Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 593: invalid objection

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Although Gloria had known that there would be such a day, only when the day really came, Gloria realized that she was not as strong as she had imagined, and that there should be jealousy.

Li Mu was let off by Gloria, without explanation or stop. When Gloria's mood calmed down a little, Li Mu hugged Gloria tenderly and firmly, and said gently after a long time: " Are you ready for the engagement ceremony? "

The rhythm was good, and Gloria immediately stopped struggling not so drastically: "You just went to bed with another woman, and now you talk to me about the engagement ceremony, don't you think you are too shameless? "

This, it seems a bit shameless to hear Gloria say this, but Li Mu will not be stumped by this level of problem, shameless is shameless, anyway, it was not Gloria who said: " Okay, okay, the person who got engaged to me is you, so obediently, don't bother with Chu Xue in the future. "

"Ha!" Gloria smiled angrily, twisted her head and glared at Li Mu, almost all of which sparked in her eyes: "In order to be more in line with your life, I deliberately learned about your Chinese family structure, according to You say that, after the first snow, I will be the boss, I'm Xiaoyi, how can I go to trouble with the wife ... "

Gloria did use her mind. When it comes to "little sister" and "madam", they all use Chinese, and it seems that they have long been mentally prepared.

Psychologically prepare something, which is standard materialism. The so-called standing does not have backache, and has not experienced it personally. No one can be sure whether his mental capacity can be strong to a certain degree.

Obviously, Gloria's mental capacity is still not strong enough.

"You are a Ming media marrying, so you are the boss ..." Li Mu looked serious.

In fact, in Li Mu's heart, there is really no difference between the boss and Xiaoyin. Gloria and Chu Xue have the same weight in Li Mu's heart, otherwise Li Mu does not have to be so entangled. He eats the bowl and occupies the bowl. .

"Hum ..." Gloria felt a little comfortable, but still hummed dissatisfied.

Sandy opened the door at the right time and finally rescued Li Mu: "Rim, there is a telegram from Washington. Would you like to bring it to you?"

"Of course ..." Li Mu had a bad hunch in his heart. He had just returned from Washington, and a telegram was coming after him. Bacheng was not a good thing.

Sure enough, the content of the telegram made Li Mu blaze. At the just-concluded regular meeting of the Senate, the Senate finally passed the 1877 government budget. The total order for the auto part was still $ 25 million, but the share was adjusted to steed. The car company was 17 million, and Vanderbilt Motors received 8 million. Compared with previous orders, Junma Motors had a full US $ 2 million less.

"It's so ridiculous. How did such a budget pass?" Li Mu was furious. So many of his own people in the Senate are all waste, not even the things that have been caught on his plate. It was wrapped in corpses.

The telegram sent was not just one, and several more telegrams were sent soon, and Li Mu gradually understood the truth of the matter.

William Vanderbilt's tactics were effective. No one was willing to oppose a tycoon who had fallen into madness. Before the regular meeting of the Democrats, members of the Democratic Party had a small-scale communication with Republican members. With a slight fine-tuning of the budget, car orders are part of it.

Of course, it is not all bad news. For example, Ulysses Grant murmured in the telegram that he would give Junma Automobile a greater concession in subsequent operations to make up for the loss of Li Mu. This finally made Li Mu reluctant. acceptable.

Overall, this result is very good. Although the total order is 2 million less, Junma Motors still accounts for the bulk. Li Mu didn't think about swallowing all the orders in one bite, eating meat by himself, always leaving it to others. Mouth to drink, so this ratio is also good, maybe there will be other unexpected gains.

Vanderbilt Motor Company's production capacity was originally insufficient. William Vanderbilt tried to lift the hidden danger by increasing the unit price. In fact, this method is a hidden danger in itself. The higher the unit price, the worse the cost performance. The Bilt Motors lawsuit may now fool past. After all the cars are delivered, in the subsequent use, Vanderbilt Motors 'product problems will become more and more, and naturally, the performance of Junma Motors' products will be more and more stable. And relatively speaking, it can be called "quality and cheap."

So let's go, it's too early for anyone to make the decision.

