Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 569: Intelligence network

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When individuals and the whole are in conflict, many times the individual takes the initiative or is forced to make sacrifices for the whole.

The same is true of Pan Tingzhen's niece. Born in a family like Pan Tingzhen, they have more births than ordinary people, but also bear more responsibilities.

The children of the big family are actually very sad. They may have nothing to worry about in their coats, but everything, even their marriage, may at any time become a family chip.

This is fate.

Of course, not everyone accepts this conclusion, such as Bai Qi, he does not agree with this.

"There are many ways to control Tokugawa's rhetoric. There is no need to adopt the most expensive one. We can take other measures and achieve the same goal." Compared with Pan Tingzhen, Bai Qi's heart is more ruthless and more utilitarian. But in this matter, it is clear that Bai Qi is more humane.

In fact, there are many ways to control a king. After the Sino-Japanese War of the Sino-Japanese War, the Japanese captured the last king of the Goryeo Lee Dynasty to Japan. In order to prevent this unlucky king from leaving a son, the Japanese also tried to do everything. Various methods, including designating a Japanese woman as the queen for the king, and then prescribed medicine to cut off the fertility of the king, and finally sent someone to induce the king to play back the mountain ...

The final result was, of course, very satisfying to the Japanese. When the last King of Korea died, the Korean royal family completely disappeared because there were no heirs.

If Bai Qi were to perform such a thing, Bai Qi would definitely play more succinctly and thoroughly than the Japanese. Even if the king has a descendant, it is estimated that the child cannot grow up as an adult.

In fact, this kind of thing is very normal. The confrontation between countries has never been noble. Opening up the false veil is all kinds of incomprehensible.

Pan Tingzhen is still a bit of a bottom line, so he does not support the use of extreme methods: "It is hurtful to break the clan and destroy the humane system. It should still be a long-term peace. General Bai you only need to be responsible for military affairs, other It's up to me to arrange things. "

According to Li Mu's arrangement, this is indeed the case. Pan Tingzhen is the master, and he is the master, so it is only in this matter that Pan Tingzhen's opinion has the leading position.

In fact, how to deal with such things? The Japanese dealt with the methods of King Goryeo. It sounded clean and easy, but it was also inferior and despicable. In this kind of thing, although Pan Tingzhen's method was effective, it was safe and sound. After suffering, this is the king.

Otherwise, the Huaxia civilization had such a large area at the beginning, but in the end it tossed 9.6 million square kilometers. So many territories cannot be occupied by blind killing alone. Huairou is the most effective means of conquest.

Although Bai Qi did not understand Pan Tingzhen's handling method, he had to make concessions in this matter. Even if it was submitted to Li Mu for arbitration, Li Mu would not support Bai Qi.

Looking back, Bai Qi had to create more trouble for Tokugawa in his own responsibility, which might not be useful, but at least he could make Bai Qi feel more comfortable.

"In Japan, we also have some forces loyal to the Shogunate. They are now forced by the situation and have to show their allegiance to the Emperor. If we can play the banner now, I believe that many people will stand up and support us ... I have let yesterday Two of my family members returned to Japan, and they would do the preparatory work and prepare for our return when appropriate. "Tokugawa has said that he can't wait to discuss it with Bai, so he took action in private.

The overthrow of the shogunate in Japan is a matter of more than a decade. Even if the Emperor Meiji hated the shogunate, it would not be possible to kill all those who supported the shogunate. So at present, there must be some people in Japan who support the shogunate but have to Virtual and inferior, these people are also the last support of Tokugawa's assertion, and their presence will be able to increase Tokugawa's assertion to the greatest extent.

"Contacting the old ministry should be done secretly, not with great fanfare. If you are not sure whether the other party is loyal, then you would rather not contact him." Bai Qi is not optimistic about how much legacy Tokugawa Keiichi can leave Tokugawa Li Yan, to be honest I didn't plan to use any external force to attack Japan, so for those hidden forces in Japan, Bai Qi was really inconspicuous.

