Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 576: draw

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Will, who was unable to be based in New York, ended his vacation after a week and returned to Virginia to carry out his mission. Li Mu still has to help Hayes win the election and Democracy.

Without the source of intelligence in the Republican Party, the Democratic Party has gradually fallen behind in the election campaign with the Republican Party.

"Time" began to really exert its power at this time. The Democratic Party and the Echo, a series of propaganda offensives, were struggling to cope with the panic.

There is only one month left until the final election, and the black materials that Li Mu deliberately oppressed in the early stage have finally come in handy. These black materials and the Democratic Party ’s abnormal fund flow, as well as the southern state's Yin Feng Yang violations related.

These black materials are a huge blow to the reputation of the Democratic Party. It can be said that the most unbearable problem in American society at present is the problems related to "slave".

Its severity is similar to the "racial discrimination" in the 21st century.

Basically, as long as you touch the point, the whole person sets the rhythm of collapse.

For the first time, compared with Democrats' sway on the slave issue, Republican corruption does not look so unbearable.

An October article in Time magazine stated very thoroughly that even if the Democratic Party came to power, it would not be possible to completely eliminate the impact of corruption on the government in a short period of time. The deeper settling led the US government to step from one quagmire into another.

Compared with the Republican Party that has been in power for more than ten years, the Democratic Party currently lacks the most governing experience. It used to be one of the advantages for the Democratic Party. It is precisely because it did not come to power that has given the American people hope for the Democratic Party.

For a long time, "Time" published a long series of explanations on this issue, and now finally changed people's views to a certain extent. The lack of political experience is definitely not a good thing. This is like a person who has never held power. Once If you are in a position beyond the scope of your ability, you will be blinded by power, and you will not be able to look at the problem with rational eyes.

In the history of the past, countless people have proved this thing by themselves. Time Magazine now only reminds people to pay attention to it. This is definitely not a mess.

At the end of October, Hayes and Samuel Tilden held their first congressional debate.

Hayes and Samuel Tilden both served as governors before they became presidential candidates, so their speaking ability need not worry. Both have ambitions and both vowed to lead the United States out of the mire of economic crisis.

After the speech, Hayes and Samuel Tilden tied in an informal internal vote.

This is undoubtedly a major victory for the Republican Party.

You know, in the current Congress, although the Republican Party is still the ruling party, it is already at a disadvantage. The Democratic Party has become the majority party in the House and Senate, so it is not easy for Hayes to tie with Samuel Tilden. .

In the evening, at his home on the shore of the Lake of Sakura, Li Mu routinely feasted a group of political allies.

In October in Washington, the winter was cold and the outdoor temperature was below zero, but the interior was as warm as spring. Before the meal, Li Mu and Benjamin Harrison and others sat around the blazing fireplace and chatted.

"You're so pretty bearskin, you can't help it ..." Benjamin Harrison's attention was not in the elections getting closer, but on the bearskin in the chair.

It was a cold winter, the snow was flying outside, and the sky was white and white. The interior was brightly lit by the lighting system. The white bearskin showed a silvery light under the light. Gently brush your hands, and the silver hair on the bearskin will spread. The swirling circles are so beautiful.

Because Lin Mu didn't have the chance to contact him in his life, he didn't really catch cold on high-end fur, and even Li Mu hated hurting wildlife in his heart.

But in this era, as an arms trader, Li Mu can hate fishing and can hate riding, but he must not hate fur, because fur is usually associated with hunting. How could an arms trader oppose hunting? Smash your own rice bowl.

"Is it pretty? This is a polar bear peculiar to Russia. If you like it, I'll let you get a few pictures in the future." Li Mu said indifferently, trying to inadvertently install something.

"Special? You are mistaken, this thing is also available in Canada ..." Benjamin Harrison is not a kid. This guy has a family background and knowledge, and will be a president in the future, so it is not easy to frighten him.

"Canada's bear skin is not in good condition. No matter it's gloss or other, it can't be compared with Russian polar bears. Haven't you noticed that Russian polar bears have a temperament that makes people dare not look straight? They are always prestigious, no Fear. "Li Mu was not a man who easily admits defeat. Although he was exposed by Benjamin Harrison, he immediately returned to his own right.

"Hahahaha ... Russians and fearlessness can't get involved. If it's a drunk polar bear, then it's another matter." Benjamin Harrison laughed, dismissing Li Mu's words.

The Russian Empire in this era has not yet evolved into the Soviet Union, one of the two poles of the world. Although Russia has a vast territory, it does not give the impression that it is fierce and fearless, but that it is lazy and sullen, like an old man who is about to die, young May be a fierce brawny man, but as he gets older, his body has become old.

"Well, you can certainly think so, but I want to remind you that people who underestimate Russia will be taught by Russia after all, think about Napoleon of that year ..." Li Mu almost uttered Hitler during World War II, but fortunately stopped in time Out of the car.

Napoleon, like Hitler, is a stepping stone to Russia's fierce reputation. Without Napoleon and Hitler, perhaps Russia will always be the country that sleeps in the Arctic Circle and has no sense of presence in the world.

"Boys of the Harrison family, don't argue with Rim. Think about Rim's profession. This guy is an arms dealer. He wants the world to fight every moment of the world. Therefore, in terms of understanding the strength of each country, I believe Rem must have done a lot of work. "Burnside came in time to ease the atmosphere, and the words came at the right time.

Li Mu and Burnside also signed an agreement. After Burnside retires, he will also come to Steed Group as a senior consultant of Steed Group, so Burnside will certainly speak for Li Mu.

"Rim, if you like fur, then I still recommend high-grade fur from the East, such as the sable of the Qing Empire, it is definitely the best in fur. As long as you see it, you will definitely fall in love with it." Chen Guofang also came out to round the field.

