Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2370 Killing the Void Mother Insect

The body of the Void Mother Insect was only Lord-level and could not withstand an attack like the Vulcan War Hammer. The skin cracked at the place where it was struck by the hammer, and the sound of broken bones was heard endlessly. In a short time, most of its body was smashed into mud.

A large amount of liquid screamed from the void female insect: "You are not a human being, you are definitely not a human being, who are you, and who is hiding behind you, I am not willing to die in such an unclear way~!"

Lu Yang didn't say anything at all. He turned his body over and continued to hammer at the mouth of the Void Mother Worm one after another.

The bloody mouth that was originally full of fangs had become bloody and bloody after more than a dozen hammer blows, and it was impossible to speak a word.

"Purple Flame Star Explosion"

Lu Yang threw a purple-red fire energy ball into the mouth of the flesh-and-blood worm, spinning at high speed and heading straight for the brain. Amid a burning smell, the energy ball penetrated into the brain, followed by a loud bang. A big hole was blown out of the flesh-blood mother worm's brain.

A giant silver magic core with a diameter of 5 meters was ejected with a small piece of brain, and flew towards a spirit-level void insect warrior who was coming for support not far away. However, before it could fly out 5 meters, it was hit by Lu Yang grabbed it with one hand.

"Die~!" Lu Yang crushed the void mother worm's brain.

In an instant, hundreds of thousands of Zerg rushing over the mountains and plains stopped in place. The next second, they no longer cared about Lu Yang but started killing each other crazily.

Lu Yang threw the demon core of the mother insect into the Demon Temple. After summoning Hong Ye, he single-handedly killed all the Zerg in front of Zhuojiu and others in his giant form. He then used magic to lift a few of them and threw them into Hong Ye's body. On his back, he jumped into the air, his body quickly shrunk to the size of an ordinary person, Hong Ye flew under him and took him high into the sky.

Zhuojiu quickly grabbed Lu Yang's body and asked, "Boss, are you okay?"

Lu Yang's body was a little exhausted. Quasi-god-level weapons were not that easy to use. Enlargement consumed a lot of magic power. Using the Demon God's Eye also consumed a lot of mental energy. He leaned on the white lion and Zhou Tianming, feeling a little weak. He said: "It's okay, it's just that I was a little over-exhausted. It will take a while to recover. Let's go back to Shekou."

There is still an undead army that has not been dealt with. Lu Yang can guess that this undead army will bypass the Six Elf Cities and launch a sneak attack from the fringe area in the northeastern part of Ji Province.

Lu Yang had not asked the elves to stop the attack halfway before. On the one hand, he could not determine the enemy's specific attack route. On the other hand, he also wanted to annihilate this legion.

Now all the air forces of the elves are flying over the main roads in the northeast of Ji Province, looking for the undead army.

"Didi didi"

The intercom on Lu Yang's arm beeped. He picked it up and saw that it was Algeia calling. He pressed the video call button and asked, "What happened?"

Algeia looked at Lu Yang and said, "Boss, we have discovered an army of the undead. There are millions of people, all of whom are human beings who died in battle, and there are also a large number of undead."

Algeia turned the camera to the ground. Lu Yang could clearly see through the video that on a wide avenue on the ground, countless human zombies, skeletons, and beast corpses were driven away by a group of gray-skinned humanoid creatures. He ran towards the East China Sea.

In the middle of the undead army, there was an extremely luxurious dark silver carriage, which was obviously not a product of the earth. Eight skeletal horses pulled the carriage, and sitting on top of the carriage was a three-meter-tall monster.

There are black sharp horns on his head, and the skin of his body is gray, with sharp bones coming out of the skin and scattered all over the body. He also has a tail with bone spikes on it.

"Hmm~!" The monster glanced at the sky in surprise, and a gray light shot straight towards Algeia. Fortunately, the distance was high enough, and Algeia was vigilant enough to control the cloud eagle to avoid the blow, but The Elf warrior diagonally behind him did not dodge and was hit by the gray light. The Cloud Eagle and his men turned into ashes and dissipated in the air.

"Peak Lord Level~!" Algeia said in horror.

"Quickly retreat, don't die, just know where they come from." Lu Yang said.

"I'll hold on." Algeia didn't listen to Lu Yang's words, gritted his teeth and quickly flew away from the lord's attack range, and continued to check behind him.

"The second carriage, the third carriage, the fourth carriage..." Algeia said with fear in his voice: "Boss, there are seven carriages in total, which means seven lords of the enemy have come. How can we manage?"

The seven peak lords are not something that the elves or the Iron-Blooded Brothers can deal with. Not only the seven of them, but even the millions of zombies, skeletons and hundreds of thousands of gray unknown race warriors can't deal with them. It is not something that humans and elves can deal with.

Lu Yang's expression also became solemn, he patted Hong Ye's head and said, "Go to Baishan City."

"Roar~!" Hong Ye roared, rotating his body and changing the direction of flight.

Lu Yang said to Algeia: "Call all the senior officials and let's discuss a solution together."

"Yes." Algeia nodded, and he controlled the cloud eagle to fly into the clouds, quickly flying towards Baishan City.

Zhuojiu asked: "Is there any solution?"

A wry smile appeared on Lu Yang's lips, and he said: "There is a way, but it was originally prepared for the demon clan, but it is a pity that it must be used in advance."

"The worst case scenario is a fight to the death." White Lion said through gritted teeth.

Lu Yang shook his head and said: "You are not strong enough to defeat the enemy at all. We still need time to recover and develop. When I survive this time, I will definitely find enough training materials for you to help you as soon as possible." Reach the pinnacle of lordship.”

"Alas~!" Baishi, Zhuojiu and others all sighed, feeling annoyed at their lack of ability.

Lu Yang didn't pay attention, and controlled Hongye to fly quickly to the sky above Baishan City. As soon as he landed in front of the castle gate, he saw Algeia, Rustafa and other high-ranking elves waiting there.

Lu Yang quickly landed on the ground, and without waiting for their greetings, he said: "Forget the polite words, let me tell all the slaves under you that from today on, as long as they help us fight, they will be promoted from slaves to civilians, and those with military merit will be And he was made a nobleman."

Rustafa asked in surprise: "You want those slaves to help us fight?"

Lu Yang nodded and said, "Yes, there are not enough staff now, so we have to do this."

Rustafa, Algeia and others looked at each other and nodded. Rustafa said: "I will call the top leaders of the five tribes to come over."

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