Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 589: Budget

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Before the election began, Democrats also fantasised that they would drive the Republican Party out of the White House through this election.

What is unexpected is that the 1876 election was actually the worst defeat for the Democratic Party in recent years. This is unexpected.

In the original history, the election in 1876 was very difficult. Hayes and Samuel Tilden were inextricably killed. Until the last moment, they had not yet determined the victory. In the end, they had to rely on the election committee's ruling. Hayes struggled to win.

This election in history is known as the most doubtful election in American history, so it is remembered in history.

Now, of course, don't worry about this statement. As the Republican Party's rare overall victory over the Democratic Party in recent years, the 1876 election did have the qualification to remember the annals of history, but in another way.

What makes Li Mu a little regret is that although he has been successfully elected as president, Ulysses S. Grant's term has not yet arrived. Hayes will not be able to take office until March next year, so within the next three months, The United States actually has two presidents, but Hayes has no real power for the time being.

After Hayes won, he returned to Ohio as usual and held a grand celebration.

Li Mu did not participate in the celebration ceremony. When everyone was rushing to shoot Hayes's fart, Li Mu came to Washington to burn the cold stove of Ulysses S. Grant.

It ’s not a cold stove, after all, Ulysses Grant is still the President of the United States. Although Ulysses Grant is about to step down after more than three months, according to practice, Ulysses S. Grant also has Will enjoy the presidential treatment and still have a certain political influence, so it is too early to say "cold stove".

Even so, it is clear that Ulysses S. Grant is about to become a yellow flower of yesterday. Compared to the past, the current presidential palace can truly be regarded as a doorstep.

In the Presidential Palace, Li Mu was already the acquaintance of the number one, so the day Li Mu arrived in Washington, he was given the opportunity to meet Ulysses S. Grant.

"Ah, my dear Rim, it is rare that you still remember me. I suspect that I have been forgotten. Fortunately, you are here, which makes me feel that I am still the President of the United States." Ulysses S. Grant said in his words With self-deprecating and lonely.

"Mr. President, this is part of the game, isn't it ..." Li Mu was also quite speechless. If Ulysses Grant wasn't overly arrogant, maybe Ulysses Grant could really be re-elected for the second time.

Probably Ulysses Grant himself did not expect that he did not even get the qualification for party nomination, which made all preparations for Ulysses Grant meaningless, and Li Mu's value could not be exerted.

Fortunately, there is Hayes, so Li Mu really made the world realize the value of Time Magazine. This is Li Mu ’s biggest achievement in supporting Hayes.

"Yes, this is part of the game, I am too greedy, otherwise the result should be better ..." Ulysses Grant can now calm down to recall the gains of the past eight years. Unfortunately, it does, but there is no chance. Make up, this is life.

"Think of something happy, haven't you always wanted to take your wife to travel the world? Now the opportunity is finally available, and Congress will not stare at your every move in the future. Life is just beginning where you want to go. Well, you have to grasp it well. "Li Mu really wanted to drive, at least better than Ulysses Grant.

Li Mu's words did play a role, although Ulysses Grant's expression was still depressed, but his mental state was obviously better.

"You're right. My next plan is to travel around the world. I'm ready. I will go to Qingguo at the first stop. To be honest, if it were not for you, I would definitely not have such a great interest in Qingguo. "Ulysses Grant is still very good at regulating emotions. In his life, he was the commander-in-chief of the Northern Alliance, led the Northern Army to defeat the South, and maintained the unity of the United States. He subsequently served as the president of the United States twice, although The process has been mixed, but it has also seen countless gales and waves, and this still has some psychological qualities.

In fact, it is not yet time to set a conclusion for Ulysses Grant. Although Ulysses Grant has been criticized in the history of the United States, judging from his experience after leaving office, Ulysses · Grant does not owe personal privacy.

In the original history, Ulysses S. Grant did travel around the world after leaving office, but he did not live happily in his later years. He was impoverished when he died, and actually owed huge debts. Later, Ulysses S. Grant's wife, after Ulysses Grant's death, relied on Ulysses Grant's autobiographical royalties to pay off her foreign debt.

Although the corruption of the U.S. government during the administration of Ulysses S. Grant was indeed alarming, judging from Ulysses S. Grant's personal possessions, he was indeed cheaper than most officials of this era.

So where is the problem?

Li Mu doesn't know, maybe in the great whirlpool of this era, all people can only follow the current, and it is commendable to be able to achieve personal privacy without owing it.

Because of this, Li Mushang retains a respect for Ulysses S. Grant and is willing to hire Ulyss S. Grant as a senior adviser to Steed Group after Ulyss S. Grant leaves office.

This consultant is not free. Li Mu's salary is higher than the federal government's salary to the president, so even if Ulysses Grant no longer writes autobiography in his life, he probably won't owe too much foreign debt. .

"Let's talk, what's the matter of coming to me that will make you prefer not to participate in the celebration ceremony of the new president." Ulysses Grant knows that Li Mu's character is in the Temple of the Three Treasures. Since he came to Washington, then Li Mu It must be something else.

"Purchasing plan for 1877 ..." Li Mu wanted to play for a while and only talked about Ulysses Grant, but this easily misunderstood Ulysses Grant and thought that Li Mu came because of pity and sympathy. Washington, that's a big problem.

Although Ulysses Grant's situation is indeed very embarrassing, as the President of the United States, Ulysses Grant has his own dignity, so Li Mu has not been able to speak up. If so, it would make Ulysses Grant is more receptive.

