Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 580: Heritage Act

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Perhaps the works of art collected by the New York City government are valuable, but to say that the value is so large that Li Mu can't be self-sustaining and not too much. For Li Mu today, money has almost no meaning. The reason why Li Mu is still keen to chase wealth, just Like the feeling of making money.

What can you do without making money ...

At the level of Li Mu, every move can be interpreted by countless kinds of meanings. Mr. Li Mu cannot really go to the Grand Bahama Island to become a king. I am afraid that such a life will not be able to endure for a long time, compared to In the meantime, it is more free to be an arms dealer.

Because today is a good day for the museum to open, Li Mu doesn't want to talk to Alexander Stewart. After all, Alexander Stewart is already in his 70s, and it seems that he hasn't lived for a few years. It's really impossible to compare with such people. The **** on the lawn in the park is disgusting, but it seems even more disgusting if you step on it.

It's a pity that some people always like to rely on the old and sell the old, just like the old lady who spilled on the bus without giving up his seat. The more you ignore him, the more he will ...

"Rim, to be honest, now I have to doubt your motives. I heard that you have collected a lot of oriental art, so why don't you show those oriental art now? Look at these oil paintings, see The art used by these emperors represents the cultural heritage of white people, not the cultural heritage of your eastern people. "Alexander Stewart persisted, and still noisy in Li Mu's ears.

"Can I interpret these words as racial discrimination?" Li Mu had to respond, thinking to himself, when he returned to the office, he would check to see who sent the old invitation.

"Race discrimination? Of course not, only those uneducated people will discriminate against others." Alexander Stewart said that I definitely do not back this pot.

Americans in the 21st century are most afraid of having a relationship with racial discrimination. Dad even claims to be the freest entertainment industry. When filming movies, he must stuff a few black actors. Otherwise, it will be racial discrimination.

Americans are not much better this year. Some time ago, because of cracking down on the Democratic Party, Time Magazine fired racism for a long time in the newspapers. As a result, "racism" is now called by everyone, almost And no quality, no educated equal.

"This statement has discriminatory meaning in itself, and those who discriminate against others are also people. Insulting others does not make you look more noble." Li Mu seized the loopholes in Alexander Stewart's words and slammed Alexander, Stewart was nailed to the stigma of racial discrimination.

"Well, Mr. Stewart, take it easy, I will apply to the parliament as soon as possible, and if the parliament passes, then maybe you will have a chance to visit the City Museum of New York soon." Edward Jeffrey came out to round the field.

This is obviously a deviation, otherwise, Jeffrey would not wait for Alexander Stewart to persuade.

"It's best, Mr. Mayor. I'll wait for your good news." Alexander Stewart finally found the steps.

Li Mu was so angry that when he returned to the office, he immediately raised his hand and called Yan Shun.

"Check who invited Alexander Stewart. Remember this old guy. All future events organized by the Malaysian Group are not allowed to invite this person." Li Mu is reasonable, and such things can only be left to Yan Shun Go, if it's called Mason, why wouldn't Mason now pull out two guns, drive his "Hunter" sports car, and kill all the Alexander Stewart family.

Junma Motor has a new product, which is this two-seater coupé.

Li Mu named this model "Hunter". On the one hand, it describes that this sports car is handsome enough, on the other hand, it clearly explains the purpose of this two-door sports car.

The purpose of the sports car is simple and clear, and its target user group is all young people. In this way, the use is self-explanatory, and it is indeed appropriate to use the word "hunter" to describe it.

"Rim, it's the invitation letter you issued ..." Yan Shun scratched his head for a long time, and answered verbally.

Li Mu asked?

Li Mu thought back hard, but didn't have the slightest impression, but Yan Shun didn't need to shake the pot in such a thing, so Li Mu responded quickly: "Then if I invite him next time, remember to remind me."

Li Mu really didn't want to see people like Alexander Stewart.

Back to Governor's Island at night, Chu Xue brought Li Mu the Manhattan Evening News before dinner and opened the newspaper. Li Mu's eyes widened.

"The Manhattan Evening News" reported on the front page of the grand opening of the museum, and of course, an interview with Alexander Stewart, who publicly stated in the newspaper that he would donate to a museum in New York City.

"It's really ..." Li Mu laughed absurdly, and the "Manhattan Evening News" was a horse-shoe shot.

Although the flattering is not a place, Li Mu can't attack it. The Manhattan Evening News is a subsidiary of Time Magazine and Li Mu's industry, which is no wonder others.

"Stuart ... hmm, the character of this family is not so good ..." Gloria also saw the contents of the evening paper.

"Do you know?" Li Mu did not doubt that Gloria knew Alexander Stewart. After all, New York was so big. Gloria had been a reporter before, and it was normal to know Alexander Stewart.

"I'm not familiar with Alexandre Stewart, but I know his son, a dandy dude, who once gave a bunch of flowers to my office every day." Gloria's words made Li Mu even more angry.

Even if you provoke Li Mu, you can't even let Gloria go, and you still provoke Li Mu, and your son provokes Gloria. This is really intolerable.

"Why haven't you heard of it?" Although looking at Gloria's expression and tone, she did not catch a cold on Alexander Stewart's son, but Li Mu still had to learn more about his own rivals.

Dare to pry at the corner of Li Mu's corner, be sure to give you some color to see, otherwise you would not know that Ma Ma has three eyes.

"Why say him? There are so many people who send me flowers ..." Gloria said she never cared, and wouldn't even mention it.

Li Mu was really in love, and the next day, he was eating with Arthur.

This time, Chu Xue personally cooks, of course, the traditional oriental meal, the main course is a roast suckling pig.

