Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 587: Jinqiao Yinlu

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Regarding the issue of parenting, many parents always think that as the child grows up, the child will gradually understand the truth.

In fact, not necessarily. Even if people reach the age of knowing their destiny, they are still unreasonable in dealing with people. In the world, Lao Tzu is the first and the earth should turn around him. Such people basically have things in life that no one can raise. child.

There is also a tradition of rearing up this kind of thing. Some people say that there are no bear children, only bear parents. This is very reasonable. Often bear children are used to bear parents, and then bear children grow up, and they will become new bear parents. As a result, his child was a bear child.

When the child is young, he is not willing to fight or scold. When he grows up, someone will scold and scold you for you. By that time, it will be too late to be distressed.

Middle-aged whites are obviously such a group of people who feel good about themselves but don't have much ability. Once they get into trouble, they often fail to end.

The workers at the Junma Automobile Factory were crowded, and you spoke to me around the middle-aged whites and said that the middle-aged whites were indestructible. It was not until the police intervened that the middle-aged whites could escape.

"I want to call the police. They just insulted my personality and made a personal attack on me. I want to send them to jail ..." When I saw the police, the middle-aged white man finally saw a savior, and then he became arrogant again.

"Are you sure, you want to sue the workers of the Junma Group?" The policeman lazily hugged his arms, the smile on the corner of his mouth was very ridiculous.

To say that New York is the most difficult organization to mess with, the police station is definitely not on the list. The first one who is not good is the Springfield Security Company, and the second one is the Stallion Group.

Springfield Security is black and white. Ford Benjamin is the same as Stuart. Although they are both bosses, the division of labor is different. Ford Benjamin is responsible for maintaining the relationship between Spring Security and the official, such as providing security for elections. It was Ford Benjamin.

Situ Lei is responsible for managing the company's normal operations. These security personnel wear uniforms and perform with the police during the day. When they change clothes at night, they go to the casinos and nightclubs to watch the scenes. In fact, their lives are the smartest and they can easily earn every day. One or more salaries, can be mixed with free working meals during the day, free beer at night, normal work is not very dangerous, it is really comfortable.

It ’s really not dangerous. Do n’t look at the security personnel of Springfield Security Co., Ltd. all day long. They do n’t leave their guns. In fact, they do n’t really need them to use weapons. Those who are really dangerous are responsible for this. The security personnel on board did not matter.

Yes, Chuntian Security Company supports more than 500 gunmen. These gunmen are the true armed forces of Chuntian Security Company. Most of the more than 100 people that Bai Qi took to Ryukyu were picked out of these people. .

Springfield Security Co., Ltd. relies on black and white to take all the food, and the Steed Group relies on a strong team of lawyers.

In order to fight lawsuits, Li Mu set up a special legal department a long time ago. The lawyers team of Junma Group can be said to bring together all the elites of the New York legal profession. Ordinary people want to fight lawsuits with Junma Group. Just look at Junma Group's lawyer team and retreat.

Obviously, middle-aged white people are not figures like J.P. Morgan and Rockefeller, so after listening to the police, the expression of the middle-aged white people was confused for a moment, and then they blushed unconsciously.


It was almost sent to be beaten.

If you want to be famous, it is really a good idea to fight a lawsuit with Steed Horse Group, but the price paid is often not a lawyer's fee, but a personal future or even life, so normal people know how to choose.

"Really ... really ..." The middle-aged white man did not come out for a long time, so he hurried away from the crowd and fled.

"Cut ..." Neat boos broke out for everyone, including the surrounding crowd.

There is no way. In New York, it can be said that almost no one can not deal with the Steed Group, so this kind of thing is most welcome.

"Master Chu, should I send someone to follow up ..." Mike Zhang, who saw the whole process, had a cold voice, turned his hand into a knife, and made a fierce gesture.

"Forget it, don't look for anything these days ..." Chu Wushuang didn't want to have extravagant branches, looked at the back of the middle-aged white man, and didn't take it to heart.

