Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 566: Pros

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Amidst the turmoil, all of July was spent safely.

The front page of the newspaper still occupies the 100-year-old Independent Exhibition, with news appearing almost every day, and a large part of it is related to the Steed Group.

No way, Junma Group's products are so popular that the Independent Centennial Exhibition has just begun for two months. The 1,876 World Expo Edition Phantoms launched by Junma Motors to commemorate the Independent Centennial Exhibition have been snapped up, plus Junma Electric and Junma Communications, the total orders received by Junma Group at the 100-year independent exhibition have exceeded 100 million US dollars, becoming the biggest winner of all exhibitors.

The reason why product sales are so popular is inseparable from the aggressive action of the public relations department.

In recent years, companies generally do not have the awareness of "image". Entrepreneurs are busy making money and have no awareness of actively taking on social responsibility. Many companies do not even provide after-sales products. In this case, The sense of responsibility demonstrated by the Steed Group is truly remarkable.

After Junma Motors mailed a "safety reminder" to all the owners of the horses for free, even Washington couldn't help but give Junma Motors a "most responsible company" award.

At present, only in the United States, Junma Motors has received this award once. There is no semicolon in this one.

From this we can see how necessary it is for Junma Group to establish a separate PR department.

In August, Hayes' national tour speech finally came from the east coast to the west coast. Li Mu did not go to the west with Hayes, but stayed in New York for remote control.

Of course, the "remote control" mentioned here is not the remote control of Hayes. Li Mu does not yet have this ability. Li Mu remote control is a subsidiary team specially established to assist Hays in publicity. This subsidiary team is part of the Hayes campaign office. The "Weekly" brand is under the command of Li Mu only.

The task of the support team is of great significance. It is not only responsible for establishing a positive image for Hayes, but also handling various emergencies. In terms of responsibilities, it is probably similar to the public relations department.

According to Li Mu's vision, to build a fair, clean, open, and responsible image for Hayes, this will of course increase a lot of extra expenses, but it will gain more favor for Hayes, so that by the end of the year, Hayes will have More chances.

On August 3, Hayes arrived in San Francisco and arrived in Oakland on the first stop.

Now Auckland, although the planned area is more than 300 square kilometers, it has not actually been fully utilized. Strictly speaking, what has been developed is only less than ten square kilometers near the coast.

However, even for the most discerning people, these ten square kilometers are not too many faults.

The 19th-century Bay Area has endless blue sky and white clouds, and the city is well-organized with heavy capital. All the streets are hardened. Natural asphalt from Trinidad is used. There are green belts and street lights on both sides of the street. , More than most cities at this time.

Of course, even with the support of California and San Francisco, and the strong backing of the Steed Group and the Bank of America, Oakland has no money to use all electric street lights. Many street lights are still traditional European street lights. When it gets dark , Someone will put the oil lamp on.

It is gratifying that the Auckland City Government intends to retain these traditions. Even if it is rich in the future, it will also retain some old street lights. This will add a certain historical heritage to the city, which cannot be bought for any amount of money.

Hayes came to San Francisco, of course, the main task is to build momentum for the upcoming election, while in Oakland, Hayes has to make a few shows by the way, in order to provide more material for Time.

"Is it a little new to visit orphans and old widows again? Is it just that, do readers not get bored with just doing this all day?" Hayes has not yet realized the significance of making a show.

"Relax, Mr. President. The readers will never get bored, they will only worry that you haven't done enough." Time Weekly shot Hays, the person in charge of Hilton, with a smile on his face.

In fact, foreigners are also very familiar with flattering, such as Hilton Pope. Although Hayes has not yet been successfully elected, Hilton Pope now calls Hays "Mr. President".

Obviously, Hayes felt very useful for this title.

"Okay, okay, I will follow the inscription on the script, and by the way, will the children and the elderly still be hired this time?" Hayes still knows the importance and will definitely do what he should do.

No matter in any country, left-behind children and orphans are indispensable, but sometimes, not all left-behind children and orphans are suitable for show, so in Los Angeles before, Hilton found a few children and the elderly to cooperate with Hayes Perform.

The effect is still very good.

Of course, embarrassment is essential for Hayes. After all, Hayes's skin is not thick enough, and reading the lines according to Taiwanese books will inevitably blush.

Fortunately, there was no color film in this year, and the photos were black and white, so whether or not Hayes blushed, don't worry about being discovered.

"Of course not. The last time was a bit unexpected. This time we are well prepared and will not increase additional costs." Hilton did a drama before going to Time magazine. Reading lines is a basic skill, and he will definitely not blush. Don't feel embarrassed.

Los Angeles is still so small this year, the whole city is less than 10,000 people, and it is close to the US-Mexico border, so it is understandable that no suitable actors can be found for a while.

Auckland is not the same. Now there are nearly 50,000 people in Auckland. There are also some white people in addition to Chinese. These white people are at least middle class. The straightforward point is the kind of people who have votes in their hands, so Auckland is the top priority of the Hayes West Coast trip, and Hilton is well prepared here.

In fact, in previous presidential elections, even if the Chinese had ballots in their hands, they rarely walked into the polls. After the rise of the Junma Group, Li Mu repeatedly emphasized this on different occasions, requiring all Chinese to vote as long as they are qualified. Standing voting is an important means to increase the discourse power of Chinese people.

Prior to this, Li Mu had already greeted the Auckland side and asked the Auckland side to cooperate with Hayes' propaganda.

The Auckland Municipal Government will certainly not have any opinions. Chu Dexiu promised Li Mu in the telegram that he would fully cooperate with Hayes' propaganda and promised to cast all the votes to Hayes.

