Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 567: glory

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In Ryukyu in August, the blue sky and the vast sky are the most beautiful season of the year.

Bai Qi has recently become fascinated with fishing. Every evening in the evening, he will drive a boat alone and go fishing in the Tongxu Reef near Xiaohuang Island.

The depth of the reef water is only about ten meters. The seawater here is crystal clear. Sitting on a boat, you can clearly see the colorful fishes on the bottom of the sea shuttle through the coral reef.

Bai Qi fishing is not for eating, but for this quiet and leisurely, usually one afternoon, no matter how much is caught in the end, Bai Qi will only choose the largest one to take back, and then release everything else.

This period of time is indeed leisurely. After the Japanese were expelled from Ryukyu, although Li Bingmao wanted to kill back to Ryukyu, the Japanese did not take any action until the troop training was completed, so the days of this period were leisure It's very.

Generally speaking, it takes at least six months to train a recruit to the battlefield. Considering the current efficiency of the Japanese, even if they are given a year, they may not be able to train a farmer. Become a qualified soldier.

Japan's main problem is still focused on finances. The biggest problem of the current Japanese government is that it has no money, and even the army's weapons cannot be purchased, so training progress is useless.

In contrast, Bai Qi can be described by his strength. With the Junma Group as the backing, all about 5,000 recruits here are using the latest rifle magazine rifles. Equipped with heavy rain machine guns and 75mm rapid-fire guns, they really want to fight. Bai Qi is very confident to counterattack the Japanese mainland.

Although there is already a large gap in strength, Li Mu still feels dissatisfied. No, on August 15th, Li Mu sent four newest armed patrol boats to Ryukyu to strengthen his strength again.

All four armed patrol boats are propelled by the latest propellers. Each patrol boat is equipped with two 75-mm naval fast-fire guns and four heavy rain machine guns of 12.7 caliber. In terms of fire strength alone, This patrol boat can completely burst the Japanese Navy at this time.

Speaking of the Japanese Navy, this is another tragedy.

Japan set up its navy four years ago, that is, in 1872. The Japanese navy has no decent warships at all. It only relies on a few sampans to maintain its face.

Earlier this year, the Japanese Navy ’s province proposed a ship purchase plan, hoping to buy two US warships that had been decommissioned. However, the final ship purchase plan was not approved for no reason.

Now with these four gunboats, Bai Qi already has the ability to attack the Japanese mainland, but Li Mu hopes that Bai Qi can keep a low profile for a while, so Bai Qi can only go to Tongxu Reef to fish every day to dispel his depression. .

It ’s really depressing. If Li Mu can relax, Bai Qi will now take four gunboats to attack the Japanese mainland. At that time, he will have to catch a few princesses to come back as maids, and he will be bullied if he is fine, then In my life ...

"General, general ..." Yang Wei's shout interrupted Bai Qi's YY.

"What's wrong?" Bai Qi took off his hat on his face, turned over from the boat and sat up, his voice impatient.

"General, we caught two Japanese fishing boats ..." Yang Wei's voice was excited.

Yang Wei is not the same as Bai Qi. Bai Qi is depressed and runs to fish. Yang Wei is depressed and goes to catch Japanese fishing boats.

In the past, if a Japanese fishing boat was caught, it would basically sink the fishing boat on the spot. As for the life and death of the fishermen, Yang Wei didn't have the care to manage it.

"Then ..." Bai Qi could still calm down, knowing that if there were no accidents, Yang Wei would not bother him.

"These two fishing boats did not come out to fish. All the people on board were rich. According to their own accounts, they escaped from Edo. The leader was Tokugawa Liyan ..." Yang Wei was right. He said This is indeed the time when a piece of fat is caught.

Tokugawa, after hearing this surname, Bai Qi immediately thought of the last shogun general Tokugawa Keiji.

In fact, just ten years ago, the Emperor Meiji just overthrew the shogunate through the downfall movement, making the Emperor the true national leader of Japan for the first time.

