everyone is not optimistic about what Japan can do. Because of this, after Japan defeated the Qing Empire and the Russian Empire in succession, the world became Marvel.

It is estimated that the current Japanese will not think that they can defeat the Qing Empire and the Russian Empire in the future, and that Japan does not have the arrogance and arrogance of the Japanese in the future. Now Japan is really learning the West with humility in various fields. Advanced technology, so when facing Westerners, the attitude of the Japanese is different from that of the Qing Dynasty. The Japanese imagined that in the future, they could replace them in a thorough inferiority complex.

When Bresta led a heavily armed New York police to the Japanese exhibition area to announce the decision of the Organizing Committee of the Centennial Exhibition, all the staff in the Japanese exhibition area were stunned. Difficulties have some psychological preparations, but I did not expect to encounter such a thunderbolt. There was a lot of sorrow in the Japanese exhibition area at the time. The Japanese officials in charge even begged Brest for tears, hoping that the organizing committee of the independent century exhibition could regain its life. .

Faced with the crying and crying of a big man, for a moment, Bresta was really soft-hearted, but when he saw the staff of men's clothing ready to take over the exhibition area, Bresta was hard again. Heart-to-heart, Bresta had to order armed police to use violence in order to take away Japanese workers who wanted to fight dead.

"You are an insult to our Great Japanese Empire, and I swear you will regret it, you will regret it ..." When dragged by two armed policemen, the leader of the team yelled at Slicher. , Can be heard throughout the main exhibition hall of the independent century.

"Damn, can't you gag him?" Bresta was also furious. If the principal official begged to the end, Bresta might still be guilty.

Now that little bit of guilt has disappeared. Seeing begging for no threat of achievement, Bresta can be regarded as seeing through the Japanese.

"You have to be careful. I heard Riem said that if the Japanese fail, they will use an extreme method called caesarean to punish themselves." Mason, who came to Japan with Bresta, kindly reminded.

This method of laparotomy is to achieve the objective effect of making others feel uncomfortable by punishing yourself. The person who invented this method is definitely a psychopath. Others are hurting the enemy by one thousand and self-damaging 800. He is destroying himself and disgusting others. The guy is absolutely pure Japanese, and won the essence of Japanese doing things.

"Laparotomy ... This method is really disgusting, but I haven't seen it yet." Bresta was also strange, while feeling nauseous, she still had a little expectation. This psychological quality is indeed a veteran criminal policeman.

Having said that Bresta has been a policeman for so many years, I have never seen any crime scene. I have seen it ten times more than this cruelty, so it is not necessary to say that it is disgusting.

"Ha, you may want to see something new, others may not. You think about it, in case this group of Japanese people perform a laparotomy at the entrance of the main exhibition hall ... Oh, it's really a bit spectacular." Mason is also wonderful, amazing No less than Bresta.

In fact, the psychological quality of people in the 19th century is much better than that of the 21st century. Many people in the 21st century are very emotional, and when they see what they can't do, they feel that others can't.

For example, those recruits who have just entered the battlefield, according to the 21st century people, when the recruits arrive on the battlefield, they must have unsteady guns, and urine pants that are scared when they hear the cannon. This is in line with the facts.

In fact, this kind of statement is nonsense. When the Soviet Patriotic War was the most tense, the recruits who had just joined the army or even untrained were sent directly to the battlefield where flesh and blood flew after the parade on Red Square. I saw a few people who were holding unstable guns, and they didn't even have enough guns at all. Later, this scene was truly reflected in the movie "Under the City".

The same is true of people in this era. It is good to know that in this era, if a family has six children under normal circumstances, it is good to have two or three adults. So an adult has experienced enough during the growth process. Death, so their attitude towards life is almost numb, and there are not many good things in life that make them reluctant to die.

This is even more true of Americans in this era. The United States is a country composed of new immigrants. If it was not impossible to mix in the old continent, no one would want to come to the United States. Therefore, adults in this era are not invisible or invisible. Their attitude towards death is far more open-minded than that of people in the 21st century.

Even so, ending his life in a laparotomy was a bit cruel, even from a 19th-century perspective, so Bresta immediately replied: "Damn, I'm looking for People control them, at least send them away, wherever they die, just suffocate at the entrance of the main exhibition hall. "

Bresta's requirements are really not high.

"Then you have to pay close attention, I heard that Japanese ninjas are very powerful." Mason is still sparing no effort to spread his little news.

Regarding the ninja, this is another deified profession. If the ninja is really so powerful, Japan has long ruled the whole world, and there is still a need to rely on women to sell themselves to support the Meiji Restoration.

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