"Please be assured that we must be cautious. In addition ... dare to ask when the general will march to Japan? It is not good to speak, and is willing to be an unknown soldier to charge the general for charge." Tokugawa made a fuss, and seemed to be anxious to send troops to Japan now. .

"No rush, no rush. Isn't there still tens of thousands of recruits on Kagoshima to be trained? Let's wait for these recruits to finish on the battlefield and we will defeat them on the front of the battlefield, while attacking Japan The strength and self-confidence of the government, on the other hand, can also train our troops. "Bai Qi had a good calculation and wanted to contribute to the battle and completely solve the Japanese government's resistance.

"So ... very good ..." Tokugawa was a little disappointed and finally managed to calm down.

In the following period, Bai Qi awaited additional material support from New York, on the other hand, expanded the size of the Ryukyu National Guard, expanding the original 5,000 people to the current 10,000.

Bai Qi's plan is to use the Ryukyu people to control the Japanese, and then drive the Japanese to do things that are not convenient for the Steed Group to show up. In this way, even if the Japanese hate, they will focus their hatred on the Ryukyu people. It's not about the Steed Group.

At the end of August, the first batch of additional aid materials arrived in New York arrived in Ryukyu. These supplies were mainly old rifle single-shot rifles, which were replaced by the US Navy after replacement. Most of the weapons were produced during the Civil War. Although these weapons It can still be used, but its performance is not advanced, and it is not the same as the magazine-style rifle sent before.

Li Mu's money was not brought by the wind. Although Li Mu had a weapon factory in his hands, the weapons also required costs. Such a thing as raising soldiers could barely make up for thousands of people. At the scale of tens of thousands, even Li Mufu could be an enemy country. It is also powerless.

Although this kind of thing can be explained, but in the eyes of these Ryukyu people, it is inevitable that they feel a little lost.

"These weapons are used to equip newly formed troops, as well as future Japanese servants. The troops that are close to training still use the previous weapons. This army is also the last trump card in our hands. We must grasp the training progress at the same time and we must not lower it. Standard. "Bai Qi's mentality is still stable, even if these old weapons from the Civil War period are still advanced in East Asia.

In fact, the emergence of the magazine-type rifle is just two years ago. Even in Europe and the United States, it has not yet been widely promoted. When Bai started fighting against the Spanish in Cuba, he used such a single-shot rifle, so Bai Qi does not consider these weapons to be backward.

"General, don't worry, I don't mean to disapprove, but there is a psychological gap." Yang Wei smiled bitterly. He was not disapproved, but he was not qualified to disapprove.

Everything is about everything. Tokugawa made a plea for Ryukyu ’s help. He also knew that he would use the silver mines in Japan as collateral. At the time, Ryukyu asked Li Mu for help, but he could n’t say anything in vernacular. Even if it is disgusting, only Bai Qi has this qualification.

"What difference can there be? It is much stronger than the earth cannon bows and arrows you used before. The Japanese army is not equipped with current weapons on a large scale, so even a single-shot rifle has an advantage when facing the Japanese army." No wonder Bai looked down on the Japanese and was accustomed to the various "high-tech" aspects of the Junma Group. Looking at Japan at this time, it was really backward like the wild days.

Bai Qi is right. Today's Japan is indeed not related to the word "advanced". In fact, before the Sino-Japanese War of 1894, Japan was a backward country. The troops of the Qing Empire were already equipped during the Sino-Japanese War of 1894. With the use of advanced weapons such as Mark-Qin heavy machine guns, magazine-type rifles, and Green Quick Guns, the Japanese army was barely equipped with single-shot rifles at that time.

It was also with these single-shot rifles that Japan defeated the Qing Empire and embarked on a crazy road.

Now Ryukyu people have to rely on these single-shot rifles to conquer Japan.

"Our previous 5,000 people have now been trained, and they can fight with the Japanese at any time. If these 5,000 new enlistees still need to be fully trained, then our plan will be postponed to six months later, so long ... Yang Wei was a little hesitant, and it seemed that he didn't want to be hindered by these new recruits.

