Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 822: Significant

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People cannot step into the same river twice. As a traverser, Li Mu cannot possibly make all the mistakes that Rockefeller and J.P. Morgan had made.

Of course, Li Mu also has problems with Rockefeller and J.P. Morgan, such as race and skin color, which Li Mu cannot avoid. In this era, Li Mu must face more problems than Rockefeller. With J.P. Morgan, they have more and more complex issues.

Another example is the "Antitrust Law." If Rockefeller achieved Li Mu to such an extent, Rockefeller basically does not have to worry about any problems, but for Li Mu, he has not done enough now to let more people get rid of prejudice against skin color. As with Standard Oil, it has accepted Junma Group. Li Mu still has a lot to do. Spin-off companies are only part of it.

"It is indeed a good idea to split a company into different companies to deal with the martyrdom of Congress, but we can obviously do it more thoroughly. Neil Felton proposed the" Antitrust Law. " Felton lost his reputation, so that if someone wanted to do something similar in the future, they would have to think more about it. "Rockefeller was never relentless in dealing with the enemy. According to Rockefeller's idea, he would directly send someone to throw Neil Felton in to help. It's the easiest way to get into the Caribbean.

Do n’t think that Rockefeller dares not to do this. Breaking people ’s wealth is like killing parents. Senators are a deterrent to ordinary people, but for Rockefeller, a senator is really nothing, even a president, as long as he violates Rockefeller. Rockefeller's interests will not succumb.

"I don't want to be a public enemy." Li Mu is not as brutal as Rockefeller. Perhaps in another 20 years, when a new generation of Chinese people begin to become the backbone of society, Li Mu will be even more brazen. Now, Li Mu can deal with Simon Steele. , Can deal with Ryan Brook, but for Neil Felton, Li Mu is more cautious.

Since coming to this era, in fact, Li Mu has been trying to avoid direct conflicts with the incumbent factions. For so many years, Li Mu also attacked Oliver Winchester when he annexed Winchester. The rest of the time, Li Mu tries to hide himself behind the scenes and not stand on the front line of the conflict. This makes Li Mu look fierce, but in the United States and within the Republican Party, Li Mu ’s reputation is actually good. After all, Li Mu was born because of his nationality and There is not much threat, and "Time Weekly" gives Li Mu too many points, which has won Li Mu more advantages, but also made Li Mu less deterrent.

"With John, you can't be too greedy. Lim's approach is right." J.P. Morgan maintained the same position with Li Mu on this issue, which left Rockefeller speechless. Two to one, Rockefeller can care less about Neil. Felton, but can't care less about Li Mu and J.P. Morgan.

In July, according to the agreement between the Pacific company and the Russians, the dispute over Sakhalin continued for nearly a year and a half, and the Russians gave up a large land area including Sakhalin and Vladivostok, under the mediation of the Pacific company Bai Qi lifted the siege of Vladivostok, and the Russians in Vladivostok were able to return to St. Petersburg by sea. This road seems a bit far away, but the Russians really do not want to cross Siberia. Without a railway, it is too much to take land. Far away.

In order to obtain Sakhalin and Vladivostok, Pacific Company paid a total of US $ 12 million to the Russians. This price is indeed more expensive than the US purchase of Alaska, but compared with the actual value of Sakhalin and Vladivostok, Pacific Company is indeed Earned a big deal, that is, stuck at this time point, because of the threat from Bai Qi, Pacific companies could get Sakhalin and Vladivostok. If the Russians have completed the Siberian railway in decades, the Russians It is certain that they will not give up Siberia, and even if the pressure on Russia from the time of the white day is heavy, the Russians will not give up.

The reason why the Russians sold Sakhalin and Vladivostok to the Pacific company was to hope that the Pacific company would become a barrier between Russia and Japan, so that the wider Siberian plain would no longer face the threat of Japan, thereby ensuring the security of Siberia.

This idea is good, but it also raises a problem. As a company, Pacific Company actually owns such a large territory outside the United States. This has led many people to have some ideas. Among them, Hayes is the most urgent.

"Now is not the era of great sailing, nor is it the seventeenth century. The Dutch East India Company has declared bankruptcy and the British East India Company has disintegrated. The company should do what the company should do, so the Pacific company controls Saha. Lindau and Vladivostok are not suitable, and Pacific Company does not have the ability to protect Sakhalin and Vladivostok. Riem, this is a very real issue. "Hayes came personally In New York, I hope Li Mu can hand over Sakhalin and Vladivostok to the US government.

The "management" here is of course quoted. The United States now has a large part of the country. Although it is under the actual control of the United States, Washington does not have an administrative agency, such as Alaska. There is no government agency even now. The United States It was not until 1912 that Alaska was upgraded to a district, and then Alaska was established in 1959. Prior to that, Alaska was an enclave, and even Americans did not consider it necessary to set up a local government in Alaska.

The same is true for Sakhalin and Vladivostok. Even if Pacific companies hand over Sakhalin and Vladivostok to the US government, the US government will not set up local governments in Sakhalin and Vladivostok. After all, the Russians withdrew from Sakhalin and Vladivostok. Even Americans in the real sense are not there, and there is no need for Washington to establish local government administration.

For Washington, the most important task now is to turn the Indian reservations into the U.S. government's territories, such as Idaho, Utah, and Oklahoma. These places are not yet under the U.S. government's jurisdiction. It will take another process to move towards the Arctic and Far East.

