Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 588: Winning ticket

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As New York develops faster and faster, Manhattan becomes more and more narrow, and Brooklyn's location becomes more and more important.

Considering the East River between Manhattan and Brooklyn, if Manhattan and Brooklyn are truly integrated, more bridges are needed on the East River. A Brooklyn bridge is not enough, even if it is coupled with Williamsburg Bridges aren't enough, they should have more.

Junma Construction Company eventually took over the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge. If it was not taken by Junma Construction Company and creatively implemented the segment construction method, I am afraid that the Brooklyn Bridge will not be completed until a few years later.

It is precisely because of the outstanding performance of Junma Construction Company in the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge that this gave Arthur more confidence and allowed Arthur to give more of New York's municipal works to Junma Construction Company without worrying about the future problems. .

To be honest, the two-party system is still a bit good, at least because the opposition party makes the ruling party less unscrupulous. Besides, Arthur is no longer the mayor of New York City and has become the governor of New York State. "Match matchmaking", a little more confidence.

For such a project, Li Mu is of course unstoppable. The repair of the bridge will not only be hugely profitable, but will also gain greater influence for the Steed Group, such as the Brooklyn Bridge. No matter how many teenagers, as long as the Brooklyn Bridge still exists , Then the name of Junma Construction Company will be engraved on the stele at the bridgehead of the Brooklyn Bridge, and it will be remembered forever.

The next day, the Brooklyn Bridge held a grand opening ceremony. The protagonist of the ceremony was not Li Mu or Arthur, but the widow of John Roblin, and the couple of Washington Roblin.

For the Norbuling family, this is a sacred and solemn moment. The Brooklyn Bridge embodies the hard work of the two generations of Norbuling and his sons. Li Mu can't, and is not willing to win the battle at this moment.

However, the next Williamsburg Bridge is definitely the protagonist of Junma Construction Company. Li Mu also specially invited Washington Roblin to be the designer of Williamsburg Bridge.

Junma Construction Company is now basically in a bottleneck. The biggest problem is the lack of high-end talents. Junma Construction Company is not without high-end talents such as bridge designers, but compared to the top designers of this era, after all, it is still There are some shortcomings, so Li Mu sincerely invited Washington Roblin to work at Junma Construction Company, and appointed Washington Roblin as Design Director of Junma Construction Company.

The level of Washington Roblin is unquestionable. The Brooklyn Bridge is considered to be the eighth wonder of humankind after the ancient seven wonders, and at the same time it is considered to be one of the seven epoch-making buildings in the world in the era of the industrial revolution.

Such a high-level engineer is one of the few in the world, so Li Mu is so happy that he will not let Washington Roblin slip away from his fingers.

Washington Roblin agreed to Li Mu ’s invitation. One of the important reasons is that Li Mu not only invited Washington Roblin to work at Junma Construction Company, but also invited Washington Roblin ’s wife Emily Roblin.

Basically, women in this era can be qualified with little but no history. Before Li Mu was reborn, the only impression in the field of technology was Mrs. Curie. Emily Roblin was self-taught because she had to assist Washington Roblin in her work. With other engineering techniques such as advanced mathematics, Emily Roblin even became the chief engineer of the Brooklyn Bridge after Washington Roblin's paralysis of the lower limbs. Such a woman is indeed worthy of respect.

Of course, Li Mu invited Emily Roblin to work at Junma Construction Company, and there was a reason why she couldn't say, and this reason was related to Gloria.

Li Mu promised that Gloria would push Congress to improve the social status of women. This kind of thing is not easy. Li Mu must first prove that women can also make their own contributions in related fields. In this way, Amy Lily Roblin's presence is necessary.

The efficiency of the US government is still very low, but the staff is very efficient in the presidential election. On November 15, the results of the New York State election were announced. Hayes defeated the Democratic Party with 258,000 valid votes against 171,000. Candidate Samuel Tilden won all voters in New York State.

On the day the results were announced, there was an uproar.

This result is unexpected, but it is reasonable. After all, although the Democratic Party has been optimistic in recent years, the Democratic Party ’s support rate has gradually declined in the past six months before the election, while the Republican ’s support rate is Increasingly, so this result is normal, and there is no behind-the-scenes operation.

Of course, the reason for this result is also inseparable from the support of Li Mu, Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan and other big men. After all, Li Mu and their big brothers have their nests in New York. Nearly one-third of the entire New York state Are working for large companies like the Steed Group. As for those voters who have voting rights, the proportion is even higher, reaching nearly 40%. In this way, they can still beat Samuel Tee. Gordon is justified.

However, for the Democrats who were ambitious before the election, this result is undoubtedly a hit, and it feels similar to accepting the ice bucket challenge in the winter.

Although Arthur can testify that New York State ’s voting results did not exist, the Democrats did not endorse this statement. After the results were announced, the Democrat-oriented newspapers led by the Echo newspaper accused the Arthur-led state government of operating behind the scenes. After the presidential election in New York State, the votes were privately tampered with, otherwise the Democrats would not lose so miserably.

Hmm, it seems that the Democrats have expected this result, but probably the Democrats never expected that the Democrats would lose so miserably, there is almost no resistance, which has been my heart for more than ten years, swear How can Democrats who have been ashamed in the election campaign accept it logically?

