Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 577: Do not want to work in politics

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Regarding wealth, the attitudes of the East and the West are not the same. Many people think that the rich man in the East is a pig raised by the government. After fattening, he will be slaughtered so that the government will have a fat year.

The attitude of Americans towards wealth is very different from that of the East. This kind of bipartisan system in the United States determines that the social status of the rich will inevitably be higher than that of politicians. Politicians rely on the support of the rich to obtain power. Therefore, in the United States, it is basically a matter of turning a blind eye. This is impossible.

For example, Li Mu and Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, and other tycoons. If they wait for Hays to take office and turn around to deal with Li Mu, then they can launch impeachment to bring Hays out of power at any time, so the relationship between the tycoons and politicians The relationship is interdependence and support. After Hays comes to power, he will definitely give back to Li Mu and their tycoons, so that they can continue to receive the support of the tycoons.

The dinner was hosted by a famous chef from France, Lance Tsonson. This was not a cook hired by Li Mu, but a cook borrowed by Li Mu from Benjamin Harrison's house.

As a rising star in the Harrison family, Benjamin Harrison is currently based in Washington, so the family has chefs, maids, gardeners, coachmen, etc. Li Mu came to Washington for a temporary stay and will return to New York in a few days , So there is no need to buy so complete.

Lance's craftsmanship is still very good. Although the pattern is not as old as it is, there are a few dishes that are very good, especially the steak and pine nut, which are in line with Li Mu's appetite. Of course, the guests are very happy.

After dinner, Li Mu sent the guests away one by one, and only Li Mu and Benjamin Harrison remained.

Benjamin Harrison didn't need to send it. His house was next to Li Mu's house. The courtyard wall between the two also opened the door, making it look like a family.

After dinner, as usual, to chat, Chu Xue gave Li Mu and Benjamin Harrison iced wine.

"Since Chu Xue is here, why are you looking for me to borrow a cook?" Benjamin Harrison was very dissatisfied.

While in Cuba, Benjamin Harrison often ate rice here at Li Mu, so he has long missed the technique of Chu Xue.

Li Mu laughed and said nothing, if he was just Li Mu and Benjamin Harrison, then Li Mu might let Chu Xue cook in person, and there would be too many people tonight.

"I heard you want to run for the Senate?" Li Mu was concerned about Benjamin Harrison's political ideals.

"It's not what I think. It's what the family thinks, but I have no right to object." Benjamin Harrison smiled bitterly. He couldn't help it, even if he knew he would be shameful, he had to do what the family asked.

Although Benjamin Harrison came from a famous name, after all, he has n’t entered the political world long enough, and his qualifications are not enough. It is too early to jump out for a senator.

However, this is also the arrangement of the Harrison family. Now it seems a bit abrupt that Benjamin Harrison's election to run for the Senate Speaker, but even if this time is unsuccessful, it will be logical for the next time Benjamin Harrison runs for the Senate Speaker. .

"Your family is anxious ..." Li Mu joked with a smile.

If Li Mu remembers it right, Benjamin Harrison will not be able to run for president until ten years later, so that's pretty much the same. It's only natural that you should be the first or two Senate presidents and then run for president.

"Individuals always obey the whole, don't they? We can't live for ourselves." Benjamin Harrison was still frank.

This is the sorrow of the children of the big family, even if they are unwilling, but in the face of the overall interests of the family, the individual can only choose to submit. This is the so-called sense of responsibility. When a person has not realized this, it also means He is not mature enough.

"What do you think about Ryukyu?" Li Mu sincerely asked Benjamin Harrison for advice.

If there is another person in the world who can trust Li Mu wholeheartedly in politics, then this person is undoubtedly Benjamin Harrison. After all, the friendship between Li Mu and Benjamin Harrison originated in Cuba, and later he further strengthened in Hawaii. Although Benjamin Harrison himself is currently a senator, his ability to be elected president is enough to prove that Benjamin Harrison's political literacy is beyond ordinary people.

In fact, when it comes to trust, the person Li Mu trusts most in Washington should be Chen Guofang. After all, Chen Guofang is also of Chinese descent. This kind of bloodline is the most firm and easily shaken, but Chen Guofang is politically and Benjamin Harrison In comparison, Chen Guofang was a businessman before entering politics, and Benjamin Harrison was trained by the Harrison family as the future president since childhood.

"It doesn't matter. Didn't you say that? It's just the personal behavior of some people, but they just chose the weapon provided by the Steed Group." Benjamin Harrison said lightly, and didn't take it seriously.

Li Mu was so smart that he immediately realized.

Before Li Mu had been worried that Steed's move in the Far East would cause some people to be vigilant. Now it seems that Li Mu has overestimated the political acumen of people these years.

Japan in this era is just an inaccessible country. Ryukyu is too small to be found on the map. Therefore, how much Westerners are paying attention to Japan and Ryukyu at this time is probably too much of the status of the Far East in the world. Seriously.

If Li Mu was engaged in the East and West in the Qing Dynasty, some people may question Li Mu ’s purpose because of ethnic reasons, but in Japan and Ryukyu, to be honest, many Americans do n’t even know where Japan and Ryukyu are. They can not find the world map, you need not question.

Taking a step back 10,000 steps, Li Mu's status as an arms dealer is also the best cover. As a qualified arms dealer, Li Mu should have fanned out everywhere. If Li Mu has been honest, it may really disappoint many people.

"Remember those bearskins you saw in the living room just now?" Li Mu seemed to inadvertently mention his true purpose.

Benjamin Harrison didn't say anything, just raised an eyebrow and said he was listening.

