Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 595: Predator

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On the first day of winter, Ryukyu King Shang Tai, who was imprisoned by the Japanese in Kyoto, hanged himself in his bedroom. Although the Japanese government concealed everything, the matter spread to Ryukyu at a very fast speed.

On the day when the news came back to Ryukyu, Pan Tingzhen read the war declaring war on Japan at the Korean congress: "... The tartar wolf ambition, glimpse my Ryukyu for a long time, and the former Fanocai occupation of our country was impossible. I will fight to the end, this revenge will not be reported, and God will not tolerate it! "

Ryukyu ’s pilgrims are not held every day. The usual practice is that every 3, 6, and 9 cabinet regular meetings replace the king for state affairs, and a big pilgrimage will be held every ten days, and all courtiers will attend.

Today coincides with the Dachao meeting. After getting this bad news, Pan Tingzhen put on a filial piety, pierced his face, and expressed his anger in this way.

The Prime Minister did the same, and the other courtiers naturally followed suit, and the atmosphere was killed. The little emperor sitting on the throne was scared and cried, adding a bit of sadness and grief.

Also invited to the Dachao Conference today are the diplomatic envoys of various countries in Ryukyu. Seeing what Pan Tingzhen said so decisively, British Ambassador to Ryukyu Ted Hansa couldn't help muttering: "Really, can't you be more secure ..."

Ted Hansa, like the U.S. ambassador to Ryukyu, is also a businessman, so Ted Hansa doesn't like war and just wants to do business safely.

Not all businessmen are as fanatic as Li Mu, an arms dealer.

It is worth mentioning that because the former U.S. Ambassador to Ryukyu ended business and returned home, the current U.S. Ambassador to Ryukyu is called Ruther Carpenter.

Luther Carpenter is also a businessman who engages in fuel trade in Ryukyu, but is actually a kerosene seller.

Because of his status, Luther Carpenter and Bai Qi have a good relationship, so I know that Bai Qi will do something with Japan recently, so when I heard Ted Hansa's mutter, Luther Carpenter did not end. Just skeptical.

However, Du Yande, the ambassador of the Qing Dynasty to Ryukyu, was more active. After listening to Pan Tingzhen's war books, Du Yande frowned and kept saying: "Sword soldiers have no eyes, they should be at peace, so moving the sword soldiers in such a way may be hurt. Harmony ... "

Du Yande came from the merchant Jia's house and devoted himself to the text, but after repeated attempts, his family had no choice but to donate a Hanlin to Du Yande.

Originally Du Yande had no position in Hanlin. After Pan Tingzhen became Prime Minister, in order to spread the Han culture in Ryukyu, he specifically requested the Qing government to send assistance. Therefore, Du Yande came to Ryukyu and became the ambassador of the Qing Dynasty to Ryukyu as the Hanlin. Director.

The so-called harmony has not existed more than a hundred years ago, so Du Yande's words naturally did not matter. After Pan Tingzhen read the war books, Bai Qi was ordered to conduct operations against Japan. In the afternoon, Bai Qi led his four gunboats. Headed to Kagoshima to bombard the Kagoshima military camp, firing the first shot against Japan.

When Bai Qi led the warship to Kagoshima, Li Mu was listening to Cole's report.

"Last year, the number of passenger, freighter and cruise ships of Pacific Shipping increased from 12 to 26, and it traveled nearly 500 times between the Far East and San Francisco, and shipped nearly 10 million tons of goods to the Far East, from the Far East to Hawaii, San Francisco, Cuba and other places. Transporting more than 200,000 immigrants ... "Cole's report has the essence of the Far East. It only says good, not bad. Throughout the article, all credit is given, and the surplus figures are not mentioned.

It is impossible to mention that because of immigration, Pacific Company's loss reached more than 10 million US dollars last year. If this number is reported, it will make the heads and brains of other subsidiaries of Junma Group laugh big teeth. The entire Junma Group is only Pacific This subsidiary of the company is losing money, all others are net profit, and it is a big profit and special profit, and the financial statements are done well.

Of course, you don't blame Cole for losing money. On the contrary, this is because Cole's left side is right and the left is awkward. The company's books are not too ugly, at least Li Mu can accept it.