In response to the Democrats' doubts, the New York State Government specially held a press conference. Arthur and the new Mayor of New York City, Edward Jeffrey, participated in the demonstration, validating that the election results were true and valid.

"... Regarding the rumours that the election results are being manipulated, I can only say that some people are born with persecution fantasies, how can there be so much shady in the world, and there are Democrats in the New York State Election Commission, If there is a shady, I am afraid that the members of the Democratic Party can't wait to jump out, but can also use the newspaper to expose it? It is nonsense, this statement is not only an insult to the Election Committee, but also The insults of Mr. Rutherford Hayes and Mr. Samuel Tilden, we absolutely cannot accept this statement, and hope that some people are ready, we will organize an investigation committee to investigate the source of these statements, if If it is true, then the responsible person will definitely be punished. If there is no such incident, then the responsible person will also be punished. "Arthur's righteous words at the press conference and claimed that some people will be held accountable Put the word responsibility on the newspaper.

"Mr. Governor, are you going to control the news?" A reporter wearing the "Echo" logo did not wait for the host of the conference to name, raised his hand and asked his question aloud.

If such a person appeared at the press conference site of Junma Group, I am afraid that they would be invited out by the staff immediately.

But here is the press conference of the state government. The state government is not as tough as Steed Group, so although Arthur hated it, he responded to this problem positively.

"New York State will never regulate the press. Freedom of speech is a basic right of everyone. The state government will never touch it, but I also want to ask you a question, what is your so-called freedom of speech? Is it baseless? Do you want to know that freedom is the right not to undermine the freedom of others? If a reporter speaks out in a newspaper, it will also infringe on the freedom of others. Such freedom does not exist. "Arthur's answer won a warm scene. Applause. Although journalists from Republican-oriented newspapers such as Time Magazine are coaxing it, it can truly reflect the definition of "freedom" by most people.

Many people mention "freedom" and immediately let their eyes shine, as if these two words are a gold medal for death prevention. As long as the words "freedom" are hanging on their lips, they can do everything. In fact, absolute freedom does not exist at all. In most cases in this world, what is more important than freedom is "moderate". No matter what, once it is excessive, good things will become bad things.

Arthur is now a qualified politician. He is very talkative. In the governor election, even Democratic candidates are not Arthur's opponents, let alone a small reporter, not at all a level.

"Then what do you mean by punishing some people?" Although the reporter of the Echo newspaper blushed, he still persisted and wanted to get back somewhere.

"Can it be punished for making mistakes? Maybe you really think so, but definitely not here for me, you have been entangled here all the time, because it is because the political party you support has been defeated in the election, so you are unhappy, But what I want to remind you is that since the result has already come out, it cannot be changed, so instead of entanglement here, it is better to go back and think about how to win back in other states. "Although Arthur did not say, but The meaning in the words is also very vicious.

The biggest reason the Democrats have been scorning the Republican Party is "corruption politics." Looking at this situation as if the Republicans step down, corruption will disappear from American politics.

In fact, no one knows what will happen if the Democrats come to power. Because the Democrats have never won in these years, the Republicans have really made a mistake in this matter because they have no footnotes to fight back.

Now, the reporters of the Echo newspaper are entangled and have been questioning the election results. This is tantamount to giving Arthur a word of truth. How can you build a fair and just and honest government with your attitude?

"Please follow the order of the press conference. If someone violates the rules, then you can only ask the staff to invite him out!" The host's response this time was finally quick, and it was blocked before the Echo reporter asked a question. Stopped his mouth.

The next press conference went smoothly. After answering a few painless questions, the press conference ended, and the dispute over the election results ends here.

Of course, the Democratic Party will continue to call grievances in the newspaper. Some people will still question the election results, but this is no longer the mainstream voice.

In the next two days, the results of the elections in New England were announced.

As expected by Li Mu, the Republican Party won a great victory in New England, and Hayes thus had all the electoral votes in New England, laying a solid foundation for winning the election.

There are six states in New England. New York is not in these six states. They are Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.

These six states are traditional Republican ballots. They have always been strong supporters of the Republican Party. From Vermont, from 1856 to 1988, Vermont was a strong supporter of the Republican Party. They have never changed their beliefs. .

Considering the economic status of the New England region in the United States, the election results in the New England region are also considered to be the weathervane of the US general election. The Republican Party did a lot of work in the New England region before the general election, thereby guaranteeing the votes in the New England region. Both will play a key role in the outcome of the election.

Of course, after years of hard work, the Democrats also have their own firm votes, such as in South Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, and Louisiana, Samuel · Tilden also defeated Hayes and won all electoral votes in these six states.

This is also normal. These six states were traditional slave states before the Civil War, so it is also reasonable for them to support the Democratic Party. The Republican Party is ready to lose these electoral votes, so this will not affect the final result.

However, the Democratic Party ’s good luck ends here. In the following election results, except for the Democratic Party in Texas, which defeated the Republican Party, in all the remaining votes, the Republican Party went all the way to defeat the Democratic Party with absolute advantage. Thus successfully re-elected.

Oh, actually, when the Democratic Party announced the victory, the Hawaiian result has not yet passed, but this can't change the final result, the Republican Party already has the victory.

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