"Chu is here, so we should go, Mr. President." Hilton looked at the pocket watch and reminded Hayes in time.

Maybe people are refreshed at every happy event, and Chu Dexiu with silver hair is very good. He wears a suit with charm and looks more like a gentleman than Darwin Black next to him.

Darwin Black is the Speaker of the Auckland City Council. According to Darwin Black, his family comes from an ancient European noble family.

No one knows what Darwin really said, but since the establishment of Auckland, as an aboriginal of Alameda County, Darwin Black has also dedicated his efforts to the construction of Auckland City, in order to downplay the city of Auckland. With Chinese attributes, Darwin Black has become the parliamentary speaker of Auckland.

It is worth mentioning that in the Auckland City Council, 81 of all 95 members are of Chinese descent, so the speaker of Darwin Black has limited power in his hands.

"Mr. Governor, you are welcome to come to Auckland." Chu Dexiu is relatively modest and does not use "Mr. President" to call Hays.

Of course, Hayes did not account for this. He first gave an impeccable smile, and then grasped Chu Dexiu's hand: "Chu, Auckland is so charming, it is hard to believe. You only use it. Auckland was built in less than two years. This is absolutely amazing. In the history of world architecture, no one can match your speed ... "

As a politician, Hayes talked a lot when he was nice. If necessary, Hayes could not repeat the last day and night.

"You have passed the award. The honor belongs to all Oaklanders and belongs to the United States ..." Chu Dexiu was also very polite.

Half an hour later, Chu Dexiu and Hayes got into the same car and headed to today's first stop, the Steed School.

Auckland's Steed Affiliated School is a branch of the Steed Group in Auckland. The school's specifications are exactly the same as Springfield's Steed Affiliated School. By the end of August, Auckland's Steed Affiliated School will also begin to charge admissions.

"The cars we ride now are made by our own Auckland city. Although all the parts are from the East Coast, at least this is a good start. I believe that in the near future, we can also complete the production of some parts by ourselves. We In ten years, we plan to build a Auckland-owned auto factory, which is also part of our urban planning. "In the car, Chu Dexiu introduced Hayes to Auckland in detail.

Oakland's car factory is also invested by Steed Horse Group. In fact, strictly speaking, it is at most an assembly factory because all parts are produced in New York and Springfield.

Even so, it is enough for the city of Auckland to be proud. The Oakland Automobile Factory is the first branch of the Junma Group. The cars assembled here supply the entire West Coast. In the future, it will definitely become the second largest automotive center in the United States. Considering the prospects of the automotive industry, Auckland is at least 100 years old.

"That's amazing ..." Hayes's compliment was a little insincere.

Leaning on the back of a big tree is a great way to enjoy the coolness. This sentence is common everywhere, even in the United States.

Backed by the big tree of Junma Group, Auckland is a city with a good time and place. Junma Group has spared no effort in supporting Auckland City. It has not only invested in the construction of automobile factories and schools in Auckland, but also invested in a weapons factory It also brought a gunpowder factory invested by Henry Dupont for Oakland. If this is not enough, it will not be justified.

"The only thing that worries us now is immigration. There are constant homeless people and Mexicans asking to settle in Auckland. They set up shacks on picturesque beaches and appear unkempt on the streets and lanes. They only affect the planning of the entire city. It also brings some hidden dangers to the safety of citizens. We will step up efforts to rectify this problem in the next step and we will not let these accidents interfere with the development of Auckland. "Chu Dexiu was also very thoughtful and gave Hayes calmly. Eye drops.

With regard to homeless people and Mexicans, these problems have not been completely resolved until the 21st century. It is even more impossible to eliminate them these years. The United States is a country composed of immigrants. In fact, it is awkward. The United States is a homeless person. Country, how can such a country put an end to homelessness?

In the 21st century, when many people refer to the United States, they will equate the United States with democracy and freedom, as if forcible dismantling has never existed in the United States.

This is definitely a joke. Even the Americans will laugh at their big teeth. Americans are not only cruel to others, but also cruel to their own people. They will never relent in dealing with illegal buildings.

"Let ’s do it. The California government and Washington will be your solid backing. As long as your laws and regulations are not inconsistent with the Constitution, your rights are justified." Hays righteousness, in this matter, And the Auckland City Council is absolutely in the same position.

One of the nice things about U.S. law is that Auckland City can also make its own laws and regulations. As long as it does not violate the United States Constitution, even Washington cannot care about Auckland.

Ballots in the United States are tied to income. Not everyone is eligible to participate in the US election. Only those with continuous tax payment records are eligible to vote for their precious votes.

The tramp will certainly not pay taxes, so Hayes's position is very clear, without votes, there will be no human rights.

At the horse-affiliated school, there was another round of flowers. Hayes provided schoolbags, pencils, writing pads and other teaching tools for the children of the horse-affiliated school, and then hurried to the second stop to provide rice noodles and oil for the two lonely elderly And other daily necessities.

This is not the first time Hayes has "dedicated love", nor is it the first time to assist the team in handling such a thing, so all this has been done by Hayes and the entire team. In less than an hour, all procedures have been completed. Hayes rushed to Auckland City Council to give a public speech in the City Council.

Yes, the speech is also divided, not everyone is qualified to face Hayes face to face.

Do n’t worry if Hayes is n’t going out and he ’s still worried about whether it ’s embarrassing to read the lines according to Taiwanese text. He really enters the role. Hays does it perfectly, not to mention blushing.

This is called a professional player.

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