Because of the presidential election, throughout the second half of the year, New York and Washington were in chaos. By December, the situation had finally disappeared. At the same time, in the distant Far East, the curtain of war had just begun.

In December in Ryukyu, Bai Qi already had 15,000 troops available. These 15,000 people were new recruits who had received basic system training. They can already be described as soldiers.

At the same time, in the training camp, there are still close to 20,000 people being trained. Within the next three months, the 20,000 people will also be fully trained. By then, they will have the power to counterattack Japan ...

No, it's not white, it's Ryukyu's ability to counterattack Japan.

"These soldiers are soldiers of the Ryukyu Kingdom, not mercenaries of our steed group, and our steward group will definitely not recognize that these soldiers have any relationship with us, so if there is a war, it is also a state action between the two countries. , Has nothing to do with other people. "In the face of Tokugawa's words, Bai Qi was righteous and not embarrassed.

The Japanese ambassador to the United States is still crying everywhere in Washington, accusing Junma Group of interference in Japan ’s internal affairs. Although the President ’s Palace and the State Council ignored the cry of the Japanese ambassador to the United States, the impact is still there, so Li Muxiang Bai Qi repeatedly gave three orders and five applications, and he must bring a doorkeeper.

"Either way, this war is positioned between nations, and it is more conducive to our follow-up operations." Although Tokugawa Lihyuan does not oppose Bai Qi's attitude, it is still a bit regrettable.

In the United States, Junma Group is just a commercial company. At best, it is a commercial company with a certain industry background. Ordinary people know that Junma Group has huge strength, but there is no more intuitive understanding of this.

It's different in East Asia. Although Junma Group is a Chinese-founded enterprise, after all, it is in the name of the United States, so to some extent, in the eyes of East Asians, Junma Group is equal to the US government.

It is not surprising to make such an impression. The "company" in this period is originally a freak compared to the company in the 21st century. For example, the famous East India company is also an equal name in East Asia and the British government. Yes, they can wage war at will, and they can manipulate regime change in many countries. They cannot be defined by a "company".

The Steed Group is also currently on this path. Now the Steed Group has controlled Ryukyu. If the Steed Group can still control Japan, let alone in East Asia, that is, worldwide, the Steed Group will have no less than East. The strength of Indian companies.

And it was the heyday of the East India Company.

Against this background, Tokugawa Liyan certainly hopes that he can publicly play the banner of the Junma Group. This will also make Tokugawa Liyan's work smoother and easier to weave a huge intelligence network.

In fact, when Tokugawa advocates in Japan, they are playing the banner of the Junma Group, not the Ryukyu Kingdom.

Japan is a country of bullying and fearlessness. In the face of the strong, they humble their knees, and in the face of the weak, they brave their powers. Regardless of whether they are humble or valiant, they can do it with peace of mind.

In the minds of ordinary Japanese, the Steed Group from the United States is obviously more daunting. Relatively speaking, the power of the Ryukyu Kingdom is much smaller. The Japanese have never seen Ryukyu. In the eyes of most Japanese people, Ryukyu is a capable person. The country that allows them to get what they want, so if Tokugawa insists on playing the banner of the Ryukyu Kingdom, it really won't necessarily inspire many people to oppose the Emperor Meiji.

"What we need now is a reason, one that can declare war on Japan, and at the same time can be justified." After more than half a year's preparation, Bai Qi is now ready for everything, only due to Dongfeng, just insert a reason, Bai Qi can Raise the flag of righteousness.

"Isn't snow shame enough for the Ryukyu Kingdom?" Tokugawa didn't think so much, because the reason was to come.

"This reason ... We may accept it, but in the future ... I'm afraid it's inappropriate ..." Bai Qi murmured, and he would not say anything directly.

"What do you mean?" Tokugawa didn't know if he was really stupid or fake stupid.

It should be foolish ... otherwise, the shogunate's vision of picking heirs is too bad.