Chen Guofang is now accustomed to this seemingly casual way of communicating in the West, but Chen Guofang still has a lot of Chinese customs, like the wine in everyone ’s hands, including Li Mu, who also drinks ice. Wine, and Chen Guofang's hands are pure white wine without adding anything.

To say that Li Mu's wine here is enough to open a liquor museum, especially after Li Mu's Qing dynasty exhibits are rounded up, Li Mu alone has collected more than ten kinds, with excellent quality and complete varieties. It is rare even in the Qing Dynasty.

Speaking of the fur of the Qing Dynasty, of course, Li Mu also has a collection. In the exhibits of the Qing Dynasty, the fur occupied a large part.

Li Mu's collection of these furs is still of high quality, even compared with the tribute of the Qing Dynasty, it is not too lenient. After all, the Qing Dynasty people have this virtue. In the early stage, they swollen their faces and filled them with fat. They must not let foreigners despise themselves. The national strength of China and the love of the country, so the exhibits that the Qing Dynasty brought to participate in the World Expo, even if placed in the Qing Dynasty, can be called fine.

"Rim, I heard that you recently sent someone to Ryukyu?" Burnside started, and finally began to talk about business.

"Not recently, it's been more than half a year ago ..." In front of a group of allies, Li Mu had no need to hide.

"What the **** do you want to do? In the last two months, the Japanese ambassador has been crying to Mr. Hamilton every day, making Mr. Hamilton very annoyed ..." Benjamin Harrison seemed to be serious, actually looking at the joke.

The current Secretary of State is Hamilton Fish, a New Yorker born in a political family. His grandfather was the governor of the State of New York, and he was also the governor of the State of New York.

People from the Li Mu school drove the Japanese out of Ryukyu. The Japanese government is still unable to fight back, so it can only put hope on political negotiations. Therefore, during this time, the life of the Japanese ambassador to the United States was extremely humiliating. See God Guarded at the gate of the President's Palace, hoping to see Ulysses S. Grant, and to tell Ulysse S. Grant his royal status.

It is worth mentioning that the former Japanese ambassador to the United States has been removed because of poor service. The new Japanese ambassador to the United States is Iwata Ichiro.

This Iwata Ichiro has half of American origin. His father was an American who did business in Japan. He later set up a family in Japan. Then Iwata Ichiro has an American name Edgar Robertson. This is also Iwata. Why Ichiro became the new Japanese Ambassador to the United States.

Because of Li Mu's relationship, Ulysses Grant's attitude towards Iwata Ichiro was unavoidable, so Iwata Ichiro couldn't find Ulysses Grant, so he had to go back and go to Hamilton Fish.

To be honest, if you can, Hamilton Fish doesn't want to talk about Iwata Iwata. After all, seeing Ulysses Grant stepping down, Hamilton Fish's career as a secretary of state is coming to an end.

As a monk hitting a bell for a day, as long as he is in position, he must do his thing. Although Hamilton Fish doesn't wait to see Iwata Iwata, he can only keep up his mind every day to deal with Iwata's cry.

"Anyway ... Mr. Chairman also said just now, I am an arms dealer. If there is no war in world peace, then I will lose my job." Li Mu was right and right.

For Li Mu, this reason is really appropriate. In fact, Westerners do not have so many twists and turns, dealing with Westerners, it is entirely simpler to think of it, and it is not complicated.

Li Mu is now disguising himself as a profit-seeking businessman, which can better explain Li Mu ’s motive for the Japanese. After all, an arms dealer who always wants to provoke war is definitely not a good arms dealer. Since Li Mu chose this profession, Then you have to be professional enough.

"If you want to sell arms, then I suggest you go to Europe instead of focusing on East Asia. After all, Europe is the center of the world. Although East Asia has a large population, how many people can afford your weapons ... "Benjamin Harrison immediately believed in Li Mu's evil, and there was no doubt about him.

Without so much selfishness, Benjamin Harrison is indeed telling the truth that Europe in this era is the center of the world, and in this center of the world, there are several ancient empires that are already decaying. They need sophisticated equipment to suppress domestic opposition forces, and they are the biggest buyers of Li Mu.

"You don't need to remind me of this. Do you know how many orders Stewart Weapons Company has won at the World Expo? That is a number that will make Washington ashamed!" Li Mu did not say how much the turnover was, but it was true to Washington. The grievances are still obvious.

It must be known that Steed Weapons Company is an American company, and Steed Weapons Company's largest customer is not the United States government, which is really a bit embarrassing.

Of course, the embarrassment should be the US government, not Li Mu.

At present, the transaction value of Junma Weapons Company is not the final transaction value. After all, the World Expo will not officially end until the middle of next month. At that time, Li Mu will carry out a wave of goods sweeping.

After the World Expo, it is customary that all exhibits should be processed on-site, so it will be a good opportunity for low-cost acquisitions, and Li Mu will certainly not waste it.

"Oh, isn't dinner ready, I'm feeling hungry." Speaking of the purchasing power of the U.S. government, Burnside immediately talked about him.

It is also sad to say that, although the United States looks to become the richest country in the world, the US government is too poor to be a pair of underpants, and empty warehouses can run horses.

This does not mean that the US government is sympathetic to the people's livelihood and is not willing to squeeze its citizens to fill the treasury.

The US government has tried every means to increase revenue, but most of these measures are temporary and not permanent, and they are unable to effectively solve the current financial dilemma of the US government.

There are many types of taxes in the United States, but most of them are targeted at civilians. For rich people like Li Mu, who have lawyers often have a variety of means to evade taxes. Under this premise, even the United States The government should make a knife on the rich, and this knife is hard to lift.

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