Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 594: Greetings

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Pan Tingzhen is now the Prime Minister of Ryukyu, guarding a three-year-old king. Don't mention how much life Pan Tingzhen has had.

In this case, if you really welcome Shang Tai back, it is estimated that Pan Tingzhen is really unhappy.

How good is the three-year-old king. Regardless of what happened to Ryukyu, the Prime Minister can decide everything. If it is Shang Tai in the DPRK, even if Pan Tingzhen has the support of the Steed Group, everything will be inevitable. More comfortable.

So Pan Tingzhen hesitated for a second and immediately agreed with Bai Qi's suggestion.

Since Shang Tai has followed the Japanese to Japan, regardless of whether Shang Tai himself volunteers or not, then for Ryukyu, Shang Tai is already the past tense. Now that it is past, let it be.

Japan has just entered winter in December. Due to the sea, the temperature in winter in Japan is always above zero, but in view of the snow in Japan, the winter in Japan is still relatively cold.

After Shang Tai came to Japan, he was imprisoned in a separate house in Kyoto. In order to better control Shang Tai, the Japanese government forcibly separated Shan Tai from his family ...

That ’s right, it ’s the detention. Although the Japanese nominally take care of Shang Tai in consideration of her physical condition, in fact, she is the detention. She has no family and no servants. She is all Japanese from guards to servants. This is not what detention is.

The winter in Japan was particularly cold this year, perhaps because of the failure in Ryukyu, which cast a shadow over the ongoing Meiji Restoration in Japan. Japan ’s domestic food production has gradually been harvested, and even Suntech ’s food has been cut. Suntech is now daily There are only two meals, each with only a bowl of millet rice, and a dried fish. For a king, this treatment is very crude.

Because there are Japanese people all around, when I first arrived in Japan, Shangtai rarely spoke, and sometimes did not even say a word. If the Japanese government would not send officials from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to visit Shangtai every day, then it can be said that Shangtai has been completely Forgotten by the world.

After staying in the other courtyard for a long time, Shang Tai and his servants became more and more familiar, especially a maid named Mako.

The mother died of his parents, and was raised by an official of the Ministry of the Interior. Under the influence of the family, the mother can speak simple Chinese, so Chinese became the only communication tool between the mother and Shangtai.

This is really unimaginable. One Japanese, one Ryukyu, and two people need to communicate in Chinese. It can only be said that the influence of Chinese on the East Asian cultural circle is too great.

"It's snowing again, Your Majesty, you have to remember to add clothes ..." Looking at the snowflakes outside the window, Mako looked worried, and looked back at Shangtai with pity.

A dignified king has fallen to the point where he is now, and it is really sad that the listener shed tears. A little girl like Mako is most likely to be moved by this sadness.

"Anyway, in this kind of weather, it was originally best to step on snow to find plums, but unfortunately there is no plum to find ..." Shang Tai looked at the snowflakes outside the window with a lonely face, and perhaps thought of a loved one who did not know where he was being held.

The days in Japan are really hard. A king of Shangtai was dignified. In the days of heavy snow, there was not even a cotton coat that could protect against the cold, and he could only put on all the single clothes to protect against the cold. This is really out of style. .

In fact, the life of Ryukyu is not very good, but Shang Tai is a king in Ryukyu and can really enjoy the treatment of the king, so naturally there is no owe in this regard. Until today, he did not really understand the meaning of the phrase "loose phoenix is ​​not as good as chicken" .

"I heard that recently the situation in Kagoshima is tense, and the foreign iron boat on the Ryukyu side has frequently committed crimes. His Majesty still has to take care of his body ..." The relationship between Mako and Shangtai is indeed good. Although it is not obvious, Mako is still A more obscure way to inform Shangtai of outside news.

"Oh, what about it? The current Ryukyu is not the Ryukyu of the past. How could those foreigners be blessed with Ryukyu for no reason? I'm afraid to ask God to send God easily, difficult times, difficult times ..." Shang Tai still Worrying, I don't think the news has something to cheer for.

It seems that Bai Qi and Pan Tingzhen's judgments are correct. An adult king is indeed not easy to be controlled ...

It ’s a matter of personal understanding. Seeing the current Qing Empire, did n’t you make a three-year-old child to be the king ...

