Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 590: Do what you want

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Although Alaska joined the United States earlier than Hawaii, considering that Alaska now has almost no permanent population, Hawaii's statehood was actually earlier than Alaska.

Speaking of Alaska, although this vast land already belongs to the United States, there are not many Americans living there. So far, the official statistics on the population of Alaska are only over 1,000 people. Compared with the area of ​​Alaska, This is a pitifully small population.

In the new year, Li Mu intends to continue to increase immigration efforts and strive to transport 20,000 to 30,000 Chinese people to the United States each month. In this way, for another year or two, Li Mu can begin to immigrate to Alaska. With more than 100,000 people, it is enough to form an absolute population advantage in Alaska. By that time ...

Hmm, do n’t say, do n’t say.

When it comes to immigration, Chen Guofang is also very interested. After all, in this presidential election, Chen Guofang really realized the benefits of being crowded.

Before Li Mu came to the United States, the Chinese had never paid much attention to the so-called sacred vote. Even if they had the right to vote, the Chinese were always perfunctory and would not use the right to vote for more rights for themselves.

Li Mu gave the Chinese an excellent demonstration, so that the Chinese really realized the role of voting rights, and Chen Guofang was very enthusiastic about immigration.

At present, Li Mu ’s immigration route is to ship people from the Qing Empire to Ryukyu, and then after a period of restorative conditioning in Ryukyu, they are then sent from Ryukyu to Hawaii. In Hawaii, the Chinese will conduct the first diversion. People will choose to stay in Hawaii to thrive, and more people are still yearning for the mainland. They will continue to land east from San Francisco, and then from San Francisco to New York, Springfield, and Miami.

Miami is a transit station. The Chinese who choose to come here will continue to sail south from here to Cuba. In Cuba, they will also be well taken care of.

Considering the cost of this journey, immigration is not free. On average, each person pays a US $ 100 immigration fee to Pacific Rim.

Of course, many people ca n’t afford the money at all, but it does n’t matter. They can choose to work for Li Mu. In the future salary, Li Mu will gradually deduct the money.

In addition to paid immigration, many people have been bought by Pacific Rim companies from traffickers in various parts of the country. Most of these people are women and children, and their immigration costs are higher, at an average of about $ 150 per person.

These people were not Li Mu's slaves. They arrived in the United States as American citizens, but after they arrived in the United States, each of them had to pay Pacific Rim a $ 300 fee, which could also be deducted from future salaries.

Although there is still a profit, in fact, these profits will be realized in the future. Therefore, the current Pacific Rim company's expenditure on immigration alone can reach more than 2 million US dollars per month, which is Li Mucai. So spare no effort to immigrate to the United States and change individuals, even if this idea is available, it can not be implemented.

The reason why he spared no effort, of course, Li Mu is also selfish. Chinese people want to live better in the United States. First of all, they must be able to make a louder voice. This requires a larger population base, not too much. 1 million Chinese, then the Chinese will have power that no one can ignore.

Compared with Mexicans and blacks, the biggest advantage of Chinese people is that they have better economic ability. Most Chinese people can set up a family business in just a few years through hard work and then take root in the United States.

Once they take root, because of their stable tax payment records, these Chinese people will basically have the right to vote. As a result, the Chinese are at least stronger in politics than Mexicans and blacks.

The current population of the United States is 45 million, of which the total population of blacks and Mexicans is about 7 million. As far as Li Mu is aware, only 500,000 of these 7 million people have the right to vote, and even less. Imagine how bad the financial situation of Mexicans and blacks should be.

In comparison, the financial situation of the Chinese is much better. For the Chinese, saving has almost become an instinct, so most Chinese can build a family business in a short time. Of course, this is grateful to Li Mu and Junma Group Asylum, if there is no Li Mu and Junma Group, even if the Chinese can save their possessions, they may not be able to keep it, as evidenced by the San Francisco riots that day.

Attending Li Mu's dinner in the evening, in addition to a group of old friends, there are several new faces joined. They are Senator Marcus Sawyer from Hawaii, and Adam Hopkins from Indiana. Congressman, and Senator Benson Black, also from Indiana.

Li Mu ’s initiative to develop Indiana farms has already begun to bear fruit. In the past year, more than 5,000 Chinese came to Indiana. Their identity is a new generation of farmers and they also have voting rights in their hands. This makes Indiana ’s Both senators can't wait to move closer to Li Mu.

Marcus Sawyer is a French national. In the by-election in the middle of the year, Marcus Sawyer became the second senator in Hawaii. The Chinese influence in Hawaii is no doubt, so regardless of Ma Kuth Sawyer is unwilling to do so, he must be consistent with Li Mu, otherwise, it is estimated that he can only serve one term in the senator.

Li Mu welcomed several new friends, especially Adam and Benson from Indiana. Li Mu's enthusiasm could melt them.

"... Next year, we will continue to develop the land in Indiana. Next year, Junma Motor will also develop new agricultural machinery. The use of machinery will strongly promote the development of agriculture. If a cow can reach two people, Then the efficiency of an agricultural machine is enough to shame 20 people. It is believed that it won't be long before Indiana will become the new granary in the United States. "Li Mu's skilled painting of biscuits, said Adam and Benson, with both eyes glowing.

Li Mu himself owns nearly 8 million acres of land in Indiana. These lands are currently under development at less than one percent. It will take at least 5 million people to fully develop these lands without relying on agricultural machinery.