As soon as Tokugawa established his name, he had something to do with the shogunate. He was probably a descendant of the shogun, so he became interested immediately.

"Walk around, let's go back and see ..." Bai Qi was so interested that he immediately forgot about fishing.

When Bai Qi and Yang Wei were rushing back in a hurry, Tokugawa was restless in the meeting room in the small round island military camp.

Deviating from Bai's assumption, Tokugawa insisted that he was not a descendant of the shogun, but also had a close relationship with the shogun.

Tokugawa's arrogant family came from the well-known Royal Sanjia of the Shogunate era. These are three families that can use "Tokugawa" as their surname. They have a very special status in the Shogunate era. If the shogun died, but there was no descendant, they would be from these three. Choose the most suitable one as the new shogun general.

This is how the last shogun general Tokugawa Keiji was born.

The downfall of ten years ago not only completely overthrew the shogunate rule, but also severely hit the Yusanjia forces.

The Japanese are indeed fierce enough to be **** themselves, even harder on others, and harder on their internal enemies.

After the Emperor Meiji overthrew the shogunate, this 17-year-old boy opened up a killing ring and almost completely eradicated the three lords. Tokugawa resolutely escaped from the pursuit of the emperor's loyalty under the protection of several family members, hiding his name in Kyushu Lurking for ten years, until Bai Qi led the Ryukyu people to drive away the Japanese invaders, Tokugawa decided to fight desperately, hoping to use Bai Qi's hand to complete revenge.

Although Tokugawa made his name incognito and survived, he was still very concerned about the Japanese government and the field, especially the contradiction between the Japanese government and the Steed Group. Tokugawa made his word well, but even so, Tokugawa made his word not 100% sure. Bai Qi's support.

"Master, don't be impatient, as long as we can show our value, I believe that General Bai Qi will enable us to get what we want." A middle-aged short fat man bowed behind Tokugawa.

Most of the Japanese's body is five short stature. The height of 1.6 meters is tall for the Japanese. After getting middle-aged, the Japanese body will be very funny. It is not an exaggeration to say that the waist is four feet tall.

Tokugawa is a young man. Although his face is also weather-beaten, relatively speaking, although he is also not tall, he looks much more coordinated because he is thinner.

"I hope so, this is our last hope. In any case, we must also get the support of General Bai Qi ..." Tokugawa insisted that he could not help but lose sight of the eight big characters on the wall, although Japan also respected Han Culture, but it ’s still Han people that Han culture can show its true charm.

It is worth mentioning that Tokugawa Liyan and the chubby man talked about using Chinese, which is also an important manifestation of Chinese culture in Japan, but at this time in Japan, only noble people are qualified to learn Chinese.

"The country hated and had to report, but we still have to discuss this method. If we introduce Westerners to Japan, then we are Japanese sinners. After a century, our ancestors will not forgive us." Sadness, voice was confused and helpless.

Japan probably doesn't have the term "sun rape" this year. If there are no accidents, Tokugawa argues that this person should be the earliest sun **** in Japan.

"The blood of the tribe has to be revenge. Even with the help of external forces, we must set aside anyway and restore the glory of the old shogunate. If we can't do this, our ancestors will not forgive us." It seems obvious that family hatred is greater than national hatred.

"Don't say it anymore, now that we are here, let's face it." Tokugawa insisted that he didn't want to flinch, and there was nowhere else to go.

Of course, Tokugawa is reluctant to take this step if he can, but since he has already chosen, don't regret it.

There was a sudden clash of the heel of the leather boots outside the door. This was the salute of the guards, and Tokugawa immediately remarked that he had arrived.

Unlike the well-dressed Tokugawa Liyan and others, Bai Qi wore a long-sleeved shirt with breeches on his lower body and a pair of worn-out military boots on his feet, which looked a bit shabby and unruly.

Bai Qi's eyes were also unruly. After setting himself on the main seat, Bai Qi was not busy greeting Tokugawa Liyan and others, but looked at Tokugawa Liyan with sharp and rude eyes. For a moment, Tokugawa felt like he was being stared at by a viper.