This is also Li Mu's request. The most important task now is to ensure that the election can be conducted normally, and everything else can be put aside.

It turns out that some people do n’t remember long without losing money. In the evening, the Echo newspaper issued a supplement to discuss the issue of collective ticketing for the Steed Group with a whole page. One of them was Renard. Interview with white middle-aged man.

In the interview, Leonard complained in tears about the ticket-scraping behavior of Junma Automobile Factory workers, and also denounced the New York City Police Department's inaction, citing that when Renard was besieged by the Junma Group workers, the police did not promptly Helping Renard is a testament to the frustration between the New York City police and the Steed Group, who are trying to manipulate the elections, which is yet another proof of Republican corruption politics.

"Ha, when we entered the group, we said that we are not enthusiastic about politics, have no sense of belonging to the United States, and are not qualified U.S. citizens. Now we have actively voted for our sacred vote, and they have started to say that we deliberately swipe the votes. Are they satisfied? Perhaps no matter what we do, we ca n’t make them truly satisfied unless we jump into the New York Bay and soak our yellow skin into white skin, so they have no excuses. ”See the Echo supplement Li Mu really couldn't laugh or cry.

At this time Li Mu was having dinner with Hayes to celebrate the victory of the first day of the election.

It is indeed a victory. Although the election has not yet ended, Hayes has obtained 86,000 votes out of a total of 115,000 voters. If this is inferred, Hayes can almost be declared a winner.

The American election method is winner-takes-all. If Hayes defeats Samuel Tilden in the election, then Hayes will get all the electoral votes in New York State, even if Samuel Tilden is With a 49% approval rating, nothing will be gained.

Although the voting result on the first day is not enough to prove that Hayes will win the final victory, it has a strong symbolic meaning. In the next two days, even if the data will fluctuate, there will not be much fluctuation. Not enough to subvert the final result.

"Some people are like this. The only value of their lives is to let go. No matter what you do, they can always pick out the faults, do more and more mistakes, and do less and less mistakes, so our government is not efficient." Hai Sri Lanka disagreed with the report of The Echo. Objectively speaking, the workers of the Steed Group can choose who is their freedom and no one cares, so the report of the Echo can only be humiliated.

"I said, can't the government restrict this kind of remarks? If not, can I file a complaint with the Echo on behalf of the workers of the Steed Group, and I think the Echo report has violated Steed The reputation of group workers is a very serious matter, and we must take it seriously. "Li Mu does n’t want to make things small and things small. If the" Echo "only attacks the current government and Hayes, then Li Mu is happy to read the joke. It's different now. Since the Echo newspaper blatantly accused Junma Group of brushing votes in the newspaper, Li Mu will have to respond.

"Isn't Sammy in charge of the Journalists 'Association? It seems more appropriate for the Journalists' Association to come forward now ..." Arthur didn't want to provoke the Democratic Party. The current Democratic Party is like a crazy dog ​​who is trapped in an iron cage, trying to catch who is biting.

"Sami Larkin is indeed the chairman of the Journalists Association, but the" Echo "now does not care about profit at all, so the Journalists Association has no way ..." Li Mu also has a headache. Facing such a freak as "Echo", The conventional method is certainly not effective.

If the "Echo" is a normal newspaper, the Journalists Association can indeed play its due role. The most effective method is to restrain all journalists from working for the "Echo", so that the "Echo" cannot receive the manuscript, so naturally No report to print.

It is regrettable that, as the official media of the Democratic Party, the "Echo" is supported by the entire Democratic Party behind it, so people are really not worried about the manpower problem, and the Journalists Association is helpless.

It ’s not strange to say that Echo is a freak. It ’s also a very strange way of operating. The normal newspaper relies on advertising and sales to make money, but Echo does not rely on this. Newspapers are given away for free, not for money at all, so economic means will not do anything.

"Isn't the Echo so impeccable?" Arthur finally felt the tricky part of the Echo.