As Indiana senators, Adam and Benson are well aware of the advantages and disadvantages of Indiana. As an inland state, Indiana has not yet discovered large-scale natural resources. Agriculture is the only advantage Indiana can rely on. This is also Adam and The reason for Benson's active approach to Li Mu is that only by fully developing Indiana's land will the Indiana government's revenue increase and the two senators' voices and influence will increase accordingly.

"We are preparing to push the state government to pass a law to increase the development of the farm, give the farm certain financial subsidies, and set the minimum price of agricultural products to protect the interests of farmers. I believe that these measures by the state government will definitely make farmers We get real benefits. "Adam is a middle-aged white man in his early 50s. Although he looks good, he has a very old face, and his hair and beard are already gray.

"Thank you, this is exactly what I want to say. To change the status quo in a state, it is absolutely impossible to rely on the efforts of only a few people. This requires us to work together and up and down so that the economy can develop in a healthy, stable and orderly manner." Li Mu He praised the Indiana government ’s move. He is the largest farmer in Indiana. The Indiana government ’s move is equivalent to giving Li Mu money. Such money would be offended if he did not collect it.

The so-called financial subsidy, the state government has the final say, and everyone who handles it will definitely get a lot of benefits, so this is a hello, my hello, good thing everyone, Li Mu doesn't want to, and can't refuse.

"The day after tomorrow the Senate will hold a regular meeting and we will push Congress to pass the 1877 budget again. If this time is still unsuccessful, I think we can give Mr. Martin a little color. Since he has always disapproved, then we let the federal The government is closed. "Burnside knew what Li Mu wanted and provoked the topic.

In this room, Burnside's qualifications are the oldest, so Burnside's speech has always been the most unscrupulous, and it is even more reckless to hold people up.

The full name of "Mr. Martin" is Martin Robinson. He is the leader of the Democratic Party in the Senate. This is because Martin has been stumbling from it, so the 1877 budget was delayed.

"That's exactly what Martin would like to see. If the federal government really shuts down, then this is another shame for our Republicans, so this can't happen anyway." Benjamin Harrison was the calmest, and he became more politically With maturity, future achievements must be much higher than Burnside.

The failure of the Democratic Party in the election campaign did not suffice the Democratic Party, but made them more frustrated and courageous, and continued to find Republican troubles.

If the 1877 budget cannot be passed, then the federal government will definitely close, at least those insignificant departments will be completely inoperable. If this happens, people will not care what caused this situation. Whatever, because the Republican Party is on stage, the Republican Party will be under tremendous pressure.

This trick is not poisonous. The key is that the Republican Party is not easy to crack, because there are indeed personal factors in this budget, so in the end, if you really tear your face, everyone can't please it.

"Don't we have any way to deal with that old dog?" Burnside also had no choice but to yell when he lost control.

Don't think that politicians are personable, that's just the image they deliberately created when facing the public. Private politicians will also scold others, and if they are in a hurry, they will fight, and they will also go to the toilet ...

Of course, this kind of fighting only happens in some private occasions. As the highest authority in the United States, the Senate still needs to be decent, so the members of the Senate are known for their good tempers. They do n’t fight. Just curse.

"We can use the power of the media to tell the public exactly what is happening, which will definitely make Democrats converge." In the election campaign just past, Time's performance impressed Samuel as " Former editor-in-chief of Time Magazine, Samuel now understands how narrow his previous understanding of public opinion was.

Do n’t look at the meaning of Samuel ’s meaning, there is actually a lot of room for maneuverability. Since it is to expose the “true face” of the Democratic Party in the newspaper, then it is necessary to properly guide public opinion, and this is exactly what Samuel ’s Expertise.

"We can give it a try, which is a good way." Li Mu is also actively involved in brainstorming.

In fact, to deal with a stubborn person like Martin, Li Mu wants to buy a gunman directly to kill him. This is the simplest and most direct way.

This is the politics of the United States. Compared with some people, Li Mu's actions are nothing compared to some people. If you think about how many presidents died in the history of the United States, you can understand where the moral bottom line of politicians is.

Of course, less than a last resort, Li Mu will never take that step. Li Mu has now deeply realized a truth. The greater the power he has, the more he should have sufficient self-control, so buying gunmen to kill opponents can be repeated. Rather, once you are used to this violent solution, you will have no time to look back.

"We still have to be cautious. After all, the Democrats also have their own newspapers, and they will also speak up." Benjamin Harrison has reluctantness to the presidential election that has just passed. This is the first presidential election in the history of the United States to play a leading role in newspapers. "New things," Benjamin Harrison is conservative.

"Do you mean" The Echo "? Don't worry, they have announced the suspension of publication." As Li Mu expected, the business model of the "Echo" is destined to be impossible to adhere to for a long time, so the election results were announced At that time, when the Echo newspaper stopped publication, it was the consensus of almost everyone.

Of course, the Democratic Party is also reluctant to abandon their painstaking public opinion positions, so the Echo newspaper declared that it was temporarily suspended for rectification, not a complete suspension.

However, this is also useless. Under the high pressure of the New York Journalists Association, it is difficult for the Echo to get back on track, so this rectification is destined to be a long-term one. Even if the Echo is reissued in the future, it is estimated that it will change its appearance. Repackage.

"Discontinued ... It's a pity ..." Samuel was a bit sorry when he heard the news. He really likes the media industry. Samuel has stated many times that if the current senator, Samuel will return to his beloved. Media industry.

Li Mu also promised Samuel that Li Mu will always be reserved for Samuel.

That's what really works.

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