"Not enough, not enough. We need to think about it and find a sufficient reason." Bai Qi didn't talk nonsense. After seeing Tokugawa's refusal to hook, Bai Qi was ready to bring tea to the guests. Anyway, Bai Qi did not Anxious to counterattack Japan. For Bai Qi, Japan is now a sashimi that has been plated and can be eaten at any time.

"General Bai, are you worried about the King of Thailand ..." Tokugawa made a frustration and sighed only to take the initiative to bite the hook.

Shang Tai was the former king of the Ryukyu Kingdom. When the Japanese withdrew from Shuri, together with Shang Tai, they took away a royal family, so the current Shang Tai is in Japan.

So the question came. The Ryukyu Kingdom now has a king. If the Japanese were hurt, and they took the initiative to put the Shangtai family back, would the Ryukyu side be or not?

Hmm, this is really a problem.

This is like the Southern Song Dynasty after Jingkang. Although the Jin Guoren captured the Emperor Qin and Hui, the Southern Song Dynasty immediately helped Gao Zong Zhao Gou as emperor, which made them embarrassed.

Throughout the Southern Song Dynasty, wise men never mentioned the Northern Expedition. Only one person did not know what to do. The one thing they never missed was the Northern Expedition. They were going to smash the Huanglong Mansion to welcome the Emperor Qin and Hui.

A warrior is a warrior. His head does not turn. He sees the problem regardless of the primary and secondary. It is good to spend time with the crowd and sing in the backyard. I have to sleep and try to break the boat. As a result, I was called back by 12 gold medals. "Unnecessarily" was executed.

The meaning of unnecessarily is that there is no need to say that if you die, you deserve to die.

Now the situation in Ryukyu is the same as that of the Southern Song Dynasty. If Shang Tai is brought back, who will be the emperor of Ryukyu?

Nominally, Shangtai is more qualified, but the problem is that Shangtai is an adult. He has been an emperor for decades and has his own values ​​of life. Will it still be so obedient to the Junma Group?

Bai Qi meant to solve the problem of Shang Tai first before declaring war with the Japanese.

But this matter, can't be said by Bai Qi, let alone by Bai Qi, or the people of the Junma Group, otherwise, they will not be able to speak with their mouth full.

Therefore, Bai Qi found Tokugawa Liyan, a Japanese, and only Tokugawa Liyan could justify the threat of Shang Tai, and it would not attract rumors.

Since Tokugawa Liyan is on the road, Bai Qi no longer behaves, just smiles and nods at Tokugawa Liyan, everything is in silence.

"Please rest assured that good news will come within ten days." Tokugawa asserted his teeth, and decided to take the initiative to carry this black pot, anyway, Tokugawa asserted that he was not afraid to offend the Ryukyu people.

For more than half a year, Tokugawa Liyan has established a huge intelligence network in Japan. According to the information Bai Bai knows, even Tokugawa Liyan has the eyeliner in the palace, so Tokugawa Liyan is fully capable of doing this. .

After sending away Tokugawa's statement, Bai Qi went to Pan Tingzhen again, and confided his plans and plans.

After listening to Pan Tingzhen, he was silent for a long time, and then sighed after half a ring: "So, there will be General Laubai ..."

Although Shang Tai's attitude towards Yi Tian is not very good, Pan Tingzhen and Shang Tai are also a monarch and a court, after all, they have a certain emotional basis. Therefore, despite the psychological preparation, Pan Tingzhen was still a bit sad.

"It's okay, it's okay. It's not enough to divide things up." When talking to Tokugawa clearly, Bai Qi resolutely refused to take the initiative to speak out. He had to lead Tokugawa to speak by himself. , Bai Qi is extremely frank.

It ’s non-ethnic, and their hearts must be different. Although Tokugawa has spoken Chinese more standard than Pan Tingzhen, after all, Pan Tingzhen is Chinese and Tokugawa is Japanese, so Bai Qi may trust Pan Tingzhen, but forever He will not trust Tokugawa.

"Yes, there must be no two masters in the country. We must resolve this matter first, and then we will decide when to declare war on Japan." To this day, naturally, Pan Tingzhen also has his own opinions, even if he said that, It was useless for Pan Tingzhen to object.

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