Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 570: Tit-for-tat

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At the beginning of September, the two presidential candidates returned to New York after their national tour speeches, and the election campaign became heated.

In mid-September, a poll was conducted by Time Magazine, and the survey results showed that about 33% of voters nationwide chose to support the Republican Party, 35% voted to support the Democratic Party, and other voters have not yet made a decision.

Because of the market share and coverage of Time Magazine, the results of this survey are relatively credible, and to some extent it shows the political tendency of voters.

It can be seen from the results that the Republican Party is still at a disadvantage compared with the Democratic Party, but the gap is gradually narrowing compared with a few months ago. If we continue to do so in the next few months, the results will be difficult to say.

After receiving the survey results, Time Magazine did not announce them to the society at first, but instead handed the results to Li Mu for processing.

"How come there is two percentage points? What went wrong?" Li Mu was very dissatisfied with the result. In Li Mu's view, there is the full cooperation of Time Magazine and Li Mu's planning and command behind the scenes. In the survey, the Republican Party did not claim to have an overwhelming advantage, and at least it should be equal to the Democratic Party. Li Mu did not expect that the image of the Republican Party in the minds of voters was so stubborn and irreversible.

"Although Time Magazine has a high market share, it does not yet have a monopoly advantage, and the Democrats have responded quickly. Their Echo newspaper is being vigorously promoted as a free gift nationwide, although we do n’t know How long they can hold on, but at the moment it seems that they are very determined ... The Echo now learns everything from us, how we promote Mr. Governor, how they promote Samuel Tilden, we do charity, They also do charity. We care about ethnic minorities. They also care about ethnic minorities. We condolences to the martyrs. They also asked the martyrs. It ’s a step by step ... "With such an opponent, Sammy Larkin also has a headache.

Never despise anyone.

Compared with people of this era, Li Mu has more insight and vision, and IQ has not exceeded much. Even compared with the elites of this era, Li Mu's IQ may not be enough. After all, Li Mu is not the kind of IQ in the 21st century. Genius over 200.

Although people in this era do not speculate and make shows, simple plagiarism is still fine.

Although the Democratic Party does not have all the wisdom of Li Mu, it can simply imitate Li Mu's propaganda strategy, which is not difficult to achieve.

"Tomorrow will enter the second stage. In the" Time "published a signed article by Mr. Hayes, we must fight this battle, and formally launched a general attack from now on." Li Mu prepared to enlarge the move.

Although limited by scientific and technological conditions, a television debate cannot be held in this era, but signed articles can be published in newspapers, and the results will not be much worse.

And if Samuel Tilden and The Echo responded, maybe a newspaper debate would be a good idea.

"Well ... then do we want to announce the results of this investigation?" Sami Larkin did not contradict Li Mu's decision.

"Of course we have to announce ..." The results must be announced, otherwise the survey will have no meaning. As for the data not good-looking, this is not a problem for Li Mu at all: "However, we need to change the specific data and change the Republican Party ’s support rate. To 55 percent, change the Democratic Party ’s approval rating to 40 percent. "

The announcement of this result is still very meaningful. On the one hand, it will boost the Republican Party ’s military heart, and on the other hand, it will democratize Democrats. Objectively, it can also affect the voters ’tendency. Therefore, Li Mu will definitely not put this result on the shelf.

The next day, according to Li Mu's request, Time Magazine published Hayes's signature article "Building a Great America" ​​on the front page.

At the same time, Time Magazine also announced the survey results. As a result, the newspaper on that day created the best sales since the publication of Time Magazine, with 1.5 million copies sold in a single day.

Doesn't sound too much, does it?

But considering the U.S. population at this time and the actual literacy rate in the United States, this number is already high enough.

"Echo" daily newspapers are given away for free.

The approval rating survey is absolutely new in this era. In previous presidential elections, no one has ever done anything like this.

The effect is indeed very clear. All Republicans were excited all day, as if they had won the presidential election and fought a beautiful battle.

In contrast, the Democrats were surprised. Because of the previous victory, the Democrats thought that the election vouchers were in control and would fight a beautiful turnaround. The result of this survey is equivalent to giving all Democrats a head-shot, reminding them not to be happy. Too early, although the Democrats seem to have a good momentum, the Republicans are still thinner than camels.

For ordinary voters, this result is also of great reference value. After all, everyone has a herd mentality. When most people stand on their opposite sides, the individual's position will inevitably be shaken.

As for whether this data is true ...

To be honest, who cares ...

However, Li Mu still underestimated the shamelessness of people in this era. Just three days later, The Echo also published a signed article by Samuel Tilden, and also published a set of data in the newspapers.

Unlike the data published by Time Magazine, in the data published by The Echo, the Democratic Party ’s public opinion support rate is 60% and the Republican Party ’s public opinion support rate is 35%.

"Fake, this is shameful fake!" When seeing this data, Li Mu could not help but anger, completely forgotten the data published by the "Time", but also mixed with a lot of water.

Although the data in Time Magazine is filled with water, there is still water to be injected, because Time Magazine does market research.

The data of the "Echo" is completely fabricated. As far as Li Mu knows, the "Echo" and the Democratic Party have not conducted similar social investigations at all, so it is only known how these data were obtained.

Of course, water injection and counterfeiting are immoral behaviors. From a moral perspective, no one is more noble than anyone.