It is precisely for this reason that Li Mu plans to give Corga a burden and let Cole go to Cuba to host the Santiago Investment Company.

This year, the San Diego Investment Corporation has also made great progress. When Li Mu left Cuba, the subsidiaries of the San Diego Investment Corporation only had more than ten industries such as the Port of San Diego, the steel plant, the Trinidad Asphalt Lake, and the Elkfrey Mine. .

There are now more than 20 mines, forest farms and plantations belonging to the Santiago Investment Company. The wholly-owned forestry company of the Santiago Investment Company has a monopoly on the Cuban timber export industry. With Cuba's rich redwood, sandalwood and Cuban pine, Havana Forestry's total profit for the year has exceeded $ 5 million.

Compared with Junma Motors, these money can't be counted as much, but considering Cuba's total economic volume, it can be achieved quite well.

The current value of San Diego Investment Company has exceeded 100 million yuan, which is not the total assets of San Diego Investment Company in the United States, it is time to adjust the management.

In the current Steed Group, there are about thirty people who can be called "executives". These people are industry leaders, each person can stand alone, and have top-level influence in their respective fields. With this in mind, Li Mu has to adjust the position of management so as to avoid accidents as much as possible.

These executives of Junma Group, such as Zhang Leye of Junma Weapons Company, and Sammy Larkin of Times Media, have followed Li Mu from a long time ago, and then started step by step from the grassroots level. They are inside the company. There are a large number of supporters, and the influence on employees is not inferior to that of Li Mu. If this continues, it is inevitable that unbearable things will happen.

This can be regarded as a kind of "balance technique". It does not allow one person to be the only one in their own field. This can avoid the emergence of "head snakes" to the greatest extent and will be more conducive to the management of the head office.

After listening to Cole ’s report, Li Mu and Yan Yuese poured a cup of coffee for Cole: “Cole, have you been to the Steed Group for five years?”

It should be almost five years. Cole was a member of Henry's lawyer team at the time. He was one of the first people to work for Li Mu. It can be said that his qualifications in the Steed Group are second only to Li Mu and Henry.

There are not many people who can let Li Mu pour coffee by himself. Rockefeller is not necessarily qualified, so Cole was flattered. Looking at the coffee in his hand, he didn't know whether to let down: "Yes, three more Five months. "

"It's been five years, really fast ... Have you ever thought about changing the environment?" Li Mu opened the cigar box on the table and motioned to Cole casually.

Cole didn't dare to neglect. She cut cigarette holders and roasted cigars skillfully, but didn't dare to light it herself. The first one was given to Li Mu first.

"Thinking, in the Far East, sometimes I really want to come back ..." Cole's tone was a little hesitant, but he bravely said what he said, which made Li Mu feel very relieved.

Homesickness is certain. The Far East is tens of thousands of kilometers away from New York. It used to take more than a month for a one-way trip. Although Cole could bring his wife and children with him, he was in a foreign country after all, and nostalgia was inevitable.

Li Mu's treatment to Cole is not very generous. Now the annual salary is more than 50,000 US dollars a year, don't look at it for just a few years, but now Cole can be at ease to be a rich man at home, so it is inevitable to shake.

"Let's have a Christmas at home, give yourself a holiday, and after Christmas, you don't need to report to the Pacific company ..." Li Mu made a mystery and straightforwardly stated his arrangements.

"Back, back to the Legal Department?" Cole's hand shook, and a little bit of soot accidentally spilled on the table. Cole quickly wiped it with his hand and wiped it subconsciously.

It is also strange that Li Mu did not make it clear that Cole came out of the Legal Department and it was normal to return to the Legal Department. However, considering that Cole has been on his own in recent years, now he is returning to the Legal Department. .

"How is it possible ... After Christmas you go to Miami and take charge of hosting the San Diego Investment Company." Li Mu did not want Cole to be entangled, so that would not get the role of Longluo.

"Mai, Miami!" Cole was surprised, and his heart flew to that resort full of sunshine and beaches.

It's weird. Although Santiago Investment is a Cuban company, its headquarters are in the beautiful Miami.