Of course, although it has no practical significance, it is of great practical significance for Hays to put Sakhalin and Vladivostok under the administration of the US government. After all, Hays has determined that he cannot be re-elected. For now, Hais His achievements during his term of office are also lackluster, and he can hardly get any achievements. If he does not find a flash point, Hayes' historical evaluation is not as good as Ulysses Grant. After all, Ulysses Grant is stable. The U.S. political situation and the restoration of the economy of the southern states also played a certain role. After Hayes took office, he tried to improve the political status of the southern states, and even withdrew the federal government's last garrison in the southern states. It is hard to say whether these measures will work. A sure fact is that despite Hayes doing these things, the Democrats did not appreciate Hayes because Democrats think that it is all they deserve, and Republicans are even less likely to thank Hayes. Now even many Republicans think that Hayes Stacey is a traitor to the Republican Party.

"Mr. President, first of all I would like to correct your statement, that is not Sakhalin and Vladivostok, that is Sakhalin and Vladivostok. These two names are in line with our Chinese's view of Sakhalin and Vladivostok. Definition. "Li Mu is not so kind. It took real money for Pacific Company to buy Sakhalin and Vladivostok. Hays now wants to take away the jurisdiction of Sakhalin and Vladivostok in one sentence. Li Mu will not do such a loss-making sale.

To be honest, Li Mu does not have a clear positioning for the current Sakhalin and Vladivostok. In his heart, Li Mu hopes to hand over Sakhalin and Vladivostok to the Chinese management, but the Chinese here are definitely not the Qing Empire now, so even It was to return the Sakhalin and Vladivostok to the Chinese, which would be years later.

Taking a step back, even if the current Pacific company is not suitable for controlling Sakhalin and Vladivostok, Li Mu does not want to hand over Sakhalin and Vladivostok to the US government so easily. Hayes wants political achievements. Li Mu can understand, but This performance cannot be given to Hayes in vain. Now it is not the time for Hayes to run for president. What Li Mu wants is real benefits.

"Ah, well, Sakhalin and Vladivostok, it's okay, I want to hear your thoughts, what are you going to do?" Hayes still gave Li Mu face, but it was just a name. There was no need for entanglement, as long as Li Mu is willing to hand over Sakhalin and Vladivostok to the US government, so even if Li Mu named Sakhalin to "Li Mudao" and Vladivostok to Gloria.

"What else can I think? I'm a businessman, and it's not politics, military, or international relations that determine my thinking, but interest—Mr. President, I understand what you think, Pacific companies can sell Sakhalin and Vladivostok to Washington, just like Washington bought Alaska in the first place, so the key question is, what kind of price is Washington willing to pay? "Li Mu is not embarrassed, and began to talk about the price directly. If Hayes is willing to pay a good price, then Li Mu is not Mind to sell Sakhalin and Vladivostok to Washington. After all, it is an obvious fact that Sakhalin and Vladivostok are closer to the Chinese.

This is very important because of the emergence of Li Mu, the United States now does not restrict Chinese immigration and is open to Chinese. Therefore, in recent years, Li Mu has been able to immigrate hundreds of thousands of people to the United States tirelessly. The island and Vladivostok immigrants are closer. As long as Li Mu releases the wind, it won't take long for millions of Chinese to come to Sakhalin and Vladivostok to take root. This will take another few decades, just like now. Like Alaska, it is not necessarily the case of Sakhalin and Vladivostok.

This point is very clear in the United States in the 21st century. Why many states in the United States are in trouble to split, in the final analysis, it is still a matter of interest. For example, California on the West Coast, California ’s heavy taxers are well known. One of the important issues is Washington has to use California taxes to subsidize those economically backward states, such as Oregon and Louisiana. Of course, this makes California uncomfortable. Why should everyone enjoy the same benefits, but we have to bear more Taxes?

This problem also exists in Texas. Texas's economic strength is also very strong. However, the independence of Texas has nothing to do with taxes. The independence of Texas is a tradition.

"No, no, Rem, Pacific and Texas are two different things. The reason why Westward bought Alaska was very complicated. If it was solely for economic benefits, Andrew Johnson would not approve Westward's purchase plan. "Hays certainly didn't want to pay. Even if Hayes thinks it out, the current U.S. government can't afford it. The U.S. government has started to live on debt. Li Mu is the big creditor of the U.S. government. If Hays wants to buy Sakhalin and Vladivostok, Then maybe Li Mu will receive a bunch of IOUs again.

It was indeed an IOU. The first time Li Mu bought the US government's national debt was through J.P. Morgan. Later, because of the multiple arms transactions, the US government owed more and more money to Li Mu. After the Luzon Revolutionary War, the US government owed Li Mu The money is almost 120 million US dollars, which is almost enough for Li Mu to buy ten Sakhalin and Vladivostok. Considering the interest rates this year, the US government really wants to repay the debt, but the US government is powerless. Interest has already caused headaches for the US government. Li Mu does not matter. The interest is not low. As long as Washington is willing to give interest, then Li Mu is willing to hold U.S. Treasury bonds. This is also the tacit understanding between Li Mu and Washington. Nor will Li Mu be allowed to control the US military industry. Many things are actually interests exchange.

"Ha, Mr. President, what do you want me to do? Dedicate Sakhalin and Vladivostok to the United States? Even if I think so, the shareholders of San Diego Investment Corporation are not so noble." After many spin-offs, most of Pacific's shares are owned by San Diego Investment Corporation, and San Diego Investment Corporation did not announce the list of shareholders, so let senior Washington officials suspect it. The more they worry about it, Li Mu The more secure it is.

"While it is impossible for Washington to pay directly, but you believe me, Washington will compensate Pacific companies from other aspects. You can talk about your requirements and see how big our differences are." Hayes did not want to Pay directly, but there are alternatives. Many things cannot be represented by the US dollar, such as fiscal appropriation, such as policy tilt, which is more meaningful than giving money directly.

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