"Of course not, wait and see. When the election is over, maybe the" Echo "will become a yellow flower yesterday. I can guarantee that the amount of eye cream in each episode will not necessarily be higher than our" Horse Daily. " Li Mu did not think that the "Echo" had a future. Such newspapers are a periodical product and would not exist for a long time.

"Junma Daily" is an internal magazine of the Junma Group. Although its name is "Daily", it is not published every day. Sometimes it is printed three days or two days, sometimes it is printed only one week. This newspaper is only for The Junma Group circulates internally and does not sell it externally.

Considering the proportion of Chinese in the Steed Group, Steed Daily is a Chinese-language newspaper. This is also the first Chinese-language newspaper in New York and even the United States. Its significance is also far-reaching.

The content of Chinese newspapers is, of course, mainly Chinese, and the people depend on food. Therefore, the "Junma Daily" will publish the menus of the various subsidiaries of the Junma Group. This menu has a certain taste, such as Junma Automobile Factory. The menu on Monday is one catfish head per person, then Junma Construction Group's menu on Tuesday will definitely add a chicken leg to each person, and then Junma Electric will announce a buffet on Wednesday with enough beer tubes ...

In addition to the menu, the Steed Daily also publishes some current affairs news, from the United States, Qing Dynasty, and even Cuba. As long as there is a Chinese place, Steed Daily will pay attention to it.

"Are you going to issue a supplement tomorrow?" Hayes seems to have realized the importance at this moment. If he doesn't respond to the accusations of the "Echo", they will default on this matter, which may indeed affect it. Elections after.

"Of course, there will be supplements every day during the general election period." Li Mu refers to "Time", not "Jun Ma Daily".

There is only one simple sentence about the election in The Horse Journal: Our chairman has decided to vote his sacred vote for Republican candidate Rutherford Hays.

Get it!

All workers will then vote for Rutherford Hayes.

Therefore, "Echo" accused Junma Group of brushing votes, Li Mu felt really unreasonable.

"Is the supplemental page already lined up?" Hayes put down the knife and fork in his hand and seemed to be preparing to work overtime overnight.

"It's really arranged, but if necessary, the layout can be changed at any time." Li Mu gave Hayes the greatest degree of freedom.

Hayes' voice now can also be seen as the response of Junma Group to The Echo. This is not a bad thing. If Hayes is successfully elected in the end, the reputation of Junma Group will be further enhanced.

"Leave a space for me, and I want to refute the irresponsible remarks of The Echo." Hays did have an idea, and it seemed that he had seen the president in his pocket.

If the "Echo" only accuses the Junma Group, maybe Hayes will not be so indignant. Now the "Echo" has accused the Junma Group of corruption politics. Although it is the Democratic Party's usual method, it is inevitable He will discredit the new government, which Hayes absolutely cannot tolerate.

"Okay, leave a page for you, I hope you make good use of it." Li Mu is very generous, and the matter of printing another piece of paper is nothing.

As the highest-selling newspaper in the United States, Time Magazine ’s page is actually very valuable. Before Standard Oil wanted to advertise in Time Magazine, Sami Larkin ran a mid-slot advertisement for $ 1 million. .

Even with the wealth of Rockefeller, I didn't feel that the price was a bit expensive, so Rockefeller called Li Mu, and Sami Larkin gave Rockefeller a half-fold.

50% off one million is 500,000 dollars. This is just a mid-slot advertisement. If it is the entire layout, the price will definitely make Rockefeller feel pain.

"Rim, tomorrow the Brooklyn Bridge will be open to traffic. How about it, are you interested in accepting the Williamsburg Bridge?" Arthur started to introduce business to Li Mu again. This is really a good brother.

After seven years, the Brooklyn Bridge was finally completed. Compared with the original history, the time was shortened by half, so Arthur was confident that Junma Construction Company would continue to accept the Williamsburg Bridge.

"Of course, the more such projects, the better ..." Li Mu came, and the so-called Jinqiao Yinlu is a good business to be delivered to the door.

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