Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 568: Close

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Although Bai Qi was pretty good in front of Tokugawa's words, but the matter was so big that Bai Qi didn't dare to make his own decisions, so he still reported this to Li Mu in advance.

No reporting is not possible. Although Li Mu has given Bai Qi the power to adapt, but this right is not unlimited. When it comes to the strategic level, only Li Mu can make decisions. Bai Qi is only responsible for tactics.

The appearance of Tokugawa's rhetoric can be said to have disrupted Li Mu's deployment.

Li Mu's original purpose was to curb Japan's expansion and crack down on Japan's rising momentum. It did not involve counterattacking Japan's mainland, because Li Mu did not think that a commercial enterprise of Junma Group could conquer a country as large as Japan.

The emergence of Tokugawa's rhetoric has triggered a new opportunity. If it is used well, there may be greater gains.

In fact, on the issue of Japan, Li Mu made another empirical mistake. Japan is a country with amazing magical extreme inferiority and extreme arrogance. During World War II, Japan blew air into the air. After World War II, it continued to the 21st century. Honestly pretending to be a grandson, he was beaten to the left by the United States, and his right face was put up.

In the 21st century, Japan has become more and more detached. It seems to be out of the control of the United States. In fact, all this is an illusion. Without the acquiescence of the Americans, Japan would never behave as if it had lost control. Tianchao has been reminding Americans to be careful about raising tigers.

To be honest, Li Mu doesn't think Americans are a tiger breed. After all, the Japanese ’s potential for war has been clear to Americans. If the Japanese dare to come to Pearl Harbor again, Americans can teach Japan in minutes Man.

After receiving Bai Qi's report, Li Mu did begin to consider whether to build a puppet government in Japan.

"The focus of Junma Group is still in the United States or Europe. If East Asia is concerned, I don't think it will be the focus of the future world." Henry disagrees and disapproves of the stewardship of East Asia.

To establish a puppet government is not a joke. Look at the United States of Cuba. In order to stabilize the situation in the United States, when Sylvester came to the opening ceremony of the Centennial Independence Exhibition three months ago, Ulysses · Grant once again approved a $ 50 million interest-free loan to the United States of Cuba.

There are only a few people in the United States of Cuba. With a population of more than 2 million, not even one tenth of Japan's, such a person would have to spend so much money. If it were Japan, Henry would be unimaginable.

"Don't deceive yourself. In fact, we all know the importance of East Asia, where there are almost unlimited human resources. If we can foster a puppet government in Japan, then the benefits do not need to be said. The question is how much we have to pay for this. "Li Mu's attitude is still firm. Natural Japan looks like it has neither money nor resources, but Japan has a population of more than 20 million. This is Japan's largest capital.

In fact, Li Mu tends to support the puppet government. There is another reason why he cannot explain it.

Li Mu, who has received patriotism education, is very clear about how much damage Japan has caused to the Chinese in modern times. If Li Mu can foster a puppet government in Japan, then Li Mu can move the disaster as far as possible and induce Japan to expand. Turn to Emperor Russia, or Southeast Asia.

In fact, if you look closely at modern history, you will find that it is not Japan but the Emperor Russia that caused the Qing government the most damage. It is simply an incitement to the independence of Outer Mongolia, which is the eternal pain of all Chinese people.

And the crimes committed by the Southeast Asian countries against the Chinese are even more difficult. Although there are conspiracy support from Western imperialists behind it, this cannot change the facts.

According to Japan's performance in World War II, the brutality of the Japanese is counted in the world, so it is most appropriate for the Japanese to deal with the small countries of Russia and Southeast Asia.

Although this reason is more important, Li Mu cannot declare it to the public. After all, Li Mu is now an American by name and should take the interests of the United States as his priority. Forget about the Qing Empire. Before the Qing Empire was overthrown, Li Mu would This secret is always buried deep inside.

"If human resources are needed, we can increase immigration efforts. This is enough for our current Steed Group. Besides, what do we need so much human resources for?" Henry still couldn't understand Li Mu's purpose.