"Those foreigners really have conjectures, and those who are not from our ethnic group must be different. Your Majesty still needs to take care." Probably Mariko also understands that it is estimated that Shang Tai has no chance of returning to Ryukyu, so it is very sad between words.

The gate of the courtyard was suddenly opened, and a Tsing Yi man in a kimono stepped in: "Your Majesty, Lord Ogura, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, please see."

ask to see?

I just haha!

Shang Tai didn't answer, just looked at the gate of the courtyard with a slightly mocking expression.

Sure enough, the male servant had just finished the report, and Kokura appeared in front of the courtyard without waiting for Shang Tai to tell him.

"Your Majesty, are you okay ..." Ogura's greetings, and then his eyes swept away, and his face changed suddenly, referring to the sword angering Mako: "Bold slave, such a cold day, even a stove Point, is that how you serve His Majesty the King? "

Mako knelt on the floor beside him, shivering, without excuse or pleading, like a chicken in a kitchen cage, waiting for a fateful judgment.

Mariko also wanted to give Shangtai a stove, but the carbon that was given by the Ministry of Internal Affairs was already finished within a few days after entering the winter. Mariko is also powerless now, so this really doesn't blame her.

There is still no carbon in the yard. Shangtai naturally knows. Seeing Kokura's style, Shangtai doesn't talk, just watching how Kokura continues to perform.

"Your Majesty, these slaves are accustomed to the big hands and feet, and the waiters are not fine enough. I also hope that Her Majesty will not be surprised." Ogura fired for a long time, and then he apologized to Shangtai in a false manner.

"It's okay, Lord Lo Kokura." Shang Tai remained seated on the floor, and did not intend to stand up to meet him. He didn't even give a hand when he spoke, and he was too lazy to do even superficial work.

"I recently had a small nightmare and tried to jeopardize the safety of Her Majesty. I also asked His Majesty to move elsewhere to make a good plan." Ogura's courtesy was thoughtful for a few minutes, and the etiquette made no mistakes.

The so-called "xiaoxiao chaos" is just an excuse. The Japanese government has not noticed Tokugawa's decisive action. "Moving elsewhere" is true. In the past few months in Kyoto, Shangtai has changed several residences. This is not only Just to guard against the shogunate remnants in the country, but also to take precautions against the ravages of the Ryukyu people.

Bai Qi and Pan Tingzhen can think of Shang Tai as a big trouble, and the Japanese government can naturally think of it, so the Japanese government constantly changes the place of Shang Tai, and the average time in each place will definitely not exceed one month.

"Master Lao Kokura ..." Shang Tai didn't have the right to refuse.

All of Sun Tai's current possessions are these single clothes on his body, so Sun Tai does not even need to pack his luggage, and it is enough to be a king in this role.

An ox cart is waiting at the entrance of the other courtyard. The aging cow is pulling an aging ox. This is not the intention of the Japanese government to snub Shangtai. It is because there is not much horsepower in Japan, and there is no car. .

Sitting in the carriage, Shang Tai saw the hand stove in the corner of the carriage at a glance, and could not help feeling sadness from it. This carriage was warmer than the house, which was really speechless.

There were more than a dozen guards around the carriage. Only Shang Tai was seated in the carriage. Mako followed the carriage with a small bag and it seemed that he could stay with Shang Tai.

For Shangtai, this is a blessing.

In order to avoid more troubles, the Japanese government will replace the guards and servants around Shang Tai every so often. Mako is an exception. She came to Shang Tai two months ago, and it is not yet time to replace them.

Seeing that Shangtai closed the window door, there was nothing nonsense in Kokura, and the fake yelled "start to drive", and the ox cart moved slowly.

The cow pulling the cart is really a bit old, so the speed can't be raised at all. When the bull cart is moving, the axle squeaks. "Shang Tai leans on the wall of the box with the shaking of the car and keeps his eyes closed, no matter what." Where the Japanese will send him.

It's the same everywhere, anyway, Shang Tai doesn't have the ability to get rid of Japanese surveillance.

To Shangtai's surprise, Kokura did not get on the bus, but rode a small Mongolian horse in front of the road.

The car dealership was just a moment, and the ox cart came to the gate of the other courtyard with a blue brick wall.

Seeing that Shang Tai entered the yard, Kokura didn't even say hello, so he rode away with Ma Yang, which was extremely impolite.