This roasted suckling pig has no place in it, and there is another roast chicken stuffed in the stomach, and there is a quail in the stomach of the roast chicken, and Arthur is amazed.

"Do we have a" legacy inheritance law "in New York State?" Li Mu asked, seemingly inadvertently.

"The Legislative Act ... what is that?" Arthur said he had never heard of such a law.

It is no wonder that although American law in the 21st century is very sound, in the mid-to-late 19th century, the legal process in the United States was still in the wild era. Regarding the Legacy Inheritance Act, except for a part of the Civil Law, it did not Laws made specifically for this.

"You don't even know the" Legacy Law ", I think I know why the government is so poor." Li Mu shook his head and sighed, saying that the US government deserves to die poorly.

The 21st Century Heritage Act is one of the most important laws in the United States. US law provides for the use of excess progressive decimals for federal inheritance taxes, with a minimum of 17 levels, ranging from 18% to 55%. Wait.

In general, when a person dies, the more inheritance he has left, the higher the amount of tax that should be paid, and the painful thing. If the heir of the deceased wants to inherit the inheritance, he must first pay the tax. , And then you can get the inheritance, as long as you come, if the amount of the inheritance left by the deceased is particularly huge, and the heirs do not have enough cash to pay the taxes, it will cause the heirs of the inheritance to fall into the dilemma of being unable to pay taxes on time due to insufficient cash, Naturally, there is no inheritance.

"... Do you understand? If a person leaves a $ 1 million estate when he dies, he will pay a tax of $ 390,000, and if the estate has $ 3 million, the tax rate will be the highest 55 percent In this way, it can not only narrow the gap between the rich and the poor, increase government revenue, but also improve the initiative of the inheritors. They will not let them sleep on the credits of their elders. What do you think of this proposal? "Li Mu details Explain the concept of estate tax to Arthur.

Arthur listened very carefully, put down the knife and fork in his hand, and became very interested in the concept of "heritage tax".

But after Li Mu finished speaking, Arthur smiled strangely: "I always think your purpose is impure, are you in revenge on Alexander Stewart?"

In the morning, when Arthur Stewart and Li Mu had a dispute, Arthur was also on the scene, so now Li Mu proposed the "Legacy Law", which made Arthur have to doubt Li Mu's motive.

Alexander Stewart, born in 1802, is 74 years old this year, and it may not take a few years for Alexander Stewart to drive to the west, considering the huge legacy left by Alexander Stewart ...

Arthur is really interested.

"There are factors in this area, of course, not only just for this, how much money does Alexander Stewart have? How much do I have? This is not an equal weight at all." Li Mu does not deny, but it is not limited.

Now Alexander Stewart is rich, but compared to Li Mu, Alexander Stewart's money is really nothing.

At least Li Mu didn't look at it.

If the State of New York has now passed the Legislation Act, we can be sure that when Li Mu's death, the taxes of Li Mu's descendants will be much more paid by Alexander Stewart's son.

Of course, Li Mu is also selfish, and the situation in the United States is also subject to policies and countermeasures. Although the original meaning of the "Legacy Law" is good, rich people always have various ways to avoid tax. Of course, Li Mu also has some preparations, of course. This preparation need not be mentioned to Arthur.

"It is true. Alexander Stewart is rich, but no one dares to say that he is rich compared to you." Arthur agreed with Li Mu.

Speaking of which, Arthur is also a rich man. He owns 10% of the Rose Company. These shares bring him millions of dollars in profits every year. So if New York State passes the Heritage Act, it will also be a hidden danger for Arthur. .

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, your money won't go down." Li Mu thought Arthur was also worried about his legacy.

In fact, Li Mu is not sure how much Arthur's property is now. The only thing that can be determined is that Arthur's son will pay taxes in the future, which must be the one with the highest tax rate.

"No, no, no, I'm not worried about this ... I'm worried that if New York State passes the Legislative Act, it will provoke a large-scale civil turmoil." Arthur's worry is excusable, knowing that New York has The richest man in the United States, if passed the New York State Legislation Act, is to declare war on all the rich in New York.

Li Mu could focus his goals on Alexander Stewart, but Arthur had to think more.

Alexander Stewart is 74 years old. Seeing that he is about to die, he can not worry about Alexander Stewart, but can't help but consider other people's reactions.

There are such examples around Li Mu. For example, the Vanderbilt family, the old Vanderbilt is not in good health now, maybe it is only this two years. The old Vanderbilt is the first in American history. A real billionaire, assuming that Vanderbilt's legacy in the future is exactly 100 million US dollars, then William Vanderbilt wants to inherit the legacy left by Vanderbilt, We will first pay $ 55 million to pay taxes.

The 55 million must be in cash. The tax department will not recognize the cheque. The 55 million US dollars in this era is a lot of money. Even if Li Mu is now the number one rich man in New York, he wants Li Mu to pay 55 million US dollars. Cash is almost impossible.

The rich man is like a donkey dung egg. It looks abnormally bright on the surface. In fact, he usually doesn't have a few dollars in his pocket. He may not even be an ordinary person. In fact, most of them are in debt operations, maybe they have already become insolvent and are hovering on the edge of bankruptcy.

William Vanderbilt is also a friend of Li Mu. If the "Legacy Law" has been passed and William Vanderbilt knows that Li Mu is the originator, then maybe William Vanderbilt will go to Li Mu directly.

"Try it. How can you know that you will not succeed if you don't try it? It may not succeed if you try it, but it will never succeed if it isn't so." Li Mu encouraged Arthur, and Chengdu will have to try before saying, Maybe New York State has passed the Legislative Act, and as a result Alexander Stewart has died because he can't stand the blow.

This is the best.

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