"Human resources can be of great use ... As a responsible company, Junma Group should not limit its eyes to the United States. After all, our core business is still the military industry, so Japan is not important to the United States, but It is important for us Steed Group. "Bernalp, who was present at the meeting, strongly supported Li Mu's decision.

After Bernap resigned from the post of Minister of War, he agreed with Li Mu and came to the Steed Group as a senior consultant of the Steed Group.

This senior consultant does not have any specific duties, but his salary is as high as $ 5,000 per month. This is part of the cooperation agreement when Li Mu and Bernap were working together. Li Mu gave Bernap a pension, and Bernap wanted to use his relationship. Connect with people and pave the way for the Steed Group.

Steed Group now only has Bernard as a senior consultant. In the future, after Ulysses Grant's resignation, Ulysses Grant will also serve as Steed Group's senior consultant.

Also receiving promises are Sherman and George Dewey, both of whom have been invited by the Steed Group. In return, they can now provide the Steed Group with varying degrees of assistance.

Unlike Henry, a pure businessman, Bernard, as a former war minister, has a better understanding of Li Mu's intentions in his attitude toward Japan, and also has his own opinions.

"Military ... Do you want to form Japanese servants and start a war?" Of course, Henry was not stupid. I didn't agree before, but my head didn't turn around. Now Bernap said so clearly, Henry caught immediately The essential.

Henry is right, human resources have a greater use in the formation of servants.

The subordinates are also considered to have a long history, at least since the Middle Ages. The main role of the subordinates is to initiate proxy wars. If Li Mu can establish a Japanese subordinate, it is indeed a good thing for the steed group.

Objectively speaking, the United States now also needs a subordinate army. If the United States now has a reliable subordinate army, then the Americans can use the subordinate army to declare war with Spain. This is definitely good news for the United States. We must know that the United States People have wanted to go to war with Spain for a long time, and what is missing now is one reason.

Spain is one of the more unfortunate old-fashioned imperialist countries. The Spaniards were once in a lifetime. Their "Invincible Fleet" was truly invincible. At the time, Spain, like Britain now, was also the standard "Eternal Empire".

Today, Spain is overcast. Not only is the domestic turmoil unsettled, overseas colonies have been lost one after another. By the way, the Spaniards are ashamed of Cuba. Through the Cuban Independence War, most people really exposed their weakness and incompetence. .

Despite the prevalence of isolationism in the United States, the voice of demand for expansion in the United States has been incessant, but the world has now been basically divided up. If the United States wants to stay ahead, it can only operate on other imperialist countries.

Spain is now recognized as the most suitable target.

"If we can really do that, then we might get the support of Washington, and then someone will pay for the order in Japan, and how big the order is ... It's all up to us." Bernalp In order to persuade Henry to do everything.

Although he has stepped down as Secretary of War, Bernap's network is still there. In Washington, Bernap still has high friends, so it is not difficult to do this.

"If so ... well then ..." Henry realized that Li Mu's decision could not be changed, so he had to obey.

It was September that the news of the steed group's decision to support Tokugawa's speech came back from New York to Ryukyu.

"Mr. Li Mu, did he agree?" Although he had been mentally prepared, Tokugawa felt overjoyed when he heard the news.

Having lived on Amami Oshima for two months, Tokugawa is now also a shirt and jeans, and is the same as other gunmen. Only two of Tokugawa's family members insist on the tradition of wearing kimonos.

Tokugawa's two family members, one was called Xiaocun and the other was called bridge three. They were actually former family members of Tokugawa Keihi. After Tokugawa Keihei failed, they came to Tokugawa Liheu and vowed to help Zuo De. Chuan Liyan reappeared the grand occasion of the shogunate.

"Yes, Mr. Li Mu has decided to assist you in restoring the rule of the Shogunate. Mr. Li Mu also brought you a small gift, I hope you like it." After Bai Qi said, he signaled to Yang Wei next to him Previous brocade box.

Yang Wei's expression was not very good-looking, his eyes were particularly sharp, and his eyes toward Tokugawa were full of envy and envy.