This courtyard has the same structure as the other courtyards in the past. The high walls of the courtyard are three times deep and three exits. In Kyoto, a place with a lot of soil and gold, ordinary people really can't afford it. Maybe it is the other court of the Princes.

At this point, Mako can finally give Shang Tai a brazier, Shang Tai, to warm him up. With the hot fire, you are finally comfortable.

That's right, the current Shang Tai doesn't even fantasize about returning to Ryukyu as a king. It is already Shang Tai's greatest expectation to have a brazier to keep out the cold in winter.

"Your Majesty, I found a few coats in the back room. You will wear them first, and I will change them." Mako behaved virtuously, and made a cotton coat quietly, which made Shang Tai feel warm for a while.

After a simple dinner, according to Shang Tai's life rules, it is almost time to rest at this time, but Shang Tai has just arrived in a new environment today, and it is estimated that he can't sleep yet, so he pulls Mako to chat in the living room.

"At this time, if you can get a glass of sake and drink it, it will be fulfilled ..." Shang Tai's requirements are so high, a dignified king, the ideal is so humble, it really makes people feel sore inside.

Mariko is the most uncomfortable one. As soon as Shang Tai's voice fell, Mariko knelt down and didn't dare to lift her head.

Get a brazier, a cotton coat, or something. Maybe you can pick up a leak. Luxury items like sake can't be found.

That ’s right, in Japan, sake can already be regarded as a luxury product. Although the degree of wine is relatively low, it is also obtained after fermentation with grain. However, this year ’s Japanese agriculture is not harvested. The sake produced can be used for the prince. It is not easy for ministers to use it, as far as Shangtai is concerned.

"Your Majesty, the slave simmered a cup of boiling water in the back, let's drink a cup of boiling water ..." A male servant walked in quickly, holding a teapot with a missing corner.

The boiled water is also good, and chat is better than nothing.

Shang Tai took the cup at will, and did not rush to drink water, but warmed his hands by the temperature on the wall of the cup.

In fact, Shangtai is a maid next to Mako, and the rest of the guards and servants are all male.

This is one of the measures adopted by the Japanese to isolate Shangtai, and it is also a common practice of the Japanese.

Relatively speaking, the Japanese today are not as extreme as the later generations. At least the Japanese government did not arrange a "boyfriend" for Shang Tai. It is estimated that only the last emperor of the Joseon Dynasty in Korea would be eligible.

After all, the water in the cup was limited. After sipping the cup in the living room for a long time, Shangtai finally felt a touch of warmth. While the water in the cup had not cooled down, Shangtai drank the water from the cup and slammed the silver needle in In your own sleeve.

Being a king, Shang Tai is naturally not stupid. Silver Needle is one of Shang Tai's necessary tools. No matter what you eat or drink, Shang Tai must first check to beware of poisoning.

Speaking of "silver needle test for poison", it does have a certain truth. It works well against silver poisons such as arsenic, but other than that, silver needles can hardly detect any toxins, so this is just Suntai himself. Just a psychological comfort.

After watching the snow scene for a long time, drinking a long day of boiling water, and finally it was time to go to bed. Shang Tai passed the cotton coat and walked to the bedroom.

The temperature in the bedroom is generally higher than that in the living room. Shangtai walked into the bedroom and uncontrollably loosened his cotton shirt.

It's really warm. There is a fireplace in this room, as well as an earthen figure. This is the use of both the eastern and western cold protection tools.

If you drink too much water, of course you can't help but go to the toilet. Just before going to bed, Shang Tai also needs to be convenient, so you don't have to get up at night.

The facilities in the bedroom are quite complete. The toilet is located in the corner of the bedroom and separated by a screen. Just after Shang Tai turned the screen, he found that a man in black was standing there with his hands copied.

"Who are you?" Shang Tai is very strange. Usually, even if someone is here, it can only be a real child. The person in front of him has never met.

As a king, Shang Tai still has a little freedom of his own. For example, without Shang Tai's permission, no one is allowed to enter and leave Shang Tai's bedroom at will, so it would be so strange for Shang Tai to see strangers in the bedroom.

The man in black looked up and smiled weirdly, and he gave a polite manner, saying what made Shang Tai shudder: "Your Majesty, the King of Ryukyu asked me to say hello ..."

"You ..." Shang Tai was shocked, and only said a word, he saw the man in black, and flung himself towards him.

Beside the screen, there is a toilet behind, which is inevitable.

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