The 5,000 members of the Ryukyu National Guard were developed from the original 500 members of the Tianmin Regiment. All officers in the army were of Chinese descent. It has been a little over half a year now. This unit has begun to take shape. If the troop expansion is doubled, the original establishment must be broken up, and the combat effectiveness of the troop will decline accordingly. Thinking of this, Yang Wei feels ashamed.

"The troops that have been trained are stationed on Amami Oshima and Ryukyu Main Island. The recruits are stationed in the recruit camp and the instructors are responsible for training. You do n’t need to care about these issues ..." Bai Qi had planned in his mind and would not affect the troops because of the recruits. Combat effectiveness.

When Bai Qi and Yang Wei said this, it was at the south gate of Shuri Castle.

In the original Shuri City, the city walls were only over two meters high, and it was easy to climb up with bare hands. So after Bai Qi took over Shuri, the first transformation was the walls of Shuri.

The current Shuri city wall, after half a year of renovation, the city wall is more than four meters high, the top of the city wall is spacious enough to run horses, and the city gate is no longer as short and slump as before, and finally has a look of grandeur.

Just less than a hundred meters away from the city gate, more than a dozen soldiers escorted more than 20 prisoners and were forcing them to kneel in two rows on the ground in preparation for the death penalty.

The Ryukyu Kingdom was established, and a certain degree of turbulence was inevitable. At that time, the Japanese established a huge intelligence network in Ryukyu. This information network is still functioning, so the anti-spyware work in Shuri City has not stopped.

When it comes to counterintelligence, Li Mu has seen so many spy war movies in vain. In terms of experience, Li Mu is second to none in this era.

Bai Qi was tuned by Li Mu himself, and his anti-spy ability is naturally no problem.

After taking over Shuri Castle, Bai Qi immediately implemented the Baojia system in the city. A group of ten households, one with 50 households, one person had an accident, and the whole group was unlucky. So in a short time, the intelligence network originally established in Japan was in Bai Qi's hands were fragmented.

The operation of the intelligence network is mainly based on nodes. This work is done by mobile workers. In this age when parents are not far away, the mobile population is really small and small. The personnel are not difficult.

Japan is estimated to be the world's most valued intelligence country. In order to win the war before the Sino-Japanese War of the Sino-Japanese War, the Japanese began intelligence work ten years ago. As a result, when the war broke out, what was the Qing government ’s warships? When the Japanese sailed out of the military port, the Japanese were very clear. How could such a war be won?

Bai Qi will not make such a mistake, so when treating intelligence personnel, Bai Qi's attitude has always been to kill.

These intelligence personnel are not all sent from Japan, and a considerable part of them are Shuri people, so the soldiers there are already preparing to execute the death sentence under the command of the officers, and dozens of family members are crying for the ground.

To treat such people, Bai Qi has no sympathy. For years of battles in the battlefield, Bai Qi has developed a heart of stone and treats the enemy. Bai Qi's attitude is never compromise.

After a burst of gunfire, all the prisoners fell in a pool of blood. After the officers inspected them one by one, the soldiers who led the executions lined up and the corpses were naturally in charge of the civil affairs department.

Bai Qi and Yang Wei saw the tail from the beginning, neither of them spoke.

This happens almost every once in a while. At the beginning, there are citizens watching, and later the citizens start to get tired or fearful.

"Go and speak with Tokugawa and let him set up a Japanese intelligence network." Bai Qi will definitely not send his own people to Japan to die like the Japanese, let the Japanese do it.

"Let Tokugawa establish an intelligence network? Are there any hidden dangers?" Yang Wei was a little worried and didn't want to give Tokugawa Liyan so much power.

The power of any net cannot be underestimated. Even if it is established, it should also be controlled by the Ryukyu people or the Chinese, and it must not be controlled by the Japanese.

"Don't worry, let him do it first. After we defeat the Japanese government, we still have to build our own intelligence network." Bai Qi is not worried about this. He just wants the Japanese to serve as intelligence personnel. Will be firmly in their own hands.

As for waiting for the defeat of the Japanese government, Baiji will now form an information network, and Tokugawa will say that he will make wedding clothes for others in vain.

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