"I actually want to engage in Russia. You must know that Japan is just a barren country. Although their silver mines are tempting, compared with Russia, Japan is like a poor man with a lot of family members, so if you want to make money, you still have to think about it from Russia. Method. "Li Mu explained in detail that there was no evasion in words to greedy and desire for Russia.

"Is the Russian rich? Do you mean their bearskins and paws?" Benjamin Harrison still couldn't understand.

Although Russia is the most vast country in the world, in fact Americans have never worried about Russians. Not long ago, Americans just bought Alaska from Russia for $ 7.2 million, which made Americans treat Russians His contempt reached its zenith. In the hearts of most Americans, the Russians' ambitions are probably similar to those of the Mexicans, because they will sell their country's territory for money. Will the Americans value Mexicans?

Do not make jokes.

"Stupid!" Li Mu did not hesitate to give Benjamin Harrison the final word. If ordinary people don't value Russia, then even a political elite like Benjamin Harrison treats Russia like this. This is really not a "stupid" The word can be summed up: "Think of our Alaska, where there is a Canada separated from our continental United States, don't you worry about where we will lose someday? And if we cross the Bering Strait from Alaska, then we You're facing the vast Siberia. Now you can't help it? "

What really made Li Mu salivating was certainly not bearskins and bear paws, but the vast land owned by Russia. Only on this ground could Li Mu explain his behavior.

"We Orientals are so obsessed with land ... Just like you, why do you want so much land? Does that land bring you more profit each year than the Steed Group?" Benjamin Harrison still couldn't understand Li Mu's behavior.

Suddenly, Li Mu felt speechless. In fact, Li Mu could not explain why the Chinese were so attached to the land. This was probably due to the characteristics of the farming nation, or the prepared personality of the Orientals.

"Tell you a true story. My father used to be a tenant farmer. His greatest ideal is to own a piece of land ..." Li Mu drank a glass of wine with a sad expression and sadness on his face. The voice is indeed very moving: "Before my father, my grandfather did the same. Grandpa's father, even grandpa's grandfather, they all thought so and worked hard for this, so you have to understand that for me In other words, for us Chinese, having food in the home is the real panic, so I am so eager to own land. If I can, I even want to take all the land in the world into my pocket. "

Benjamin Harrison looked at Li Mu again with amazement, completely moved by the story made up by Li Mu.

The so-called Li Mu's father was a tenant farmer. Of course, Li Mu was an orphan. He didn't know what his father was doing.

This kind of story really touches people's hearts. The family has worked hard for one goal for generations, and owning a piece of land has become an indelible obsession of the entire family. This can explain why Li Mu owns Arizona and Indiana. After buying lots of land, they are still buying tirelessly.

"Well, I can understand your behavior, but unfortunately, I can't help you now." Although Benjamin Harrison was moved by Li Mu's words, he still would not do anything beyond his ability. committed to.

If Benjamin Harrison is now the Speaker of the Senate, then Benjamin Harrison may be able to help Li Mu to some extent, but unfortunately Benjamin Harrison is not.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you continue to move forward according to the family plan, sooner or later, you will control this huge country." Li Mu is confident in Benjamin Harrison.

The establishment of confidence is a very wonderful thing. Those low in life who want to deceive people must first constantly self-hypnotize themselves, so whether they can deceive others or at least deceive themselves.

And a person who is not confident in himself can build confidence if he is continuously encouraged and praised by others.

For people like Benjamin Harrison, it is easier to build confidence. He was born in a famous name. He received elite education from a young age. He was born to rule others. So for Benjamin Harrison, confidence is not a problem. What Benjamin Harrison needs is interest. He must first change his attitude to politics before he can succeed in politics.

In fact, for ordinary people, becoming a senator is already the pinnacle of life, but for people like Benjamin Harrison, the senator is only the beginning of his political career, and his future is doomed to be extremely bright.

After returning to New York from Washington, Li Mu began a full-scale attack on the Democratic Party.

The Senate's internal elections are a signal. Prior to that, although Republicans were full of confidence, the Republican Party had been at a disadvantage in the election. Hayes and Samuel Tilden were tied in the Senate election, which showed that the Republican Party and The gap between Democrats has been bridged and the final decisive battle is about to begin.

In mid-November, the New York Independence Centennial Exhibition closed smoothly.

Junma Group became the biggest winner of the American Centennial Exhibition. During the half-year exhibition, the total volume of the Junma Group exceeded 200 million US dollars, accounting for more than a quarter of the total turnover of the Independent Centennial Exhibition.

Interestingly, the group that ranked second in profit was the Organizing Committee of the Independent Centennial Exhibition. Because of the guidance of Li Mu, the souvenirs launched by the Organizing Committee of the Independent Centennial Exhibition suddenly emerged. During the entire exhibition, the Organizing Committee sold more than 2000 The souvenir of 10,000 US dollars, the total profit also reached more than 10 million US dollars.

Souvenirs have a very high profit margin. A key fob that costs only five cents can sell for up to nearly 30 cents. Excluding the cost of sales and transportation costs, the profit is as high as 20 cents or more. This profit rate is higher than the profit rate of arms sales of Steed Weapons Company.

At the end of November, New York City had a mayoral election, and City Councillor Edward Jeffrey was successfully elected.

Edward Jeffrey was also a Republican. During Arthur's administration in New York, Edward Jeffrey served as the director of the New York City Treasury and cooperated with Arthur.

After taking office, Edward Jeffrey held a thank you dinner at the Clinton Castle Hotel.

During the banquet, Edward Jeffrey took the initiative to find Li Mu, expressed his sincere gratitude to Li Mu, and expressed his wish that Li Mu could enter the New York City Council.


Sorry, Li Mu has no interest in this.

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