Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 821: Can't find

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What Marx said then: With 50% of profit, capital is in danger; for 100% of profit, capital dares to trample on all human laws; with 300% of profit, capital dares to commit any crime, even Danger of gallows.

The return on capital for finding treasures is more than 300%. Li Mu and Rockefeller search for treasures in the underground chamber of Padmanabbas Swami Temple. The cost from beginning to end is not more than one million dollars, and the profit is more than 200 million. Even in Britain People do not have such a high rate of return on capital, it is certain that more than 300%, how could they easily give up.

Of course, I always see thieves eat meat but not thieves. On the road to treasure hunting, after all, there are few and few people who get rich returns. More people lose their blood. This is a game for the rich. The rich can take on these. Loss, the poor take part in risk-taking and often lose their lives.

This is more than worth it. Just like the worker who tried to hide the emerald in his mouth, once it was found, it became a sacrifice hanging on the cross. Life is so vulnerable.

On the third day of Ford Benjamin's serious hospitalization, the Colombian government announced that Ford Benjamin died because of his injuries. The news media in Bogota suddenly boiled. Ford Benjamin's "death" was considered to be the Colombian government's fight against criminals. In a major victory, several extreme media even described the death of Ford Benjamin as a victory of the Colombian government against the evil American government, which made the Colombian government fiercely praise.

Hayes still gave Li Mu face. After Li Mu found Hays, Hayes sent a worded letter to the Colombian government through Secretary of State William Evac, urging the Colombian government to release Ford Benjamin as soon as possible. And to ensure the safety of Ford Benjamin.

After this official letter was disclosed by the local media in Bogota, Hayes has almost become a public enemy of Colombia. Colombians have to worry when they scold Hays. Now this is the best situation. Colombia does not let Ford Benjamin, but Ford. Benjamin hasn't waited for Colombian President's amnesty order. It's no wonder that the Colombian government did not give Hayes face.

Of course, the Panama Company was also good. On the day of the death of Ford Benjamin, the Colombian government lifted the blockade of the hospital. That night, Ford Benjamin took a ship back to Panama City. It is estimated that Ford Benjamin will Can't lead the job.

It ’s only been a while. After learning that Ford Benjamin ’s injuries are not life-threatening, Li Mu did n’t even plan to recall Ford Benjamin to New York. After Ford Benjamin ’s injuries were healed, Ford Benjamin would still be the general manager of Panama Company. Manager, presumably, Ford Benjamin will not make similar mistakes again.

As for when the Colombian government will be embarrassed?

Who cares, if Ford Benjamin is willing, he just needs to change his name. There are no TVs and no internet these days. Naturally, few people know Ford Benjamin. After a while, people will forget about it, even Ford. It does n’t matter if Benjamin does n’t change his name. Anyway, there are n’t too many people with the same name in the United States. Ca n’t two Ford Benjamin be the general manager of Panama?

Of course, as long as Li Mu agrees.

"Look, this is what we have gained in the last half month. There are a total of 11,000 gold wares and 3,500 jewellery pieces. Although these jewels have not yet been valued, but conservatively estimate that these gold and jewellery are the least It ’s worth 150 million US dollars. ”Li Mu was very happy recently. The New York team won a lot in the Olympics. Following Yan Hu ’s gold medal with a 50-meter pistol, the New York team has won 11 championships. Six of the winners were of Chinese descent. Now that the first batch of gold and jewellery has been shipped back to New York, Li Mu is preparing to cast a batch of pure gold medals to those champion players as a personal reward to them.

After the death of Ford Benjamin, the Colombian government seemed to have forgotten the drilling team of Lake Guadavia for a while. Thomas Toynbee and Paul Stewart took the opportunity to drain all the water of Lake Guadavia. The sediment at the bottom of the lake is screened in an effort to not miss any harvest.

Compared with Paul Stewart's men, the Panamanian mercenaries are even more arrogant. The mercenaries sent by Mike Chang to Lake Guadavia were actually equipped with light machine guns, which made Paul Stewart even talk, let alone those The expeditions hiding in the dark and wanting to eat black, almost fled, because the Panamanian mercenaries really dared to shoot, and the Panamanian mercenaries are known for their cruelty in South America.

Compared with the United States, South America is almost like a place outside the law. The jungle rules are fully expressed. Although Paul Stewart's men have also done a lot of dirty work, the degree of dirtyness is still worse than that of the Panamanian company's mercenaries. Point, after all, Paul Stewart's men are all Americans, and Mike Zhang's mercenaries sent to Colombia are either Colombians or Panamans, and they are even more ruthless in the face of their ethnicity.

"What oil do we use to make guns? Let's just go for treasure hunting in our profession. Alas, two or three months worth 150 million US dollars. This is simply the best business in the world." Rockefeller simply wanted to haha. Laugh, according to the original agreement of Rockefeller and Li Mu and J.P. Morgan, Li Mu and Rockefeller each accounted for 40% of the treasure hunt income, and J.P. Morgan only accounted for 20%, that is, two or three In a month, Rockefeller made almost 60 million US dollars through treasure hunting, which is much more than the hard work of refining and refining.

"Come on, you go for a treasure hunt and sell me the standard oil." J.P. Morgan is rude. If Rockefeller really wants to sell, J.P. Morgan will buy it even if he sells iron.

This description is appropriate. In terms of personal assets alone, J.P. Morgan's personal assets are not more than that of Rockefeller, so if Rockefeller really wants to sell standard oil, J.P. Morgan can't afford it.

In other words, in the current world, there may be Li Mu who can't afford it.

Of course, Rockefeller will certainly not sell standard oil. At present, there is only a large-scale oil company in the world. Therefore, standard oil monopolizes almost the world's oil trade. This is much stronger than Li Mu's Steed Group, which is monopolized by Li Mu. The arms business can only monopolize the United States, compared to Standard Oil, it is a small witch.

