Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2371 Confrontation with the Undead Army

On the red moon night that just happened, the new elves had been surrendered, and there were 5 more lords. The other five tribes were surrendered by Zhuojiu, Baishi and others with their legions. After that, these people were all thrown to the elves. Managed by the clan.

There are 25 lords of these five races in total. None of them have surrendered. Now they are all imprisoned in the elves' cages.

When Rustafa brought them here, each lord had magic shackles on them, preventing them from using their abilities.

"Why did you call us here? We will never surrender!" a lord of the ogre tribe roared.

Rustafa smiled and said: "Haimeyan, a special magical race among the ogres, is good at fire and thunder spells."

Lu Yang looked at Haimei Yang with a smile, and his body instantly transformed into a 3-meter-tall flame lord, and said: "I'll give you two choices. Follow me to join the battle. You will regain your noble title, or die!"

Haimeiyang looked at Lu Yang in flame form blankly, and murmured to himself: "You have reached the peak of lord level? A human?"

"Answer my question." Lu Yang had a Vulcan war hammer in his hands.

"Of course I chose to join the war, but you have to explain clearly first, what does the title of noble mean?" Haimeiyang's eyes were sly.

Lu Yang said: "War is your last chance to obtain the title of nobility. From now on, fight with me. Kill 50 enemies and be promoted to a cooperative army. Kill 150 enemies and be promoted to civilians. Kill 300 enemies and you will become an ally."

Kill a demon-level powerhouse to be promoted to a baron, a spirit-level powerhouse to be promoted to a viscount, a lord-level powerhouse to be promoted to an earl. The lowest level of nobility has a fiefdom of 200 acres. Each time you advance to a higher level, the territory will be doubled, and you will get Slaves, high-level magic cores and rare treasures. "

This is the most luxurious gift given by Lu Yang. In other words, after this war, Haimeiyang and other surrendered lords will become the largest landowners in Ji Province, and most of the materials they receive will belong to them, and, Lu Yang also gave them their freedom.

"I accept." Jaime Young was the first to say.

"Haimeyang, you shameless person, have you given up your belief in God so quickly?" A rock tribe lord yelled at him crazily.

"Purple Flame Laser"

The third eye on Lu Yang's forehead opened, and a laser shot into the head of the Rock Tribe lord. With a loud bang, the Rock Tribe lord died on the spot, and all the lords present were stunned.

"That, that is the strongest lord of the Rock Tribe." Rustafa was a little reluctant to give up.

Lu Yang stared at all the lords present and said, "Surrender or die. I am not in the mood to persuade you one by one."

The remaining 23 lords looked at each other. 11 lords chose to abandon their faith and follow Lu Yang, while the remaining 12 still stood where they were.

"Let's all die~!"

Lu Yang shot out lasers from his eyes, swept across the bodies of the 12 lords, and exploded their bodies. Then he picked up the magic cores in the brains of these lords and threw them to Haimeiyang and the other 11 lords, saying: "Send them away A meeting gift for you."

"M-Thank you~!" Haimeiyang and others were a little panicked. They could already feel that even with the uninjured shackles, they couldn't beat Lu Yang.

"What are we going to do now?" Dosduo, the lord of the troll tribe, asked respectfully.

Lu Yang asked: "How many of your subordinates can you persuade to fight with you? I need more soldiers. This order is not only effective for you, but also for them."

This is the biggest problem. The captured soldiers of the five races can be used as slaves, but it is not a particularly easy thing to make them betray their gods. Only certain races can do this.

Haimeiyang said: "All my people can join. We believe in various magics such as wind, fire, thunder, ice, and space. We will believe in whoever can improve our strength."

"I can do it too." Dosduo said. The Trolls are also a race with multiple beliefs in gods.

The lords of the three races, Harata, Rock, and Undead, looked at each other, shook their heads, and said, "Our tribe has a single faith and it is impossible to betray God."

Lu Yang said: "Then you three can join the war. Haimeiyang and Dosduo will persuade the tribesmen to join the war. This time we are facing the undead tribe. I want to make sure that there is no return for these one million undead."

"Yes." The five clan lords bowed and said.

A magic symbol appeared in Lu Yang's hand, and instantly flew into the foreheads of 12 lords including Hai Meiyang, completing their enslavement and saying: "After the war, I will decide whether to remove the slave symbol above your head or keep it."

"Yes." Haimeiyang and others did not dare to refute. Seeing Lu Yang's decisiveness in killing people, if they did not want to die, they had no choice but to be enslaved.

"Master, we are going to persuade our men to surrender." Haimeyan and Dosduo both bowed and said.

"Go." Lu Yang waved his hand, looked at Mars, the undead lord, and asked, "Do you know the origin of the undead in the north?"

Mars nodded and said: "I know something. Over there are the Khorne warriors sent by Pyrrhos, the lower god under the God of Death. This race is a famously violent race in the undead world and likes to suck the undead. Breath, the attack method is mainly melee bone spur attack and long-range dark spell attack."

Lu Yang frowned and asked, "Don't you, the God of Death in another world, know that there is a god behind the Necro clan in the north?"

"God?" Mars shook his head and said, "I haven't heard of it."

"It doesn't matter." Lu Yang looked at Rustafa and said, "After gathering soldiers from all ethnic groups, go to Shekou to ambush on the flanks and wait for my attack order."

"Yes." Rustafa said.

"I'm going back to Shekou." Lu Yang summoned Hongye and quickly flew back to Shekou with Zhuojiu, Baishi and others.

This time, as long as the elves and other races help, there will be 23 lord-level strongmen on his side, including one from the human race, 10 from the elves, and the remaining 12 from the other five races. This number definitely exceeds that of the undead. With the number of clan lords, he didn't believe he couldn't kill these damn bastards.

When Lu Yang flew back here, the Iron-Blooded Brotherhood had all mobilized, including the Demon Clan and the Harpy Clan. All the supplies that had been stored for more than a year were transported from the warehouse to various garrison areas.

One day later, when the first ray of sunlight shined through the red clouds onto the towering cliffs on both sides of Shekou, undead tribes all over the mountains and plains arrived at the Shekou Fortress, and seven carriages stopped at the front of the undead army. , in every carriage, a lord of the Horror Tribe stood up and looked at the human city wall with a sneer.

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