Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 581: Chrysanthemum lovers

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To target a person, of course, it is necessary to do everything. The legal restrictions are only one aspect, and more are commercial restrictions.

Alexander Stewart's industry is retail. Retail here refers not only to small things such as needles and brains, but also to daily necessities, from furniture, cars, lighting systems, to clothing, food, pots and bowls. Pots and everything.

There is a clear overlap between Junma Group's business and the car and lighting system are provided by Junma Group.

Oh, you can't say "all". After all, Vanderbilt Automobile Factory is also producing cars. Alexander Stewart can choose other substitutes even if he doesn't choose Steed Group.

Of course, as to whether the car customers produced by Vanderbilt Automobile Factory can accept it, it is another matter.

Speaking of cars, this has become a sore point for William Vanderbilt. In the first quarter of this year, only 12 vehicles produced by Vanderbilt Automobile Factory were sold, which made William Vanderbilt very sad. After conducting a detailed market survey, William Vanderbilt optimized the "Volkswagen" model produced by Junma Motors and launched a model that was much cheaper than Volkswagen.

"Volkswagen" cars are already the cheapest products at the Junma Automobile Plant. Vanderbilt Automobile Plant now produces such cars at a lower price than Volkswagen. It is conceivable that the cost has been compressed.

After Vanderbilt Automobile Factory launched new products, Junma Group also conducted research on Vanderbilt Automobile Factory's new products. The research results show that Vanderbilt Automobile Factory uses a large amount of cheap and new products because of the need to reduce costs. Components, and because Vanderbilt cars this time used their own engines, there are serious defects in quality.

Prior to this, the cars produced by Vanderbilt Automotive Plant had always used the engines and gearboxes provided by the Junma Group. William Vanderbilt was naturally unwilling to be restrained, so he has been trying to develop a new car engine. Cars produced in-house.

Although the first-generation engine does not have much technical content, it is not easy to completely copy it without obtaining technical parameters. Also, the second-generation engine has been widely used by Junma Motors. According to the Vanderbilt Institute, The first-generation engine has developed an unmatched alternative.

Although there is a gap in quality, after all, the cars produced by Vanderbilt Automobile Factory have opened a gap in price with the products of Junma Automobile Factory. Even if the new models are compared with the lowest-priced "Volkswagen" cars of Junma Automobile Factory , Still about a third cheaper, which made Vanderbilt's car sales increase in the second and third quarters. Although the total sales were still not as good as any of the sub-brands of the Junma Automobile Factory, but It's better than selling only three or four cars a month.

"From now on, all cooperation with the department store in Stuttgart is terminated, and I request that within the next two months, we will open one of our own department stores opposite all the stores in Stuttgart, and I will let Stuttgart Special department stores have no business to do. "Li Mu made a ruthless attempt to break the bowl of Alexander Stewart.

As a businessman, the best way is to return his life to his own. Alexander Stewart has become a New York celebrity because of his near monopoly in the retail industry. This Alexander Stewart brought With massive wealth, what Li Mu has to do now is to steal the business of the Stuart department store, so as to deal the greatest blow to Alexander Stuart.

"Operating a department store ... do we have to do this?" Solomon Loeb questioned Li Mu's decision.

Solomon Loeb is currently responsible for promoting men's clothing and urban beauties in the United States and Europe. For more than a year, Solomon Loeb has fully demonstrated the savvy of Jews, and has opened dozens of specialty stores in the United States, and successfully transferred men Fashion and urban beauty enter the European market.

Even if Li Mu himself does it himself, at most this level.

To be honest, there are men's clothing and urban bead in front of him. Solomon Loeb really doesn't look down on those "rope heads" turned by department stores. As long as Solomon Loeb is given time, Solomon Loeb believes that he also Can build a business kingdom.

And considering the core competitiveness of the Stuart department store, Solomon Loeb does not think that the business model of men's clothing and urban beauty can compete with the Stuart department store.

Alexander Stewart, as the leader of the U.S. retail industry, does have two brushes. As early as decades ago, Alexander Stewart introduced the principle of "small profits but quick turnover" and organized its department stores to negotiate with factory owners in a unified manner. Get the lowest price, and Alexander Stewart also changed the sales model of the traditional retail industry, he made the retailer out of the cluttered, small and random stores, so that customers do not need to choose the goods in the dim light, and can be on a variety of shelves Freely browsing between them, and being able to directly access the products you want without knowing yourselves, all these things have made Stuart department store the epicenter of the retail industry, and this situation has been going on for more than ten years.

The Stewart department store concept is quite similar to later supermarkets. This is very different from the men's clothing and urban beauty stores, so Solomon Loeb is not optimistic about going directly to Alexander Stewart.

"It is necessary. The profits of department stores are beyond your imagination. Think of Alexander Stewart who only opened a few stores? Now he has tens of millions of dollars in assets, and what we want to do will definitely be Alexander. Stewart did better, so I think it is necessary. "Li Mu is confident that although Alexander Stewart's department store has broken the status quo of traditional retail, there is still room for improvement. If Li Mu proposed a" supermarket " This concept, then, must defeat Alexander Stewart's department store.