"Sir ... is General Bai Qi?" Tokugawa uttered his voice voluntarily.

"It's Bai Qi, what do you want to see me for?" Bai Qi was surprised at Tokugawa's fluency in speaking Chinese.

"Introduce yourself, Tokugawa has made a fool, and Meng's family has not given up. He is now the 16th Gen. General ..." Tokugawa raised his chest and tried to impress Bai Qi.

"The position of General Zhengyi has been revoked, so I am afraid that you, the 16th generation, talk to yourself." Bai Qi unceremoniously tore off the last piece of Tokugawa's speech.

The general of the Shogunate refers to the General Shogunate. In Japan, this position is the real name of the Shogunate.

In the era of the Shogunate, although General Zhengyi needed the Emperor's canonization in name, the Emperor actually did not have a say in this matter, so after the Emperor Meiji withdrew his right, the first thing was to cancel this post.

By the way, in order to show the emperor's benevolence, the last shogun general Tokugawa Keiji is still alive, although for Tokugawa Keiji, this is the real life that is better than death.

Maybe, there are rumors that the emperor is not pure in his own blood, so no one knows whether the real Tokugawa Keiichi died.

"You are right, we are talking to ourselves ... Allow me to introduce myself to you again. I am Tokugawa from Edo. If General Bai Qi can give me a chance, I will ask You prove that the trust you gave me is absolutely worthwhile. "Tokugawa insisted that he gritted his teeth for a while, and then he calmed down again.

"Let's talk, what do you want from me?" Bai Qi said nothing, and picked up the tea cup and took a sip, which is not the meaning of tea delivery.

"I do n’t know General Bai Qi. I do n’t know. The Japanese government is preparing for Kagoshima. More than 30,000 soldiers are receiving military training in Kagoshima. These soldiers will be trained in the next three months. By that time, General Bai Qi will talk about how to deal with the siege of these 30,000 soldiers. I wonder if General Bai Qi has considered it? " Strength is indeed unable to compete with 30,000 soldiers.

What is the population of the whole Ryukyu country? It is 300,000 to 400,000 people when they are full, and even if they are poor, they can only pull up 10,000 or 20,000 people. This is not the same as the war potential of Japan. The Japanese government though No money, but compared with Ryukyu, Japan has almost unlimited manpower, and it is not impossible to pull up millions of troops.

"What's the matter with 30,000 people? Japan doesn't have a navy, so it can't land across the sea. They can't even board Ryukyu Island. What threats are they talking about?" Bai Qi couldn't make a simple comparison of military forces. From Bai Qi's point of view, even Japan's training of even more troops will not help.

"The general knows how ants bite more elephants. If the general thinks that this area can be a cricket for more than a hundred nautical miles, then please forgive Tokugawa. Tokugawa will retire and wish General Wu Yun Changlong ..." Later generations, Tokugawa asserted that he had his own pride. If Bai Qi had always treated himself with this attitude, then Tokugawa asserted that he did not want to beg.

Seeing that Tokugawa was angry, Bai Qi laughed and laughed: "Don't be angry, don't be angry. Recently, you have become addicted to playing chess with Pan Fuzi, and as a result, he was influenced by him unknowingly. I do n’t know what I ’m talking about.

That's right, Yunshan mist cover Dong Laxi hasn't talked about the matter for a long time, and a good person will be strangled to death, it is better to be happier, to achieve success, not to pull down.

"General Bai Qi, my three royal families were almost killed after the emperor came to power, and hatred is not shared. If General Bai Qi does not hate him, Tokugawa is willing to help, and only hopes that the general will be revenge in Kyoto to revenge my old and young Snow hate, Tokugawa original saddle before and after the horse, to look forward to the general horse ... "Tokugawa made a statement that indeed can be put down, in order to revenge, this is regardless of the family's honor.

Hearing Tokugawa's statement was so decisive, not only did the two family members behind Tokugawa make a fool, but Bai Qi couldn't help moving: "Relax, Tokugawa, you have a chance for the glory of the family ..."

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