"This kind of business is just like this once or twice. We can only play tickets. The next thing is to honestly extract oil to make guns. This is our business." Li Mu has a self-knowledge, Padmana The treasures in the underground chamber of the Baswami Temple and the Golden Lake are due to Li Mu's cheating, so the return is so generous. In the case of other treasure legends, Li Mu will not go to the haystack to find a needle. After decades, it is more valuable than any treasure.

Rockefeller just talked about it. It's enough to have two chances. Rockefeller doesn't believe that luck will always be on his side, but J.P. Morgan was very skeptical after listening to Li Mu's words: "One or two? You two What else have you done? "

What have you done

The treasures in the underground chamber of the Padmanabbas Swami Temple are extremely scarce to admit, neither Li Mu nor Rockefeller want to trouble themselves. As long as the news leaks, whether it is Britain or India, they will not give up. Rotten in his belly.

Li Mu and Rockefeller are not entangled on this topic, and the two quickly broke the topic after a fight: "At a regular Senate meeting a few days ago, Texas Senator Neil Felton proposed the" Antitrust Law. " What do you think? "

"Oh, such a proposal is impossible to pass." J.P. Morgan did not want to laugh at Neil Felton, but Neil Felton's proposal is obviously unwise. The Antitrust Law is aimed at Who? One is Li Mu, the other is Rockefeller, and perhaps there is Henry DuPont, Andrew Carnegie and J.P. Morgan are almost meaning, Li Mu and Rockefeller are two iconic figures in the American economy, without the Steed Group What will the U.S. economy look like with Standard Oil?

No one dares to imagine.

"Although it is impossible to pass, we cannot ignore this matter. The Senator of Texas-well, it is very courageous." Li Mu knows who the Anti-Monopoly Law targets, although this time Neil Fee Don's proposal was not approved, but what about next time? Next time? As long as Neil Felton persists, one day, sooner or later, Li Mu and Rockefeller will stand on the trial bench as they once did in history.

Li Mu does not know Neil Felton, but Li Mu has a vague idea of ​​why Neil Felton made this proposal. After all, the four-year presidential election is about to begin again, and Texas is the Democratic Party ’s base camp. As long as the Republican Party has Li Mu's support, it seems that the Democratic Party will never win. So whether it was Simon Steele last year who founded Steele Weapons Company or this time Neil Felton proposed the "Antitrust Law", It was a conspiracy against Li Mu. The Democratic Party did not hope to cause much trouble for Li Mu. As long as it can attract Li Mu's attention, it is enough for Li Mu not to run wholeheartedly for the Republican Party.

In fact, some people have been very dissatisfied with the monopoly behavior of Junma Group and Standard Oil. From the perspective of the US economy, this monopoly behavior is actually not conducive to economic development. Big companies and large companies are getting richer and stronger. The bigger it is, the more and more supporters in Congress, but the national strength has not been significantly enhanced. At least for an industry, one company is the largest, and certainly not a few or a dozen companies compete with each other to be healthy. .

"It's not easy to deal with him. Send someone to find his black material, and then find a media outlet to release it. Neil Felton, right, guarantee that he can't finish the session." Rockefeller is also not worried, big Businessmen should not be too simple to deal with politicians. Everyone ’s buttocks are not clean these days, black materials. If you look for them, you will always have them. Even if you do n’t have them, Li Mu has raised so many reporters. Some people are fit to do this kind of thing.

"Since Neil Felton has proposed the" Antitrust Law ", he is ready to be targeted. I'm sure that if you send someone to Texas, you will find nothing. J · P. Morgan is not as gloomy as Rockefeller. Normally, what J.P. Morgan said is very likely.

If Texas is a Republican-majority state, or even a state where the Republican and Democratic forces are balanced, it is estimated that Neil Felton does not have the courage. The problem is that Texas has always been a Democratic Party. Even in the years immediately after the Civil War, Republicans did not win the election in Texas, so this matter is really difficult to operate.

"Then don't look for it. More and more people are opposed to monopoly in the past few years. Now it seems okay, but we also have to be prepared for the company to be split. This group of people will not give up if they fail to achieve their goals." Li Mu In fact, I am not very worried about this issue. Li Mu has begun to spin off the subsidiary of Junma Group for several years. Now it seems that the situation is not bad, but Rockefeller ’s standard oil is a big problem.

What Li Mu is really worried about is that the "Anti-Monopoly Law" is just the beginning. According to another time-space trajectory, if there is no Li Mu, there should already be someone who has proposed the "Chinese Exclusion Act." "Has not been passed, but this is a very bad signal. Like the current" Antitrust Law ", will this be the beginning of another political storm?

No one dare to be sure, neither Li Mu, nor Li Mu dare to gamble, so Li Mu is more nervous than Rockefeller and J.P. Morgan on this issue.

"Well, don't be afraid. Standard Oil has now been divided into several companies. Mobil Petroleum will not talk about it. The California oil company on the west coast has also been established. Next, as long as I want to, Standard Oil's branches in each state can become an independent company. Company, Rim, haven't you been doing this all the time? "Rockefeller wasn't a fool, anyway, he was just playing tricks on the equity and cross-controlling. It is easy to set up several investment companies in Cuba. As long as the relationship with the Cuban government is good, You don't have to pay taxes, as Li Mu and J.P. Morgan did.

If not specifically, in fact, the current Steed Weapons Company refers only to the arms company in Steed Town. The Springfield, Colt, and Winchester annexed by Steed Weapons in the past few years are actually still independent. Arms companies operate, and their shareholders are still different, so even if the "Anti-Monopoly Law" was passed, Li Mu could not be found on his head.

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