Looking at the furious Li Mu, Sami Larkin and Taylor Palmer attending the meeting looked at each other, and both eyes were filled with helplessness.

Taylor Palmer is the editor-in-chief of Metropolis Magazine. When Gloria dug Taylor Palmer from the New York Times, she turned Taylor Palmer into Metropolis Magazine. Editor in chief.

Taylor Palmer can also be regarded as the veteran of "Metro Beauty" magazine, and currently ranks second only to Sammy Larkin in the media department of Steed Horse Group.

This year, Sammy Larkin will participate in the senator election, and Li Mu intends to appoint Taylor Palmer as the new editor of Time Magazine.

Taylor Palmer has now been in contact with the operation of Time Magazine. After all, Sammy Larkin has a position as the director of the press office of the Hayes campaign office. He cannot focus all his energy on Time Magazine. Operationally.

Taylor Palmer is also a member of the Press Office of the Hayes Campaign Office.

"We can no longer let them do whatever they want. We have to expose all this in the newspaper. The Democrats have always held our Republican party braids. Everywhere is that our Republican Party violates the law and breaks the law and breaks the law. The true face of the people, they have begun to make up for it before they win the election. If they are successfully elected, it is only a short shot. "Li Mu is going to take the initiative, and now it is time for melee. This can really cause lethality.

"Well, I'll arrange it back, but we also need to be mentally prepared. The Democrats will definitely fight back crazy, and they will also accuse us of fake data." As a media person, Sami Larkin knows the media people these days. Ethics.

Debating each other is a method used by both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. Once the Republican Party publicly exposes the fraudulent data of the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party will certainly not give up, so the final result is more likely that you say you, I say mine, a pool of water to Stir thoroughly, everyone is in the mud pit.

"As they say, we have decided on this matter anyway." Li Mu is more confident and still does not think that the Democratic Party really poses a threat to the Republican Party.

In Li Mu's view, the biggest enemy of the Republican Party is themselves. As long as the Republicans themselves do not demon, and the Democratic Party wants to be in power, it will take a dozen or twenty years.

Li Mu's confidence is not arrogant. Although Li Mu has tampered with the data, the actual final data itself is not known to a few people, so the possibility of leaking is very small. Li Mu is confident to face any doubt.

The Democratic Party is different. Although the Echo News published a set of data, no one knows how this data came. Although Li Mu did not have evidence to prove that the Echo newspaper was fraudulent, it is not normal without evidence.

The social survey of Time Magazine originally issued a total of 200,000 questionnaires. These questionnaires are still paid. As long as you ensure that you complete them, you can get a dollar reward. Therefore, the data of Time Magazine is fraudulent. But there is still credibility.

The "Echo" is different. Li Mu has never heard of similar investigations in the "Echo", and the "Echo" has not sent out any questionnaires. In this way, it is clearer who is the counterfeiter.

"My reporter got the news that the staff of Samuel Tilden's campaign office and some people in Texas reached a secret agreement. The Texas interior is conditional, in exchange for all Texas votes ... and as far as I know, Texas is preparing to pass a local law that defines slaves as hired workers. Pass, then Texas will still maintain slavery. "Taylor Palmer provided Li Mu with a new situation.

Regarding slavery, although the United States Constitution has stipulated that slavery should be completely abolished in the United States, this law has not been fully implemented in the vast South. Many farms still retain a large number of slaves. Receive a meager salary for the fruit.

The slave system has existed in the United States for hundreds of years, so many slaves are the masters of all generations. They have become accustomed to this life. Once out of the current living environment, they do not know how to live.

In the film "Rescued Jiang Ge", the old black housekeeper beside Xiao Li very clearly interpreted the image of a slave who could not survive the master alone. If you have seen this movie, then you should know that This situation cannot be avoided.

Li Mu has seen "Rescued Jiang Ge". Li Mu also thought that the old black housekeeper was unreasonable, but now Li Mu understands that the choice of the old black housekeeper is doomed.

Although it is understood, the existence of slaves is inconsistent with the United States Constitution. If Time Magazine reveals this secret transaction, it will definitely cause a devastating blow to the reputation of the Democratic Party.

"No, don't put it in the newspaper now, it's not time yet ..." Li Mu wants to explode the most fierce material at the most suitable time, so as to produce the maximum effect.

The following day, Time magazine finally started firing on the Echo and the Democrats behind the Echo.

Time Magazine's focus was on the data of the "Echo". In order to stop the "Echo" and prove its data is authentic, "Time" even listed the last opinion poll in the newspaper. The real data of the states, of course, are also fine-tuned, and the final conclusions are consistent with the conclusions published by Time Magazine.

In this way, the pressure has completely come to the "Echo" side. Everyone knows that the "Echo" has never conducted a social investigation. Then the data of the "Echo" came out clearly.

Of course, "Echo" is not willing to wait. In the newspaper that turned around, "Echo" also released a set of data. Of course, this set of data is also fake, but "Echo" did not focus on the data. , But on Hayes's show.

This time Hayes's election office became a pig teammate again. I do n’t know what went wrong. The Democratic Party was told that Hayes ’s employment office hired orphans and orphans in Los Angeles. The old man hired by the campaign office invited to New York.

Li Mu was so speechless about Hays' work efficiency that he actually left such a big handle to the Democrats. If the Democrats did not make good use of them, then the sages of the Democrats would probably jump out of the grave.

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