Regarding the federal government's procurement plan for 1877, it has been considered in Congress from half a year ago. The reason why it has not passed for so long is the most controversial cost of buses.

In the 1877 budget proposed by the federal government, the cost of purchasing a bus reached a record $ 25 million. It is precisely because of this cost that Congress has been cautious, and until now there has been no result.

Of the $ 25 million in bus expenses, $ 19 million of the order was for Junma Motors, and the remaining $ 6 million was for Vanderbilt Motors.

In terms of performance alone, Junma Automobile's performance is definitely much stronger than Vanderbilt Automobile, but considering political balance, Junma Automobile Company cannot swallow this huge cake in one fell swoop.

In recent times, William Vanderbilt has also been running in Washington. Although Vanderbilt Motors has received orders that are far less than the orders of Junma Motors, but for Vanderbilt Motors, it has already been It was an unexpected surprise. William Vanderbilt was also very content. He was very satisfied to get the order. As for swallowing it, he didn't even think about it.

"Rim, you have really given me a big problem ..." Ulysses Grant leaned on the back of the chair in embarrassment, rubbing his head with both hands, and it looked like he was a little sloppy.

Under normal circumstances, as early as October 1876, Congress should pass the federal government's 1877 budget, so as not to affect the operation of the federal government, but because this year is a general election year, this process has been repeated Pushing, it looks like it was postponed until 1877.

This result is of course unacceptable to Li Mu. When Hayes came to power, he did n’t know what the situation would be. God knew whether the guy with “fairness and justice” in his mind would modify the budget, so Li Mu would come to Washington and strive for finances. The budget can be passed as soon as possible.

"How can this be a problem? Shouldn't the government budget be approved as soon as possible? Shouldn't public vehicles be purchased in a timely manner? Shouldn't domestic companies vigorously support it? Since all this is OK, then we should decide early In order for the federal government to continue, otherwise ... the consequences are really unthinkable ... "Li Mu's words are not groundless, and the federal government is not unstoppable, but that is a matter of the 21st century. Li Mu does not want the federal government to do so now. Stop.

Of course, the key is that if the 1877 budget cannot be passed in time, then the Junma Group will lose the largest single order in history, even if it is Li Mu's wealthy, it will be pained.

"Yes, the consequences are indeed unimaginable, but you should also know, Riem, that the majority party in Congress is now the Democratic Party, and our Republican Party is the ruling party. The Democratic Party cannot defeat us in the election, so we use insidious tricks outside the market. I also think that Congress can pass the budget as soon as possible, but unfortunately it is not up to me. "Ulysses Grant smiled wryly, his face full of helplessness.

The president is not a panacea, especially when the opposition party occupies a majority of seats in Congress, as the representative of the ruling party, the position of the president is a bit awkward.

Ulysses S. Grant is in this embarrassment now. On the one hand, the Democrats are pulling the backs of the Republicans in Congress and on the other hand, they are scolding the Republicans for not doing anything. This is a double standard, but unfortunately, Ulysses Grant is also powerless to change the status quo.

The only way to change the status quo is to retake the majority seat in Congress. Considering that Congress re-elects only one-third every two years, so at least it will not be until the end of next year.

"Of course, the budget needs to be reviewed and approved by Congress before the federal government can get authorization, but we are not completely powerless. I believe that it is man-made. As long as we persistently work hard for this, the results will be satisfactory." Standard idealists do not think that there is no way around this.

Although the Democratic Party is currently the majority party in the Congress, it does not represent that the strength of the Democratic Party occupies a dominant position in the Congress. The so-called "majority party" refers to the number of Democratic members more than Republicans among all members of Congress. Members of parliament, but in addition to these two points, there are some non-partisans in the Congress, and even some members of parliament who have party membership will not be completely consistent when voting. These people are the main forces that Li Mu strives for. With the support of these people, Republicans can still overwhelm Democrats in Congress.

Doesn't that sound a little sloppy?

In fact, politics is so magical. Republicans will not always support Republicans in the voting in Congress, and Democrats are the same. Once their own interests are involved, their positions may change at any time.

"Well, I try my best, but I can't guarantee the time." Ulysses Grant kinda gave me face, perhaps more because Li Mu will be the future boss of Ulysses Grant.

Be the president's boss!

This fact makes Li Mu a little proud. Although the boss is a bit "unsound and unsound", he is not very confident in front of the "employees", but Li Mu is excited enough to wait for Ulysses Grant to join the Junma Group. The reputation of the Steed Group will go to a higher level, and Ulysses Grant will continue to play the remaining heat, ah, that's more.

"It's enough, I will contact the familiar members in the evening, and we will advance together." Li Mu will not take all the responsibilities to himself, after all, this is also good for the Vanderbilt family, so William Fan De Bilt has to work too.

In the evening, Li Mu held a banquet at his home on the shore of the Lake of Sakura, and met again with a group of members familiar with Li Mu. On the one hand, he celebrated Hayes's successful election, and on the other hand, he worked hard to promote Congress to pass the 1877 budget as soon as possible.

Of all the guests, Chen Guofang came first.

After seeing Li Mu, Chen Guofang was a little bit upset.

"Rem, thank you very much. I can't express my gratitude in words ..." It was the first time Chen Guofang was so kind to Li Mu.

In this election, the state of Hawaii, as the only solitary state, exercised its voting right for the first time, which is of great significance to the state of Hawaii. From now on, another new political force is born.

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