"Supermarket ... So what is our core competitiveness?" Solomon Loeb had to ask Li Mu for advice, because Solomon Loeb had no concept of a supermarket.

"Quality, our core competitiveness is product quality. Only excellent quality is durable, and the design is exquisite, so as to break people's concerns and make them willing to enter our supermarkets." Li Mu does not need to think much, he only needs to put the future Transplanting the concept of a supermarket is enough to kill everything.

In the current United States, almost all enterprises and merchants do not have much concept of product quality. After all, the United States is a country that has just solved the "nothing" and has not yet reached the level of chasing quality.

For example, Stewart department stores, they are cheap, in large part because Alexander Stewart often eats goods from European auctions at low prices, and then ship these goods to the United States for sale, so the price is so low.

Think about it, there will be some problems with the products appearing in the auction floor, or the origin is unknown, or the manufacturer is not doing well. In short, there is absolutely no guarantee on the quality. Commodity quality, then we can certainly open the market in a short time.

People ’s consumption consciousness is actually hierarchical. Li Mu once watched a documentary. At the beginning of the founding of the Republic, because of lack of goods and insufficient productivity, there was a shortage of materials on the market. All the goods would be robbed even if they had quality problems. .

Later, after the reform and opening up, the goods on the market gradually became richer, and people had more choices, so they began to pursue the quality of the goods. This process can be summarized with "has there" and "good or bad". Questions before you can pursue "good".

The United States has basically passed the stage of "is there anyway?" It is certain that consumers will pay attention to the quality of the goods and start to pay attention to the question of "good or bad". Consumers promise, then there is no reason why supermarkets can't go to Stewart.

"Well, we can try." Solomon Loeb, despite his concerns, still agreed to try, stemming from his long-term trust in Li Mu.

"Trust me, the supermarket will definitely become a new business model for the retail industry. This is a huge cake. The talent of the advanced market can be divided into the most delicious creams." Li Mu must be confident about this, unless Alexander Stewart engages in Come out of a "Wal-Mart", otherwise the Stewart family will lose.

Just as Li Mu was preparing to encircle the Stuart department store, the New York City government began to take action against the Stuart department store.

The first thing to move is the New York City Police Department ...

No, it is not appropriate to describe the response of the New York City Police Department as "moving up". It should be "not moving."

As mentioned earlier, the Stewart department store has the prototype of a supermarket. Consumers in the Stewart store can access the products displayed in the store without a clear purpose. In this way, some unexpected situations will occur. Such as theft, stealing, or vandalism.

Alexander Stewart can do such a big business and has a good relationship with government functions. In the former New York City Police Department, as long as there was a report from the Alexander Department Store, the police department would immediately call the police.

It's different now. On the second weekend of November, an accident happened at the "Marble Palace" department store on Reed Street, Broadway. A customer accidentally put on a brand new dress while trying on clothes. It was broken, so the department store, in accordance with regulations, insisted that customers trying on wear pay the full price of the dress.

The price of a dress is $ 9.9. This pricing method was learned by the Stewart department store from a men's clothing store. For ordinary people, $ 9.9 is already a lot of money, so the customer flatly refused, claiming that The reason why the dress was damaged was because the quality of the product was irrelevant to the customer, so he refused to pay compensation.

The Stewart department store was not easy to mess with. When the store manager could not communicate, he called for a few strong clerks, controlled the customers, and immediately called the police.

The New York City Police Department has a branch on Broadway. Previously, as long as the Stewart department store reported to the police, the police would reach the Stewart department store within ten minutes.

Today's situation surprised the manager, and it was only half an hour before the sheriff took the two police officers late.

"Sir, you are coming too slowly. You are only a few hundred meters away from the police station, but you have spent a full half an hour. Are you crawling?" The manager was very polite and almost insulted. From here, we can see how high the status of the Stewart family in New York.

"Mr. Stewart, you have just abused three police officers in New York City, United States of America. No matter what the reason, you must apologize to us and go back to us to assist in the investigation because we suspect that you have committed an illegal act here. It happened. "Often there was no previous Weinuonuo. With a big wave, two police officers immediately came up and handcuffed the manager.

"Philip, are you crazy?" The manager did not resist, staring at Philip coldly, as if looking at a dead man.

The profession of sheriff has different social status in different regions. For example, the sheriff in Springfield, in Springfield, is the object that everyone fears. For example, the sheriff in New York, in New York. It's a role of running a leg.

No way, there are too many big men in New York, especially in a prosperous area like Broadway. If a stone falls from the sky and hits three people, maybe one of them is a millionaire, so the sheriff is really here. It ’s nothing, even Bresta is okay and does n’t like to go out and wander, more in his office.

"Mr. Dubin, of course I'm not crazy, it's the old man in your family who is crazy." Sheriff Philip rarely raised his eyebrows and exhaled, and accidentally leaked more news.

"You wait, I'll pick your skin tomorrow." Dubin Stewart has not responded yet.

"Then I'm waiting for you ... but now you have added an additional offence and tried to threaten the public officials. If I were you, I would prepare a bail right away, otherwise, I guess your Christmas will be with a group of chrysanthemum lovers "Sheriff Philip's words immediately caused fear in Dubin Stewart's eyes.

Chrysanthemum lovers ...

This title is really evil.

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