The brocade box opens, and inside it is a python craft pistol with an ivory handle and silver body, in addition to a tiger charm made of gold.

Crafting pistols as gifts is a proper meaning, and tiger charms are a bit inappropriate.

The meaning of the tiger charm in the traditional feudal dynasty is power and the army. The tiger charm is generally made of two parts. The two are integrated into one. Usually, half of the tiger charms are kept by the king, and the other half are kept by the supervisors in the army. When the war came, the monarch gave half of the tiger charms he had saved to the commander-in-chief. He would come to the army garrison with the tiger charms and confront the other half before he could truly control the army.

Tokugawa asserted that he was Japanese, and Li Mu was not the feudal king, so it was more interesting that Li Mu gave Tokugawa an assertion of a tiger charm.

Tokugawa has studied the Chinese culture systematically. Although he has not seen the tiger charms in person, he understands the meaning of the tiger charms, so whether to take them or not is a problem.

If you take it, it is equivalent to confirming the superior and subordinate relations with Li Mu. Even if the shogunate rule is restored in the future, the status of the shogun general in Japan is probably equivalent to the Japanese emperor before the shogunate period.

It sounds sad, but if you do n’t take it, all of this will cease to exist. Not to mention the restoration of the glory of the shogunate in the past, whether Tokugawa Toshin and his two family members can walk out of Amami Oshima alive is a problem.

Since this is the case, there is no choice. Tokugawa just hesitated for a second and immediately made a decision.

"Please give my best thanks to Mr. Li Mu and thank him for the gift. I believe we will be able to cooperate happily and get what we need." Tokugawa said with joy that he picked up the tiger charm, as if the child had received one. A favorite toy.

"I believe we can cooperate happily." Bai Qi finally smiled and blossomed.

The next night, Bai Qi specially held a welcome dinner for Tokugawa Liyan two months late.

The banquet was held in the Shuli Imperial Palace. The little emperor did not attend because of his ill health. Prime Minister Pan Tingzhen was in charge.

After learning the identity of Tokugawa Liyan, Pan Tingzhen behaved even more enthusiastically than Bai, not only holding Tokugawa Liyan's hand, and Tokugawa Liyan to celebrate wine, but also to marry his niece to Tokugawa Liyan.

Regarding marrying a niece, Bai Qi said nothing in person, and later turned to question Pan Tingzhen's decision.

"Why marry? Of course, to better control this little Japan, otherwise you will be willing to marry my niece to an alien?" Pan Tingzhen, though he was reluctant, still took the overall situation as the most important thing.

"Harmony" is another highly controversial topic.

Later generations brought up the Ming Dynasty and thought that the Ming Dynasty did some of the most powerful things. One of them was "disharmony." Although the Huangtang Dynasty came to the kingdom, it was because of the use of "harmony" policy. Is widely criticized.

In fact, things like marriage have been around since ancient times, and it has nothing to do with whether the national strength is strong. It is not fair to evaluate whether a country's bones are tough based on whether to trade women for peace.

For example, now Ryukyu and Japan, although the territory of Ryukyu is not as large as Japan and the population of Ryukyu is not as large as that of Japan, if it is specifically related to Pan Tingzhen and Tokugawa, there is no doubt that Pan Tingzhen has an absolute advantage.

The reason why Pan Tingzhen married his niece to Tokugawa Liyan was not in exchange for Tokugawa's goodwill, but to better control Tokugawa Li Yan, even if Pan Tingzhen's niece could not leave a son and a daughter for Tokugawa Li Yan. Pan Tingzhen will continue to marry her niece until it is confirmed that the next shogun general has at least half of Chinese origin.

In this way, after two or three generations, the shogun will become a downright Chinese, and then Japan will always become a vassal state of Ryukyu.

Perhaps the biggest price paid in this case was Pan Tingzhen's niece. Indeed, in a way, Pan Tingzhen's niece was innocent. It was not fair to treat her like this.

But from another aspect, this is also her obligation. It is destiny and she cannot escape at all.

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