Miami is located at the southernmost point of the United States. The sun and beaches here are the most charming, and it is the favorite resort for Americans.

The San Diego Investment Corporation has its headquarters in Miami, which is also meant to sing a big show. After all, the business of the San Diego Investment Corporation is mainly in the Caribbean. In the Caribbean, Cuba obviously has less influence than the United States.

"Yes, you go to Miami and take charge of presiding over the investment company of San Diego. I only have one request from you, just like you did when you were in the Far East." Li Mu's requirements for Cole are not high. This is to Cole Bow to the beat.

Don't look at the huge book loss of Pacific Company. In order to make a little less loss, Cole is really exhausting.

Subject to conditions, Pacific companies' ships can make money only when they travel from the United States to the Far East. It is well known that the main economic situation of the Qing Empire was a self-sufficient small-scale peasant economy, and its dependence on the outside world was not high. Supply, Cole can really say that it has done everything.

The most popular commodities in the Qing Dynasty are the various steel products in the United States. Whether industrial or agricultural products, they are very popular in the Qing Dynasty. In addition, the most popular is wood. , Sandalwood, and maple are in great demand, because the production of steel products is limited, Cole shipped the most goods to the Far East is wood.

In order to transport wood more efficiently, Cole even invented a wooden boat. This wooden boat is all made of wood and driven by machines and sails. After arriving in the Far East, the machines and sails were dismantled, and then the entire ship was put on site. Dismantling and selling made a lot of money, and made more money than shipping timber directly from the United States to the Far East.

It is also because of this change that Cole came into Li Mu's sight and now has the opportunity to control the giant ship of the San Diego Investment Company.

"Rim, please rest assured, I will do my best to do my best, and I will never let you down." Cole's busy loyalty, vowed not to let the opportunity slip away from my fingertips.

"I believe you!" Li Mu gave a promise to let Cole settle down completely. As long as Cole can continue to work, Li Mu will definitely give Cole a bright future.

Li Mu has promised at the annual meeting last year that members who have worked for Junma Group for more than a certain number of years will have the opportunity to obtain a certain share of shares in Junma Group.

This stock will not be too much, and it cannot be arbitrarily circulated, but this is an honor and an acknowledgement, so the stewards of the Junma Group executives are very high, and what they are most looking forward to is the annual meeting. Maybe At this year's annual meeting, someone could change from a wage earner and become their own boss.

"After you arrive at the San Diego Investment Company, your salary will no longer be fixed. Instead, it will be linked to the profits of the Shunye Brother Investment Company. The more the company earns, the more your salary will be. In the future, there will be dividends and the company will earn less. Your salary will be reduced accordingly, so don't think about future dividends, because you can't stay in the general manager's position on the day of dividends. "Li Mu soft and hard, urged Cole to invest fully.

Most of Junma Group's executives do not have a fixed annual salary. Their salaries are linked to performance. Previously, Cole was the only exception to Junma Group because Pacific Company has been in a loss state and this loss was not caused by Cole. Seoul has a fixed salary. Although there is no pressure in this regard, there is also no motivation. Fortunately, Cole is not a slack person.

"Okay, I've been looking forward to this day. I had no face to participate in the annual meeting of the head office before, and the Pacific company never held the annual meeting. Now it's fine." Colebai mixed feelings, he couldn't tell what it was. taste.

The Pacific company did not hold an annual meeting, mainly because of its poor financial condition, and it was impossible to find a starting point for bragging. It was impossible for Cole to go to the stage. He cheerfully declared that the main reason we celebrate today is to lose 500 less. Ten thousand dollars.

Now, San Diego Investment Company is not responsible for the specific business of its subsidiaries. It is only responsible for selecting projects, and then forming a team. Next, depending on the team's performance, almost every project is at the level of millions of dollars. Such financial statements can The beautiful flowers are beautiful and this is the rhythm of the annual meeting.

"Don't be too happy, the situation in the Caribbean is not so much easier than in the Far East. You have to take food from the mouth of the colonial sovereign. The burden on your shoulders is very heavy." Li Mu first gave Cole a shot to prevent Cole from getting lost.

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